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- Sep 09 Mon 2013 13:47
韓報告認定朝“能夠隨時製造核武器” 韓美制定方案遏制“朝核”
據新華社9月8日電 韓國政府官員8日說,迷你倉出租韓國和美國已經就如何應對朝鮮“核威脅”完成聯合軍事行動計劃草案,兩國國防部長定于下月2日簽署這一威懾方案。韓美官員歷時大約10個月制定這項草案,內容為朝鮮進行“核挑釁”時兩國在政治、外交和軍事方面的具體措施,包括美國向韓國提供核保護傘,對朝鮮“高強度遏制”。“威懾方案可以視同為軍事行動計劃”。韓迷你倉社報道,韓國國防部3日向國會報告,認定朝鮮核項目最近3年取得許多客觀的進展,已經成為“實際威脅”,“能夠隨時製造核武器”。美國國務院分管東亞和太平洋事務的助理國務卿丹尼爾·拉塞爾7日在首爾接受韓聯社採訪時說,美國依舊對與朝鮮對話持開放態度,只是,除非朝鮮發出令人信服的信號、展示明確的棄核誠意,美國不會同意重�六方會談或與朝鮮舉行雙邊對話。儲存倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 13:47
hard to swallow
Beijing fined foreign firms for exploiting distrust of local brands, but despite some improvements, parents outside China often get better dealsTo the delight of parents across the mainland, recent fines imposed by the National Development and Reform Commission on six international suppliers of infant formula appear to have had an immediate impact on retail prices.自存倉Since the fines were introduced, prices have dropped by nearly 20 per cent for many well-known brands as suppliers seek to reduce the likelihood of further sanctions after being accused of price-fixing and violating the country’s anti-monopoly laws.Comparative data prepared by the Post show that prices of infant formula on the mainland are now almost the same as those in Hong Kong.However, parents in Hong Kong and the mainland are still paying a hefty premium compared with parents overseas. Price comparisons with Europe, the United States and Southeast Asia indicate that local consumers are paying up to double for the same brand.An 820-gram tin of Abbott Comfort Similac Level 1 costs HK$358 in Hong Kong according to Consumer Council data. The same brand name retails for the equivalent of HK$236 in Malaysia. Meanwhile a 900-gram tin of Wyeth S-26 Gold costs HK$298 in Hong Kong, but only HK$180 in Thailand.The difference stems from widespread distrust of locally produced infant formula after a number of health scandals on the mainland. Foreign-made formula is seen to be higher in quality and more trustworthy, and manufacturers have not been shy about capitalising on this.Data from China Market Research Group (CMRG), a mainland-based firm, suggest foreign brands hold 50 to 55 per cent of the infant-formula market even though locally made formula often sells for considerably less and foreign brands are themselves not immune to health scares. There were recent recalls of several brands, which had used a batch of whey powder that had been feared to contain botulism-causing bacteria sourced from New Zealand-based dairy giant Fonterra. It was later found to be a false alarm.Until recently, one side effect of the price differential was the constant flow of traders and tourists visiting Hong Kong and buying formula at reduced prices. After complaints迷你倉新蒲崗about supply constraints, the Hong Kong government in March set an individual cap of 1.8kg per person for mainland buyers, with harsh fines for flouting it. This only pushed the trade elsewhere, with supermarkets and pharmacies in Europe soon noticing empty shelves and increased interest from Chinese visitors. Some European supermarket chains have since limited customers to two tins per visit.Price analysis by the Post suggests the infant-formula market is both a lucrative and stable industry to be in. Gross profit margins for foreign-brand formula sold on the mainland are 60 to 70 per cent, according to separate research by CMRG and consumer-market analyst Mintel.This compares with margins of 40 to 50 per cent for formula sold in developed economies.On average, mainland food-product suppliers operate on less than 30 per cent gross profit margin, says CMRG. But the gap between gross profits masks relatively similar net margins. Separate estimates by CMRG and Jyske Bank suggest net margins of 10 to 20 per cent in China and 10 to 14 per cent in Europe.While in absolute terms, formula sold on the mainland generates more income due to the higher prices, analysts say the similarity of net profit margins in China and Europe is partly due to the higher cost of distribution and marketing in the mainland, with multiple middlemen, kickbacks, advertising and fees to get on to supermarket shelves.To maintain margins, international formula suppliers have to cut back on their marketing or raise prices on other products.“The forced down-pricing will obviously have a negative impact on revenue gains. This opens potential opportunities for the smaller formula companies to be able to compete with the big ones on a more equal footing,” said David Huang, research manager for China at Mintel.For some time, local suppliers in China have been trying to improve their image. Increased focus on brand positioning have included several prominent spots in Hollywood films.“They are working hard to build brand and improve quality,” said Leo Wang, analyst at CMRG. “These are the drivers for price competition.”In the absence of further government intervention, this may be the only effective way to bring prices down for formula brands.迷你倉出租
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 13:46
教師節送不送禮 家長老師都糾結
新華社記者徐海波 陳俊每到教師節,迷你倉出租學生都會以各種方式感謝恩師。今年,一種可等同于現金使用的教師節禮品卡格外火爆,讓這個充滿敬意的節日變味。在商家的推波助瀾和社會風氣的感染下,家長和老師都有種 “人在江湖,不得不送,不得不收”的無奈。教師節禮品卡銷售火爆近日,上海一家大型超市推出“貼心”的教師節購物卡,面值從200元到1000元不等。這種赤裸裸地“表達”讓�人大為震驚。隨後,超市表示道歉並撤下購物卡。然而,這類購物卡並沒有銷聲匿跡,而是“轉戰”電商網站。只要在搜索引擎輸入“教師節禮品卡”幾個字,幾乎各類電子商務網站都有“感恩教師節,選禮品卡!”的廣告。記者登錄京東商城網站發現,熱門搜索排名第一位的是“禮品卡”,包括現代慶典卡、致敬卡等多種實體和電子卡。家長教師都很糾結更多的家長是在買與不買之間 “無奈地糾結”。內心上,他們不願意送禮,覺得是 “不好的社會風氣”。但又擔心,自己不送別的家迷你倉會送,孩子得不到老師的“照顧”。其實,老師們也很煩惱。武漢一私立小學教師杜金霞告訴記者,去年教師節就收到過化妝品,今年又有家長送禮品卡,“不收的話家長更擔憂,覺得自己瞧不上,收了自己心裡又不安,真的很無奈。”杜金霞說,以前,學生會在家長的指導下畫一張賀卡,老師收到哪怕看不清楚圖形的卡片也很開心。教師節何時才能變純粹專家認為,教育資源分配不公,是家長不敢不送,教師心安理得接受的重要原因。湖北省社科院研究員馮桂林說,當前教育資源分佈不均,每位家長都希望孩子能夠上所好學校,進個好班級,有位好老師。於是,在激烈的競爭中,家長期望以禮物和金錢來鋪路,給孩子打造優質的學習環境。中南財經政法大學社會發展研究中心主任喬新生認為,在“醫生紅包”“辦事送禮”等社會風氣盛行的情況下,“老師紅包”現象的出現不可避免。教師節送禮現象需要綜合治理,當務之急是重塑師德、重塑社會正常風氣。 (據新華社武漢9月8日電)儲存倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:54
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:50
奧迪R8LMS盃馬來西亞站 熊龍主場勇奪冠軍
