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- Sep 06 Fri 2013 15:20
(吉隆坡4日訊)為吸引各國遊客到亞洲國家觀光的“一個亞洲通行證”(One Asia Pass)於週三正式啟動,儲存今後遊客只要登陸亞洲旅遊促進協會(CPTA)的網上專頁,即可快速連接至參與這項計劃的8個亞洲城市的網頁,以享有這些城市觀光旅遊的優惠和便利。“一個亞洲通行證”獲得亞洲旅遊促進協會的認可,並由吉隆坡、東京、首爾、台北、河內、曼谷、雅加達及新德里官方機構攜手推薦給遊客,網上專頁是.welcomeasia.jp。公眾也可在本月6至9日到吉隆坡太子世界貿易中心舉行的2013年大馬國際旅遊展(MATTA Fair)的亞洲旅遊促進協會專柜,以瞭解有關如何取得“一個亞洲通行證”的詳情,並從即日起策劃到這8個城市觀光旅遊。吉隆坡市政局總監拿督沙烈尤索夫週三為“一個亞洲通行證”主持推展儀式時說,這項計劃是為了配合“歡迎到亞洲”的宣傳口號而推展,以讓亞洲超過一個城市,成為全球遊客聚焦的觀光景點,秘書處是在東京。“來自東京、雅加達、台北、河內及新德里的觀光局官員和代表也參與了在吉隆坡舉行,並由東京觀光部產業勞動局局長塚田祐次主持的第十二屆亞洲旅遊促進協會研討會。”他說,吸引遊客到亞洲國家觀光的關鍵因素新蒲崗迷你倉是在於結合各國的力量,才能達到成功的效果,倘若各國仍採取保守和各別的宣傳和促銷手法,將不得不花費更多財力和物力在廣告和促銷,才能增加遊客的觀光人次,其效果也可能適得其反。“一個亞洲通行證的概念是2010年在吉隆坡舉行的第九屆亞洲旅遊促進協會研討會孕育而生,當時各區域的國家呈上了相關的建議書,並耗時大約3年的研究才加以落實。”沙烈尤索夫說,一個亞洲通行證是一個很好的開始,並且能為到亞洲國家來觀光的遊客帶來最好的優惠,他深信這將吸引更多歐美及其他區域國家的遊客到亞洲國家觀光。此外,受詢及何以新加坡及菲律賓沒有參與這項計劃,以及該協會是否有意招徠其他亞洲城市加入時,塚田祐次指出,這項計劃是開放給亞洲各國自願性參與,因此若有任何國家願意加入,該協會是無任歡迎。台北市政府觀光傳播局觀光發展科科長王大同受詢時說,該計劃是多年前由東京市長倡議發起,並召集亞洲各首都市政府決策單位共同參與。出席者包括東京觀光部產業勞動局擔當課長前田千歲、台北市政府觀光傳播局觀光發展科科長王大同、河內文化、體育及旅遊部副總監鍾明前(譯音)、新德里旅遊及交通發展機構財務主管墨拉、雅加達專區旅遊局旅遊和文化宣傳局主任古爾尼亞。;mini storage
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 15:00
9月4日,儲存倉江西洪大第二屆中秋購物節在在江西省展覽中心分館(南昌市長途汽車站)盛大�幕,各式月餅、名優食品、銀行、等展商齊聚一堂,為江西市民帶來最齊全、最優質、最超值的中秋好禮。洪宏投資發展有限公司總經理曾柳青介紹道:“第二屆中秋購物節將于9月4日———19日進行為期半個月的展銷,各式月餅、煙酒、飲料、豪車、銀行紛紛加入,為企業和廣大消費者搭建一個“交流、對接、展示、購物”的最佳平台。據瞭解,今年洪大中秋購物節相比去年將呈現更多亮點,主題活動更為豐富。現場不僅將評選出“江西市民最喜愛的月餅”、“江西市民最信賴的食用油”,“江西市民最愛喝的飲料”等十多個獎項,並且每天還有月餅好禮相送。參加展銷的經銷商也紛紛表示對此次洪大中秋購物節很有信心,十八里酒鋪的負責人吳先生說道,選址參展主要看迷你倉價錢洪大的品牌優勢和十余家媒體宣傳優勢,另外選址在市中心,人流量大。去年參加洪大中秋購物節的騰王閣月餅嘗到了甜頭,不到一個月的時間銷售額就達到了70多萬。“今年我們有信心超過100萬,”負責 人時主任笑著憧憬道。中秋節是百姓走親訪友,企事業單位禮品採購、發放福利、的重要時段,也是各大公司、品牌企業一年中重要的銷售高峰期。洪大中秋購物節為很多機關和企業單位採購解決了燃眉之急,記者在現場看到很多人都是集中採購,王娜每年都要負責公司中秋福利採購,她笑著對記者說道:“這裡品種多,價錢也便宜,真的是太方便了,沒想到一下就搞定了。”江西中秋購物節相比其他城市一直是一個空白點,此次洪大中秋購物節一方面弘揚了中國傳統的中秋文化,也豐富了百姓生活,方便市民集中採購,將為廣大市民打造一道精美的購物“大餐”。迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 14:52
兩岸四地學者 論中俄關係
香港文匯報訊 香港亞太21學會日前聯同香港樹仁大學、澳門歷史文物關注協會、澳門黑龍江省經貿促進會等合辦《2013港澳與中俄關係論壇》。來自海峽兩岸四地和俄羅斯的專家學者與會,文件倉共同探討中俄關係及港澳特區的角色。羅邦復黃枝連主持閉幕禮 第一部分《港俄論壇》,於8月19日至20日在香港樹仁大學舉行,校監胡鴻烈博士致開幕辭。俄中等地學產官代表分享中俄關係歷史,由政治、文化、旅遊、經貿、傳媒等視角,多方檢視及論辯從港澳到世界的中俄關係發展概況與現實問題。各地代表更對俄羅斯在港澳和亞太地區未來日漸重要的角色予以關注和期盼。俄羅斯駐港澳領事羅邦復(Mr. Igor V. Lobanov),以及香港亞太21學會會長黃枝連教授,共同總結和主持閉幕禮。 第二部分《澳俄論壇》由澳門歷史文物關注協會、澳門黑龍江省經貿促進會、香港亞太21學會駐澳門辦事處主辦。論壇首天於8月21日在澳存倉貿易投資促進局商務促進中心舉行,以經貿旅遊合作關係前瞻為主題,討論澳門世界旅遊休閒中心建設;澳門特區在中俄經貿旅遊合作發展的角色;澳門、橫琴開發合作模式對黑龍江省中俄跨境自由經貿區的參考作用等各項議題。論壇回顧了澳門與俄羅斯關係歷史、澳門傳教士徐日昇在中俄尼布楚條約中的影響,以及俄羅斯與中、澳和歐洲之間的橋梁作用,並思考了澳門特區在今日亞洲中俄美大國互動棋局中的角色。 香港亞太21學會是1985年由黃枝連教授和香港的一群專業人士合作成立,發展為大中華地區(內地、台灣、香港、澳門)各界人士所共同參與、以開展亞太地區21世紀發展策略、前景與規劃合作問題的交流協作為宗旨的學會基金會。成員以志工—義工身份推動會務。成立以來,學會以「學產官三結合」和「跨越時空.產業.文化發展協作」、「策略聯盟.網絡協作」等範式,成功組織「中華經濟協作系統」、「亞歐大陸橋」等主題的國際研討會。迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 13:11
Happy Meals: Fun fresh ideas for school lunches
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.存倉 05--Heard the one about being able to lead a horse to water but not make him drink? The same could be said for school lunches.Pack something your kid doesn't like, or gets mushy or bruised in transit, or doesn't stay hot/cold like it's supposed to, and the nutritious midday meal you stressed over while sleepily gulping coffee just might end up in the trash.It's enough to drive even seasoned parents crazy.But pack away we must, because no child should go an entire school day without eating something that's good for them. Study after study has shown that kids do better in class when they refuel with a nutritious meal at lunchtime, which this year for my senior daughters rolls around at 10:30 a.m.A well-balanced lunch is even more important if your kid is athletic. Kicking a soccer ball or running pyramids at after-school practices burns up calories, so if she's not eating properly at lunchtime, she might not able to keep up. Whereas a sedentary teenaged girl should eat between 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day (2,000 to 2,400 for boys), one who plays sports requires up to 2,400, depending on the length and intensity of her workout. That includes 46 grams of protein each day to grow and develop properly. Active teenaged boys need even more -- between 2,800 to 3,500 calories per day and 58 grams of protein.So what's the trick in packing a lunch your kid, big or small, will actually eat?For starters, says J.M. Hirsch, national food editor for the Associated Press, you need to include him in the shopping, prepping and packing."The sense of ownership this fosters pays dividends when it comes to getting them to actually eat the food," he writes in his excellent new book "Beating the Lunch Box Blues" (Rachael Ray Books, Sept. 2013, $18).Mr. Hirsch has lots of other good ideas for packing the perfect school lunch, including swapping pancakes and waffles for bread in sandwiches, and choosing lunchboxes with multiple containers/compartments."Having choices makes lunch more interesting," he writes. "It also spurs creativity when you're packing them."Below, we offer a few kid-chosen and -tested recipes from his book we think your children will love, too. We also explore two other new books that aim to take some of the pressure off packing the perfect school lunch:--"Best Lunch Box Ever" by Katie Sullivan Morford (Chronicle, July 2013, $24.95).--"Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunch Box with More Than 160 Happier Meals" by Catherine McCord (William Morrow, Sept. 2013, $29.95).Assemble and enjoy!Chinese tacosPG testedKids will love these because they're fun to assemble. That includes my daughters, who are newly minted seniors. Two days into the new school year, and they've asked for it both mornings.If your kids don't like cashews, substitute peanuts. Or, leave the nuts out altogether and make up the difference with diced red pepper and/or shredded carrot.(ASTERISK)1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon hoisin sauce(ASTERISK)1 teaspoon soy sauce(ASTERISK)1 tablespoon seasoned rice vinegar(ASTERISK)1 cup leftover cooked chicken, beef or pork(ASTERISK){ cup coarsely chopped mung bean sprouts(ASTERISK)\ cup finely chopped English cucumber(ASTERISK)2 tablespoons chopped roasted cashews or peanuts (I omitted)(ASTERISK)\ cup shredded carrot or diced pepper (optional)(ASTERISK)4 medium crunchy Boston or bibb lettuce leavesIn a medium bowl, whisk together hoisin sauce, soy sauce and rice vinegar. Add chicken, bean sprouts, cucumber, cashews and carrots/peppers and stir until the ingredients are evenly coated with sauce.Divide chicken mixture between 2 containers and pack the lettuce in 2 other containers.Makes 2 servings.-- Adapted from "Best Lunch Box Ever" by Katie Sullivan Morford (Chronicle, Aug. 2013, $24.95)Chicken Caesar SandwichPG testedI made the chicken dinner recipe below and used the leftovers, as per the book, for lunch sandwiches, made with 100-percent whole-wheat flat breads, but you also could stuff the filling into a pita.For chicken(ASTERISK)1 cup all-purpose flour(ASTERISK)1 teaspoon kosher salt(ASTERISK){ teaspoon ground black pepper(ASTERISK)4 eggs(ASTERISK)3 tablespoons Dijon mustard(ASTERISK)4 cups panko breadcrumbs(ASTERISK)2 teaspoons chili powder(ASTERISK)4 { pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts>For sandwiches(ASTERISK)4 whole-wheat flour tortillas or pita breads(ASTERISK)Bottled or homemade Caesar dressing(ASTERISK)Julienned carrot(ASTERISK)LettuceHeat oven to 375 degrees. Line 2 rimmed baking sheets with foil, then coat them lightly with cooking spray.In a wide, shallow bowl, mix flour, salt and pepper. In a second bowl, whisk together eggs and mustard. In a third, mix panko and chili powder.One at a time, lay each chicken breast flat on cutting board. Slice lengthwise into 3 or 4 strips.One at a time, place each strip in flour, lightly coating both sides. Next, dip tender in the egg, coating it but shaking off any excess. Finally, dip in the panko mixture, coating it evenly. Place finished tender on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining tenders,Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until lightly golden.To make sandwiches, spread 1 to 2 tablespoons dressing down the center of each tortilla or inside each pita. Layer the carrots and lettuce over the dressing. Top each tortilla with 3 or 4 chicken tenders.Roll the ingredients in each tortilla to form a tight bundle. Cut crossways in half. Wrap well or store in snug containers.Makes 4 sandwiches.-- "Beating the Lunchbox Blues" by J.M. Hirsch (Rachael Ray, Sept. 2013, $18)Oriental Rice SaladPG tested(ASTERISK){ cup brown basmati rice(ASTERISK){ red bell pepper, seeded and diced(ASTERISK)2 scallions, thinly sliced(ASTERISK)3 baby corn, quartered(ASTERISK)2 tablespoons toasted sunflower and sesame seeds(ASTERISK)Dressing(ASTERISK)1 tablespoon apple juice(ASTERISK)2 teaspoons tamari or soy sauce(ASTERISK)2 teaspoons rice wine or white wine vinegar(ASTERISK){ teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder(ASTERISK)1 teaspoon honey(ASTERISK){ to 1 teaspoon grated fresh gingerPut rice in pan with plenty of salted water, bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes or until cooked. Drain and rinse under cold running water until cold.Put cooked rice, vegetables and toasted seeds in a bowl.Mix together the ingredients for the dressing, then pour over the salad, turning it gently until it is well coated.Serves 2.-- "The Top 100 Recipes for a Healthy Lunchbox" by Nicola Graimes (Duncan Baird, 2007).Crunchy Sweet Potato ChipsPG testedMy kids never quite jumped on the kale train, but they do love their sweet potatoes. These crunchy chips pack a nutritional punch -- one sweet potato provides 65 percent of the day's requirement of Vitamin A and it's also high in calcium, folate, potassium and beta-carotene. In other words, no guilt!For more spice, sprinkle with chili powder and cumin before baking. Or experiment with your favorite spice combinations.(ASTERISK)2 sweet potatoes, unpeeled(ASTERISK)1 tablespoon vegetable oil(ASTERISK)Salt to taste(ASTERISK)Cooking sprayPreheat oven to 400 degrees.Slice potatoes into [-inch-thick "chips" using a knife or mandoline.Combine potatoes, oil and salt in a bowl or resealable bag and toss to coat. Spray 2 baking sheets with a thin coating of cooking spray and spread potatoes in a single layer.Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until chips start to turn golden. F迷你倉ip chips and bake for 15 minutes more.Makes 2 to 3 cups of chips.-- "Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunch Box with More Than 160 Happier Meals" by Catherine McCord (Morrow, Sept. 2013, $29.95)Roasted Carrot HummusPG testedRoasting the carrots in this easy, protein-rich hummus recipe adds a caramelly sweetness. This holds up well unrefrigerated, making it perfect for lunch bags. Serve with toasted whole-wheat pitas cut into wedges or your child's favorite fresh vegetables.(ASTERISK)3 large carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces(ASTERISK)1 garlic clove(ASTERISK)2 teaspoons olive oil(ASTERISK){ teaspoon kosher salt(ASTERISK)15-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed(ASTERISK)2 tablespoons lemon juice(ASTERISK)2 tablespoons peanut butter, almond butter or tahini (sesame paste)(ASTERISK)Toasted whole-wheat pitas, cut into wedges(ASTERISK)Cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, pretzel sticks or rice cakes for dippingPreheat oven to 400 degrees.Place carrots and whole garlic clove on baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and toss to coat. Roast for 45 minutes, or until carrots are fork tender and starting to caramelize.Place all ingredients except pitas in food processor and puree until smooth. If it seems a little thick, thin with additional olive oil or hot water, a tablespoon at a time, until desired consistency is reached.Makes 2 cups.-- "Weelicious Lunches: Think Outside the Lunch Box with More Than 160 Happier Meals" by Catherine McCord (Morrow, Sept. 2013, $29.95)Quinoa with Mango and curried yogurtPG testedThis is an oldie but goodie in our household. I love this recipe because few foods can match quinoa's nutritional profile while at the same time knocking your socks off with good taste. A complete protein, quinoa contains all eight essential amino acids, and it's also rich in calcium, iron, fiber and potassium. Perfect for growing bodies.(ASTERISK)1/3 cup plain yogurt (I used Greek yogurt, which is creamier than regular yogurt)(ASTERISK)1 tablespoon fresh lime juice(ASTERISK)2 teaspoons curry powder(ASTERISK)1 teaspoon finely grated peeled fresh ginger(ASTERISK)Salt(ASTERISK)\ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper(ASTERISK)2 tablespoons vegetable or peanut oil(ASTERISK)1 1/3 cups quinoa(ASTERISK)1 pound firm but ripe mango, peeled, pitted and cut into {-inch chunks(ASTERISK)1 red bell pepper, cored, seeded and cut into \-inch dice(ASTERISK)1 jalapeno chile, seeded if desired (for less heat) and minced(ASTERISK)1/3 cup chopped fresh mint(ASTERISK){ cup salted roasted peanuts, choppedWhisk together yogurt, lime juice, curry powder, ginger, } teaspoon salt, and pepper in large bowl. Add oil in a slow stream, whisking until combined.Rinse quinoa in 3 changes of cold water in a bowl, draining in a sieve between changes. Cook in a 4- to 5-quart pot of boiling salted water (2 teaspoons salt), uncovered, for 10 minutes. Drain in a large sieve and rinse under cold water.Set sieve with quinoa over a saucepan containing 1{ inches boiling water, cover with a kitchen towel and the lid, and steam quinoa until fluffy and dry, 10 to 12 minutes.Toss quinoa with curried yogurt and remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Serve warm or at room temperature. Can be made up to 1 day ahead and refrigerated. Bring to room temperature before serving.Serves 6 as a side dish, or 4 a main-course salad.