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- Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:30
英倫銀行昨日提出對該國銀行進行年度壓力測試的討論方案,存倉打算明年開始要求包括�豐控股(005)、巴克萊及蘇格蘭皇家銀行等大行每年接受測試,並可能要求它們持有比國際對手更高的資本準備金,以確保今後不會因為緩衝資本太少,而威脅經濟體系。 英倫銀行在方案中談及新壓力測試框架的詳情,包括採用雙管齊下的做法來測試銀行,所有銀行既要採用一套通用的測試情境,另外亦有針對各家銀行具體弱點的個別情境測試。新招免緩儲存資本過少 該方案又稱,接受測試的金融機構最起碼要持有足以應付壓力情況下損失的資本,同時不低於國際協議的最低標準,而銀行在壓力情況所須持有的資本水平,可能會高於國際嚴格標準下限。一旦無法達到要求的銀行,會在派發花紅、股息,以及發行股份或其他資本工具上受到限制,以及必須降低某些風險倉位。 是次將不同於以往的測試,英倫銀行稱今後將公布壓力測試結果,首批測試結果將涵蓋英國八大銀行,並會於2014年底發布。self storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:18
柏林潮竇 人人期望可達到
出外旅行,迷你倉最平總是魚與熊掌,眷戀星級酒店的舒適和周到,卻又想下榻青年旅館認識新朋友,融入當地了解風土人情,只是我萬萬想不到,在柏林竟然可以遇到一間十足十青年旅館的酒店,一次過滿足旅客多個願望……可以在大堂的酒吧淺酌一杯,順便認識朋友。一間酒店有沒有被旅客選中,往往是印象先決,到酒店網站瀏覽,短短幾秒所見到的影像,可能已是勝負關鍵。在這一點上,Michelberger Hotel的贏面應該很大,因為只要看過一眼,便已可以令人念念不忘。當中要數最突出的,是大堂的公共空間:白色牆身配上灰色系梳化,前方是由數十本陳舊書誌堆疊而成的巨大燈罩,梳化四周的鐵架則放�海量書籍,不豪華不浮誇,不高貴不華麗,但就是有型。由於建築物前身是工廠,所以提供了更寬闊的「舞台」讓幾位設計師和Stylist大顯身手,當中包括憑流動建築Loft Cube成名的本地設計Werner Aisslinger。酒店大堂充斥�數百本80年代書誌和各類讀物的公共空間,便是他和酒店團隊一起腦震盪的成果。位於Warschauer Straβe地鐵和火車站對面,距離地標East Side Gallery僅5分鐘腳程,單是地理位置已略勝一籌,不過Michelberger的優點不止於此,酒店幕後團體精心繪製兩款私房地圖,為住客導航市內購物和飲食蒲點,比寂寞星球更地道更精闢。酒店大至室內空間,細至招牌和房卡都流露�柏林人的個性,酒店招牌大模廝樣寫上「Trouble Will Find Me」等招積字句,房卡則扮鬼扮馬偽裝成信用卡,活像一個有血有肉,反叛率性的柏林人。Michelberger Hotel地址:Warschauer Straβe . 39-40,10243 Berlin查詢:(49)302 977 8590房租:每晚?64起(約HK$640)網址:.michelbergerhotel.com作家安靜窩再狂野外向,也會有靜下來的時候,Bleibtreu正是讓你享受片刻寧靜的安樂窩。酒店屬Savoy集團旗下的精品酒店,樓高5層只得60間客房,前身是貴族大宅,丟空後被改為酒店。只得兩種房型,清一色用上Earth Tone色調,設計師Herbert Jacob Wei儲存and花了不少心機將未經處理的橡木設計成一件件有生命力的家具,簡單但細緻,感覺極之小品。神奇的是明明酒店入住率不低,但入住期間卻鮮有碰上其他住客,靜謐得連空氣都如靜止般,最適合文人入住尋找靈感,亦正因如此,所以酒店有個名為LiteraturRaum的企劃,贊助新進作家和藝術家短期入住,讓他們在這�創作,至今已有20多位世界各地作家參加。酒店位於西柏林的Kurf�rstendamm小區,進駐不少名店的它,雖有柏林香榭麗舍大道的美譽,但感覺其實更像倫敦的Notting Hill和Kensington,幽靜又帶點高雅,走向Savignyplatz火車站的路上,小街上都是不同的小餐館,在日光特長的夏天,大家都愛坐在路邊摸�酒杯底吃晚餐,盡現法式休閒。Bleibtreu地址:Bleibtreustra 31, Berlin查詢:(49)308 847 40房租:每晚?100(約HK$1,000)網址:.bleibtreu.com集體創作 夜深人旺Michelberger的性格如此跳脫,全因為背後並非一兩個人的汗馬功勞,主人Tom是個30出頭的熱血青年,酒店集合了他和數十位朋友的心血結晶,官網上還有他們個人和崗位的簡介,作風完全不像一間「酒店」。的而且確,撇除Hotel這個名字,無論是環境、氛圍、還是人與人之間的互動,無一不像青年旅館。每晚入夜後,後園也好、大堂也好,總是愈夜愈熱鬧,後園有三五成群接力打乒乓波,大堂內看書的看書、畫畫的畫畫,隨時隨地也會和旁人自然地進入話匣子中,剛認識的法國藝術家Kae告訴我,不少藝術文化人都喜歡來這�打躉找靈感,轉個身又認識了來自倫敦的攝影師,原來他是酒店的御用攝影師,久不久便飛來為酒店拍攝,那些無厘正經、有條「茂李」蜷在床上的官方客房照片,便是出自他的手筆。輾轉一夜,我幾乎認識了酒店內上下下的每一個人,夜深但人不靜,而且愈夜愈興奮……TRAVEL NOTES簽證:持特區護照或BNO均毋須簽證機票:德國漢莎航空來回香港至法蘭克福經濟機票HK$12,411起(已連稅)網址:.lufthansa.com貨幣:?1約兌HK$10天氣:10月氣溫約2℃~20℃旅遊網址:.visitberlin.demini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:12
本報訊 (記者 王伶雅) 國慶大假期間,儲存倉前往貢嘎山及周邊休閒遊玩的遊客仍然不少,但周邊一些不太“給力”的路況影響了行程,讓部分遊客感覺小有遺憾。日前,記者從省交通運輸部門獲悉,這樣的遺憾或許很快就可以得到彌補,我省將在甘孜州建設環貢嘎山旅遊環線公路,建成後將全面改善周邊路況。環貢嘎山旅遊環線公路,由G318線瀘定經康定至東俄洛段、S211線貓子坪經瀘定至丹巴段、S303線丹巴至八美段、S215八美至新都橋段、瓦澤至九龍段、康定機場至王母等經濟幹線公路共同構成,線路涉及康定、瀘定迷你倉最平道孚等交通設施相對落後地區。線路改造完成後,將推動構建起以康定機場為中心,輻射貢嘎山主要旅遊景點和康定、瀘定、丹巴、道孚等縣城的2小時交通圈。目前,這條環線公路中,G318線瀘定經康定至東俄洛段、S215八美至新都橋段、S303線丹巴至八美段、S211線磨西至瀘定段和瓦斯溝至丹巴段、康定機場至王母公路等項目已先後改造完成,S211線貓子坪至磨西段、S215瓦澤至九龍段、榆林至磨西公路、九龍至石棉公路等未經改造的路段已納入我省《甘孜藏族自治州2013—2015年公路建設推進方案》。儲存
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:05
Months before holidays mean shortages, concerns for food bank
Source: The Record, Stockton, Calif.迷你倉最平Oct. 05--STOCKTON -- A disabled man, hurt on the job and barely into his 50s, found his way last week to a hidden downtown address: 7 Scotts Ave.Embarrassed, he asked for help for the first time in his life. With five people to feed and little money, there was no choice.Stockton's independently run Emergency Food Bank and Family Services was able to respond. The man left with a week's worth of groceries."He was mortified to ask for help," said Rebeca Knodt, executive director. "He was in tears. He didn't know how to ask because he had never been in that situation. He was choking back emotion."It kind of broke my heart, but at the same time it made me feel so good to give him a hand up, not a hand out."The proud man, a Stockton resident who has always worked, is applying for permanent disability. The food bank provided a bridge while he waits for approval."The people we are helping are the working poor," Knodt said.Two months before the holiday season -- and its typical outpouring of charity -- the food bank continues to struggle in its fight against hunger in Stockton, one of California's poorest communities. According to the U.S. Census, 29.3 percent of the city's residents live below the federal poverty line.More than 250 people a day line up for food. They are different every day. Eligible families receive assistance just once a month.Each year, the agency distributes 600 million pounds of food to 138,000 people. In addition to the main office on Scotts Avenue, the food bank works with 30 organizations in San Joaquin County and has a mobile farmer's market that visits 58 sites countywide.The annual budget hovers around $800,000.The federal government shutdown compounds the problems, believes Andy Prokop, executive director of the United Way of San Joaquin."I have heard that everywhere the nonprofits turn -- to the feds, to the 儲存tate, to the county -- the answer is now, 'No!' "The demand for more commodities is never ending."Not until Thanksgiving -- that's when the giving season picks up," Knodt said. "Last week, we were low, extremely low, scary low. We didn't have many canned goods. That is crucial. It's what we give out most."A TV news report about the shortfall situation had the intended ripple impact. The latest mini-crisis was averted.Stockton's food bank relies more on the generosity of individuals than most of its counterparts.The Emergency Food Bank is not part the Chicago-based national network known as Feeding America, which has closed its membership. As a consequence, large food chains with local stores -- following their own corporate edicts -- can't help the independent food bank."This is killing us," Knodt said. "A lot of powerful producers and distributors aren't giving to us."That restrictive dynamic, while creating sleepless nights for Knodt, also has stirred within her a deep appreciation for the Stockton community."Thanks to local individuals, we are alive," she said. "We count on organizations and people who are locally based. Thanks to them, we can function and help people."But that doesn't mean the food bank, its staff and volunteers ever really get off the roller coaster.There is a nerve-racking cycle of donations that dips in the summer and peaks at the end of each year."We are trying to help people," Knodt said. "If we don't have enough, then they are going to be hungry. Fall is good. The holiday season is approaching and then everybody remembers the poor. They get that warm-and-fuzzy feeling."Then after the holidays, here we go again."Contact reporter Kevin Parrish at (209) 546-8264 or kparrish@recordnet.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Record (Stockton, Calif.) Visit The Record (Stockton, Calif.) at .recordnet.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:00