奧迪R8 LMS盃是奧迪歷史上首個單一品牌賽事,儲存倉這項賽事繼2012年在中國成功舉辦後,於2013年賽季更新增韓國站、馬來西亞站和澳門站。本年度奧迪R8 LMS盃第七和第八回合於馬來西亞雪邦國際賽車場舉行,作為馬來西亞Merdeka十二小時耐力賽的支援賽事。熊龍力追先拔頭籌第七回合比賽開始階段競爭激烈,佔有主場之利的馬來西亞車手熊龍與香港車手方駿宇於起跑時並排而進,雙方於入彎前仍爭持不下,結果兩者均稍為偏離了最佳入彎線道。香港車手李英健抓住機會突圍而出,中國車手程叢夫和韓國車手柳慶旭亦趁混亂之際搶佔了第二和第三位置。開局不利的熊龍和方駿宇則分別滑落至第四和第七位。不過主場出戰的熊龍並未氣餒,更越戰越勇,於比賽過程中先後成功超越柳慶旭和程叢夫,並向處於領先位置的李英健發起進攻。當比賽進入尾聲時,熊龍終於把握機會超越李英健,並通過嚴密防守,將領先優勢保持到最後,結果奧迪泰達車隊的東道主車手熊龍在其家鄉勇奪冠軍,奧迪智族車隊的香港車手李英健和奧迪Ultra迷你倉價錢隊的中國車手程叢夫分別獲得亞軍和季軍。錦龍車隊的香港車手方駿宇憑藉在比賽過程中急起直追,結果以第四名成績完成比賽。非專業組方面,香港車手區柏祥奪得冠軍,亞軍和季軍得主分別是楊焯興和任煒。程叢夫奪一亞一季熊龍於第八回合起跑時避開對手的狙擊,於首個彎角處成功搶先,程叢夫、方駿宇和李英健分別位列在第二、第三和第四的位置。前四名車手逐漸形成了一個領先集團,他們之間展開一場勢均力敵的追逐戰。不過熊龍始終控制了整場比賽的節奏,將領先優勢保持到最後。最終熊龍再奪冠軍,於馬來西亞站連奪兩場勝仗,他亦藉此於年度車手積分榜上重登榜首。程叢夫只能屈居亞軍,於馬來西亞站的兩回合比賽中獲得一亞一季成績,至於獲得季軍一席的方駿宇則同時保證了他所代表的錦龍車隊提前獲得2013賽季轉銷商組別總冠軍。非專業組中,郭富城與區柏祥在比賽中互有攻守,最終區柏祥把握機會,在比賽中段時超越郭富城,並將優勢保持到終點。區柏祥在連續兩回合比賽奪得非專業車手組冠軍後,他在非專業車手排行榜已經遙遙領先。迷你倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:42
報到人:沃爾沃汽車集團中國區研發副總裁沈峰上學期成績:截至7月底,儲存沃爾沃汽車2013年在華銷量已達到33,342輛,同比增長37.5%,遠遠超過中國豪華車市場平均增速。中國市場已成為沃爾沃汽車全球增速最快,而且是最為重要的第二本土市場。下學期展望:沃爾沃制定的目標是每年的增速高于豪華車市場平均增速。沃爾沃認為,如果每年都比平均增速更快,沃爾沃的市場份額就會擴大。沃爾沃國產化8月份獲批,當月底,沃爾沃中國即宣佈其成都製造基地正式開業。成都車展上,沃爾沃中國還推出了專為中國打造的新款沃爾沃S80L,這是沃爾沃中國自身在研發上的第一個結晶。沃爾沃中國區研發副總裁沈峰表示,沃爾沃產品體系正在實現從傳統源自福特的平台向新研發的SPA可擴展整車平台架構和V E A發動機集群技術平台轉移,沃爾沃新一代X C 90將成為新平台首款產品,這款車預計將在2014年底上市。同時,沃爾沃全新的V EA動力總成系統近日已經在歐洲正式投產,很快將搭載在今年投放的兩款新車型上。另外,沃爾沃還將在即將開幕的法蘭克福車展上發佈全新的設計戰略。可以看出,沃爾沃在研發上正迎來前所未有的跨越式發展。沈峰透露,沃爾沃中國區也在全球研發中承擔部分責任,包括沃爾沃新能源車開發項目等。同時,沃爾沃也要肩負為所有中國市場的產品開發職責,包括簡單的改款、較大程度的改款和全新開發產品等。沈峰強調,沃爾沃與其他合資公司不一樣。他認為,在國內很多合資公司都存在技術壁壘,但沃爾沃與吉利屬於一個集團,中國是沃爾沃第二本土市場,因此沃爾沃所有先進技術和經驗,都會很通暢地跟中國進行分享。採寫:南都記者 黃習偉◎ 新學期寄語沃爾沃最新的S P A整車平台和V E A動力平台未來都將被引入中國。沃爾沃中國已宣佈,其首款國產車將是S 6 0 L長軸距版--它正是沃爾沃中國研發中心的最新作品,這款國產車將於今年年底批量投產。英菲尼迪持續推進本地化戰略報到人:英菲尼迪中國總經理戴雷上學期成績:戴雷入主之後,英菲尼迪今年5、6、7三個月銷量同比增長近40% 下學期展望:英菲尼迪中國計劃在五年內整體銷量突破十萬輛級別,屆時國產車型銷量將占到50%以上。從今年9月起,英菲尼迪2014款車型將正式在華銷售,並採用全新車型命名體系:以字母“Q”作為其轎車、轎跑車和敞篷車型系列的命 名 前 綴 ;以 字 母“Q X”作為其SU V車型的命名前綴。戴雷表示,英菲尼迪進入中國市場的時間很短,很多消費者可能不是很瞭解產品,通過全新車型命名體系,可以讓大家瞭解各款產品的定位。但是,品牌知名度的提高需要長期過程,在未來兩三個月,英菲尼迪將確定新的品牌定位和口號。經過六年的不懈努力,中國已經成為英菲尼迪全球第二大市場。英菲尼迪中國計劃在五年內整體銷量突破十萬輛級別,屆時國產車型銷量將占到50%以上。為達成這個目標,英菲尼迪將推出全新的品牌口號;為中國消費者量身打造車型;2014年年底,英菲尼迪將在東風日產的襄陽工廠國產,首先國產的車型為長軸距版的Q 50和Q X 50。戴雷稱,與其他豪華車品牌相比,英菲尼迪在國產方面比較有優勢,也會比其他品牌發展更快一些。同時,英菲尼迪中國還在積極組建一支擁有豐富經驗,並具有國際視野的高效管理團隊,為英菲尼迪在華發展奠定堅實的基礎。然而,國產後銷售渠道如何搭建,戴雷表示,目前還在準備的過程中不能透露太多細節,不過具體的合作模式會在明年年初公佈。採寫:南都記者 張笑◎ 新學期寄語中國豪華車市場發展很快,越來越多消費者進入到買第二輛、第三輛車的階段,我相信這也是我們的一個機會。新蒲崗迷你倉速導入新車備戰國產化報到人:本田技研工業(中國)投資有限公司Acura事業部部長津村卓哉上學期成績:盡管豪華車市場增速放緩,不過謳歌保持不錯增長。今年上半年,陳悅透露,今年上半年,謳歌的銷量保持了40%以上的增速。下學期展望:預計今年全年,謳歌銷量將比去年翻番,超過4000輛。隨著國產化事宜的落定,A cura謳歌正不斷加大對中國市場的投入。2013年成都車展上,謳歌帶來了ILX 2 .0L精銳版,這是謳歌引入的產品價格首次降至30萬元以下,這也是去年以來,繼R D X 3.5L、R D X 3.0L精英版和全新旗艦轎車R LX之後,謳歌引入的又一款產品。按計劃,謳歌首款國產車將在2016年上市。對於謳歌這樣的小�品牌來說,未來3年非常關鍵,因為謳歌品牌能否贏得更多人認同,將是其國產能否成功的重要影響因素。本田技研工業(中國)投資有限公司A cura事業部部長津村卓哉表示,謳歌正在做多方面的工作:首先,為了準確描繪意向車主;其次,為了讓消費者瞭解其產品特點,謳歌嘗試把A cura(謳歌)產品的“精之極馭之極”表現出來。津村卓哉透露,謳歌上述努力已經取得了一定效果。他表示,國產化是謳歌實現快速發展的最好機會,但更重要的是能夠快速的提供適合中國消費者、中國需求的產品。同時,謳歌還在大力拓展銷售網絡,按計劃今年將建成40家銷售網絡。去年部分經銷商因為難以盈利而推出了謳歌銷售網絡,不過津村卓哉表示,今年以來隨著一系列新產品的引入,謳歌特約店盈利能力已經有了很大的改觀。 採寫:南都記者 黃習偉◎ 新學期寄語其實在中國市場國產只是一種形式。我們認為最重要的還是能夠快速的提供適合中國消費者、中國需求的產品。在這方面我們正在做很多努力。經銷商不能只靠賣車賺錢報到人:寶馬(中國)汽車貿易有限公司總裁許智俊上學期成績:寶馬品牌7月份在中國市場的銷量達到29894輛,去年7月則為21,700輛,同比增長了37.8%。1到7月份寶馬品牌在華累計銷量為200,624輛,去年同期達到169,300輛,同比提升18.5%。下學期展望:寶馬在中國的長期策略是不會改變的 ,我們對中國市場的承諾是不會改變的。我們要不斷的推廣BM W品牌,繼續成為最具有吸引力的豪華車品牌。今年國內豪華車市場增速放緩,不過豪華品牌都沒放慢擴張速度,尤其是銷售渠道的擴張,給經銷商帶來越來越大的盈利壓力。面對主機廠的擴張和經銷商盈利之間的矛盾,寶馬(中國)汽車貿易有限公司總裁許智俊系統闡述了寶馬的觀點。許智俊說,寶馬在中國的長期策略不會改變;即不斷引進新產品,繼續成為最具有吸引力的豪華車品牌,更重要的是要確保客戶滿意度。“我們堅持拓展經銷商網絡並不僅僅是為了賣車,,”許智俊說,寶馬發展經銷商網絡的立足點在於客戶關懷。如果需要增加經銷商數量,寶馬會按照客戶的需求去擴展經銷商。同時,寶馬拓展網絡時也會考慮經銷商的運營情況。“我們發展網絡的另一個原則是在不犧牲經銷商利益的情況下去拓展,”許智俊說,寶馬經銷商需要在過去發展模式之外,搭建一個全面的平台:新車銷售依然是主要業務,但對售後服務也應該同樣重視。與此同時,寶馬還積極拓展其他業務,比如今年增長了22%的二手車業務,還有大客戶、金融服務、保險、BM W Lifestyle精品系列、配件等業務。只有這些業務成長起來,經銷商未來抗風險能力才會更強。採寫:南都記者 黃習偉◎ 新學期寄語我們不讚成、也不支持豪華品牌以降價的方式來取勝。我們最大的原則就是建立有魅力的品牌,提供最好的服務,讓消費者無論是售前還是售後都能得到最大的滿足感。mini storage
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 11:03
Albuquerque Journal, N.M., Nick Pappas column
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.self storageM.Sept. 08--Let's face it, computers have become such a vital part of our lives that the prospect of losing valuable data, getting infected with a virus or crashing altogether is enough to make us consider doing things that we might later regret.Like giving a scam artist remote control of your computer, thereby allowing that person to access your passwords, credit card numbers and other personal financial information.The so-called "Microsoft scam" -- variations include individuals posing as Dell, McAfee and Norton employees -- has been around since 2010, which is when Microsoft became aware of it and began cautioning computer owners to be wary of these bogus calls.And based on recent media reports, it seems to be making a comeback across the country, including here in New Mexico.Just ask Judy of Albuquerque, who has become somewhat of an expert in fending off these calls over the past two years.By her count, she has received eight phone calls -- all from the Washington, D.C., area code -- from someone masquerading as a Microsoft Windows technician who insists her computer is infected.To make matters worse, based on the sound of his voice and general disposition, she is convinced it's been the same person every time.The first time he called, she says, she was sitting at her computer."I'm with Windows," he told her. "We're getting signals from your computer that there's a problem with a virus or something."At that point, he encouraged her to take a number of steps that would give him remote access to her computer in order to fix it.Judy was familiar with that process, having relied on a brother in Philadelphia to help her deal with problems in the past.So her initial thought was just that: He wants access to her computer to remove the virus."Then it dawned on me," she says. "Wait a minute. There's something phony here."That's when she decided to end the conversation."I said, 'I'm not going to do this. I don't think this is legitimate.'"End of story?That's what she thought until he called right back in what she described as "a very angry voice."The more they talked, she says, the more she realized it was a scam.But even that didn't prepare her for the half-dozen calls that would follow over the next two years.One time she told him she had three computers and wanted to know which one had the problem. Another time she said there just so happened to be a computer repairman at her home. Yet another time she told him she didn't own a computer.Each time, he responded just as angrily as the first."What puzzles me is why he keeps calling my number," she says.While Judy's experience may seem a bit extraordinary, that's not necessarily the case.The Sentinel of Carlisle, Pa., reported last month that an Upper迷你倉Allen Township woman received three phone calls