-- "Gourmet Today" (Houghton Mifflin)Easy pizza cupsPG testedWhat kid doesn't like pizza? 'Nuf said.(ASTERISK)30 frozen mini phyllo shells(ASTERISK)Shredded mozzarella cheese(ASTERISK)Pepperoni slices(ASTERISK)Cherry tomatoes, sliced in halfPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Fill cups with shredded cheese, pepperoni and sliced cherry tomatoes. Bake until cheese is melted and lightly browned, 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool and pack.Makes 30 pizza cups.-- "Beating the Lunchbox Blues" by J.M. Hirsch (Rachael Ray, Sept. 2013, $18)Chocolate Chip-Pretzel CookiesPG tested(ASTERISK)} cup whole-wheat pastry flour(ASTERISK)} cup rolled oats (not quick oats)(ASTERISK){ teaspoon baking soda(ASTERISK)6 tablespoons unsalted butter at room temperature(ASTERISK)\ cup granulated sugar(ASTERISK){ cup firmly packed brown sugar(ASTERISK){ teaspoon vanilla extract(ASTERISK)1 egg(ASTERISK)2/3 cup bittersweet or semisweet chocolate chips(ASTERISK){ cup salted roasted shelled pistachios(ASTERISK)1 { cups salted mini pretzels (preferably whole-grain)Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 3 baking sheets with parchment paper.In a medium bowl, add flour, oats and baking soda and stir with a fork.Using an electric mixer on medium speed, in a large bowl, beat together the butter, granulated sugar and brown sugar until creamy, 1 to 2 minutes. Add vanilla and egg, and beat again until smooth, about 30 seconds.Add chocolate chips and pistachios to dough, and continue beating on low speed until just combined. Add pretzels and beat for another 10 seconds to break them up a little and incorporate them into the dough.Drop rounded teaspoons of dough about 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets.Bake until cookies are golden brown around the edges, 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool on baking sheets for a few minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container for up to 5 days in the pantry or up to 2 weeks in the freezer.Makes about 3 dozen cookies.-- "Best Lunch Box Ever" by Katie Sullivan Morford (Chronicle, August 2013, $24.95)American Chop SueyPG testedIn his new book , Associated Press food editor J.M. Hirsch is all about making dishes that will provide leftovers for lunch. One unusual idea: Make Ham and Cheese Muffin Cups for breakfast by coating a muffin tin with cooking spray, pressing a slice of deli ham into each cup, then filling each with an egg, cheese and chopped veggies.This dish he says can be sent for lunch in an insulated container warm. You can even spoon it onto a bun, a la sloppy Joes, or spoon it into large Boston lettuce leaves for make-your-own lettuce wraps.(ASTERISK)1 large yellow onion, chopped(ASTERISK)3 red bell peppers, cored and diced (about 3 cups), divided(ASTERISK)15-ounce can tomato sauce(ASTERISK)1 tablespoon soy sauce(ASTERISK)2 teaspoons Italian seasoning(ASTERISK)3-ounce package diced pancetta(ASTERISK)3 garlic cloves, minced(ASTERISK)2 pounds ground bison or lean turkey(ASTERISK)14 {-ounce can diced tomatoes(ASTERISK)2 cups beef broth(ASTERISK)12 ounces whole-wheat elbow macaroni(ASTERISK)Kosher salt and ground pepperIn a blender, combine onion, two-thirds of the diced bell peppers, the tomato sauce, soy sauce and Italian seasoning. Puree until smooth. Set aside.In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, brown the pancetta for 3 minutes. Add the garlic and remaining bell pepper and saute for 3 minutes. Add the bison and brown, breaking up any large clumps. Add the onion-bell pepper mixture from the blender, the diced tomatoes, broth and pasta.Bring to a simmer, then cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the pasta is tender, about 15 to 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.Makes "4 mains plus ample leftovers."-- "Beating the Lunch Box Blues" by J.M. Hirsch (Rachael Ray, Sept. 2013, $18)Gretchen McKay: gmckay@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1419 or on Twitter @gtmckay.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 13:09
Working farms offer lessons in both history, agriculture
Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioSept.儲存 05--Slate Run Historical Farm isn't a museum -- it's a working farm set up to resemble one in the 1880s.That means that some of the estimated 60,000 annual visitors catch the staff members in period costumes performing mundane chores."They'll come by and see us sweeping floors or cleaning stalls and say, 'Aren't you doing anything today?'??" program manager Ann Culek said. "I tell them it's sort of like if we came to your house: One day you're having a party, and other days you're mowing the lawn."The farm, about 20 miles southeast of Columbus, hosts plenty of "parties." Many of the programs book up well in advance, such as a family sleepover on Saturday, for which all 30 slots are filled.The semi-regular Saturday morning chores, limited to 10 people, also almost always fill up in advance. (The Sept. 14 program is almost full.)Organizers impose limits for special events, Culek said, because they want the experiences to be meaningful."Our philosophy is to let people be as hands-on as possible," Culek said. "By the time you get 60 or 80 people standing in line to do something, it starts to lose what makes this place so special."The good news for visitors is that Slate Run is open six days a week, and the fall -- with its cooler weather and harvest-related activities -- might be its most popular season."People realize winter is coming, so while it's still nice, it can be a fairly busy experience here," Culek said.She recommends visiting on a weekday morning, if possible, for a quieter experience.Many families, Culek said, take children first to nearby Slate Run Metro Park, with its trails, picnic areas and playground. Then they visit th新蒲崗迷你倉 farm, where animals such as cows, ducks and sheep are star attractions."When it's a nice day, it doesn't matter what program we're running," Culek said. "We provide a low-key experience for the family -- nothing to buy, nothing to sell -- just come out and be in nature and be with the animals."A similar experience can be found north of Columbus at Gallant Farm Preserve in rural Delaware County, part of the Preservation Parks system.Gallant opened in October 2012, "and visitation is going well," said Rich Niccum, education-services manager for the park system.Before Gallant opened, Niccum visited Slate Run to get ideas. But Gallant is different in several key ways -- including that it is modeled after a 1930s-era farm."We chose that time period because nobody else was doing it," Niccum said. "A lot of living-history farms do that middle- to late-1800s era. Not a lot do the early 20th century."Unlike Slate Run, which centers on a restored 1856 farmhouse, parks officials constructed all the buildings at Gallant. It is open four afternoons a week.The two staff members at Gallant (one full time, the other part time) straddle the line between manual and mechanical methods as they plow fields, cook, can produce or tend the garden."We wanted to make it feel as comfortable as possible for visitors," Niccum said. "They can come in, sit on the furniture and touch things. We want people to feel like they're back in time 70 years and feel at home, and I think we've accomplished that."kgordon@dispatch.com@kgdispatchCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 13:03
EDITORIAL: RTD must explain new hub better
Source: The Record, Stockton, Calif.文件倉Sept. 05--Which comes first, serving riders or servicing buses?That's the question the San Joaquin Regional Transit District board has answered much to the irritation of some riders, who've complained bitterly about what seems to be the ongoing reduction in bus service, and some workers, who've complained just as bitterly about their reduced hours.District officials make the reasonable argument that it makes economic sense to consolidate fleet service needs in a new $44 million bus-maintenance hub. And, they point out, most of the money for the project comes to RTD with strings attached, in this case meaning the money can't be used for operations.That latter point -- a common budget quirk with grants -- is likely lost on some, especially a rider waiting at a bus stop with the week's groceries when there are fewer buses running. If you're that person, you only want more buses and more convenience.However, if you're an RTD official trying to fathom transit service years ahead, it's not hard to see the system is outgrowing current facilities and it isn't getting any cheaper to build new ones.The problem is how to square that need with th存倉 public perception you're empire building, constructing expensive, unneeded facilities because, well, there is grant money available to do it. Part of the public's skepticism is the reality that while most people know buses have to be maintained and they want the buses they ride to be clean, what they want more than anything is not to wait long at the bus stop and not to pay more for the ride.Last month, large numbers of RTD employees called in sick to get the point across that the district needs its workers as much as the workers need their jobs. That delayed buses on the scaled-back routes even more, and that meant even more public irritation.There are no easy answers, but it strikes us the district has done a poor job of explaining itself to its riders. Along with the $44 million the district is spending on the first phase of its maintenance hub upgrade, district officials might want to spend a bit more time explaining how this really benefits riders. It wouldn't hurt to also explain how this benefits RTD workers.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Record (Stockton, Calif.) Visit The Record (Stockton, Calif.) at .recordnet.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 12:58
Time for harvest and sowing for future
h e following is the translation of Chi- nese Premier Li Keqiang’s keynote speech at the tenth China-ASEAN Expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, which runs from Sept 3 to 6 in Nanning, capital of south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.儲存Distinguished guests, ladies, gentlemen and friends, This year marks the tenth anniversary of the establish- ment of China-ASEAN strategic part- nership and the holding of the China- ASEAN Expo. In many of our oriental countries, there is such a popular saying as “a grand celebration in every 10th year”. Today, the hall is full of distin- guished guests and i lled with festive air.China has another saying — “it takes a decade for a tree to grow up”. h e China- ASEAN strategic partnership has gone through 10 years, like a fully grown tree, which is thriving and fruitful. Now, it is time for harvest as well as sowing for the future. I have full coni dence in the future development of China-ASEAN relations.On behalf of the Chinese government, I extend my warm welcome to all distin- guished guests from various countries, and I send my sincere congratulations to the successful holding of the China- ASEAN Expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit.Peace and development remain the underlying trends of the world. China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, and make positive contri- butions to the prosperity and stability of this region and the world. Neighboring areas have always been the focus and top priority of China’s diplomacy. China’snew government will more unswervingly uphold the foreign policy of friendship and partnership with neighboring coun- tries, more actively realize the conjunc- tion between Chinese development strat- egies and the development goals of neigh- boring countries, and more i rmly and ef ectively build a community of common destiny to share peace and prosperity.China and the ASEAN are close neigh- bors that share ai nitive cultures, bloods and common interests. China is the i rst outside big country to accede to the Trea- ty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia. It is also the i rst country to establish strategic partnership with the ASEAN, and to launch and complete the estab- lishment of the free trade area with the ASEAN. Over the past decade since the establishment of China-ASEAN strategic partnership, the relations between the two sides have always featured mutual respect, equal treatment, good relations of neigh- borhood and mutual benei t. Mutual trust between the two sides has been constantly enhanced, practical cooperation deep- ened, while people-to-people and cultural exchanges are more frequent, and cooper- ation in various i elds has made substan- tial progress. All the above aspects have brought tangible benei ts to countries in the region and their people.Nevertheless, we have also noticed that there exist some disruptive factors in the region that are against stability and devel- opment, but they are not mainstreams.Regarding South China Sea disputes, China has always i rmly held that the immediate disputing parties should seek sound solutions through friendly negotia- tions on the basis of respecting historical facts and international laws. h e Chinese government is one of accountability, and is willing to seek sound solutions through friendly negotiations. h e Chinese side maintains that the South China Sea dis- putes are not an issue between China and the ASEAN, and they should not and will not af ect the overall China-ASEAN cooperation. Ten years ago, China and ASEAN countries jointly signed