市民逛園博 賞秋賞藝術
本報通訊員 楊戰 記者 于麗爽秋花爭豔,儲存彩葉繽紛, “十一”假期,北京園博園的景觀效果達到最佳觀賞期,加上匯集于此的各種藝術表演,讓遊客賞秋之餘,接受藝術的熏陶。昨天,記者從北京園博會運行調度中心瞭解到,長假以來,每天入園遊客均接近10萬人次,位居全市各景區前列。“園博園是一個園林景觀,都說北京的秋天最美,我想園博園的秋天也應該是最美的,所以‘十一’假期女兒問去哪兒,我毫不猶豫地就選擇了北京園博園。”來自廣州的遊客黎先生說,南方現在還滿眼綠色,園博園里,紅色、黃色、橙色的葉子已顯出秋意,襯托的園林景觀古意十足。園中新增的遊船項目,則吸引了不少遊客再次入園。“我在園博大道、錦繡穀、濕地都拍到永定塔在園博中的景象,就是差一張湖面上的,這回可以坐船來拍它了。”來自北京的攝影愛好者張寶華說,他已經愛上了拍園博,有一點兒變化都不能錯過。國慶期間,園博湖里新增了遊船項目,33艘遊船散落在3self storage2公頃的水域中。蕩舟湖上,時而飛過的白鷺、野鴨與遊人相隨,視線所及,兩岸秋花彩葉,讓人心曠神怡。園里秋意正濃,園內的各項藝術活動也步入高潮。惟妙惟肖的活體雕塑展,風格迥異的音樂表演,充滿神秘色彩的繪畫展覽……“十一”期間,園博園3號門至5號門間2公里長的銀杏大道,變身藝術大道。古巴革命家切·格瓦拉、美國歌手貓王和邁克爾·傑克遜、非洲酋長、自由戰士……這些雕塑最受遊客歡迎。其中,一個名為“懸空的人”的雕塑最引人注目:只見一位歐洲紳士僅靠一根拐杖支撐,在空中懸浮端坐,其悠閑的表情與奇異的姿態恰到好處地融合在一起,遊客也擺出各種姿勢與之合影。聽覺盛宴也不能少。呼和浩特園前,新民謠樂隊將經典老歌新唱,遊人三三兩兩坐在草坪上,邊哼唱邊跟著節奏搖擺;紫薇廣場前的弦樂四重奏,正演奏著世界名曲;北京園入口處的一名歌手彈著吉他,低聲吟唱,醉心音樂旁若無人,連四周的遊人也被他感染,停下腳步仔細品味。迷利倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:54
Shutdown closes Collier commissary
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOct.儲存 05--A retired Air Force colonel is "flabbergasted" that politicians have allowed the federal government shutdown to close the military's commissary in Collier, where thousands of families are eligible to shop for cheap groceries."I thought, 'Only the Pentagon and Washington, D.C. can do this,' " said Jerry Kintigh, chairman of the Western Pennsylvania Coalition for Job Retention and Military Presence. "I can't believe these people in the U.S. Congress have allowed this to happen."The commissary in question is the C.E. Kelly Support Facility. It serves active, reserve and retired military personnel in what Mr. Kintigh estimates is a 100-mile radius.Jack Wagner, former Pennsylvania auditor general and a Marine veteran, had harsh words about the commissary closure."It's a disgrace that the federal government can't meet basic services to those that it has made commitments and promises to, and we're talking about people in uniform, their families that are very dependent on the commissary, and it's not available when they need it," Mr. Wagner said. "That's really an insult to those families."An ongoing impasse in Congress resulting in the shutdown of nonessential government services led to the closure Wednesday of all commissaries in the U.S., which are staffed by federal employees. Facilities overseas remain open."What is not essential about milk, bananas and other things in a grocery store?" said Mr. Kintigh, 81, of Mt. Lebanon.Commissary shoppers receive a steep savings from normal retail supermarkets of 30 percent or more, according to Kevin Robinson, spokesman for the Defense Commissary Agency, an arm of the Defense Department."It's a benefit that they've earned like any other benefit of service. It's a benefit we're proud to deliver to the men and women in uniform who've served their country so greatly," said Mr. Robinson, an Army retiree and himself a commissary patron.From last October through August, there were more than 54,000 individual transactions at C.E. Kelly. On Tuesday, as the word went out that commissaries nationwide were closing, shoppers stocked up on items in preparation for the shutdown and spent n儲存倉arly $31 million, more than double normal sales volume.Mr. Kintigh, who said he has received calls about the commissary situation from numerous military members, sees the commissary as not just a benefit, but as a necessity."The people at the bottom of the food chain, the new people, the lower people in the military, make pathetic, sub-poverty salaries. The commissary privilege is not some kind of a bonus. It's an integral part of their compensation," Mr. Kintigh said. "You're given that because your salary is so pathetically low you couldn't afford it otherwise."Two staff members remain on call at the Collier store to respond to alarms, check product expiration dates and remove perishable items to prevent spoiling, Mr. Robinson said. But two are not enough to run the store, he added."We understand their concern and we sympathize," Mr. Robinson said. "As a fellow shopper, believe me, I'm in the same boat. There's also equal frustration for our employees."Dain Pascocello, a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair, said the congressman is aware of the frustration felt by the families."Had the Senate bothered to take up the House-passed Defense appropriations bill providing funding for the commissary and not let it languish for 10 weeks, this situation could have been completely avoided and the commissary could have remained open," Mr. Pascocello said. "As it stands now, Congressman Murphy shares the frustration of local military families and veterans and is committed to working towards a resolution. He urges the Senate to take up all of the spending bills the House has sent over this past week and past months to get this country back up and running again."In another shutdown-related development affecting the military, Gov. Tom Corbett wrote to U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel asking for the country's furloughed National Guard military technicians to be put back to work, including 1,000 in Pennsylvania.Jonathan D. Silver: jsilver@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1962 or on Twitter @jsilverpg.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:52
「菲特」撲華東 港停飛沖繩班機
威力強大的颱風「菲特」,self storage昨天先後襲擊日本沖繩和台灣北部,於晚間闖進東海,直撲福建浙江沿海,菲特所經之處大浪滔天,來勢十分洶湧,相關地區氣象部門提升抗颱警戒動員級別。沖繩那霸機場昨日取消超過140班機。多個來往香港和沖繩的航班昨日也受影響。據悉,昨日香港航空的HX657和HX658班機,要延後一日,港龍取消昨日KA378及KA379航班。長榮航空也取消香港與沖繩之間來回航班。昨日由香港和澳門飛台中亦有航班取消。今日出行的港人仍需留意相關航班資訊。昨晚7時,菲特中心位於浙江溫州東南620公里的海面上,最大風力14級,七級風圈半徑350里,十級風圈半徑100公里,預計今日晚上到明日上午在浙江溫嶺到福建霞浦一帶沿海登陸。台灣中央氣象局昨日下午發佈颱風陸mini storage警報,預計暴風圈今日上午接觸北部陸地,將出現大雨或豪雨。台灣總統馬英九昨日下午赴中央災害應變中心聆聽報告,他說,颱風目前未帶來災情,但料敵從寬、禦敵從嚴,仍持續嚴防豪雨。全台21縣市昨晚則宣佈今日正常上班。影響「十一」歸途客內地中央氣象台昨日也將颱風預警升級為紅色。國家旅遊局強調,菲特來襲和十一長假返程高𥧌重合,登陸影響地區又是旅遊熱點區和交通樞紐地帶,提醒遊客提早安排返程計劃,避免阻礙歸途。上海鐵路局昨日暫停預售7日的動車車票。至於第24號颱風丹娜絲,昨日與菲特距離約1,700公里,應不會發生「藤原效應」影響菲特颱風的路徑。未來最可能在通過琉球附近海面後北轉,朝日韓方向移動,應不會直接影響台灣陸地天氣。台灣《蘋果日報》/中新社 迷你倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:49
自存倉 信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/ 華西都市報訊(記者李欣憶)記者從攜程旅行網獲悉,最新發佈的2013“十一”黃金周旅遊人氣城市排行榜中,人氣最旺的前十大城市為:上海、北京、廣州、深圳、成都、杭州、西安、重慶、廈門、昆明,成都位列全國第五。 據瞭解,今年國慶出行人氣城市的前六名都與去年國慶相同,全國各主要城市市民的出行意願依然很高。今年昆明首次進入出行人氣城市前十名,成為國內遊客最熱衷于出游的二線城市之一。 旅遊專家認為,隨著旅遊法的落實,“零負團費”“強制購物”等亂象被清理出市場,旅遊市場進一步規範化,旅遊者將享受到更純粹的旅遊產品。mini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:46
Bumpy first week for ACA signups
Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioOct.self storage 05--It has been a bumpy first week -- and a somewhat surreal one -- for the launch of the health care marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act, which has remained the heart of a partisan dispute that resulted in the first government shutdown in 17 years.HealthCare.gov -- the main portal for government-run marketplaces in 36 states, including Ohio -- will temporary shutdown for maintenance at 1 a.m. EDT each night for a few hours this weekend after sustaining a rush from millions of visitors trying to enroll for coverage. While the computer glitches continued Friday as congressional Republicans sought to delay and defund the health care law, federal officials said people have been able to sign up for coverage.The website will remain open for general information. By Monday, "there will be significant improvements in the online consumer experience," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said.Still, many local residents expressed exasperation.Amy Harrington of Fairborn said: "I finally made it to the account creation pages and after filling them out again and again it still says 'account cannot be created at this time, try again in a few moments.' It also says answers to security questions cannot be the same thing for two or more. My questions were all different with very different answers."In its first four days, there have been more than 7.2 million unique visitors to HealthCare.gov to learn about their options, according to HHS.Federal officials said they do not expect to release individual state enrollment figures until next month. Yet the rollout, more than four years in the making, and its computer problems has been all but overshadowed by the federal government shutdown.'It hasn't been smooth'"It has sucked up so much of the oxygen in the room that people have forgotten that the rollout happened," said Greg Lawson, a policy analyst for The Buckeye Institute, a Columbus-based conservative think tank. "That's unfortunate, because it seems to have stumbled out of the gate. It hasn't been smooth. There has been a lot of confusion, and there will be for a long time."Others believe the initial system overload may be a good sign for the overall success of the marketplaces. "There's a pent-up desire to get coverage," said Bryan Bucklew, president and CEO of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association. "People are curious about how it will work."He expects the technical issues will be resolved. "It's not as if on Oct. 1 you flip a switch and everything is transformed.," he said. "It's a work in progress. It's unrealistic to think that on Day 1 the public and businesses are going to understand it all."In the first year, more than 166,000 uninsured Ohioans are expected to sign up for health insurance coverage, according to the nonprofit Health Policy Institute of Ohio. The initial enrollment period runs through March 31, with coverage beginning Jan. 1 for those who enroll by Dec. 15.For Greg Bope of Jamestown, the online process has not gone smoothly. "It won't let me sign up," he said. "I've been trying since yesterday."Dave Stone of Brookville, who was featured in the newspaper on Sept. 23, had the same experience. The 60-year-old respiratory therapist, who has multiple health problems, is trying to figure out if he can afford to retire. "I just spent another day on phone with ACA staff," he said. "I couldn't log in, and they are having volume overload."Sara Love of Riverside complained the system is geared toward people with computers, even though many of the uninsured don't have access to the Internet. Love, 64, is on Medicare disability, because she is visually impaired, but she is looking for insurance for her husband."I think they could make it easier for people," she said. "They should make it easier to find a phone number where people can get information. I have not seen it anywhere, and I have been watching for it."The couple plans to wait until next week to explore their insurance options, in the hopes that the system will be less overrun.'Affordable coverage?'Bucklew said some of the confusion might have been prevented if state officials had done more to get the word out. "Ohio didn't do our constituents any favors by not putting any marketing effort into the exchanges," he said.Cathy Levine, co-chair of Ohio Consumers for Health Care, said the Gov. John Kasich administration "made a deliberate decision not to obtain federal funding for outreach and consumer assistance. So the outreach will be more robust in states that are taking that initiative."The public was gracious about the problems, according to Levine, who helped out Tuesday with a telethon at a Columbus television station, answering questions and enrolling people for coverage."I was pleasantly surprised," she said. "The response has been overwhelming. Overnight, the conversation went from 'love it or hate it' to, 'How can I get more affordable coverage?'"Levine said her biggest frustration this week was the ongoing uncertainty about whether Ohio is going to do a Medicaid expansion: "We took numerous calls from people whose income is not enough to get a subsidy on the exchange. Those people are going to remain uninsured 迷利倉nless the legislature acts quickly to pass Medicaid expansion or the governor exercises his authority to do an executive order."Despite and opening-week snafus, Levine feels more upbeat than discouraged. "It's very exciting that so many people who were invisible in Ohio are now able to shop for affordable coverage," she said. "I talked to all kinds of people on Tuesday -- self-employed people; a woman who is getting divorced; people who are playing by the rules but don't have affordable health coverage."Beware of scamsAnother potential peril for new law is consumer fraud, which the newspaper first alerted the state about in May. On Friday, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, warned Ohioans to guard against health care-related scams."Scammers often pretend to be associated with the government to make their ploys seem real," DeWine said. "We want to warn Ohio families to be on guard for potential scams and to take steps to protect themselves."Taylor, who heads the insurance department, is a vocal opponent of the health care law. But she said "it's imperative Ohioans understand the facts about the ACA and the federal exchange so they can best protect themselves. Because the federal law and the exchanges are new and complicated to consumers, Ohioans should be even more cautious about potential scams and fraudulent behavior."Lawson said the process to implement the new law would probably have been smoother if there had been more bipartisan support. "The policy was rammed through, and it's hard to get support that way," he said. "It would have been better if there had been more agreement on front end. This is complicated, and there needs to be a very engaged conversation. They