within a 24-hour period claiming that her personal computer was susceptible to a cyberattack -- and that she needed to fork over $249 to fix it.Last fall, the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against six "massive" operations, most of them based in India, that were in the business of conning computer owners into buying services they didn't need or surrendering control of their computers and the sensitive data within them.In this case, the scammers promised their unsuspecting victims that they would rid their computers of viruses or malware for a one-time cost ranging from $49 to $450. Once they agreed, they were conned into visiting a website and downloading software that gave the callers remote access to their computers.How common is this scam?At the time of that complaint, the FTC reported that it was aware of more than 40,000 complaints -- though an official suspected the real number of victims to be "substantially higher" -- that may have resulted in consumer losses in the millions of dollars.So here are the two important things to remember if you get a call from someone posing as a Microsoft technician:Microsoft says it does not make unsolicited phone calls offering to fix your computer or seeking personal or financial information.If you receive such a phone call -- or an email message instructing you to click on a particular link -- hang up the phone or delete the message.No good deed goes ...Two weeks ago, you may recall, I wrote about a popular scam brought to our attention locally by Bill Ormerod of Albuquerque, this one involving scam artists who promise to lower the interest rates on your credit cards for a substantial fee.Suffice to say, they don't read the Journal .Ormerod called me recently to say that he had received yet another one of these bogus calls -- two days after the column appeared.And an Albuquerque woman called a few days later to inform me that she, too, had received calls of late offering to lower her credit card rates.Remember: If you want to lower the interest rates on your credit cards, call the customer service number on the back. It won't cost you anything, and you stand a better chance of being successful than paying some con artist to do it for you.Nick Pappas is assistant business editor at the Albuquerque Journal. Contact him at npappas@abqjournal. com, 505-823-3847 or on Twitter at @nickpapp if you are aware of what sounds like a scam. To report a scam to law enforcement, contact the New Mexico Consumer Protection Division toll-free at 1-800-678-1508.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:46
Insurer eyes shares of banking unit
Ping An Insurance (2318) will spend 14.儲存8 billion yuan (HK$18.7 billion) on Ping An Bank shares to help the unit boost its capital adequacy ratio. The Shenzhen-based lender has won approval from the board to issue as many as 1.32 billion new shares at 11.17 yuan each to Ping An Insurance, which holds a 52.38percent stake in the bank. The offer price represents a premium of 1.3percent above the lender's closing price on Thursday before a trading suspension. Ping An Bank is listed in Shenzhen. After the sale, the shareholding of Ping An Insurance is expected to rise to 59percent. The mid-sized bank said its capital adequacy ratio ``was lower than the industry- average'' at the end of June. ``As the business expands quickly, we cannot meet the capital demand if we fail to replenish effectively,'' it warned in an announcement to新蒲崗迷你倉the Shenzhen Stock Exchange yesterday. As of June 30, Ping An Bank's tier-one CAR and CAR were 7.29percent and 8.78 percent - the lowest in 16 listed China banks. ``We target to improve our tier-one CAR and CAR to at least 8.5percent and 10.5percent respectively during 2013 to 2016,'' it said. Both targets are two percentage points higher than the new stringent banking regulatory requirements on capital adequacy at 6.5 percent and 8.5percent. Ping An's peer China Merchants Bank (3968) finished a share rights issue through which it generated 27.5 billion yuan to boost capital adequacy. It said yesterday the new shares will start trading on September 11 in the A-share market. The H-share rights issue is ongoing. This rights issue would altogether raise 34.88 billion yuan for the lender. grace.cao@singtaonewscorp.com mini storage
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:46
Dozens hurt in pile-up on Tolo Highway
Dozens of passengers were hurt in a pile-up involving two double-decker buses and a seven-seater on the Tolo Highway near Tai Po yesterday afternoon.迷你倉新蒲崗At least 28 people, mostly passengers from the two buses, suffered injuries, but most of them were minor. Three victims with serious injuries were taken to the Prince of Wales Hospital and Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital for treatment.Firefighters had to free a woman trapped on the top deck of one of the buses but she sustained only minor injuries.Paramedics from 10 ambulances treated the injured bus passengers on the roadside.Two lanes of the Tolo Highway heading towards Tai Po were closed and did not reopen until later in the day.The accident occurred near Kwong Fuk Estate and Hong Lok Yuen aro迷你倉出租nd midday, when the driver of the KMB 75X bus was believed to have failed to brake in time and slammed into the back of a KMB 74X bus.The 74X then hit a seven-seater vehicle in front.The front of the 75X bus was split in two, its windscreens blown out and the front door almost completely ripped from its frame.The back of the 74X bus caved in from the impact of the crash, and its rear windows were smashed.Last year, there were 137 traffic accidents on the Tolo Highway, which connects Sha Tin and Tai Po in the eastern New Territories, according to the Transport Department.Of these, 115 were minor accidents, 20 were serious and two were fatal.The highway is second only to Tuen Mun Road, which connects Tuen Mun with Tsuen Wan, in the number of accidents.迷你倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:45
40Th anniversary, 400 trees
CHIEF executives and senior management of banks in Singapore were among 1,000 banking executives planting trees at a National Parks Board (NParks) "tree bank" along Marina Coastal Drive on Saturday.存倉 These were part of 400 trees that will be planted as part of the celebrations by the Association of Banks in Singapore (ABS) on its 40th anniversary.The tre迷你倉s, which cost $400 each, raised $160,000 which would go towards the Garden City Fund, a registered charity established by NParks.NParks' tree banks nurture young trees for future landscaping needs. The ABS had also made a donation of $400,000 to the President's Challenge 2013 from funds raised among its members during its 40th Anniversary Dinner earlier.自存倉