the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, which has i rmly maintained peace and stability and sub- stantially safeguarded free voyages in the South China Sea. China will continue to comprehensively implement all provi- sions in the Declaration with an attitude of accountability, and steadily facilitate talks over a code of conduct in the South China Sea step by step under the frame- work of the Declaration.Here, on behalf of the Chinese govern- ment, I solemnly declare that China’sgood-neighborly policy toward the ASEAN is not a matter of expediency, but a long-term strategic option of China.China will i rmly prioritize ASEAN member countries in the country’speripheral diplomacy, i rmly deepen the strategic partnership with the ASEAN, and i rmly cooperate with the ASEAN to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the region, including the South China Sea. Meanwhile, China will keep support- ing the development of the ASEAN, the establishment of the ASEAN community, as well as upholding the dominant role of the ASEAN in east Asian coopera- tion. China-ASEAN relations must be long-run and friendly, cooperative and mutually benei cial, and fully embody the importance of the strategic partnership between the two sides.Ladies and gentlemen!h e international situation continues to undergo complex and profound changes at present. h ere are some positive signs in the economy of developed countries, and emerging economies and developing countries have shown great potentials in market expansion. h ese are favor- able and positive factors. Meanwhile, the world economy is in in-depth adjustment, and the global economic recovery is fac- ing a lot of uncertainties and unstable factors. h e profound impact of the inter- national i nancial crisis has not ended, with structural contradictions, including out-of-control crisis, growth and North- South imbalances, remain outstanding.To deal with dii culties and challenges faced by dif erent countries, development is the essential resolution.Asia, which has nearly half of the world’s population and one-third of the global economy, has created a series of growth miracles. It has become one of the most vigorous regions of world economic development in recent years. But we also need to notice that development among Asian countries remain uneven, and the task of promoting growth and improving people’s well-being is arduous. Recently, capital l ows and i nancial markets in some emerging economies and develop- ing countries have been inl uenced sharp- ly due to the increasing expectations that some developed countries, major reserve currency issuing countries in particular, might withdraw from the quantitative easing monetary policies. Some Asian countries are among those af ected, fac- ing multiple challenges such as outl ow of capital, currency devaluation, slower growth and rising inl ation, which have aroused concerns from people and some friendly countries. Under the current circumstances, the major task of China and the ASEAN remains to develop their economy and improve people’s well- being. We should adhere to the guide- line of giving priority to the economies, development and people’s well-being. We should focus our attention to those three aspects and keep advocating the spirit of unity and cooperation, as well as helping each other. We should also join hands to deal with possible and unforeseeable risks and challenges, and strive to keep the economy running smoothly and health- ily. h is is a common interest for all sides, and also for their people.Ladies and gentlemen!China and the ASEAN have achieved signii cant progress in the past decade under the meticulous cultivation by leaders of each countries. h e two sides have witnessed a golden decade of China- ASEAN cooperation, with bilateral trade volume increasing by i vefold and the scale of two-way investment expanding threefold. We built up the largest free trade area of the developing countries across the world, which conform to the trend of development and bring benei ts to the people. h e ASEAN has already become the third largest trade partner of China. h e economic connection between China and the ASEAN has never been so close and interdependent as today.China and the ASEAN are natural partners. We are in the same phase fea- tured by accelerating industrialization and urbanization, and we have similar development goals and tasks. Pushing China-ASEAN economic cooperation and development will dei nitely unleash enormous vitality. During these couple of days, I have held wide-ranging and profound exchanges with leaders of the ASEAN countries and we reached a series of important consensus. We unanimously agreed that our common interests are expanding. We had the capabilities to create a “golden decade” in the past, we also have the power to create a “diamond decade” in the future. We need to carry forward the cause pioneered by our predecessors and forge ahead into the future. Standing at a new starting point in history, we should seek new strategic breakthroughs, constantly deepen prag- matic cooperation, and work together to upgrade the level of China-ASEAN coop- eration on the basis of enhancing political mutual trust and promoting the spirit of openness and inclusiveness, so as to promote the advancement of the bilateral strategic partnership. Hence, I raise the following proposals for cooperation新蒲崗迷你倉 h e i rst is to create an upgraded ver- sion of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. h e establishment of the China- ASEAN Free Trade Area has created a precedent for trade and investment cooperation in the Asia-Pacii c region, which greatly boosted the rapid develop- ment of bilateral economic and trade relations. Looking into the future, China will uphold traditions in the establish- ment of the free trade area over the past ten years, prioritize the ASEAN’s rep- resentation of their interests, and create more favorable conditions for ASEAN’sdevelopment. We are willing to upgrade and expand the content and scope of China-ASEAN free trade area agreement based on the principles of mutual benei t and common development. Both sides can consider deepening talks on further lowering tarif rates, cutting non-tarif - related measures, launching dialogues for a new round of service trade pledge, and pushing forward the actual opening-up for investment through policies concern- ing access and personnel travels, so as to boost the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. h is will enable the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area to keep up with the times and make it into an upgraded version covering more areas and with higher quality. We are willing to sign long-term trade agreements for agricultural products with the ASEAN, actively expand the imports of ASEAN products that are competitive and appeal- ing to the Chinese market. We aim to expand bilateral trade volume to one trillion U.S. dollars by 2020, meanwhile, increase bilateral investment by 150 billion dollars during the next eight years. Just as the ASEAN is the priority in China’speripheral diplomacy, the ASEAN is also the priority of China’s outbound invest- ment. We also welcome enterprises in the ASEAN countries to invest and start busi- nesses in China.Meanwhile, China is willing to join hands with the ASEAN to advance talks of Regional Comprehensive Eco- nomic Partnership (RCEP), and discuss exchanges and interactions with frame- works such as Trans-Pacii c Partnership (TPP) Agreement, so as to create an open, inclusive and mutually benei cial climate to “make the two wheels of regional and global trade roll together”.h e second is to boost mutual connec- tivity. We need to speed up cooperation in boosting mutual connectivity in areas such as roads, railways, water transport, aviation, telecommunication and energy.More ef orts will be made to facilitate the gradual launch and construction of Pan-Asia Railway network and ef ectively carry out certain key projects. China will initiate a new round of targeted loans and give full play to the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund, and work actively with various sides to establish a i nancing platform in Asia to fund large- scale infrastructure projects. While step- ping up the “hardware link”, China and the ASEAN will also beef up ef orts in improving the rules of origin implemen- tation mechanism, and boost “sot ware connection” in standard systems such as information exchange, customs clearance and quality control, in order to create conditions for the gradual building of an infrastructure-connected Asia. h e two sides should also expand investment and industrial cooperation, jointly foster a batch of green and highly ei cient indus- trial parks to realize mutual integration.h e third is to boost i nancial coopera- tion. h is is extremely crucial to safe- guard i nancial and economic stability in the region. In recent years, China-ASEAN i nancial cooperation has made profound achievements and the overall scale of “Chiang Mai Initiative” multilateralization agreement has expanded to 240 billion dollars. h e Chinese side is willing to con- tinue to work with the ASEAN members to strengthen multi-layer regional i nan- cial security network, promote the sub- stantial implementation of the bilateral local-currency swap agreement, encour- age cross-border trade and investment settlements in local currencies, facilitate ASEAN institutions to invest in Chinese bond markets and constantly improve early-warning and bail-out mechanisms on regional i nancial risks. I believe the region’s members are capable of coping with various dii culties and challenges, and by joining hands and helping each other, China and the ASEAN are sure to be able to maintain the steady economic growth and economic and i nancial sta- bility in the region.h e fourth is to carry out maritime cooperation. h is is a key i eld for the two sides to expand cooperation. h e Chinese side proposes to set up “China-ASEAN maritime partnership”. At the forum, the China-ASEAN harbor city cooperation network will be launched. We have input 3 billion yuan in setting up the China- ASEAN maritime cooperation fund.We are doing researches in carrying on a series of cooperation projects, giving priorities to construction of i shery bases, environmental protection for maritime ecology, seafood production and trade, navigation safety and search and rescue, and facilitation of maritime transporta- tion. We are expecting for the active par- ticipation of the ASEAN countries.h e i t h is to promote people-to- people and cultural exchanges. h e Chinese side initiates to set the year 2014 as “China-ASEAN Friendly Exchange Year”. China will of er 15,000 government scholarship seats for the ASEAN coun- tries in the next three to i ve years. China will also invest in a special fund for Asian regional cooperation to deepen people- to-people and cultural cooperation. We will further make China-ASEAN Youth Society and China-ASEAN h ink Tank Network play more active roles. I hope the media will continue to support the China-ASEAN development and send the messages of friendly cooperation and greater coni dence to the world. To help China is to help the ASEAN countries and the vice versa, and by helping each other, we can achieve mutual benei t and win-win results.Ladies and Gentlemen!Here, let me introduce the current economic situation of China. Since the beginning of this year, we have been confronted with a complicated situation with economic downward pressure and a sluggish external market. We sized up the situation and stayed calm. We stabilized macro-economic polices and timely clari- i ed the reasonable range of the Chinese economy. We coordinated tasks of stabi- lizing growth, restructuring the economy and promoting reforms. We conducted our work in a systematic, comprehensive, and targeted way to unleash dividends of reform initiatives. We actively pro- moted the work to optimize economic structure and gave full play to the market mechanism. We i rmly moved towards this orientation. Even with increasing downward pressure, we addressed prob- lems through reforms, and we ensured that major economic indicators are above a l oor level and under a ceiling through structural adjustment. h ese measures, which address the present issues as well as long-term problems, and draw on China’sadvantages and avoid disadvantages, have started to show positive ef ects. Chinese economy maintained steady growth in the i rst half of the year. Recent data showed that employment and consumer prices are stable in China, a bumper har- vest is expected, and there is pickup in industrial production, foreign trade and foreign investment utilization i gures. h e market expectation is improving, and the coni dence is increasing. Of course, we can not slack of and take the situation lightly. We are fully aware that a number of dii culties and challenges are ahead.Some are foreseeable and some are not.But we have conditions and capabili- ties to achieve main tasks for this year’ssocial and economic development. We are determined to lay a good founda- tion for China’s economic development in the next year, in the future and for the country’s long-term, sustainable and healthy economic development. China’sdevelopment will not only improve the well-being of the Chinese people, but also bring more development and market opportunities to other countries includ- ing ASEAN nations.China and Southeast Asian countries had been linked by the ancient maritime Silk Road more than 2,000 years ago, and now we are relaying the historic glory. The past decade has seen the China-ASEAN Expo and the China- ASEAN Business and Investment Summit grow and prosper at a fast speed, and we hope it will keep going smoothly. In Chinese, the name of the expo venue “Nanning” carried the meaning of “peace and tranquility in the south”. For the 1.9 billion peace-loving, hard- working, and intelligent people in China and the ASEAN, a stable environment promises prosperity and power. I believe China and the ASEAN will see our road of cooperation become wider and our mutually beneficial out- comes more plentiful and substantial.Finally, I wish our guests every success in your work and good health during the expo and the summit, and I wish the tenth China-ASEAN Expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit a complete success!Thank you.mini storage