could have done a better job with that if there had been a bipartisan consensus."Despite the myriad problems with the rollout, Bucklew believes the status quo -- with more than 1.5 million Ohioans without health insurance -- wasn't workable. "Doing nothing really wasn't an option," he said. "At the end of the day, after the exchanges went live, there were more resources and more information so that you can make decisions that are in the best interests of you and your family."Read the complete story...The story you're reading is premium content for subscribers of the Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun, Hamilton JournalNews and Middletown Journal. Not a subscriber? Get total access to all our in-depth news and exclusive content here.Read MyDaytonDailyNews.com now -- 24-hour digital pass99? for 24 hoursRead MyDaytonDailyNews.com all week -- weekly digital pass$3.99 per weekSubscribe for as little as 33? per dayView OffersFor Subscribers: Register your account for digital access.Access DigitalFor Subscribers: Sign in here if you have already registered your account.Sign InBrought to you by:ChampionReid HospitalRich RoofingKorrect Plumbing-- Tips to avoid ACA scamsGuard your personal information: Legitimate government representatives will never contact you unexpectedly and request personal information, such as your Social Security or bank account number. If you do give out personal information tied to a potential scam, immediately inform your banks, credit card providers, and the three major credit bureaus.Never pay upfront fees: Government program representatives do not sell insurance or demand upfront payment, and navigators (individuals who can provide information about the ACA) are free.Get information from reliable sources: Watch out for phony websites or individuals who pretend to be associated with the government. Contact the Ohio Department of Insurance and the federal government if you have questions about the ACA. Report scams or suspicious activity to the Ohio Attorney General and Department of Insurance.Health Insurance Exchange: Watch for Bogus WebsitesThe new federally-run health insurance exchange in Ohio is an online portal where consumers who need individual health insurance and small businesses can go to secure certain coverage. You can find more information about the federal exchange in Ohio by visiting .healthcare.gov, which is the only website where Ohioans can enroll.Check for Certification of navigators and insurance agents: Navigators, who must be certified by the Ohio Department of Insurance, were created by the federal law to provide information about the exchanges to consumers. Funded by the federal government, navigators are prohibited from recommending specific plans. Navigators who receive certification will be searchable on .insurance.ohio.gov.Sources: Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Governor and Insurance Director Mary TaylorCOMING NEXTOn Sunday, Your Guide: The Affordable Care Act is a special section with everything you need to know about the changes and how they will affect you.WHIO TV will air a special WHIO Reports on Sunday with a panel discussion on the Affordable Care Act.Online: Ask a question, calculate your health insurance premiums, read the latest developments and get other facts at MyDaytonDailyNews.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:42
Music retailer moving to larger space
Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioOct.迷你倉 05--A Dayton-area music retailer will more than triple its current size next month when it moves to a new, expanded location on Woodman Drive.Play It Again Music LLC will open its new store Nov. 2 in the Midwood Plaza at 1684 Woodman Drive. Store manager Josh Hatfield said the 8,000-square-foot space is more than three times the size of the used musical instrument retailer's current location at 736 Watervliet Ave.Hatfield said the store will be one of the biggest used music stores in Ohio.Play It Again Music buys, sells and trades pre-owned musical gear. The store also offers guitar and bass lessons, as well as instrument repairs.Hatfield said the business has outgrown the 2,500-square-foot space where it has operated for seven years. Its current inventory includes more than 600 used and vintage guitars and bass guitars; from 300 to 400 amplifiers that range from new to 1950s models; and display cases full of guitar effects pedals."I can't cram anything more in here," Hatfield said.The business will gain more retail space, as well as a parking lot, he said.Play It Again Music employs four people, both full- and part-time. Hatfield 文件倉aid the business may expand its staff after it moves to the new location.The Woodman Drive site most recently housed The Ohio Trading Co., a flea market.Hatfield said the music store plans to be in its new location by Nov. 1. A grand opening celebration scheduled for Nov. 2 will include a live band, food and refreshments, he said.Read the complete story...The story you're reading is premium content for subscribers of the Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun, Hamilton JournalNews and Middletown Journal. Not a subscriber? Get total access to all our in-depth news and exclusive content here.Read MyDaytonDailyNews.com now -- 24-hour digital pass99? for 24 hoursRead MyDaytonDailyNews.com all week -- weekly digital pass$3.99 per weekSubscribe for as little as 33? per dayView OffersFor Subscribers: Register your account for digital access.Access DigitalFor Subscribers: Sign in here if you have already registered your account.Sign InBrought to you by:ChampionReid HospitalRich RoofingKorrect PlumbingCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:35
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- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:38
Living her dream as Belle