- Sep 09 Mon 2013 10:45
Fok family aims to turn hub into new Guangzhou
Goal is to see new economic zone as a place to live, work and relax – just a short ride from HKAfter helping turn around the fortunes of their ancestral hometown Nansha by aiding its transformation from “the Siberia of the Pearl River Delta” into an economic hub in 25 years, the offspring of the late entrepreneur Henry Fok Ying-tung are on a new mission – creating a “new Guangzhou”.存倉Eric Fok Kai-shan, the third-generation Fok scion and vice-president of Fok Ying Tung Group, told the South China Morning Post that more investments had been lined up for Nansha, one of the three pilot economic zones in Guangdong province under the State Council’s 12th five-year plan.“We keep in mind overall town planning rather than focus on stand-alone projects,” Fok said. “We view Nansha as the centre of the delta, with deeper co-operation with Hong Kong.”The family’s goal is to see the Nansha new zone as a place where people could live, work or holiday within an hour’s ride from Hong Kong by high-speed trains when they come on stream in 2015.The Fok family is among the 500 Hong Kong investors in Nansha. Together they account for 20 per cent of the district’s annual economic output of 40 billion yuan (HK$50.6 billion).The family is extending the legacy of Henry Fok, who brought to the country in 1980 the first Western hotel, White Swan, in Guangzhou, as well as the concept of toll roads and bridges.Henry Fok was among the few pioneering investors from Hong Kong in Nansha, which was then only a bleak granite quarry site known as “the Siberia of the Pearl River Delta”.Keeping their faith in Nansha, the Foks have pumped into it about 5 billion yuan in the past 25 years.In December last year, the State Council anointed Nansha as one of the three pilot “economic and services zones” in the delta along with Qianhai in Shenzhen and Hengqin, an island in Zhuhai near Macau. They will serve as a nationwide template for similar zones if they are successful.Nansha, which has yet to anno迷你倉nce incentives and measures to attract foreign investments – unlike the other two areas – is looking to pull in 400 billion yuan in four years. It is betting the 127-kilometre high-speed rail corridor linking Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong will play a big role in spurring economic activity when it becomes operational.The Foks plan to start work on three residential developments at the 22 sq km Nansha Bay, the family’s complex that comprises a world-standard yacht club, a science and technology park, a coastal park, an international college, a five-star hotel, a golf club, a temple and commercial buildings, said Fok.The family is in talks to invest in a 20 billion yuan cruise terminal project led by the Nansha district government. It also wants to take part in the planning and design of an adjacent commercial property development similar to the Harbour City shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui.It is planning to renovate the 320-room, five-star Nansha Grand Hotel that hosted the wedding banquet of Eric Fok’s brother Kenneth Fok Kai-kong and former diving queen Guo Jingjing in November last year.“What our family has done in the past laid the groundwork for future development,” Fok said, pointing at the 7 sq km reclaimed land, which is about the size of Chek Lap Kok airport, on the Nansha coast that his family has been working on for close to three decades.Part of this reclaimed area is now used to house a yacht club that opened two years ago, designed for up to 352 water berths and 120 land berths. It has 100 members, mostly entrepreneurs in the 35 to 50 age group.Fok, who gave up his investment bank job in New York in 2007 to join the family business, played a key role in setting up the yacht club.He is hoping some rules and regulations on opening up and developing Nansha’s leisure marine sector will be part of the district’s offerings for foreign investors. At present, mainland yachts are subject to a lengthy approval process if they want to set sail overseas.自存倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 13:21
後結構主義學家德里達(Derrida)指出,self storage語言和文字永遠處於一種延宕(Differ�nce)狀態──當我們為某詞語賦予某種意義的時候,即否定了它在這定義之外的意義,而這定義之外的意義又被其他意義所否定,語言和文字的生成,由是建基在絕對的相對之上。然而,中國方塊字由象形文字演變出來,見水便是水,望月即是月,文字本身就是那唯一的意義指向。每一個漢字都是一個故事,且看區德誠(Benny Au)如何以文字說故事,或者,如何說文字的故事。撰文:安瀧谷 攝影(部分):SK Hon兩、三年前,Benny開始了他的「漢字計劃」,與其說這是個跟設計有關的計劃,不如說這個計劃讓我們在尋常生活中,重新思考漢字的意義。Benny喜歡攝影,平時都會將相機帶在身邊,他總愛隨手拍下令他感觸的瞬間,這個瞬間就像布烈松(Henri Cartier-Bresson)的「決定性的瞬間」──憑直覺完成,不容修改。「這是我的功課。」Benny以古碑帖文字跟照片做了合成,藉此將過去和現在連結起來,他說這個仍在進行的漢字計劃,其實也是一個「看字」計劃,例如當年第一批作品中有張照片,天空中的飛機遠去,Benny為這個畫面(以及照片)賦予了「離」的意思。飛機是現代產物,但與古碑帖文字結合起來,卻不覺突兀,能夠兼收並蓄、涵養古今,是生活的智慧,也是中國文字的寬容。或明或滅的詩意文字每一個漢字都是一個故事,像宿舍的「宿」,那是一百個人住在同一屋檐下,那一百個人住在同一屋檐下會發生甚麼事呢?漢字的魅力,其實遠比以形象說故事更為迷人,因為每一個漢字、以至每一個故事,又會轉過來讓人浮想聯翩──那是想像之始,也是想像的魔力。Benny是本地文學雜誌《字花》的顧問,他不期然想到文學和設計的關係,於是4年前與雜誌合作,相繼推出「造字」和「移印」兩個欄目,前者抽取詩集中的詩句進行字體創作,後者的創作則啟發自詩人手稿,手稿的文字都是有血有肉有溫度的文字,那電腦字能表達詩人所感嗎?Benny認為這是可行的。像他為香港詩人陳滅新詩〈到七一的路──回歸十年紀念之二〉創作的字體,在密鋪�斜線的平面上,是特意減去橫線的漢字,書頁翻動,文字便如風中燭火,或明或暗,燭光似流灑了一地,又似被黑夜吞噬,令人不禁想起詩中句子──沒有燒�甚麼,還是一切都點燃了。從手工時代到電子盛世1989年才入行,Benny說自己算是遲入行的一批,但正因為「遲到」,不但讓他趕上了植字、手砌稿的夕陽時期,還得以見證電腦取代剪刀和漿糊的新氣象。「Mac機90年代才在香港興起,我入行時做的都是手砌稿、講拍尺,甚麼都是手畫的,久經訓練,所以目測字距、行距等都很準,也許我像不少設計師一樣,都患上強迫症,精神衰弱。我現在常常跟新人說,電腦是呃你的,信電腦不如信自己雙眼,見到有錯、識得去調校才是一種能耐。」Benny說以前做一個設計很麻煩,設計師先在白紙上畫圖,然後再交給其他人在稿上打字,打好了字才可以砌圖,只要任何一個步驟錯了,便要重頭再做一遍;現在雖說科技先進,電腦甚至能畫水墨,但Be迷你倉ny說電腦的水墨始終不是那麼一回事,水的多少、墨的濃淡電腦就不能計算清楚,他說水墨的精神,就在蘸墨的功夫與專注。Benny說的水墨精神,跟靳叔靳埭強的執�倒有幾分相似。去年是靳叔的七十大壽,身為徒弟,Benny也創作了兩件鐵鏽作品來回應靳叔的《無山見山》和《無水見水》海報。他說畢業後第一份工就受聘於靳叔,能夠跟他學習,是很榮幸的事,要學懂並模仿表面的圖像構成不難,難學難懂的是工作態度。Benny說靳叔值得學習的地方很多,例如靳叔的嚴謹、靳叔對工作的要求,令他明白到個性和涵養,才是設計的精神所在,而個性和涵養,往往跟生活品味有關,Benny會聽音樂、也會閱讀,問他讀的都是些甚麼?想不到,他說他讀卡夫卡。實惠「設計私房菜」倉頡造字、蔡倫造紙,Benny會造字也會用紙,到底該如何定義他的身份?他不做倉頡、也不做蔡倫,離開靳叔之後,Benny創辦了Amazingangle,他說他做的是「設計私房菜」,換句話說,就是「睇�食飯」,客戶的財政預算有多少,就給他做多少──這不是說Benny會因應預算多少而決定投放多少心力,而是說他會在有限的資源下,替客戶度身訂造最符合經濟效益的方案。「印刷用紙有平有貴,很多人都以為貴紙適合做不同工藝,其實每種紙都有自己的性格,有的適合燙金,有的適合壓凸,有的不適合四色印刷,每種紙有缺點自然也有優點,我的角色就像媒人,啟發大家去挑選適合的紙做適合的設計。」在Benny看來,貴紙和平紙沒有貴賤之分,也沒有好壞之分,他說所有紙都是好的,只看我們如何使用。但是說到電子屏幕,尤其是現在電子書愈趨普遍,他說電腦和科技始終取代不了紙張,因為紙張有質感,他讓我們思考,平滑的電子屏幕,如何盛載尖銳嘲諷、棱角分明的文字?如何以文字表達情感、如何以紙張盛載文字──這就是Benny畢生鑽研的字學和紙學。也說Typography字體排印學(Typography),由希臘語的type和graphia組成,分別解作「符號、象徵」和「書寫」,直接說明了文字的本質。不時在各大小不同typography展覽上展出作品的Benny,因為擅於用紙,他的字體創作比其他設計師去得更盡、玩得更徹底,目標只有一個──靚。現實之虛妄:當紙片溶成浮雲我們都對自己奢求太多、苛求太多,以至我們其實並不了解自己,Benny了解紙張,也許更甚於明白自己。有一種紙叫水溶紙,遇水即溶,一般用於外交機密文件,Benny卻用來製造浮雲──當陽光穿過玻璃水缸,我們就看見浮雲一層疊一層。那是《字花》的「字花園」創作展,Benny是參展藝術家,也是負責展覽的總設計師。他從日本購進水溶紙,為陳滅的〈九龍公園之中國花園〉做了個裝置藝術作品。水缸底鋪置了刻�詩句的金屬板,水面飄�浮萍,Benny為參觀者準備了水溶紙,他們用鉛筆將願望寫在紙片上,然後放進水缸,鉛筆有蠟、蠟字不溶,紙張慢慢溶成浮雲,Benny說,我們所想的,往往與現實分崩離析,但我們得接受,這殘酷卻溫柔如紙如浮雲的現實。Benny當時也寫了個願望,他的願望是甚麼?那是──祖國。文件倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 13:08