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 12:49
Chinese, US firms agree to co-produce helicopters
China’s Changhe Aircraft Industrial Group and US-based Sikorsky Aircraft Corp signed an agreement on Thursday to co-produce S-76D commercial utility helicopters.自存倉 CAIG, a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corp of China, a State-owned aerospace and defense company, will supply迷你倉新蒲崗S-76D parts and assemble the helicopters, according to the agreement signed at the ongoing China Helicopter Exposition in the northern port city of Tianjin. The 12-seat S-76D, which has a maximum take-off weight of 5.3 tons, is used for business, medical and rescue purposes.迷你倉出租
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 12:35
The pleasure principle
A prosperous economy alone is not always enough, reports Wang Shanshan in Beijing.迷你倉 Jessie Zhang is a receptionist at a multinational company in Beijing. Every day she takes delivery of around 100 packages, mainly the results of online shopping by colleagues. “When my co-workers come to collect their goodies, I can see the glitter in their eyes,” she said. “They are always very happy.” The Chinese are famous for their love of shopping. During the seven-day Spring Festival in February, Chinese tourists overseas bought goods worth $7.2 billion. Meanwhile, Chinese shoppers were responsible for two-thirds of luxury goods purchases in Europe over the same period. But the happiness of shopping is fleeting and quickly vanishes after one wears a new outfit to the office and enjoys that “look-at-me moment”, and the feel-good factor is replaced by anxiety about the credit card debt, according to psychologists. As China becomes wealthier, how can its people become happier? The country is undoubtedly the world’s second-largest economy, but the happiness of its people is less certain. At the end of 2012, a Gallup poll of 37 countries declared China to be the 10th-happiest country in the world, but in April of the same year a United Nations report put China at 70th. In his “Chinese Dream” speech in November, President Xi Jinping set the goals of “a prosperous country, a rejuvenated nation, and a happy people”. In 2011, Wang Yang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee, vowed to build a “happy Guangdong”, when he was Party secretary of the southern province. Psychological studies There is a clear limit to the extent to which societies can become happier through the simple expedient of economic growth, a view borne out by a number of psychological and sociological studies of happiness conducted during the past three decades. Rather, prosperity has to be shared more evenly and equitably, and there has to be greater social trust and greater confidence in the government, less corruption in business and official circles, fewer materialistic values, more freedom to choose what one does with one’s life, better education for the whole population, and a number of other factors. Happier people can promote better economic growth. Happiness at work is one of the main driving forces behind positive outcomes in the workplace, rather than just being a resultant product, as studies have widely proved. The determination of Chinese people to achieve happiness can be uplifting. There has long been a cultural difference between East and West about the definition of happiness, and traditional thoughts about the emotion were quite heavy-hearted. The ancient Chinese concept closest to happiness is probably that of fu. When the character was inscribed on oracle bones during the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th-11th century BC), it meant “to fill a wine jug at the altar and provide sustenance for a god”, although according to the early 2nd century dictionary Shuowen Jiezi or Explaining and Analyzing Characters, it equated to “worshipping a god”. A far more worldly definition was given in the Shang Shu, or The Book of Documents, a compilation of historical documents from before the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC). In those days, fu included concepts such as “longevity, prosperity, health, peace, virtue and a comfortable death”. Confucius (551-479 BC) did not talk about fu; in fact, there’s not a single mention of the concept in The Book of Conversations, the dialogues between the great sage and his disciples, according to Luo Lu, a professor at the National Taiwan University in Taipei, in a study of folk psychology. Ritual, or li, was valued much more than mundane happiness. As dictated by tradition, even today the Chinese often value an alternative way of feeling satisfied. “Human desires can be fulfilled through driving oneself hard and persistently striving, things that are valued highly in Western culture; or desires can be eliminated through even harder suppression and self-cultivation. “When a simple lifestyle is adopted, the mind is cleared and a state of ‘desirelessness’ finally breaks the vicious circle of the reproduction of desires, frustration, and misery,” wrote Luo. In mood studies, Chinese participants often report a lower level of happiness than Westerners, according to Dong Yan, an associate professor of psychology at Renmin University of China in Beijing. “It is rare that they are extremely happy and, if they are, they often worry that something bad may happen afterwards. The ancient notion of choosing the middle path still exerts a strong influence on most people,” said Dong. In cyber life, especially on social networks, the Chinese appear to be much happier. However, “it can often happen that when a smiling face is typed, the person in front of the computer is expressionless; it’s only when a laughing face appears, that she may crack a slight smile,” she said. The difference exists because the Chinese think of their feelings more in the context of social relationships and may want to entertain the people they are talking with on the Internet, she explained. ‘Easterlin paradox’ Understanding the Chinese mentality is important. In the eyes of researchers, China is a real life, real time experiment in how huge increases in incomes and drastic social change affect people’s happiness. Those in the “China experiment” school include leading 儲存sychologists and economists, such as Richard Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California, and the Nobel Prize laureate Jeffery Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. The “Easterlin Paradox” was a dominant theory for several decades. In a 1976 study that used data compiled in the US after World War II, Easterlin noted that wealthier individuals are happier than poorer ones at any given time. However, over time, society as a whole does not become happier as it becomes wealthier. Easterlin came to a similar conclusion about China in 2011. In the last 10 years, opposition to Easterlin has grown, supported by strong evidence, but many economists and psychologists agree that as countries become more developed, policies designed to raise the general level of happiness must target a great deal more than just economic growth. “Personal psychological status in China now is similar to that in the West after World War II. People are constantly searching for higher incomes, but that quest actually reduces one’s level of happiness,” said Zhang Jiming, a psychologist at Beijing Normal University. While it’s always nice to have more money, the craving for wealth may damage one’s personal happiness, according to an influential 1976 study in which thousands of freshmen students in the US were asked about the importance they attached to personal wealth. Nineteen years later, at age 37, the former students were re-interviewed. The results indicated that those who cared most about money were less happy with life in general and also with their family life, friendships and jobs. However, the most important driver of the Easterlin paradox is that individuals compare themselves with those around them. People are happier when they are higher than others on the social or income ladder. Neurologists and psychologists have repeatedly proved that individuals compare themselves with a large number of other people and feel strongly about it. According to the General Social Survey conducted in the US between 1975 and 2006, regular TV watchers see so many wealthy people on the screen that they underestimate their own incomes and feel worse about their lives. Comparisons Verna Liang is a prime example of the scourge of comparison. The office manager at a law firm in Beijing always feels tortured after a day’s small talk with her co-workers — lawyers from China and overseas, who all earn far more than she does. “Every lunchtime, they talk about investing in property in California, buying villas in Shunyi (a popular Beijing suburb), or, at the very least, sending their kids to international schools. Meanwhile, I have to ride the bus home,” she said. However, she does wear a Cartier watch. The tendency to make comparisons comes about because each person is, in a sense, two distinct people. Human beings constantly re-evaluate their lives; periodically one side of a person sits back and reflects, summarizing the events in their lives to date, while the other side experiences everyday life. A combination of the two affects people’s moods, stress levels and decision-making abilities, according to some psychological theories. However, compared with income equality, having an equal opportunity to pursue a better income is more important when it comes to personal happiness. “People hate inequality much more when they think it’s unfair,” according to the first UN World Happiness Report, published in April 2012. About 70 percent of US nationals believe that the poor have a chance of escaping poverty, compared with just 40 percent of Europeans. While that belief makes US citizens happier, the data also indicated a greater degree of intergenerational social mobility in Europe, the report said. To create equal opportunities, one of the first steps a government can take is to provide better education for the entire population, which helps to reduce social tension and, as a result, promotes a greater degree of general happiness, the report noted. ‘Lost wallet’ test People have a psychological need for a high level of trust in society, not just between citizens, but also in institutions such as government, said Lin Guirui, a psychology professor at Beijing’s Capital Normal University. The human need for trust was confirmed by the “lost wallet” experiment conducted by the Reader’s Digest Europe in 1996, when 10 wallets containing a small amount of cash, plus the contact details of the “owners”, were dropped at random in 20 cities in 14 European countries and also in 12 US cities. The number of wallets returned with the contents intact indicated a strong correlation between national social trust and individual levels of personal satisfaction. The experiment has often been replicated by psychological researchers. “People need a clean government they can rely on, a community where they can trust their friends, neighbors and strangers. Love and belonging come just after basic physiological and security needs, and people are afraid of feeling lonely,” said Lin. “Loneliness is the feeling that human beings can endure the least. When we talk about how we can become happier, we should look at the question from both sides of the coin.” Contact the writer at wangshanshan@chinadaily.com.cn 10th China’s ranking in a list of happiest countries in a Gallup poll in 2012 70th China’s happiness ranking, according to the UN in a report published in April 2012 新蒲崗迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 12:16
Geldof's Boomtown outlook