Source: The Herald-Sun, Durham, N.mini storageC.Oct. 04--DURHAM -- Hilary Maiberger's friends and family haven't bombarded her with Belle gifts yet, so all the star of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" on tour has so far is a little doll and a keychain.Maiberger portrays the literature-loving princess in the national tour of the Broadway show, which will be at the Durham Performing Arts Center Oct. 8 through 13. It's the second time the popular musical has been on stage at DPAC.Maiberger grew up in California, and the very first Broadway production she saw, at age 10, was as it happens, "Beauty and the Beast" on stage in Los Angeles."I love that Belle is so relatable. Everyone was that girl, awkward and discovering who she is," Maiberger said. Belle is so smart, she said, and brave in giving her life for her father's."She's very different than other Disney princesses," said Maiberger, who knows about Disney princesses, having previously portrayed Cinderella in regional theater and Jasmine in the "Aladdin" show at Disneyland.The stage version of "Beauty and the Beast" stays true to the 1991 animated film's storyline and vivid colors and characters. Maiberger watched it daily as a kid, and recited every line."Everyone knows the film so, so well. The creative team did a good job sticking to the film -- you don't mess with something everybody loves," she said. Of course the difference is self storageive people, Maiberger said, as well as a few new songs, and a change with the enchanted objects. Audiences meet them as they are slowly changing into the objects. With the costumes, stage and lighting, she said, the production "is like a Disney pop-up book."Her favorite costume is Belle's yellow dress. "It's so poufy and princess and ridiculous," Maiberger said. "I love it. I never get tired of wearing it, though it's only for five minutes."When 10 year-old Maiberger went to see the musical -- a surprise gift from her mom -- she leaned over and told her mother that she wanted to be Belle someday."Now I'm living my dream," Maiberger said.As a kid, she liked Belle because Maiberger loved books, too -- and still does -- plus that yellow dress. But portraying Belle on stage is different than wanting to be Belle when you're in the audience."The rehearsal process is long and hard, but so gratifying," she said. "I'm so glad to be part of something that means so much."Maiberger said there's never going to be a perfect show, so that keeps them on their toes. It's important to remember that each show they perform could be someone's first Broadway show or their last Broadway show, she said."The people deserve a story," she said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) Visit The Herald-Sun (Durham, N.C.) at .heraldsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:32
mini storage 一名青年日前凌晨低頭玩�價值逾5,000元的三星GALAXY Note II 手機、行至深水�楓樹街時,遭4名賊人從後踢跌圍毆, 搶走手機後分頭逃走,青年由途人協助窮追擒獲其中一賊。旺角警區反黑組接手調查,迅即將逃脫的三名賊人擒獲,由於賊贓手機在案發後,懷疑被賊人拿往旺角西洋菜街一商場商店變賣吐現,警方昨晚把疑犯押徒該商場希望尋回賊贓手機。儲存
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:22
No government reports in shutdown, economists left in limbo
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOct.mini storage 04--On the first Friday of every month, a host of people are ready at 8:30 a.m. to click into the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.It is at that moment that the bureau releases some of the most economically sensitive data it has: the monthly report on national employment, which includes the unemployment rate, the number of jobs created and the averages of wages and numbers of hours worked. The information regularly moves the financial markets.This morning, they don't need to bother.The partial shutdown of the federal government from the lack of congressional authorization to spend money has caused government agencies to suspend issuing reports.On Thursday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said the Employment Situation release would not be issued "due to the lapse in funding." It added that "an alternative release date has not been scheduled.""I was singing, 'The day the data died,' to the tune of 'American Pie,' " Heidi Shierholz, an economist with Washington D.C.-based policy organization Economic Policy Group, said when the bureau stopped updating its website Tuesday.The Employment Situation release is just one of the many government reports that will not be issued during the shutdown. Other releases from the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Agriculture Department's Economics, Statistics and Market Information System are also on hold.Investors use those reports to gauge the health of the economy, real estate companies scan them to see how the housing market is doing, and food producers and farmers rely on them to determine prices.For casual observers of the economy, the monthly employment report is the star of the economic show."The jobs numbers are where the rubber meets the road," Ms. Shierholz said. "They are what tell the macroeconomic policymakers how their decisions are affecting the American people. It's how we know how the economy is really doing."Usually, in the week before the Labor Department issues its employment report, economists step up and give their own forecasts. The consensus has been often overly optimistic, particularly regarding the number of jobs created.This week, those forecasts are standing in for the official report.Economists at PNC Bank expect that the September unemployment rate, when it is finally issued, will remain unchanged from August at 7.3 percent with an increase of 185,000 non-farm jobs.An economic outlook paper issued by the bank, based on its survey of small and middle-market business owners, said three-quarters of the business owners say they are holding back on hiring because of weak sales, though they were more optimistic about business conditions than they were in August.Another group, the Alliance for American Manufacturing in Washington, D.C., is as儲存ing people to help it compile its own anecdotal jobs report by sending in their comments on the jobs situation at americanmanufacturing.org/MyJobsReport.While the Labor Department jobs report has the broadest appeal, other government reports are vital for a wide range of industries."This [shutdown] is a big deal with respect to information about agriculture," said Jim Dunn, a professor of agricultural economics at Penn State University.Agricultural economists, commodities traders, farmers and food producers all depend on not just one, but a series of reports, such as the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin, which was supposed to come out Tuesday; the National Dairy Products Sales Report, which was due Wednesday; and the weekly Crop Progress Report, which is due out on Monday.A change in weather, such as a sudden frost or heavy rain, could affect corn or soy bean production or the planting of winter wheat. Without the reports, farmers and traders can't know how crop production halfway across the country might affect prices locally.Mr. Dunn said that while the "big players" such as Cargill Inc. or Archer Daniels Midland Co. have their own research teams, "the rest of us are kind of without our 'secret' information. It's hard to read the tea leaves if there's no tea."Ranchers, for instance, look to the National Feeder Cattle Summary from the Agriculture Department's Agriculture Marketing Service to time cattle sales to maximize their return on investment, said Ryan Koory, an economist with IHS Global Insights agricultural services in Columbia, Mo.His colleague Brandon Kliethermes said the Agriculture Department's reports touch every level of the agricultural markets from producers to exporters."It's not just U.S. futures traders who are flying blind. It's also those across the world as well," Mr. Koory said.While the Bureau of Labor Statistics has left its website up for researching past reports, the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis have replaced their regular home pages with statements that "due to the lapse in government funding, [the websites] will be unavailable until further notice."Other key government economic reports not issued because of the shutdown are the construction spending report that was due Tuesday and the manufactured goods report that was supposed to come out Thursday.The longer the government shutdown lasts, the more reports that won't be showing up.Next week, the schedule calls for government agencies to release reports on the international trade balance, monthly wholesale inventories and advance monthly retail sales.Ann Belser: abelser@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1699.