The Bolshoi’s covert system of guaranteeing wild applause
By ELLEN BARRY The New York TimesMOSCOW — in the crowd that enters the bolshoi theater before the ballet, it is not hard to spot roman abramov and his team, as long as you know what you’re look-ing for.迷你倉they are not the nouveau riche ones wearing gold brocade harem pants, or car-rying hobo bags made out of tiny puffs of chinchilla. their faces do not display the juicy satisfaction of officials’ wives collect-ing what they are owed. nor are they the gaping tourists in hiking boots, gaping up at the vestibule, with its gold-leaf-and-cotton-candy glow.mr. abramov’s people are middle-age russian women in cloth coats, their expres-sions all business. as the first curtain ap-proaches, they break into formations, like synchronized swimmers, and vanish into the stream of people heading to their seats.Watching over all this is mr. abramov, whose job is to engineer applause and ova-tions, on the basis of secret agreements with dancers, using associates planted in the audience. these collaborations — part pas-sion, part commerce — can go on for years; they can also sour into nasty, revengeful dramas.Claqueurs, as these professional fans are known, were once common in the world’s great theaters. roman emperors had trained professionals to mingle with crowds at key moments, encouraging the dull roar of approval that speaks of a mandate. this behavior was refined in the theaters of 18th- and 19th-century France, where the term “claque” — from the phrase “to clap” — was coined.at the paris Opera, claqueurs became arbiters of success; balzac writes in “la Co-m�die humaine” that the chief of the claque had “the endorsement of the boulevard playwrights, all of whom have an account with him, as they would with a banker.”today mr. abramov describes his work as a transaction: the claque provides artists with a guarantee of applause, and in return it receives free passes allocated to artists. because the modern-day claque repre-sents multiple artists in the same show, mr. abramov can often secure up to 28 seats in the theater on a given night, a remarkable fact given that tickets for a performance of “Swan lake” sell for $300 to $500.Some insiders contend that the claque-urs also profit by reselling p文件倉sses, which mr. abramov categorically denies, saying the bolshoi’s administration traces the art-ists’ passes, so a resale would be discovered and he would be immediately banned from the theater. the claqueurs’ motivation, he says, is a simpler one: they are fanatics. mr. abramov and his associates enjoy closeness to the stars, and serve as ferocious defenders of the bolshoi’s conservative, classical tradi-tion. they also need tickets.but why do the artists need them?mr. abramov, who began frequenting the bolshoi at 17 and is now in his late 40s, speaks of performers with a lack of awe. “artists have very fine and delicate natures, they have a very delicate nervous system, and, unfortunately, all of them have a strongly inflated self-image.”in rare cases, a dancer takes the step of challenging the claque in public. in 2004, a newly minted prima ballerina, maria alek-sandrova, infuriated mr. abramov and his team by saying she did not need their sup-port. a legendary feud arose between mr. abramov and the dancer nikolai tsiskar-idze, who was quoted making similar com-ments. What ensued, both men agreed, was a campaign of revenge, mostly aiming to break the dancer’s concentration at key moments in a performance.When asked for details, mr. tsiskaridze smiled sweetly.“One can start applauding at the wrong moment,” said the dancer, whose contract at the bolshoi ended this summer. “One can accidentally drop coins on a drum. also, one can start laughing accidentally. One can start coughing — many people can start coughing at the same time, during a quiet scene. there is no law against it. you cannot do anything about it.”mr. mr. abramov looked sympathetic when reminded of past disagreements with danc-ers. yes, it is possible to clap off-rhythm when a dancer is performing the series of difficult turns called fouett�s, he said.but there was no time for regret this night, as “Swan lake” hurtled toward its finale and shouts of “bravo! bravo!” emanated from a member of the team. as the ballerina was whipping off 32 perfect fouett�s, the shout-ing came from everywhere.Where the love ended, and deceit began, was impossible to tell.Free ballet tickets for those who will clap for a dancer on cue.存倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:57
反媒體壟斷辯論賽 東吳奪冠
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:45
■《新快報》的獲獎獎狀。 新快報訊 殊榮再至。“2013傳媒中國年度盛典暨百強發佈”昨日在內蒙古呼倫貝爾舉行。《新快報》榮膺“2013傳媒中國年度十大影響力都市報”大獎,新蒲崗迷你倉上榜“2013傳媒中國百強”;羊城晚報報業集團管委會副主任、羊城晚報社副總編輯、新快報社社長兼總編輯李宜航榮獲“2013傳媒中國年度創新人物”大獎。 傳媒中國年度盛典由中國人民大學、清華大學、北京大學、中國傳媒大學、暨南大學、南京師範大學等國內頂級大學的新聞學院聯合主辦;是一個匯聚了報刊、廣電、網絡、新媒體、出版、廣告等全媒體精英的產、學、研交流平台。其評出的“2013傳媒中國百強排行榜”,評價體系嚴苛,要求結合傳媒自身影響力、知名度、社會責任、網絡傳播力、創新力、受�關注度、受�美譽度、廣告經營收入等八大軟、硬指標進行綜合測評。 2013年度,《新快報》在“立足廣州,面向白領”定位基礎上,創新不止。一方面,借力創刊十五周年慶推出了一系列有聲有色的社慶活動策劃:從“十五周年圖片展”,到“天天向上”中產白領寫字mini storage登高活動,到“夢想廚房”美食系列活動;既得讀者認可,又贏市場讚譽,實現了社會、經濟效益雙豐收。與此同時,為推動廣州垃圾分類全面推廣,倡導環保、健康的生活理念,新快報集全媒體之力,拍攝了中國首部環保公益微電影《習慣·愛》,備受全城熱捧。 十五年來,《新快報》始終以“一份報推動一座城”為己任,以“新銳、新知、新見”為理念,致力打造一張負責任的報紙、一個有靈魂的報社、一家受尊敬的報業。此番再得“傳媒中國年度十大影響力都市報”桂冠,榮登“2013傳媒中國百強”,是對《新快報》巨大影響力的最好注解。 榮譽榜 ●2010年度: 《新快報》榮膺“金長城傳媒獎·2010中國最具創新傳媒”獎; ●2011年度: 《新快報》榮膺“金長城傳媒獎·2011中國十大傳播力都市報”; ●2012年度: 《新快報》榮膺“金長城傳媒獎·2012中國十大影響力都市報”; ●2013年度: 《新快報》榮膺“中國傳媒十大領軍品牌”獎、“中國市民喜愛的媒體品牌”獎 、“傳媒中國十大影響力都市報”獎。self storage
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:45