Bob Geldof tours again with the Boomtown Rats after a hiatus of 26 years, writes GEOFFREY EUBOB Geldof isn't afraid of failure.迷你倉 Of course, as a famous, fabulously wealthy singer-songwriter with a 40-year track record and an alternative career as a high-profile champion for the poor in Africa, that's easy for him to say.To hear Geldof tell it, he has so many creative threads running through his head that some will inevitably fall by the wayside - and that's just fine. "For every one idea that works there're 29 that don't - failure is nothing, it's success that's waiting to happen," says Geldof, or Sir Bob as he is sometimes known (he has an honorary knighthood to go along with a truckload of awards and honours, including a Nobel Peace Prize nomination).Among some of his more successful ideas of the past few decades are the cross-continent charity concerts Live Aid to raise funds for African famine relief, the charity supergroup Band Aid that recorded a hit song for the same cause and - oh yes - a 1970s Irish punk rock band called The Boomtown Rats. Geldof, who will perform in Singapore with his own band during the F1 weekend in two weeks, is still busy raising money for Africa, most recently in the form of his private equity fund 8 Miles. He also has a media company that produces award-winning shows.However, Geldof isn't one to reflect on past - or even present - glories. "I don't do that stuff (reflecting on the past)," says Geldof, who turns 62 next month. "Somebody might remind me of something that happened in my life but I don't think about it. Things tend to happen in 10-year cycles - my life is like a (bleep) television series." He adds, "There's not a moment that I personally cherish. It's boring but it's the truth - it's just a function of living."As one one-time music journalist himself, Geldof eschews self-censorship, remaining passionate about injustices in the world and causes that interest him.He's also a publicist's nightmare because he doesn't hold back on anything, including the liberal use of expletives during interviews - but that's merely Bob being Bob. During a telephone interview from his London home earlier this week, he spoke passionately and intelligently about music, business, politics - and the endless torrent of ideas that pours from his mind.That's particularly useful in the music business. "I can't stop melodies and songs happening in my head," he says. "儲存倉t's a natural process - sometimes some of the songs are good and some not so good, but the process is the same." He adds, "That's what excites me, the culture of ideas - in music those ideas occur all the time, and it's deeply satisfying."London is particularly conducive for creative thinkers and the ideal place for him to live, says Geldof. "It gets your mind sharp - an idea will pop into your head at 10am, I'll make a few calls to people for advice and by 6pm you'll know if that idea has a chance to survive."The priority these days is music. After a 26-year hiatus, he's touring again with The Boomtown Rats and next week the band will release a greatest hits album. He is also focused on his solo singing career. His last album, How to Compose Popular Songs That Will Sell, was released in 2011. "I'll start work on another album next year," he says."I tour all the time, I love doing it because it also clears my head - it's instinctive and I've been doing it for 40 years." He adds, "It sounds ridiculous but I'm excited to be going to Singapore to play music."Before heading here he will play three concerts in Holland next week, plus he has business obligations to attend to. "Board meetings are 50,000 times more boring than being on stage," he says.Geldof spends every August on holiday with his family in a small village on Mallorca. He enjoys the downtime and reads religiously but still feels jittery if he isn't on the phone, talking business and potential ideas. "Weekends are nice but on Friday I'm always thinking about who to call on Monday," he says.Africa remains high on his agenda but with the European economy in dire straits he's also quick to bemoan the situation in his native Ireland. "The Boomtown Rats came out of the punk movement - together with bands like The Sex Pistols and The Clash - and we were entirely politically engaged," says Geldof. "The unfortunate truth is I could have written those songs yesterday, because nothing's changed."Just like in the old days, music is still an effective way to convey a message, he says. "It's a minor art form but a powerful medium, this rock 'n' roll thing." And as long as those ideas keep on coming, he doesn't see himself stopping anytime soon. "You're in this world - therefore you should be of this world," says Sir Bob Geldof.Bob Geldof performs with the Boomtown Rats on Sept 21, 8-9pm at the Village Stage at Zone 1, Marina Street Circuit迷你倉價錢
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:12
Swansboro downs WOHS, remains unbeaten
Source: The Daily News, Jacksonville, N.儲存C.Sept. 04--SWANSBORO -- You can say Swansboro was inconsistent Tuesday night. Coach Kim Miller did. But you can also have to say this about the Pirates: They're undefeated.Five games into the volleyball season Swansboro has yet to lose, picking up victory No. 5 with a 3-0 win over a game White Oak squad in a Coastal 3-A Conference match.Swansboro won 25-17, 25-18, 25-20."We were inconsistent," Miller said. "We'd take a lead and then White Oak would fight back. We'd take a lead again and White Oak would fight back, or White Oak would take a lead and we'd climb back out of the hole we dug."Using the same analogy that (Southwest coach) Bev (Marley) used last week, we've got to mentally get rid of the shovel because eventually it's going to come back and bite us. But it shows a lot of maturity that they can still do it. They don't freak out. They have that confidence that no matter how deep the hole is that they can battle back."That's a good thing, but then again that could be a bad thing."On this night, it was a good thing for the Pirates, now 3-0 in their new conference following statewide realignment. But while Swansboro swept White Oak (2-3, 1-2), the Vikings didn't go down easily. The second set was tied 18-18 and the third was knotted 19-19."Everyone sort of showed some good stuff," WOHS coach Brenda Wickwire said. "Every player had great moments out there and then every player struggled a little bit, too. So it's just going to have to be a team thing. They're all going to have to decide to tighten up a little bit, hustle a little bit more, communicate a little bit better and we'll be okay."I will tell you ... they (the Pirates) are a good team. They work together well. They communicate with each other."But the Pirates can play better, sophomore Megan Malone said."We need to stay more focused, but we played good," she said, adding she liked this team's potential. "I think our team chemistry is back. I've heard in the years past ... that they've had some drama on the team. But our team this year we don't have any drama. We all love each other and we're all just one big family."The Pirates are indeed big, sporting a seemingly unlimited array of tall players -- or players who use their jumping ability to play taller than their listed heights -- led by Kylie Cleve on this night, along with Haley Stewart, Kim Moore and freshman Miranda Glover.Swansboro used that height to not only come up w新蒲崗迷你倉th hard kills but well-placed winners into open areas, which Miller said was indicative of a team that relied on more than just power, especially on a night when one of its top players (Ashley Oriol) was off her game."We have some very smart players," Miller said. "We've got some players who can go up and crank on it, but we also some people -- even the same people -- that can go up and the other team is expecting you to crank on it and you find that open hole and you chip it or roll-shot it there."We've got a lot of people that can contribute. Some people were off tonight. Other people came in and made up for it being an off night."On this night Swansboro jumped out to a 3-1 lead in the first set, but White Oak tied it 9-9 and trailed only 13-12 before the Pirates scored four straight points on a pair of kills by Moore, one by Cleve and an ace by Malone. Swansboro clinched the set on an ace by Alex Watkins.Both teams led by as many as three in the second set, which saw the Pirates score the final seven points to win, a surge that included two aces by Watkins -- the second of which seemed to start out of bounds, curve from outside the line before dropping just inside it.The third set saw the Vikings jump out to a 7-2 lead after two kills by Emily McLain and an ace by Essence Lowe. But Swansboro rallied to go up 16-13 only to see WOHS come back to tie it at 18 and 19. After a net ball by WOHS, Stewart made it 21-19 on a well-placed kill in the far back corner and then Emma Kitzmiller fired two aces and a service winner to help the Pirates clinch the match.While looking for more consistency, Miller said the Pirates have "great potential.""The sky's the limit for this team. As Megan stated, we are a family. We have each other's backs. We work through some adversity," Miller said. "And that's the thing, they're never going to say die. They're going to get balls that you don't think somebody's got a chance to get to. That's something that has also been a struggle in the past. They go all out."White Oak 17 18 20Swansboro 25 25 25LEADING PLAYERS--WO: McLain 9 kills, 6 hits; Earley 12 assists. S: Malone 5 kills; Rabidou 15 assists, 8 digs, 5 aces; Moore 6 kills, 3 aces, 7 digs; Stewart 3 kills. RECORDS--WO: 2-3, 1-2, at Northside today. S: 5-0, 3-0, at Southwest today.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Daily News (Jacksonville, N.C.) Visit The Daily News (Jacksonville, N.C.) at .jdnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:12
Corvus Gold Continues Expanding Yellowjacket High-Grade Gold & Silver Zone, with Discovery of New Vein Systems, North Bullfrog Project, Nevada
NB-13-347 - 85 metres @ 1.新蒲崗迷你倉6 g/t Gold (including 13.8 metres of 7.2g/t Gold) NB-13-230 - 172 metres @ 0.45 g/t Gold (including 26 metres of 1.2g/t Gold)TSX: KOR OTCQX: CORVFVANCOUVER, Sept. 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Corvus Gold Inc. ("Corvus" or the "Company") - announces assay results from two core holes and three reverse circulation (RC) holes in the Yellowjacket Zone at the North Bullfrog Project, Nevada. The drill results from the Yellowjacket Zone have identified new high-grade gold vein systems and expand near-surface mineralization along trend to the North increasing the projects "starter pit" potential.Complete assay results from core drill hole NB-13-347 (partially announced NR13-17, August 6, 2013) was 84.8 metres of 1.6 g/t gold and 10.1 g/t silver including the previously reported intercept of 7.2 g/t gold and 21.0 g/t silver over 13.8 metres (Figure 1). Drill hole NB-13-347 represents a 260 metre step out to the north of the original discovery hole NB-12-138. Significantly, hole NB-13-347 intersected a new high-grade vein system where drilling to date has now outlined four distinct vein systems within the overall 100-150 metre wide, north, northwest trending Yellowjacket Zone.In addition, core hole NB-13-348, drilled on the same section as NB-13-347, returned an intercept of 61.3 metres of 0.7 g/t gold (Figure 1). Core holes NB-13-353 and NB-13-354, located 360 metres north of the discovery hole NB-12-138, both encountered broad zones of veining with similar characteristics as hole NB-13-347 (assays are pending).RC hole NB-13-230, which represents a 500 metre step out to the north from the 2012 discovery hole returned 172.2 metres of 0.45 g/t gold including 25.9m of 1.2 g/t gold. Significantly some intervals returned high silver to gold ratios indicating that the hole crossed Yellowjacket-style vein mineralization (Figure 1, Table 1). The gold mineralization at the bottom of the hole and represents a significant increase in the grade of the alteration style mineralization and has been followed up with core hole NB-13-350.Assay results from NB-13-347 and NB-13-230 along with core from holes NB-13-353 and 354 appear to have intersected an entirely new vein system of gold mineralization. The new vein system appears to be trending north-westerly from the Yellowjacket Zone towards North Sierra Blanca and could be indicating a broadening of the high-grade zone to the North (Figure 1). This new high-grade gold system remains open to the north, south and at depth and lies west of the other three distinct vein systems.Drill road construction and RC grid drilling has recently intersected other vein systems to the west of Yellowjacket opening up more potential for expanding the high-grade feeder system under the existing Sierra Blanca deposit.RC holes NB-13-225 and 229 are vertical holes that were drilled in the horst block between an east-dipping fault and a west-dipping vein system. Neither hole encountered vein mineralization but both holes encountered very broad zones of the disseminated, low-grade mineralization that surrounds the high-grade vein systems (Figure 1, Table 1).Jeff Pontius, Chief Executive Officer, states: "The continued encouraging results from the Yellowjacket Zone are now defining a large and expanding zone of shallow, much higher grade, open pit, heap leach material for the initial phase of mining at North Bullfrog. In addition the discovery of additional high-grade veins over a broad area highlights the potential for the high-grade system to grow in scale to that of the +2 million ounce Bullfrog Mine located to the south of the project. These ongoing results are outlining what could be a major new Nevada high-grade gold discovery that could greatly enhance Corvus shareholder value."Table 1: Significant intercepts* from recent core holes at Yellowjacket.From To Interval Gold Silver HoleID (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t) CommentsNB-13-225 85.3 102.1 16.8 0.27 0.75112.8 199.6 86.9 0.26 0.68including 117.3 147.8 30.5 0.35 0.93including 178.3 199.6 21.3 0.36 0.61208.8 246.9 38.1 0.25 1.19NB-13-229 64.0 134.1 70.1 0.19 0.69146.3 208.8 62.5 0.32 0.85214.9 228.6 13.7 0.27 0.41NB-13-230 0.0 12.2 12.2 0.25 2.14 High Silver:Gold36.6 208.8 172.2 0.45 1.69including 36.6 48.8 12.2 0.53 7.44 High Silver:Goldincluding 182.9 208.8 25.9 1.17 1.38 Ended in mineralizationNB-13-347 52.6 137.4 84.8 1.60 10.08 Azimuth 90; dip 80including 55.3 57.0 1.7 8.51 256.33 Yellowjacket styleincluding 65.6 79.4 13.8 7.23 21.40 Yellowjacket style141.3 160.4 19.1 0.17 0.77184.4 231.9 47.4 0.17 2.24 High Silver:GoldNB-13-348 99.2 160.5 61.3 0.72 3.90 Azimuth 90; dip 40including 111.3 121.4 10.2 1.15 11.18 High Silver:Goldincluding 142.0 150.4 8.4 1.89 2.71*Intercepts calculated with 0.1g/t cutoff