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:58
Product placement in ? lms of ers new road into drivers’ awareness, Li Fangfang reports.迷利倉Get ready for the screen debut of a made-in- China car. A new alternative-fuel vehicle is set to appear in the most popular vehicle- related Hollywood movie, Transformers.Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd’s Trumpchi E-jet, a plug-in hybrid vehicle, will have a prominent role in Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth i lm in the series directed by Michael Bay, which will hit cinemas next year, Reuters reported, citing a per- son familiar with the process.It also said that the E-jet, a concept car that made its debut at the Detroit auto show this past January, will be blown up at least 14 times in the i lm, which is being shot in the United States and China.In 2011, Transformers: Dark of the Moon grossed $165 million in China.No further details have been disclosed by the movie’sproducers. An anonymous Guangzhou Automobile insider told Reuters that the Guangzhou-based vehicle company hopes the i lm will lit Trumpchi’s brand aware- ness in overseas markets.Gu Huinan, vice-general manager of GAC Motor, the passenger car subsidiary of Guangzhou Automobile, said earlier that the company aims to develop aggressively in the global market over the next three to i ve years.It’s set a target of 100,000 units of overseas sales for the Trumpchi brand by 2017, or 20 percent of total produc- tion, compared with several hundred units so far.No doubt, General Motors Co’s successful prod- uct placement (a technique also known as embedded marketing) in the Transformers series has set a global example.“My six-year-old son Duoduo has no concept about cars. But whenever he sees a Chevrolet on the road, he points at the logo and shouts: ‘Bumblebee’,” said Wen Jie, 33, a university teacher.Given her son’s enthusiasm for Transformers and Bum- blebee, she bought a Chevrolet Malibu instead of Toyota Camry.According to an online survey at major Chinese portal Sina.com, the Chevrolet Camaro in the Transformers series was the most successful instance of movie market- ing, drawing 61.9 percent of the responses, followed by the BMW Mini Cooper S’s appearance in h e Italian Job and the Aston Martin DBS that was driven by James Bond in Casino Royale 007, with votes of 17.5 percent and 16.8 percent, respectively.Just 3.8 percent of the participants mentioned the Skoda Octavia that appeared in the Chinese popular drama Silver Medalist.Almost 60 percent agreed that seeing a vehicle in a i lm helps promote a brand’s image, and 33.2 percent said it makes people more likely to purchase such a car. Only 7 percent thought that product placement would mean higher prices.h at would explain why in recent years, more vehicle producers have turned to the big screen to market their cars.Seeing the success of its super sports car R8’s appear- ance in the Iron Man series in China (and other Audi vehicles’ success in local TV series), luxury vehicle brand Audi held the 2013 Audi Film Season in April, the i rst such themed movie festival organized by a vehicle pro- ducer in the world’s largest automobile market.h e German brand helped promote six i lms where its cars made an appearance, either on the silver screen or at online video portals, in the second quarter. h ose i lms included Hollywood’s Iron Man 3 as well as Chinese movies American Dreams in China, Switch, Love Speaks, as well two micro movies: Drit , in Name of Love and A Tale of Two Cities.“Audi China has tried many forms of artistic coopera- tion to get our brand message across. Sponsoring interna- tional and domestic movies, directors and performers is one of the focal points of our marketing,” said Ge Shuwen, executive deputy general manager of the Audi sales divi- sion in China.“We hope that through the fascination of i lm, movie audiences may take Audi to their hearts,” said Ge. “h e Audi Film Season is an innovative crossover marketing initiative.”A survey by marketing research i rm Ipsos found that 69 percent of the 1,000 people interviewed in cinemas across the country said they were attracted to products seen in i lms. Among the 1,000 respondents, 47 percent said that seeing a product in a movie helps give them a favorable impression.Ipsos said that product placement actually works bet- ter than traditional TV commercials or print ads, as the public is weary of being bombarded by direct marketing.Further, target demographic groups can be reached more accurately through dif erent movie categories.Audi China’s product placement in American Dreams in China was a smart and praiseworthy choice, as the four generations of the l agship model A6 appeared in dif er- ent periods in history in the i lm.h at tactic perfectly matched the theme of the movie — dreams — as owning an Audi A6 was the symbol of success to many Chinese entrepreneurs over the past 20 years.“I was touched when Cheng Dongqing showed of his Audi and giant mobile phone at er achieving initial suc- cess in the early 1990s,” said a 49-year-old Beijing-based law i rm founder surnamed M自存倉.“h e realistic scene reminded me of my early career days, when owning an Audi was a major motivation,”said Ma.Another notable case of product placement is Mer- cedes-Benz’s positioning in a favorite Chinese lunar new year comedy directed by Feng Xiaogang, If You Are the One 2.“When the leading performers Shu Qi and Ge You drove the Mercedes through the beautiful natural scen- ery in Sanya, nobody could ignore the nice SUV,” said 28-year-old secretary Yang Yile in Beijing. “I i nally got to know what the GLK-Class car my boyfriend kept talking about is, and I fully understand why he loves it.”