配合早報九十報慶而出版的新書《聯合早報的前世今生:我們的90年》,新蒲崗迷你倉今天中午在“早報90再聚首”聯歡會上舉行發佈儀式。這本匯聚了新聞室一群新聞工作者心力的新書,是慶祝早報九十大壽的獻禮之一。@謝燕燕chiayy@sph.com.sg25名《聯合早報》的新聞工作者,翻閱5000多個已成為史料的舊報章版面,挑出90個重大新聞課題,再以精簡文字進行導讀,以此回望聯合早報的前世今生,盤點“我們的90年”。配合早報90報慶而出版的新書《聯合早報的前世今生:我們的90年》,今天中午在“早報90再聚首”聯歡會上舉行發佈儀式。這本匯聚了新聞室一群新聞工作者心力的新書,是慶祝早報90大壽的獻禮之一。反映早報90年發展脈絡2012年一開年,早報執行副總編輯、也是早報90周年報慶籌委會主席李慧玲便成立出版小組,議定出版一本能反映早報90年發展脈絡,又能與新加坡的發展串聯起來的新書。擔任新書主編的李慧玲說,早報慶祝70周年報慶時,編撰過《我們的70年》,20年過去,我們把故事說下去。並且,早報在展望未來時,更需要認識和反思過去。在報社工作的同事,應該先瞭解我們自己的歷史,知道過去有哪些重大新聞,而我們又是如何處理這些新聞。這樣才能說得上繼承什麼,改良什麼,創造什麼。新書的另一位主編、早報副刊副主任黃佩卿說:“從初擬概念,確立方向,擬定框架,到編選、收集、統合新聞資料,再消化、導讀新聞資料,進而設計編排,前後花費了近一年半時間,何止‘懷胎十月’?”。90篇導讀被歸類為八個篇章,分別是報業、政治、社會、財經、人物、文教、中國和國際篇。這些報章報道過的重大新聞事件,時間跨度正好是《聯合早報》及其前身《南洋商報》和《星洲日報mini storage所走過的90年——從陳嘉庚1923年9月6日創辦《南洋商報》起,一直到近期層出不窮的性丑聞案和今年引發爭議的人口白皮書。參與導讀工作的新聞工作者,來自早報新聞室各個組別,當中還包括“拔刀相助”的退休同事區如柏和去年才加入早報的新聞編輯章星虹。她們正好是書中最多產的撰稿者,每人各貢獻了九篇導讀。其他參與者的年齡、經驗、組別非常多元化,有70年代便進入報館的資深報人,也有一兩年前才加入早報的後進與新秀。黃佩卿說:“資料室應出版小組要求,先搜集90年來117個國內外大事件的相關資料,我們再從中精選90個新聞事件,再調出總數達5420個舊報章版面。”25位撰寫導讀的新聞工作者,從中概括出《南洋商報》、《星洲日報》和《聯合早報》當時的報道重心與特點。走入歷史回望早報和其前身如何報道各大新聞事件是新書的核心內容,為了增加詮釋的深度,新書邀請三位學者評論早報,即:北京大學新聞與傳播學院副院長,世界華文傳媒研究中心主任程曼麗博士;南洋理工大學中華語言文化中心特聘高級研究員李元瑾博士和新加坡國立大學中文系副教授王昌偉博士 。程曼麗談的是《聯合早報》在世界華人讀者中的作用與影響”。李元瑾在《歷史的叮嚀、時代的付托:<�聯合早報>與文化傳承》一文中,探討早報的文化傳承。王昌偉的題目是:《新加坡華人社群的歷史演變與華文報的輿論走向,以<聯合早報>及其前身為例》。《我們的90年》也專訪三位華文報前掌舵人黃錦西、周景銳和胡以晨,談他們與早報同行時的歲月,以及所見證過的華文報歷史。新書今天舉行發佈儀式後,讀者可以在友聯書局、大�書局、紀伊國屋書局、草根書室和友誼書齋購得,或通過.lingzi.com.sg網購,每本定價25元。self storage
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:40
The Press-Enterprise, Riverside, Calif., Laurie Lucas column
Source: The Press-Enterprise, Riverside, Calif.自存倉Sept. 06--Move over, food trucks. A mobile fashion truck, Out of My Kloset Boutique, will roll into Riverside County from 5:30 to 10 p.m. on Sat. Sept. 7 at Jose's Mexican Restaurant in Moreno Valley. Women of all ages and sizes can climb aboard the 24-foot-long 1989 Chevy side-step van to hunt for clothing, handbags and shoes.The husband-and-wife owners, Sheneka Gordon, 40, and Jeremy May, 42, are making their Inland Empire launch of this cutting-edge business model. The couple, who have full-time jobs and live in Moreno Valley, think their community -- and the IE -- are ready for an alternative to mall and online shopping.They started Out of My Kloset online two years ago just as the fashion truck industry began revving up in LA-area cities. Mobile vans, selling everything from vintage clothing to flowers, shoes, custom men's suits and bikinis, have shifted into high gear as a nationwide trend. Gordon said trucks represent the next step for wannabe brick-and-mortar entrepreneurs. "My dream has always been to own boutiques," Gordon said. "The fashion trucks have paved the way."May and Gordon paid $5,000 for their truck in June, renovated it with custom-made cabinets, racks and a dressing room and obtained the necessary city business licenses and state seller's permit. At Kloset's debut last weekend at the LA County Fair in Pomona, Gordon said they made back their initial investment as well as a profit.The truck can accommodate up to 15 shoppers at time. Kloset accepts credit cards and returns for clothes and accessories. It carries sizes extra small to 3X, styles that Gordon describes as contemporary, trendy and fashion forward. She buys mostly from the LA garment industry and marts. Although the truck carries some higher-end brands, the inventory primarily is $60 and under. Out of My Kloset will also appear at the farmers market from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sun. Sept. 8 at the Galleria at Tyler mall in Riverside.Gordon said the fashion truck is ideal for private parties, birthdays, girls' nights out and sp迷你倉新蒲崗cial events. She is looking to carry the creations of local designers.Jose's Mexican Restaurant is at 11875 Pigeon Pass Road, No. 4. Shop, mingle, enjoy $3.99 margaritas and finger foods. The first 25 people will receive a gift bag. Enter to win a price during the launch of Out of My Kloset.For free tickets .outofmyklosetboutique.eventbrite.com/ or for more information call 1-888-860-1151. Or email info@outofmykloset.com. Or visit the website: .outofmykloset.com/HELLO, RUBIE TUESDAY'SWho could hang a name on you? Stacie Pitsley, 35, of Riverside, already has. In April 2010 she opened Rubie Tuesday's Children's Boutique at 415 E. State St. in Redlands, named after her daughter, who was born on a Tuesday in November.Pitsley, a former mental health advocate who worked 14 years for Riverside County, wanted a place where she could bring her daughter every day. She allows her four employees to bring in their babies, too.The boutique, which sells new and used kiddie clothes and accessories, has been so successful that Pitsley has opened a 1,000-square-foot shop in Temecula. Co-owned with her sister, Shayna Moretti, 26, the second Rubie Tuesday's is at 27309 Jefferson St., Suite 102, next to the Urban Exchange, a resale shop for adults. Rubie Tuesday's deux sells the same mix of children's recycled and new items, many of the latter made by local moms.Visit the website: .rubietuesdaysboutique.com/DON'T BE DUPEDThe Counterfeit Report website offers consumers a free visual guide to identify products they might not suspect are bogus, such as Colgate toothpaste, Duracell batteries and Gillette blades. The website also outs unusual but fake specialty brands such as Bear Grylls hunting knives, Otterbox cell phone cases and a variety of perfumes and colognes.Visit; Website: .theCounterfeitReport.com .theCounterfeitReport.comFollow Laurie Lucas on Twitter @LaurieLucas and check her blog on pe.com/businessCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) Visit The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) at .PE.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:22
EDITORIAL: More of the same -- unfortunately