and up to 1.7m internal waste for Core and 3m for RC.About the North Bullfrog Project, NevadaCorvus controls 100% of its North Bullfrog Project, which covers approximately 70 km(2) in southern Nevada just north of the historic Bullfrog gold mine formerly operated by Barrick Gold Corporation. The property package is made up of a number of leased patented federal mining claims and 758 federal unpatented mining claims. The project has excellent infrastructure, being adjacent to a major highway and power corridor. The Company's independent consultants completed a robust positive Preliminary Economic Assessment on the existing resource in June 2013.The project currently includes numerous prospective gold targets with four (Mayflower, Sierra Blanca, Jolly Jane and Connection) containing an estimated oxidized Indicated Resource of 36.7 Mt at an average grade of 0.26 g/t gold for 308,000 ounces of gold and an oxidized Inferred Resource of 220.4 Mt at 0.18 g/t gold for 1,289,000 ounces of gold (both at a 0.1 g/t gold cutoff), with appreciable silver credits. Unoxidized Inferred mineral resources are 221.6 Mt at 0.19 g/t for 1,361,000 ounces of gold (at a 0.1 g/t gold cutoff).Mineralization occurs in two primary forms: (1) broad stratabound bulk-tonnage gold zones such as the Sierra Blanca and Jolly Jane systems; and (2) moderately thick zones of high-grade gold and silver mineralization hosted by structural zones with breccias and quartz-sulphide vein stockworks such as the Mayflower and Yellowjacket targets. The Company is actively pursuing both types of mineralization.A video of the North Bullfrog project showing location, infrastructure access and 2010 winter drilling is available on the Company's website at .corvusgold.com/investors/video/. For details with respect to the assumptions underlying the current resource estimate and preliminary economic analysis, see the technical report entitled "Technical Report and Preliminary Economic Assessment for the North Bullfrog Project, Bullfrog Mining District, Nye County, Nevada" dated June 4, 2013 and available under the Company's profile at .sedar.com.Qualified Person and Quality Control/Quality AssuranceJeffrey A. Pontius (CPG 11044), a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information (other than the resource estimate) that form the basis for this news release and has approved the disclosure herein. Mr. Pontius is not independent of Corvus, as he is the CEO and holds common shares and incentive stock options.Mr. Gary Giroux, M.Sc., P. Eng (B.C.), a consulting geological engineer employed by Giroux Consultants Ltd., has acted as the Qualified Person, as defined in NI 43-101, for the Giroux Consultants Ltd. mineral resource estimate. He has over 30 years of experience in all stages of mineral exploration, development and production. Mr. Giroux specializes in computer applications in ore reserve estimation, and has consulted both nationally and internationally in this field. He has authored many papers on geostatistics and ore reserve estimation and has practiced as a Geological Engineer since 1970 and provided geostatistical services to the industry since 1976. Both Mr. Giroux and Giroux Consultants Ltd. are independent of the Company under NI 43-101.The work program at North Bullfrog was designed and supervised by Russell Myers (CPG 11433), President of Corvus, and Mark Reischman, Corvus Nevada Exploration Manager, who are responsible for all aspects of the work, including the quality control/quality assurance program. On-site personnel at the project log and track all samples prior to sealing and shipping. Quality control is monitored by the insertion of blind certified standard reference materials and blanks into each sample shipment. All resource sample shipments are sealed and shipped to ALS Chemex in Reno, Nevada, for preparation and tmini storageen on to ALS Chemex in Reno, Nevada, or Vancouver, B.C., for assaying. ALS Chemex's quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17025:1999. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the analysis of reagent blanks, reference material and replicate samples. Finally, representative blind duplicate samples are forwarded to ALS Chemex and an ISO compliant third party laboratory for additional quality control. McClelland Laboratories Inc. prepared composites from duplicated RC sample splits collected during drilling. Bulk samples were sealed on site and delivered to McClelland Laboratories Inc. by ALS Chemex or Corvus personnel. All metallurgical testing reported here was conducted or managed by McClelland Laboratories Inc.About Corvus Gold Inc.Corvus Gold Inc. is a resource exploration company, focused in Nevada, Alaska and Quebec, which controls a number of exploration projects representing a spectrum of early-stage to advanced gold projects. Corvus is focused on advancing its 100% owned Nevada, North Bullfrog project towards a potential development decision and continuing to explore for new major gold discoveries. Corvus is committed to building shareholder value through new discoveries and leveraging noncore assets via partner funded exploration work into carried and or royalty interests that provide shareholders with exposure to gold production.On behalf of Corvus Gold Inc.(signed) Jeffrey A. Pontius Jeffrey A. Pontius, Chairman and Chief Executive OfficerCautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and US securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein including, without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration program results, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, the potential for any mining or production at North Bullfrog, the potential for the identification of multiple deposits at North Bullfrog, the potential for a low-cost run-of-mine heap leach operation at North Bullfrog, the potential for there to be a low strip ratio in connection with any mine at North Bullfrog, the potential for the existence or location of additional high-grade veins, the proposed completion of a PEA for the North Bullfrog project, the potential for additional resources to be located between certain of the existing deposits, the potential for the Company to secure or receive any royalties in the future, business and financing plans and business trends, are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, variations in the market price of any mineral products the Company may produce or plan to produce, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities, the Company's inability to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's latest interim Management Discussion and Analysis and filed with certain securities commissions in Canada. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via .sedar.com and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.Cautionary Note Regarding References to Resources and ReservesNational Instrument 43 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Unless otherwise indicated, all resource estimates contained in or incorporated by reference in this press release have been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and the guidelines set out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (the "CIM") Standards on Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves, adopted by the CIM Council on November 14, 2004 (the "CIM Standards") as they may be amended from time to time by the CIM.United States shareholders are cautioned that the requirements and terminology of NI 43-101 and the CIM Standards differ significantly from the requirements and terminology of the SEC set forth in the SEC's Industry Guide 7 ("SEC Industry Guide 7"). Accordingly, the Company's disclosures regarding mineralization may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by companies subject to SEC Industry Guide 7. Without limiting the foregoing, while the terms "mineral resources", "inferred mineral resources", "indicated mineral resources" and "measured mineral resources" are recognized and required by NI 43-101 and the CIM Standards, they are not recognized by the SEC and are not permitted to be used in documents filed with the SEC by companies subject to SEC Industry Guide 7. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability, and US investors are cautioned not to assume that all or any part of a mineral resource will ever be converted into reserves. Further, inferred resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and as to whether they can be mined legally or economically. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of the inferred resources will ever be upgraded to a higher resource category. Under Canadian rules, estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of a feasibility study or prefeasibility study, except in rare cases. The SEC normally only permits issuers to report mineralization that does not constitute SEC Industry Guide 7 compliant "reserves" as in-place tonnage and grade without reference to unit amounts. The term "contained ounces" is not permitted under the rules of SEC Industry Guide 7. In addition, the NI 43-101 and CIM Standards definition of a "reserve" differs from the definition in SEC Industry Guide 7. In SEC Industry Guide 7, a mineral reserve is defined as a part of a mineral deposit which could be economically and legally extracted or produced at the time the mineral reserve determination is made, and a "final" or "bankable" feasibility study is required to report reserves, the three-year historical price is used in any reserve or cash flow analysis of designated reserves and the primary environmental analysis or report must be filed with the appropriate governmental authority.Caution Regarding Adjacent or Similar Mineral PropertiesThis news release contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. The Company advises US investors that the mining guidelines of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") set forth in the SEC's Industry Guide 7 ("SEC Industry Guide 7") strictly prohibit information of this type in documents filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.SOURCE Corvus Gold Inc.Image with caption: "Figure 1: Location of Yellowjacket drill holes. Red collars and traces indicate holes reported in this press release. Blue indicates assays are pending. Significant mineralized faults are shown in dark red. For a more general location of Yellowjacket see Figure 2. (CNW Group/Corvus Gold Inc.)". Image available at: photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20130905_C4469_PHOTO_EN_30427.jpgCorvus Gold Inc.CONTACT: Ryan KoInvestor RelationsEmail: info@corvusgold.comPhone: 1-888-770-7488 (toll free) or (604) 638-3246 / Fax: (604)408-7499self storage
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:11
Undergrad catches man filming upskirt video on bus
LocalNews watchA MAN was caught red-handed for allegedly taking an upskirt video of a woman while on a bus along Clementi Avenue 5.儲存倉The incident took place at about 4.50pm on Saturday. The suspect, 25, had allegedly placed his mobile phone under the skirt迷你倉價錢of a female passenger standing in front of him. His actions were spotted by Mr Sivagumar Subramaniam, an undergraduate, who confronted the suspect after he alighted the bus. He handed him over to the police.If convicted, the man can be jailed and/or fined.迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:11
Madore fails to 'pause' the BRT
Source: The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.存倉Sept. 04--A proposed bus rapid transit system in Vancouver remains in the queue for a possible federal grant next year, after the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council turned back an effort to put the project on hold Tuesday.Clark County Commissioner David Madore had expressed his desire to "pause" the project until at least November, when bus rapid transit is among several nonbinding advisories that will appear on the ballot. The measure, if approved, would direct Clark County commissioners to oppose any such system unless it's first supported by a majority of voters.Madore has said acting now to keep the project on track would step in front of voters. Local leaders should welcome the chance for people to weigh in directly, he said. County Commissioner Tom Mielke agreed, making a motion to remove bus rapid transit from a project ranking list previously prepared by RTC staff and others. The rankings are used to help determine which projects receive grant money awarded through RTC."To set aside dollars for it without approval in November would be the wrong thing to do," Mielke said of bus rapid transit, which would reshape C-Tran's transit service along Vancouver's Fourth Plain corridor.Other RTC board members noted the rankings aren't meant to be final project lists, and other decision points on bus rapid transit and other projects will come -- including a more direct vote on actually awarding grant money to projects next month.Vancouver City Councilor Jack Burkman called the push to remove bus rapid transit from consideration now "arbitrary and capricious." Doing so would only undermine established procedures and criteria that the RTC has long followed, he said.The only votes in favor of removing bus rapid transit from the list came from Madore and Mielke. The rest of the RTC board approved the迷你倉entire set of rankings soon after.Bus rapid transit ranked first among three projects submitted to RTC for a federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality grant. The project has requested $2 million for design work. Most of its $50 million price tag would be covered by a separate federal Small Starts grant, which C-Tran also plans to apply for.Tuesday wasn't the first time Madore and Mielke have tried to put bus rapid transit on hold. At last month's C-Tran board meeting, the two were on the losing end of a 6-3 vote that essentially kept the project on track. C-Tran Executive Director Jeff Hamm reiterated that Tuesday."This is an active project," Hamm said, based on the direction given by the majority of C-Tran board members.Planned efficiencyBus rapid transit works by using larger vehicles, raised boarding platforms, specialized traffic signals and other features to try to move passengers more efficiently and reliably. The system being pursued by C-Tran would run from downtown Vancouver to the Westfield Vancouver mall, primarily along Fourth Plain.If built, the proposed system would replace part of the existing No. 4 route at lower operating cost -- saving C-Tran an estimated $900,000 per year, according to the agency. C-Tran has said it must come up with about $6 million out of its own pocket to build the system, but hasn't identified exactly where that would come from.Madore has floated a separate resolution that would encourage C-Tran to consider the outcome of this fall's vote before committing to bus rapid transit. That proposal could be heard by the agency's board during its regular meeting next week.------Eric Florip: 360-735-4541; twitter.com/col_enviro; eric.florip@columbian.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) Visit The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) at .columbian.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:11