“Product placement in movies is a common market- ing tactic. But just putting brand logos and products into inappropriate scenes may bring negative results.A successful product placement reflects the similar values of the brand and the movie,” said Yu Bailiang, dean of WOM Communications New Media Research Academy.“Automakers should better communicate with movie producers and directors, to see if the brand and product could really be part of the i lm, naturally,” agreed Zhong Shi, an independent auto analyst based in Beijing.Micromovies Another marketing tactic has become more popular among vehicle makers: brand micromovies.In July, Volkswagen Group China Sports Car Project debuted its micromovie Extreme Pursuit, with innovative sports cars from the Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini brands that featured alongside Hol- lywood star Keanu Reeves.“h e launch of Extreme Pursuit marks the latest ef ort by the Sports Car Project in innovative marketing.“Working in close cooperation with Reeves and taking full advantage of social media technologies, we are inte- grating marketing, i lm and social media in an engaging and fascinating way to bring sports car culture even closer to the hearts of the Chinese people,” said Markus Nels, director of the Sports Car Project.Reeves stars in this micromovie, making it the i rst of its kind from the Chinese mainland to feature a Hol- lywood star.Sports cars from Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini share the spotlight in several heart- thumping car chases in a story full of twists and turns about courage.Another instance of cooperation led to Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini cars featuring prominently in a movie that Reeves starred in and pro- duced: martial arts blockbuster Man of Tai Chi.“Following a series of highly successful programs by the Project, the micromovie brings together intelligent product placement with Chinese and Hollywood stars to deepen Chinese consumers’ understanding and apprecia- tion of world-leading sports cars,” said Nels.Volkswagen was not the i rst automaker to try micro- movie marketing. China’s i rst micromovie, the 2010 release Trigger, was sponsored by Cadillac (under GM) which had the leading role. h e US Chevrolet brand later the same year cast another warm-hearted micromovie, Old Boy.Suddenly, brand micromovies became a popular mar- keting method for automakers, which were attracted by low costs, rich story lines, broad promotion channels and accurate positioning.A long list of automobile brands, including Mercedes- Benz, Toyota and China’s domestic brand Landwind all launched brand micromovies in the past two years.“Our new micromovie for the CC model, directed by China’s famous director Lu Chuan, has seen a huge suc- cess, with more than 40 million visits in two months. My boss just messaged me, saying: ‘We’ll do another one, ok?”Huang Weichong, public relations manager with FAW Volkswagen, told China Daily. “We see a better result than with TV commercials.”Statistics from a micromovie report released by Bale Hudong (Beijing) Media Co Ltd showed that in just the final quarter of 2012, more than 100 companies released brand micromovies on the silver screen and at online portals. h ese companies also arranged product placements in almost 500 micromovies. “Micromovie marketing mainly targets young and fashionable con- sumers, who are just the target audience for our vehicles.h e combination of advertising and a i lm story can be easily accepted by young consumers,” said Gao Fang, vice-general manager of FAW Toyota.“Due to the unexpected market response, micromov- ies may replace TV commercials as the major marketing tactic for automakers in the near future,” said Gao.PROVIDED TO CHINA DIALY A poster for the ? lm Transformers.PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY A car and the ? lm star Andy Lau in the ? lm Switch.?Above is an Audi car displayed at the 10th China Changchun International Auto Expo in Changchun, Jilin province, on July 20. The German brand helped promote six ? lms where its cars made an appearance, either on the silver screen or at online video portals, in the second quarter.?Second right are BMW cars displayed at the 2012 New York International Auto Show on April 4, 2012.?Middle, ? rst, third and fourth right are autos in the ? lm Transformers: Dark of the moon. General Motors Co’s successful product placement in the Transformers series has set a global example.mini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:51
國慶長假首三天八十四萬人次過境 拱岸客流回落通關暢
【本報消息】內地國慶長假逾半,儲存倉拱北口岸過關客流昨有所回落,通關暢順。拱北邊檢站稱,長假首三天共錄得八十四萬人次通關,其中內地居民佔五十萬人次。每日早上開關時大量勞工和遊客集中輪候,是疏導客流的主要壓力時段。 內地客五十萬人次 拱北口岸廣場和出入境大廳,昨日的通關環境明顯較前兩天寬鬆,絕大多數時段旅客均可慢步經緩衝通道進入大廳,大廳內自助通關區輪候者不多,每條人工通道的候檢人龍亦維持四、五十人左右,多數遊客等候三、四十分鐘即可順利過關。 拱北邊檢站表示,今年國慶長假首三天共驗放旅客八十四萬人次,客流總量大致與平時的周末持平,但內地居民增量明顯,三天累計五十萬人次,佔總客流量約六成,其中有兩天均接近十八萬人次,較去年同期增長逾一成,連續刷新內地居民單日赴澳數量紀錄。此外,旅客的自主錯峰意識也有所加強,當天出境客流亦從往年的高峰期高度集中轉變成分時段、不同程度的小高峰。 拱北邊檢站強調,迷你倉最平慶長假儘管通關客流總量不算太高,但由於內地居民通關需採用人工查驗,驗放的程序和手續相對複雜得多,內地居民量大幅增長,無疑增加邊檢查驗壓力。 勞工倡疏通入大廳 對於有讀者投訴早上開關時,輪候人龍在口岸廣場大打“蛇餅”,秩序混亂。拱北邊檢部門稱,廣場不屬於聯檢部門管理範圍,邊檢的管理轄區在聯檢大樓的屋簷滴水線以內,廣場秩序應屬當地公安或綜治部門管理。 拱北口岸部門表示,國慶節前已把廣場遮陽棚從原來的五十六米延長至一百一十六米,且在棚頂加裝電風扇,目的是為候檢旅客提供更舒服的環境,同時加設臨時欄杆也是為了維護輪候秩序,但確實偶有翻越欄杆的“打尖”者。 有勞工稱,每天早上過關都是大排長龍,總是把人堵在廣場上,但大廳內自助通關區卻很少人,趕著上班的勞工被堵著進不了大廳當然心煩,以致出現有人爬欄杆“打尖”的亂象,建議為上班、返學者另開一條緩衝通道直入大廳,分散部分人流,相信有利提高通關效率。 儲存
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:47
SINGAPOREANS working, studying or travelling in the United States faced disruptions as the federal shutdown entered the fourth day.文件倉Mr Edwin Ho, 27, who is studying for a master's degree in film studies at Columbia University in New York, told The Straits Times that he has been unable to apply for a social security number due to the shutdown."Because of this, I cannot start my job as a multimedia associate on campus," he said.Mr Ho added that the university did not seem to have any protocols to assist affected students.Ms Christina Ng, 24, who does business development at a Silicon Valley start-up, is facing visa woes. She had applied to convert her H1B1 work visa to H1B. Both are visas for professionals, but the latter allows for longer stays."But it's no big deal; life still goes on," she said.Singapore travellers, too, have been taking the disruptions in their stride.Due to the shutdown, key US attractions such as Yosemite National Park in California, the Statue of Liberty in New York and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC have been closed.Exchange student Woo Yan Yan, 21, said she has had to postpone weekend trips to Washington, DC an存倉 New York. "I'll seek solace in the clam chowder here in Boston," she quipped.Travel agencies in Singapore are monitoring the situation. While there have been no cancellations yet, CTC Travel said 16 free-and-easy travellers due to depart next week have requested to postpone their trips."We're liaising with our suppliers, such as airlines and hotels, to see how we can work things out," said its spokesman Alicia Seah.At SA Tours, a tour group will depart as scheduled tomorrow.Said spokesman Eva Wu: "They have to make do with walking around (the closed monuments in Washington) instead."But our customers have been understanding and are aware that the whole shutdown was unforeseen."However, Singaporeans say any disruption to daily life has been minimal, as key services are still functioning."People are talking about it a lot, but actually everyday lives have not been much worse since the shutdown," said Mr Jonathan Lim, 26, a lawyer at the World Bank in Washington, DC.He added: "At the practical level, not much seems to have changed. The buses are running, shops are still open, police are still on the streets."waltsim@sph.com.sgmellinjm@sph.com.sg儲存