Source: Chicago TribuneSept.迷你倉新蒲崗 07--The nation's jobless rate has dropped a smidgen to 7.3 percent, its lowest rate in 41/2 years, which is good news as far as it goes. Trouble is, the unemployment rate mostly is dropping for the wrong reasons.The economic problems that have frustrated all of us for five-plus years are now chronic. The weak recovery is failing to gain momentum. Many Americans are being left behind -- sidelined, underemployed or otherwise underutilized -- while their skills atrophy. That makes the nation more vulnerable to future downturns.Congress and the White House need to acknowledge that three missions in particular would improve the now-fragile state of the American economy. Instead, what we too often hear from President Barack Obama is political gimmickry. At a speech in Galesburg, Ill., this summer, he pledged to grow America from the "middle out," putting priority on the middle class. It isn't happening. The disturbing reality is written in the fine print of the government unemployment report for August released on Friday:-- The jobless rate shows the percentage of Americans who have no jobs, but are available to work and actively looked for work in the previous four weeks. The rate dropped 0.1 percent in August almost entirely because 312,000 Americans exited the workforce. So even though 115,000 fewer people held jobs in August, the rate went down because many Americans no longer are trying to find work.Put another way, the percentage of the population either working or looking for work has been falling. Labor-force participation, as it is called, tumbled to its lowest level since 1978 -- just 63.2 percent of working-age Americans. The trend reflects an aging population that is retiring, as expected. But the numbers also were up for "discouraged workers," those who have given up looking for jobs because they don't think they'll ever find one. Equally troubling, the number of people rejoining the labor force to look for jobs went down from the previous month.--We've been concerned as well about the rise in part-time employment: To an extent, a robust marketplace of part-time jobs is a plus, reflecting the flexibility of the American labor market. Nearly 20 million Americans say they work part time by choice. It is a problem, though, when people who want to work full time only can find part-time jobs.The number of Americans who work part time for those und迷你倉出租sirable economic reasons declined in August from the previous month. But at nearly 8 million, they still amount to a big part of the workforce. The Affordable Care Act gives some employers and workers an additional incentive to go part time, so as Obamacare kicks in over the next year, don't be surprised to see part-timing spike.--Job creation remains anemic. Friday's report says 169,000 jobs were added in August, but it also revised downward the numbers for July to just 104,000 new jobs, well below the 162,000 originally reported for that month. The quality of jobs is a concern too: Average hourly wages ticked up in August, but still barely match inflation. If that's all that American workers can expect from the recovery, they will have a hard time getting ahead.We recognize that the nation's economy has come a long way from the depths of the Great Recession. Employers have added almost 7 million jobs since the labor market hit bottom in early 2010, and the unemployment rate's drop from a peak of 10 percent in October 2009 reflects real progress.Trouble is, job creation is proceeding at far too slow a pace to make up for what was lost.Washington, regrettably, has more talking points than good answers. The most aggressive response has come from the U.S. Federal Reserve, which is pumping $85 billion into a bond-buying program designed to stimulate growth. The Fed has been discussing when and how to taper off that extraordinary stimulus, and it is certain to be the No. 1 topic when its policymaking board meets later this month.The Fed's latest program, nicknamed QE3, simply isn't delivering enough economic growth -- enough jobs. It's past time for the Fed to give it up. To give business confidence and truly get the economy moving again, Washington needs to make progress on three big issues:First, reform entitlement programs so employers won't fear future tax hikes to rescue them.Second, revamp (and simplify) a federal tax code that, because it chooses winners and losers, discourages muscular hiring and investment.Third, stop amassing an unaffordable national debt -- almost $17 trillion and rising. Repaying that obligation threatens to devour too much of future workers' incomes.Get those jobs done and job creation will begin again in earnest.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 12:06
BLM ready for Douglas Complex rehab
Source: Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.迷你倉Sept. 07--Tendrils of smoke may still be rising from some hot spots, but the U.S. Bureau of Land Management is already planning rehabilitation efforts on portions of the more than 18,000 acres burned on its Medford District this summer by the Douglas Complex fire."We're talking about rehabilitation for just the high-severity burned areas," stressed district spokesman Jim Whittington. "Like most fires, the Douglas Complex burned in a mosaic pattern."Quite a bit of the area had a low-intensity burn or no burn at all," he added. "That's just the whim of nature."The agency is looking at long-term soil stabilization and vegetation rehabilitation in some of the heavily burned areas, he said, including roughly 1,700 acres of mulch. Some timber salvage is also being contemplated, although the amount has not been determined, he added.A burned area emergency rehabilitation, or BAER, team made up of various specialists has been assessing the burned area, he said."Our goal is to rehabilitate the habitat where it makes sense," he said. "But there will be other areas where nature doesn't need any assistance."The Douglas Complex fire, sparked by a July 26 lightning strike, burned some 48,700 acres -- more than 76 square miles -- in southern Douglas County and northern Jackson and Josephine counties. Although it caused several evacuations, it has largely been contained -- without the loss of any homes -- at a cost of $51.76 million.The two main fires in the complex included the 24,439-acre Dad's Creek fire, which included 12,621 acres of the Medford District. Of the district land burned, 3,882 acres were of a moderate- to high-severity burn, Whittington said.The Dad's Creek fire also burned 11,498 acres of private land, of which 3,748 acres were rated moderate to high severity, he said.The other large fire in the complex, the 23,948-acre Rabbit Mountain fire, burned 6,216 acres in the Medford District. The BAER team identified 1,142 acres as moderate- to high-severity burn.The fire also torched 6,267 acres on the BLM's Roseburg District, with 2,670 acres burned from moderate to high severity. The remaining acreage included 11,502 acres of private land, of which 5,952 acres were burned儲存in moderate or high severity."The fire did expose some steep slopes where it burned hot," leaving sites where the soil was laid bare, Whittington said. "Stuff is going to move on us when we get some rain."Much of the fire burned in the Cow Creek drainage, making what he described as big runs in late July and early August."A lot of the high-severity activity was in the Cow Creek area," he said. "In those areas, we are going to prioritize stabilizing the watershed and soils to prevent flash flooding as much as possible."The BAER team came up with a plan to mulch areas," he added, noting the target is some 1,700 acres. "They will also be doing water diversions along roads and trails, putting in water bars and dips where necessary."Grass seeding will be applied to provide temporary soil stabilization until native plants can take over, he said."It's not atypical to have a pretty good flood after a fire like this," he said. "There is no vegetation to soak up the water in some drainages."Several areas will be closely monitored because of the potential for flash flooding, he said. Residents living close to streams should pay special attention to the weather this winter because of flooding potential, he added.Trees killed by the fire near roads will be removed because they can fall without warning, posing a threat to passers-by, he said."We will also be looking at economic recovery," he said, referring to salvaging some burned timber. "Some of the big fire runs went through matrix areas. Those trees are still standing."However, before salvaging any trees from the areas that were set aside for timber harvest before the fire, the focus will be on soil stabilization and watershed protection, he reiterated."We are still in the assessment phase, but our priority will be soil and watershed protection," he said. "We have to get some straw on the ground to stop erosion."The weather forecast for the next few weeks calls for warm weather with no heavy rain in the offing, he said."We plan to take advantage of that," he said. "There is a ton of work to be done."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) Visit the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) at .mailtribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉
- Sep 08 Sun 2013 11:57
The Bolshoi's covert system of guaranteeing wild applause
MOSCOW - In the crowd that enters the Bolshoi Theater before the ballet, it is not hard to spot Roman Abramov and his team, as long as you know what you're looking for.文件倉They are not the nouveau riche ones wearing gold brocade harem pants, or carrying hobo bags made out of tiny puffs of chinchilla. Their faces do not display the juicy satisfaction of officials' wives collecting what they are owed. Nor are they the gaping tourists in hiking boots, gaping up at the vestibule, with its gold-leaf-and-cotton-candy glow.Mr. Abramov's people are middle-age Russian women in cloth coats, their expressions all business. As the first curtain approaches, they break into formations, like synchronized swimmers, and vanish into the stream of people heading to their seats.Watching over all this is Mr. Abramov, whose job is to engineer applause and ovations, on the basis of secret agreements with dancers, using associates planted in the audience. These collaborations - part passion, part commerce - can go on for years; they can also sour into nasty, revengeful dramas.Claqueurs, as these professional fans are known, were once common in the world's great theaters. Roman emperors had trained professionals to mingle with crowds at key moments, encouraging the dull roar of approval that speaks of a mandate. This behavior was refined in the theaters of 18th- and 19th-century France, where the term "claque" - from the phrase "to clap" - was coined.At the Paris Opera, claqueurs became arbiters of success; Balzac writes in "La Comedie Humaine" that the chief of the claque had "the endorsement of the boulevard playwrights, all of whom have an account with him, as they would with a banker." Today Mr. Abramov describes his work as a transaction: The claque provides artists with a guarantee of applause, and in return it receives free passes allocated to artists. Because the modern-day claque represents multiple artists in the same show, Mr. Abramov can often secure up to 28 seats in the theater on a given night, a remarkable fact given that tickets for a performance of "Swan Lake" sell for $300 to $500.Some insiders contend that the claqueurs also profit by res存倉lling passes, which Mr. Abramov categorically denies, saying the Bolshoi's administration traces the artists' passes, so a resale would be discovered and he would be immediately banned from the theater. The claqueurs' motivation, he says, is a simpler one: They are fanatics. Mr. Abramov and his associates enjoy closeness to the stars, and serve as ferocious defenders of the Bolshoi's conservative, classical tradition. They also need tickets.But why do the artists need them?Mr. Abramov, who began frequenting the Bolshoi at 17 and is now in his late 40s, speaks of performers with a lack of awe. "Artists have very fine and delicate natures, they have a very delicate nervous system, and, unfortunately, all of them have a strongly inflated self-image." In rare cases, a dancer takes the step of challenging the claque in public. In 2004, a newly minted prima ballerina, Maria Aleksandrova, infuriated Mr. Abramov and his team by saying she did not need their support.A legendary feud arose between Mr. Abramov and the dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who was quoted making similar comments. What ensued, both men agreed, was a campaign of revenge, mostly aiming to break the dancer's concentration at key moments in a performance.When asked for details, Mr. Tsiskaridze smiled sweetly."One can start applauding at the wrong moment," said the dancer, whose contract at the Bolshoi ended this summer. "One can accidentally drop coins on a drum. Also, one can start laughing accidentally. One can start coughing - many people can start coughing at the same time, during a quiet scene. There is no law against it. You cannot do anything about it." Mr. Abramov looked sympathetic when reminded of past disagreements with dancers. Yes, it is possible to clap off-rhythm when a dancer is performing the series of difficult turns called fouettes, he said.But there was no time for regret this night, as "Swan Lake" hurtled toward its finale and shouts of "Bravo! Bravo!" emanated from a member of the team. As the ballerina was whipping off 32 perfect fouettes, the shouting came from everywhere.Where the love ended, and deceit began, was impossible to tell.The New York Times迷你倉