BRIEF: Oxycodone dealer sentenced in Bangor federal court
Source: Portland Press Herald, MaineSept.存倉 04--BANGOR -- A Brooklyn, N.Y., man was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in Bangor to serve seven years in prison for illegal distribution of oxycodone.Kevin St. Hill, 27, sold oxycodone pills to an undercover law enforcement agent on June 26, 2012, in Augusta and was a leader of a major oxycodone and cocaine trafficking operation in central Maine from January to June 2012, according t迷你倉 the U.S. Attorney's office.St. Hill pleaded guilty to the single count against him on Dec. 19.U.S. District Court Judge John Woodcock Jr. also sentenced St. Hill to serve three years of supervised release following completion of his prison term.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) Visit the Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine) at .pressherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:10
#Trending: Wine's Growing Influence on Culture
World's Largest Trend Community Weighs in as Wolf Blass(?) Marks 30(th) Anniversary of Yellow Label in CanadaTORONTO, Sept.儲存倉 4, 2013 /CNW/ - Canadians love their wine. So much so, we're not only among one of the fastest growing wine consumers globally(1), we're fundamentally changing an industry centuries in the making as wine continues to become a key part of our lifestyle.According to "Top Trends in Wine" released today by Wolf Blass and Trend Hunter, the largest online trend community encompassing approximately 12,000 Canadians: our growing knowledge of wine is fueled by technology, we have an infatuation with fashion, and a thirst for experiences are among the trends moving wine out of the cellar and putting it squarely on our 'social agenda' in and out of the home.Five Hot Trends, One Top Blend:*Trend #1: We're all becoming Everyday Sommeliers thanks to social media, social apps, and direct access to winemakers. The trend is especially evident among men, fueled by high-tech wine cellars, digital catalogues and computerized sommelier systems. At the same time, we're equally okay to poke fun at wine. Among the most attention-getting wine innovations are those which diffuse the snobbery, injecting a sense of humour into occasions.Trend #2: Wine-Inspired Style. Boxed wines shaped to look like designer handbags, stylized stemware and statement wine cellars are in vogue as wine is becoming a key element of our personal brand.Trend #3: We're infatuated with experiences.Wine is the reason to gather, not what we enjoy when we gather creating a trend that impacts packaging, weekend plans and tourism on a global scale including:-- Wine as Activity. Packaging that can be personalized for the occasion. -- Winecations. Boomers seek new experiences leading to wine country tourism around the globe. -- Wine Painting Parties.We're heading out to enjoy wine and paint, including walls of winebars! -- Social Sharing. In 2009, there were over 19 million blog posts with 700 dedicated wine bloggers2. By 2011, there were 452 Wine Apps for the iPhone3. Today, more than 21,000 Canadians follow Wolf Blass Wines Canada on Facebook.4Trend #4: "Celebrity Crush": Pop culture is enamored with new wine releases from rock bands, to Hollywood superstars to sports celebrities.Trend #5: Calorie-Conscious Consumption.Wine lovers concerned about their waistlines have given rise to an entirely new category of portion controlled and reduced alcohol options. Accessories with built-in reminders help others stay on track with health goals while satisfying their craving for indulgence.Regarded as an innovator globally, the wineries' founder, Wolfgang (Wolf) Blass, is credited for setting many wine trends, including helping to establish quality wines from Australia in Canada. Today's release of the "Top Trends in Wine" coincides with the 30(th) Anniversary of Wolf Blass Yellow Label in Canada, ranked as Canada's top-selling Cabernet Sauvignon. The milestone is being marked by the release of a "Limited Edition" Yellow Label Shiraz-Grenache-Mourv�dre Barossa blend and through a series of wine experiences and social campaigns (#HadABlass)迷你倉價錢 placing Wolf Blass squarely in the trends.Wolf Blass History of Innovations / Milestones:-- 1960s: Australian table wines first introduced to Canada. -- 1970s: Amidst an industry of plain white labels, Wolf Blass introduces colour coded labels to simplify wine shopping. -- 1983: Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon available for the first time in Canada. -- 1991: Wolf Blass Cabernet Sauvignon now a general list in Ontario - LCBO price $13.30. -- 1996: Wolf Blass becomes Canada's top selling Australian wine (750 ml). -- 2000: Wolf Blass moves to screw cap closures across its entire portfolio of wines. -- 2006: Wolf Blass collaborates with LCBO to launch world's first 750ml unbreakable wine bottle. -- 2013: Wolf Blass named Red Winemaker of the Year at London's International Wine and Spirits Competition.Quotes:Jeremy Gutsche, Chief Trend Hunter and Author Exploiting Chaos: 150 Ways to Spark Innovation During Times of Change."Wolf Blass and Trend Hunter are revealing new research reflecting a radical shift in society's engagement with wine, fueled by our growing obsession with style, access to technology, and pursuit of experiences. ?These trends are indicators of what we value socially, with our friends at our table, and socially in our network. One thing is clear: change has come to the wine industry affording a new opportunity to capture Millennials and Gen X'ers in addition to boomers."About Wolf Blass: Wolf Blass was established in the Barossa Valley in 1966 and has grown from a humble tin shed to become one of the world's most successful and awarded wine brands. A recipient of more than 3,000 medals and trophies at national and international wine shows, the essence of Wolf Blass wines is exemplified through the passion of its custodians past and present as they continuously strive to produce wines of quality, character and consistency.About Trend Hunter: Trend Hunter, based in Toronto, Canada, was launched in 2006. With 40,000,000 monthly views, TrendHunter.com is the world's largest, most popular trend community fueled by a global network of 121,000 members.? Trend Hunter crowd sources thousands of ideas and crowd filter the best articles using millions of weekly views. Trend Hunter TV and Trend Hunter PRO feature 201,000 micro-trends and cutting edge ideas.* Additional data on trends by region and by gender available.___________________________________ (1 ).newswire.ca/en/story/1102565/canada-s-wine-and-spirits-market-to-continue-rapid-growth (2 ).vintank.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/VinTank_SocialMediaReport.pdf (3 )visual.ly/are-there-any-good-wine-apps-iphone (4) .facebook.com/WolfBlassCanada??SOURCE Wolf BlassImage with caption: "Wolf Blass Wines .wolfblasswines.com. 2013 Marks the 30th Anniversary of Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon in Canada. (CNW Group/Wolf Blass)". Image available at: photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20130904_C9776_PHOTO_EN_30362.jpgImage with caption: "Wolf Blass Yellow Label 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Blend (CNW Group/Wolf Blass)". Image available at: photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20130904_C9776_PHOTO_EN_30331.jpgImage with caption: "Wolf Blass Wines Marks 30 Years in Canada with a look at wine trends around the world and evolution of Canada's top-selling Cabernet Sauvignon. (CNW Group/Wolf Blass)". Image available at: photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20130904_C9776_PHOTO_EN_30385.jpgWolf BlassCONTACT: Gabby Nobrega, Breakthrough Communicationsgabbyn@rogers.com(mobile) 416-930-9756(office) 905-565-6112@gabbynpr迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:10
Supplying to Mercedes-Benz
DUBLIN, Ireland, September 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Research and Markets ( .儲存researchandmarkets.com/research/kjhx9b/supplying_to) has announced the addition of the "Supplying to Mercedes-Benz" [.researchandmarkets.com/research/kjhx9b/supplying_to ] company profile to their offering.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130307/600769 )'Supplying to Mercedes-Benz' looks at what changes are happening at Mercedes in order for the OEM to accomplish the goals outlined in its "Commitment to Excellence in Procurement". The author also takes an in-depth look at how the changes have affected procurement activities and the developments that are likely over the coming years as the company expands its global production footprint. It takes in the brand's model, platform and production strategy and delves into the purchasing strategies at Mercedes with analysis of global purchasing , supplier selection, technology and quality expectations. This report is packed full of insight, data and analysis that will prove invaluable to those partnering or looking to work with one of the global automotive industries most highly regarded playersAbout Mercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz Cars (MBC) is currently progressing through what is arguably the most comprehensive series of new model launches in the company's extensive history. With the introduction of the MFA modular front-wheel drive platform system, the company has given itself the flexibility to launch a virtual sub-brand of smaller vehicles, including two models already in full series production, the new A-Class hatchback and B-Class tourer, and a car which has just entered production, the CLA saloon. The modular platform will also support future production of a crossover SUV, currently referred to as GLA, with the addition of a fifth model at a later date, possibly a CLA-based Shooting Brake, a smaller version of the CLS model of the same name launched in 2012.As MBC continues to broaden its MFA model portfolio, the company has a series of other issues it must successfully address, including the launch of the new C- and S-Class models, respectively the best-selling and highest-margin cars in the OEM's range. At the same time, the OEM is dealing with changes to the production network for the MFA models and the C-Class, while continuing to work on new in-car technologies that will maintain the brand's position as an acknowledged leader in automotive innovation in terms of fuel economy and safety.Mercedes-Benz has announced that it plans to become the best-selling premium brand in the world by 2020. While the introduction of these new models will undoubtedly push the OEM towards that goal, the company has never been under such pressure to both introduce this number of new models and maintain its world-renowned levels of quality. To successfully complete this growth phase, the OEM will rely on its internal expertise and its network of suppliers around the world.This will be of particular relevance as Daimler looks to carry 新蒲崗迷你倉ut its plan to increase the percentage of parts delivered from local suppliers, concentrating on those countries where the OEM has existing production facilities. How current and new suppliers perform will have a direct impact on the success of these new models, and also on the success of the first engine production plant outside Germany, scheduled to start delivering product to the Beijing Benz assembly line in late 2013.How Mercedes-Benz Cars plans to deal with these on-going challenges, together with various other issues facing the company, is discussed in supplying Mercedes-Benz [.researchandmarkets.com/research/kjhx9b/supplying_to ]. From the extended passenger car and LCV production network, through to the development of new technologies, the report outlines what the company plans to do to maintain its current vehicle quality levels while achieving its long-term objectives.Key Topics Covered:OVERVIEW Introduction Overall sales FinancialsPRODUCT AND PLATFORM STRATEGY Strategy overview Major model programmes Platform strategy Major platforms Component sharing Volume planningPRODUCTION STRATEGY Production strategy overview Manufacturing networkGERMANYHUNGARYFRANCEROMANIACHINAUNITED STATESSOUTH AFRICAINDIA AND SOUTHERN ASIA Internal supply network Modularisation strategy Supplier parks Cluster of reference Strategies for manufacturing efficiencyPURCHASING STRATEGY Purchasing strategy overview Levels of vertical integration and outsourcing Purchasing organisation Purchasing offices Key offices Key purchasing personnel Purchasing budgetSUPPLIER SELECTION Supply base development Major and strategic suppliers Supplier selection criteria Working with Daimler and Mercedes-Benz CarsGLOBAL SOURCING Policy and plansEUROPECHINANORTH AMERICAPRICING POLICY Cost reduction programmes and strategies Payment terms Raw material price managementQUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality level Quality management systems Integration into product development Management of sub-suppliers Supplier awardsTECHNOLOGY Technological positioning Areas of focus R&D spending R&D organisation Access to supplier technology Approach to alternative fuels, electrification and fuel cells Special vehicle developmentINTERVIEW Michael Hannemann, Managing Director of Valmet AutomotiveOEM-SUPPLIER SURVEY RESULTS Introduction to the SuRe Index Methodology Executive summary Profit potential Organization Trust Pursuit of excellence OutlookSWOT ANALYSIS - MERCEDES-BENZGLOBAL FOOTPRINTFORWARD MODEL PROGRAMMESMAJOR SUPPLIERS - MERCEDES-BENZFor more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/kjhx9b/supplying_toResearch and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager. press@researchandmarkets.com U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Sector: Automotive [.researchandmarkets.com/categories.asp?cat_id=103&campaign_id=kjhx9b ]Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130307/600769Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130307/600769Research and Marketsmini storage
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:10
Summer finally over for Brandywine elementary students
Source: Reading Eagle, Pa.迷你倉新蒲崗Sept. 04--Jamie Horodyski knew she would be on pins and needles during her son Logan's first day of kindergarten.The fact that she also had no idea where his classroom would be or how to pick him up Tuesday added to her anxiety.On Tuesday, about 450 students from the Brandywine Heights Elementary School began classes in the district's middle school, a move that was necessary because of mold in the elementary school's carpets, district officials said."I'm just stressed because it's his first day ever," Horodyski said as she waited to pick Logan up Tuesday afternoon. "They didn't explain it very well. They just said drop them off in the back."Horodyski was joined by about 80 other parents who waited to pick up their children Tuesday. Some described the situation as "crazy" and a "debacle," but their agitation melted away, even if only slightly, when met by their smiling children.While most students in the district returned to classes a week ago, the elementary school was closed all last week due to mold in the school's carpets. Repeated efforts to clean the carpets weren't successful.On Tuesday, Superintendent Andrew Potteiger said the elementary school will likely be closed for five weeks. Tuesday night, the school board authorized the superintendent to seek proposals to remove carpeting and replace it with an alternative flooring in the entire elementary school.Some parents weren't happy about the district's communication of the situation. The district says it is working to improve communication with parents.Kimberly Roth of Topton snagged the first spot in the car line as she waited to pick up her daughter Teagan at the middle school Tuesday afternoon. She said the third-grader was excited to be in the school a year early with the "big kids," but Roth wasn't as thrilled."We have no idea what happened today, where they went or what was going on," she said. "There's just a lot of questions. But I have to admire the teachers for packing up their classrooms and moving everything here."The end of the day pickup was the only major hiccup of the first day with the combined schools.Potteiger said he could not speak highly enough of his staff and their dedication, flexibility and positive attitudes throughout the chaotic start to the school year."It's been a bit hectic, but it's going pretty smoothly, considering everything," he said. "I keep telling the staff to just consider it a transition day."The distric迷你倉出租 originally hoped the mold was limited to three rooms in the elementary school. Potteiger said the potential plan was to seal those rooms off from the others and utilize the rest of the building.When the last round of test results came in Thursday, they realized the elementary students were going to have to go to the middle school.Potteiger and his staff worked into the late hours Thursday to come up with a reorganization plan for the intermediate and middle school that would create the necessary 20 full-size classrooms for the roughly 450 elementary children.Once the new configuration was ready, teachers began moving into their temporary homes, working throughout the holiday weekend to transform the spaces into elementary classrooms.Every space is being utilized, with classes meeting on the stage in the auditorium, in the wrestling room and in the teachers' lounge.The music, art and family and consumer sciences classrooms are now occupied by elementary students and those subjects are taught by traveling teachers in the regular classrooms.Spaces typically for gifted classes or learning support were also converted into classrooms while those instructors moved to smaller spaces, such as lobbies and even the conference room attached to Potteiger's office."We had to do a lot of creative things," Potteiger said. "We're using all the nooks and crannies."While the situation is far from ideal, Potteiger said the teachers and students are doing the best with what they have. And by the looks on faces big and small, the students were more excited to be back in school with their friends than to notice any setbacks."I keep using the analogy that we're all a big family," Potteiger said.The district is exploring two options for the new flooring in the elementary school -- polished concrete or vinyl tile.In a report to the school board, Potteiger said the mold problem has cost the district $83,000 for cleaning and disinfecting the carpeting and conducting air quality tests.John Scheetz, the school board president, estimated the cost of ridding the school of mold would wipe out the district's $200,000 reserve for emergencies."We'll be tightening our belts this year," Scheetz said.Contact Stephanie Weaver: 610-371-5042 or sweaver@readingeagle.com. Staff writer Ron Devlin contributed.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.) Visit the Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.) at readingeagle.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:09
Affordable Care Act may drive rates higher, Walker administration says
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelSept.儲存倉 04--The cost of health insurance could increase sharply next year for some individuals and families who do not receive coverage from an employer, according to estimates released Tuesday by the Walker administration.The estimates were for plans that will be sold on the marketplaces, or exchanges, that will be set up under the Affordable Care Act.State officials provided little information about the basis of the estimates. A spokesman for the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance, or OCI, did not return phone calls.By one estimate, roughly half the people who are projected to buy insurance on their own will be eligible for federal subsidies, in the form of tax credits, that would help offset the increase in premiums next year.About 170,000 people in Wisconsin now buy health insurance on their own. That number could more than double in coming years as people who could not afford health insurance get coverage because of the federal subsidies available under the law.The Walker administration opposes the Affordable Care Act and the release of information about the price of health plans that will be sold on the exchanges has been highly politicized. States controlled by Democrats often put a positive spin on the rates while states controlled by Republicans have done the opposite.The decision by Wisconsin officials to not release the actual rates filed by the health insurers was criticized by supporters of the Affordable Care Act."For the OCI -- or any government agency in this or any administration -- to have a press release drawing conclusions and then refuse to release the data that they based their conclusions on is not responsible government," said David Riemer, senior fellow at the Community Advocates Public Policy Institute. "It's not transparent. It is game playing."The cost of insurance sold in the so-called individual market was expected to increase next year because of an array of new regulations.Those regulations include re迷你倉價錢uiring health insurers to cover people with pre-existing health problems, limits on out-of-pocket expenses, a cap on how much more older people can be charged compared with younger people, prohibitions against charging young women more than young men and new taxes on health insurers.That makes comparisons with health plans now on the market impossible. In general, rates are expected to increase for people who are young and healthy, particularly young men, and decrease for people who are older and sicker.The OCI said it compared health plans with a $2,000 deductible that will be sold on the exchange to similar plans now on the market. It provided estimates for seven regions in the state and for people who are ages 21, 40 and 63.In the Milwaukee area, it estimates that premiums will increase:-- 78.11% for someone who is 21.-- 40.85% for someone who is 40.-- 45.48% for someone who is 63.The OCI estimates statewide increases ranging from:-- 37.59% in Kenosha to 124.85% in Madison for someone who is 21.-- 15.15% in Kenosha to 73.43% in Madison for someone who is 40.-- 9.72% in Kenosha to 70.04% in Madison for someone who is 63.Whether health plans sold outside the exchanges will see similar increases isn't clear."It is important to note that a number of factors will impact how much of an increase an individual consumer will pay," the OCI said in its news release."The best way to determine how much you will pay is to review the exchange when it goes live on October 1."Some consumers will see higher rates once health care reform takes effect next year, said Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin. He said the administration provided a disservice to consumers by releasing information without providing all the details."We won't really know the numbers until they come from the exchanges," Kraig said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 06 Fri 2013 02:07
Site Boosts Bad Credit Loans Database for Back-to-School Period
DENVER, Colorado, September 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --PersonalLoansForBadCredit.迷你倉net has announced the availability of a more robust database to its website. Consumers seeking finance options to help with their children's back to school expenses can now visit the site and access a much wider selection of lenders offering bad credit loans. People with bad credit can complete a 2 minute application form for free [.prweb.com/releases/2012/6/prweb9651824.htm ] to be considered immediately by hundreds of specialist lenders.Although loan funds that are granted by lenders can be used for any purpose, this particular database upgrade has been made to help ease the pressure of parents and caregivers who need to provide their children with essential supplies for returning to school.The decision to add to the database came after the release of a new figures by he U.S. Department of Agriculture that it now costs over $240,000 on average to raise a child for 18 years [\\lonpivdocs\redocs\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\SKDR3XT6\money.cnn.com\2013\08\14\pf\cost-children\index.html? ]. The site knows that loans for bad credit represent an essential way for many Americans to cover the financial burden of parenting and hopes to assist many consumers 文件倉ind professional and reliable lenders with its new database. Consumers can compare loan offers, interest rates and payment terms before accepting any package, allowing for a true snapshot of the market without any pressure to accept. All loans that may be offered be lenders are done so on a "no obligation to accept" basis.Bad credit loans from lenders within the database can often be paid out within 1 working day. For added convenience and ease of disbursement, lenders arrange payment directly into bank checking accounts.Sam Ash, spokesperson for PersonalLoansForBadCredit.net, made the announcement of the new database in the following statement."The period just before the start of the academic year is a worrisome time for many households and families, as the cost of preparing for kids' next school year and college term is rising far beyond the rate of the average salary. For consumers with bad credit, it can be tough to know where to turn for affordable, reliable and fast finance options. We have extended the parameters of our online database to provide a much-needed way for those individuals to make contact with great lenders online, for quick loans."Apply at: .PersonalLoansForBadCredit.netContact: Sam Ash support@personalloansforbadcredit.net +1-770-334-9604PersonalLoansBadCredit.org存倉