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:24
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:57
硬淨貴氣 5s Win
蘋果公司兩款新智能手機iPhone 5c、5s甫粉墨登場,迷你倉外國旋即有人為兩款手機進行「攪拌大比併」,看看哪部能抵抗攪拌機的威力。雖然兩部機最終難逃「解體」命運,但金色iPhone 5s顯然較捱得,攪成粉狀後仍金氣逼人。美國攪拌機生產商負責人迪克森(Tom Dickson)年前在YouTube推出節目《Will it Blend?》,憑�攪碎不同物品紅爆網絡。他今次分別將不同顏色的iPhone 5c及金色5s放入攪拌機,測試兩文件倉的硬度。女子自稱Siri「真身」結果在劇烈攪拌下,膠殼iPhone 5c不久便告粉碎,變成一堆七彩粉末。雖然iPhone 5s最終落得同樣下場,但其金色硬殼較硬淨,撐較長時間才被攪碎。美國亞特蘭大女子貝內特早前表示,她就是iPhone人工語音系統Siri的「真身」,但未得到蘋果證實。雖然蘋果、三星在智能手機市場爭得面紅耳赤,但HTC One前日成功壓倒兩家手機巨擘的產品,贏得英國科技雜誌《T3》的年度最佳手機獎項。本報綜合報道存倉
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 12:53
Browns lose Hoyer, but rally past Bills
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.迷你倉最平Oct. 04--CLEVELAND -- A prime-time matchup centered on two rising quarterbacks -- the Browns' hometown kid and the Bills' fast-improving rookie -- became a battle of backups Thursday night.After Brian Hoyer and EJ Manuel went down with knee injuries, Brandon Weeden rallied the Browns past Jeff Tuel and the Bills 37-24 at FirstEnergy Stadium.The Browns (3-2) won their third straight to move into first place in the AFC North for at least a couple of days, but it was a costly victory."No matter what went wrong, the guys never flinched," said Browns coach Rob Chudzinski, who confirmed Hoyer would undergo an MRI today to determine the extent of an injury to his knee.Preliminarily, Chudzinski characterized it as a sprain, and it was just the first significant development on a night of big plays and attrition that took shape early on.The Browns fell behind 7-0 when Fred Jackson scored from 1 yard out, a touchdown set up by a 29-yard pass interference call against Joe Haden on Bills receiver Stevie Johnson on an end around pass from T.J. Graham.Hoyer, winner of two straight and making his second straight start minutes from his childhood home, went down four plays into the Browns' second drive when he scrambled and took a hit from linebacker Kiko Alonso.The Browns sputtered initially when Weeden came in and trailed 10-0 after one quarter on Jackson's run and a 52-yard Dan Carpenter field goal, but eventually the offense found its rhythm."Obviously you can't dwell on it," tackle Joe Thomas said. "They don't end the game when your quarterback goes down."Along with Hoyer, the Browns also lost running back Chris Ogbonnaya to a concussion and defensive end Desmond Bryant, who was taken to the hospital suffering from shortness of breath.The Bills (2-3) lost Johnson to a back injury and Manuel on a sideline hit eerily similar to one that injured the Redskins' Robert Griffin III last season."It's the NFL," Jackson said. "Injuries are going to happen. A lot of key players got injured today."Even as the stars went down, though, the scoring continued.Trailing 10-0, the Browns scored 17 unanswered points on Billy Cundiff's 30-yard field goal, Willis McGahee's 1-yard run and Travis Benjamin's weaving 79-yard punt return.Benjamin's play electrified the crowd of 71,239 for the Browns' first prime time game since 2009.He fielded Shawn Powell's punt at his 21, burst up the sideline, made a move and shook off an attempted tackle by Powell on his way to the end zone."I just trusted my speed and trusted my return (ability)," said Benjamin, whose 57-yard return set up Cundiff儲存s field goal for the Browns' first points. He finished the night with 179 yards on seven punt returns, breaking Eric Metcalf's franchise record of 166."I don't know who he is," Benjamin said of Metcalf, "but I'm going to look him up tonight."Benjamin's touchdown was far from the last of the big plays, though.C.J. Spiller's 54-yard touchdown run early in the third quarter tied it at 17, and the Bills went back up on a 1-yard run by Jackson after Manuel scrambled 14 yards to the Cleveland 13 on third-and-8, then took a shot on his right knee from Browns safety Tashaun Gipson. Tuel, an undrafted rookie, finished the drive."It took me a little bit to get going," said Tuel, whose fourth snap resulted in Jackson's touchdown but first completion didn't come until his fourth series. "It's been awhile wince I've had any live bullets, especially against ones like that."Weeden hit Josh Gordon on a 37-yard touchdown to again tie it. Gordon slipped past Aaron Williams and made a juggling catch as he crossed the goal line, controlling the ball in the back of the end zone."It was a one-on-one situation and I wanted to take a shot," Weeden said.The Browns used a short field for Cundiff's 24-yard field goal early in the fourth quarter to go up 27-24. With the Bills pinned deep by a Spencer Lanning punt, Armonty Bryant sacked Tuel at the Buffalo 4. Shawn Powell's 34-yard punt set up the Browns at the 38.Cundiff added a 44-yard field goal, and T.J. Ward sealed it by picking off Tuel and returning it 44 yards for a touchdown right after the two-minute warning."It was fun," Thomas said. "Hopefully the fans enjoyed it."McGahee rushed for 72 yards and his first touchdown since joining the Browns two weeks ago in the wake of the Trent Richardson trade. He averaged 2.8 yards on 26 attempts. Gordon caught four passes for 86 yards.Weeden was sacked five times but threw for 197 yards without an interception after being named the backup just a day earlier.Chudzinski said Weeden practiced early in the week with a glove on his injured right hand but removed the glove Wednesday and went through a full workout.He earned his first win since Week 14 of last season and helped the Browns move above .500 after five games for the first time since 2001."To win one like this on a Thursday night with national coverage, it's big for that locker room," Weeden said.JOHN DUDLEY can be reached at 870-1677 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/ETNdudley.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage