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- Aug 20 Tue 2013 12:44
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 12:37
星滬爭輝大發展 香江難逃邊緣化
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 12:27
廣州站列車恢復行駛 旅客仍滯留
當局清理阻礙南北大動脈京廣鐵路的山泥後,迷你倉價錢廣州站的列車服務開始恢復,全日開出16班北上列車,但只及平日的三分之一。有曾滯留在粵北小站的旅客昨抵廣州,質疑當局未作妥善安排,令他們要繼續在廣州滯留。廣州火車站的列車昨日逐步恢復正常,往來廣州、深圳的動車組恢復從廣州站開出,首班長途列車、前往江蘇泰州的列車則在9時15分開出。然而受京廣線暴雨、限速及列車調度等影響,昨日開出的長途列車不多,火車站職員稱仍有很多列車需停駛,未知何迷你倉庫恢復。速遞受阻淘寶店主麻煩海南旅行團領隊李小姐昨帶�29名遊客抵達廣州,滯留在火車站廣場。她表示,上周六(17日)在上海登上前往海口的火車,火車停停走走,至昨日凌晨才到達廣州,乘務員稱要她們一行下車,但卻未有人為她們安排餘下行程,讓她十分不滿。至於從廣州開往其他省市的長途巴士,運作正常,沒有旅客在車站滯留,不少速遞公司因連日暴雨,令到貨物阻延,甚至追蹤不到貨物訊息,不少淘寶店主都因此而忙�應付催貨的買家。《蘋果》記者 儲存
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 12:07
信德放長�釣大魚 珠澳地產業務潛力厚
信德(242)業務多元化,文件倉地產業務是主要收入來源,除受惠澳門樓價攀升之外,現正等待澳門政府批准規劃方案的南灣海岸項目,以及近期在珠海橫琴購入的地皮,由於地理位置優越,長�回報看高一�。有證券商建議,由於現時該股每股資產淨值折讓達約40%,可趁低收集,長�持有。信德近期有多項投資動作,如六月時出資5.15億元,夥拍東航(670)、澳洲航空旗下捷星國際,成立捷星香港,進軍本港廉價航空市場。不過捷星尚未獲發牌,現時難言幾時會有盈利貢獻。 信德本月初珠海橫琴地區,以7.21億元投得一幅地皮,更令市場矚目。該地皮每平方米均價僅5500元人民幣,位置接近澳門關口,預料可與其澳門業務產生協同效應,加上「橫琴概念」具憧憬,令該股股價即時炒上。 收購令股份有炒作,不過信德現時主營的地產業務,則有實質需求,可支持股價。除本港少數項目和北京通州綜合發展項目外,信德多數地產項目位於澳門。澳門過去5年博彩收入每年平均增長接近30%,信德不僅可通過間接持有的澳博(880)受益,當地一手及二手平均樓價過去五年複合增長率也達逾20%,地產業務收入更可水漲船高。現時最值得注意的是毗鄰澳門旅遊塔的南灣海岸項目,正等待政府規劃方案,若今年獲批,預料會於2016年逐步存倉成,若出售獲利,會大幅提升集團資產淨值。瑞信大摩齊唱好 瑞信維持該股「跑贏大市」,目標價6.08元升至6.24元。該行預料中期大部分業務錄得增長,半年核心純利9600萬元,與去年同期9700萬元相若。下半年業績重點,包括舂磡角及濠庭都會第四期推出,本港昇御門餘下單位銷售,以及南灣海岸和Culumbarium審批進展等。 摩根士丹利則將該股目標價由5元升至5.5元,評級維持「增持」。該行指,計及橫琴項目,信德每股資產淨值介乎7.9元至9元,該項目預料2018年完工,利潤率約27%。橫琴發展配套的長隆水上樂園和輕軌等基建工程發展,是潛在利好。而若將南灣海岸項目考慮在內,則信德目標價再升至6.5元,現時該股估值吸引。信德昨日收報3.83元,無升跌。專家評介折讓大趁低收集 信德是澳門的主要地產發展商之一,受惠於澳門博彩業蓬勃的發展。目前淨負債低於10%,亦積極吸納土儲,低價投得橫琴地皮,現價較帳面值折讓40%,可趁低收集。鄺民彬凱基證券營運總裁每股資產淨值趨升 信德旗下南灣海岸是鄰近澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心旁的高尚住宅項目,地皮面積將超過400萬平方呎,足以未來幾年發展需要,有助提升每股資產淨值,建議候低買入。黃敏碩康宏證券及資產管理董事自存倉
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:57
(吉隆坡19日訊)準備於今年8月27日至12月11日出國旅行者,迷你倉請於明日起上網搶購20%折扣的機票。這項優惠只限到本月25日。從吉隆坡飛往澳洲、汶萊、柬埔寨、中國、香港、印度、印尼、日本、韓國、寥國、澳門、緬甸、尼泊爾、菲律賓、新加坡、台灣、泰國及越南的機票都可享有20%折扣。所有以A K(馬來西亞亞航)、FD(泰國亞航)、QZ(印尼亞航)、PQ(菲律賓亞航)及D7(亞航長程)為飛行代號的亞航航班皆可以享有這項20%折扣。遍佈20國家逾85目的地乘客可通過亞航航線,前往亞航遍佈20個國家超過85個目的地。通過轉機服務(Fly-Thru)購票的乘客也可獲得這項20%折扣。乘客也可通過蘋果智慧型手機、Android設備、黑莓10的亞航流動應用程序文件倉及流動網頁mobile.airasia.com訂購。如今,蘋果智慧型手機和Andriod平台操作的流動應用程序也增添了“Manage MyBooking”設置,乘客可通過這項設置查看已訂購的機票、完成登記手續及管理飛行附加事項,包括餐點、設定座位、托運行李和體育器材配置及購買飛行保險等。欲獲知亞航旅遊商店的完整名單,請瀏覽.airasia.com並點擊“服務中心”並根據個人所屬國家進行搜尋。亞航亞太區市場經理(商務部)戴秀鳳指出:“亞航的日常低票價加上這項20%折扣優惠,將促進更多旅遊活動,並增加旅客人次;尤其是在今年8月至12月的促銷期期間。亞航乘客也可通過AirAsiaGo提供的卓越交易,在訂購機票的同時也預訂酒店,即可節省高達50%。”;存倉
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:49
cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-08/20/content_1668417.htm...去黔東南 盡享美景和風情美食 重慶晨報訊 (記者 王建強)近日,文件倉“第六屆中國·凱里原生態民族文化旅遊節暨2013中國(貴州)國際民間工藝品...
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:41
藝穗會在七、八月到學校及長者服務機構進行戲劇故事巡演期間,新蒲崗迷你倉應邀到盧家大屋為家長及其子女、遊客作了四次的專場演出。演出形式新穎、目標明確,收到了預期的演出效果:活化具歷史特色的民居大宅,豐富市民大�的精神生活,為本地語言藝術愛好者增添了在不同場合的演出機會。 盧家大屋與鄭家大屋分別是昔日本地富商盧九與文人政治家鄭觀應的住所,氣宇非凡,極具兩三百年前豪宅的風采與特色。經修葺開放後,吸引不少遊客到訪。 兩座對外開放的大宅,氣氛與一般的博物館無異,很靜。不同之處卻是:博物館是現代建築展品(實物、圖片、文件)十分豐富,而盧、鄭兩家大屋卻只是兩幢修舊如舊的古老民居,藏品甚少。對西方遊客而言,屋內、屋外的樑、柱、牌匾、浮雕等等都很有新鮮感,很具吸引力,但對來自海峽兩岸的遊客來說,早已司空見慣。 如何把盧、鄭兩家大屋“活化”是有關當局積極面對的課題。 年前,筆者被邀到兩所大屋參觀,與主人談及一些“活化”的具體內容時,彼此都有這麼的一個共識:內容上必須與“澳門製造”有關mini storage例如說:大廳可用作本地藝術愛好者的繪畫、攝影、美勞製作的展覽廳,作品定期更換;較小的廳房安放座椅,讓遊客坐下小休時,現場作一些本澳音樂或舞蹈比賽及醒獅舞、醉龍舞的錄像重播;本澳昔日的製造業如神香、炮竹、珠繡等,對外地甚至是本地的年輕一代的訪者而言,只能算是幾個頗陌生的詞彙,如果能邀請到一些長者現場製作示範或錄像重播,參觀者定會感到耳目一新、上了一堂�貴的歷史課。 沒想到,當日“理所當然”的建議,竟然能得到了一點積極的回應。此次的戲劇故事專場,算是“活化”盧、鄭兩家大屋活動的“突破”,成績如何,相信會得到客觀中肯的評核(其中一場主辦機構設有現場觀�問卷調查)。 四次的專場演出結束了,若要我作點總結、評論的話,我會毫不猶豫地指出:一、此類半露天的演出,不宜在酷熱的天氣下進行,秋天最理想;二、宣傳不足,來日的“活化”活動應在遊客指南中有所介紹;三、起著鼓勵、評核與監管作用的圈內人的評論未見在傳媒上出現。這是如今本澳戲劇演出後常見的現象,不能不說是一種“悲哀”。 周樹利 self storage
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:35
哈爾濱增加鐵路車次及售票口 打擊非法攬客
受近期持續降雨影響,迷你倉庫鐵路開往黑河、牡丹江、伊春、五大連池等地的列車停運,大量旅客湧向公路客運。對此,哈市運管部門迅速�動應急預案,保證旅客及時出行。 據統計,自8月6日至18日,哈市各客運站共發車輛20832台,同比增長4.9%;加車1254台,同比增長22.6%;運送旅客816649人,同比增長5%。僅南崗客運站日發送旅客達到26000人次,與春運客流最高峰持平。 運管部門組織大型客運企業組織加班運力投入到哈同、哈牡、儲存伊等重點線路加班運輸。採取歇人不歇車的運輸模式,對回程早的車輛重新安排駕駛員上路。 同時各客運站增設售票窗口、延長售票時間,南崗客運站15個售票窗口已全部開放,並增設了5台自動售票機,售票時間自4時30分到18時雙班循環不間斷售票。 為了保證車輛的安全,客運站安檢人員對加班車進行嚴格的安全檢查。同時,對在南崗客運站、安發橋客運站周邊重點地點組織稽查人員嚴查喊客、攬客等不法行為。(記者 王健澤)標簽:客運站 售票 南崗 加班 旅客新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:23
[本報記者許亞第台北報導]今年花博公園Fun暑假,文件倉精采活動不間斷,為了讓來花博公園遊客們能享受更便利的服務,會展產業發展基金會特與北市府交通局合作,將深受台北市民喜愛的YouBike引進花博公園,昨(14)日新啟用捷運圓山站2號出口、市立美術館、臺北孔廟及林安泰古厝,目前全台北市總站數已破百,共103站,市民朋友可輕鬆騎單車遊花博公園參訪各個展館與展覽外,也象徵臺北市綠色運輸又往前邁進一大步。 昨日於花博公園入口廣場舉行「微笑遊臺北便利百分百」記者會,郝龍斌宣布YouBike突破100站,同時也表示對台北市YouBike的存倉功也表示相當的肯定,100站代表著台北市的交通將會更方便、環境也會越來越美好。昨日啟用的站點,除了第100站的圓山站之外,週邊的市立美術館站、臺北孔廟站以及林安泰古厝站也同時啟用,再加上已營運服務的酒泉延平路口站。 產業發展局黃啟瑞局長表示,花博公園一旦有了YouBike,遊客來花博公園遊玩將更方便,從圓山站出發,行經圓山公園區可享受爭豔館的火影忍者特展與享受集食行樂美食,前往美術公園區可以參觀原民風味館與臺灣精品館外,沿途可以經過花之隧道享受花博公園的植栽風光,直達林安泰古厝站參觀代表今夏最HOt的行動夢想館就更加輕鬆了。 自存倉
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:11
Sinopec coal project gets state backing
Sinopec Engineering, the plant construction arm of energy giant China Petrochemical, says orders for coal-to-chemical projects – its fastest-growing sales driver – are backed by the government despite carbon emissions and water scarcity concerns.文件倉“Our 101 billion yuan [HK$127.9 billion] of outstanding orders are backed by real contracts, and the projects have received various government approvals,” said president Yan Shaochun.The company’s net profit for the first half rose 10.8 per cent to 2.21 billion yuan.Since most of the mainland’s coal resources are in the arid northern and northwestern regions, Yan said, the company was researching methods to cut pollution and water usage.He said present technology for converting methanol to chemicals was 9.5 per cent more efficient than the previous one. Methanol is the intermediate product in the conversion of coal into chemicals.Beijing is keen to use its ample coal resources to replac存倉 crude oil as a source of fuel and chemical feedstock. Mainland firms have successfully built projects to turn coal into liquid fuel and natural gas, although mass commercialisation is only beginning.The 101 billion yuan order backlog includes 29 billion yuan in coal chemical projects, 41 billion yuan crude oil-based petrochemical projects and 22.4 billion yuan oil refinery projects. The backlog increased by 33 per cent from the end of last year.First-half turnover grew 16.3 per cent from a year earlier to 19.6 billion yuan. Sales from the coal-to-chemicals segment jumped 65 per cent to 3.7 billion yuan.Yan said he expected the company to obtain the lion’s share of a coal-to-natural gas conversion project, costing more than 200 billion yuan, led by its parent, China Petrochemical.A Citi research report said the project was being reviewed by the National Energy Administration, and orders were expected in next year’s first quarter.自存倉
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 11:00
Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream to Host Small Business Speed Coaching and Pitch Room Competition in Denver
DENVER, Aug.儲存 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Samuel Adams today announced it will host small business speed coaching and its national "Pitch Room" Competition in Denver on Monday, August 19(th). The events are part of Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream, a program designed to help food, beverage, craft brewing and hospitality small business owners through microlending and mentoring.Speed coaching provides personalized coaching for small business owners, to address a variety of business issues. The speed coaching event on August 19(th) will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. MST at Mi Casa (360 Acoma Street). Registered attendees can participate in up to six 20-minute coaching sessions with experts from Sam Adams, microlender Accion, and local businesses. For example, a small business owner with a social media question may meet with a digital marketing specialist who can provide specific ideas and tools to help engage customers digitally. In addition and of interest to Denver's craft brewing community, Sam Adams' brewer Jennifer Glanville will be on hand to coach at the event. Registration is available at samueladamsbtadden.eventbrite.com/.Speed coaching immediately follows the Denver debut of the Brewing the American Dream "Pitch Room," a competition that ultimately helps participants perfect the art of the sales pitch. Food and beverage small business owners - including craft brewers - who apply and are selected to participate, will work with Sam Adams employees and local experts to present and improve their sales pitches. The judging panel will include Diane Kinney, JVP at Outback Steakhouse, Marcie Everett, Sr. Marketing Manager of Social & Digital Media for Red Robin International, Ken Smith, Director of Training for Samuel Adams, Jennifer Glanville, Samuel Adams Boston Brewery Manager, among others. The business owner that makes the best pitch will receive a trip for two to advance to the final competition in Boston. There, they'll compete to win a $10,000 business grant and extended mentoring from Sam Adams, as well as for the chance to pitch their product to a panel of retailers and buyers. To learn more visit bit.ly/pitchroom.Brewing Dreams in DenverIn addition to speed coaching and sales pitch advice, Brewing the American Dream is also impacting Denver-area businesses through its microlending. In partnership with Accion, the nation's largest non-profit microlender, in just two years, it has provided loans to 10 small businesses in Colorado, including three craft breweries. The growing list of recipients includes Chris Dutton and Will Boggs of Front Range Brewing Company and James Howe of Jamaica Me Hungry:-- Front Range Brewing Company - Friends Chris Dutton and Will Boggs were homebrewers working in the software industry when they decided to pursue their passion for craft beer full-time. They received a traditional loan, but it still fell short of the necessary capital to open their first brewery. Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream provided Dutton and Boggs an additional $18,000 in microfinancing to help them successfully launch Front Range Brewing Company, which is fast becoming a favorite spot for Coloradans seeking full flavored beer made from local ingredients. -- Jamaica Me Hungry - James Howe, founder of Jamaica Me Hungry, ran into multiple obstacles when trying to launch his Caribbean food service company. Traditional lenders referred Howe to Accion not only due to his limited credit history, but also because he wanted a modest sum of money, a request that can be difficult for traditional lenders to accommodate. Howe was able to turn to Brewing the American Dream for a $10,000 loan to cover event registration fees to setup his booth and sell his island fare. In the near future, he plans to open his first brick and mortar restaurant."Brewing the American Dream advances our local small businesses by providing access to essential resources: mentorship, training and financing; three key ingredients to promote growth and success," Accion New Mexico - Arizona - Colorado President and CEO Anne Haines Yatskowitz said.Inspiration and ImpactSamuel Adams founder Jim Koch created the Brewing the American Dream program to help other small business owners in food, beverag新蒲崗迷你倉 and hospitality overcome the same obstacles he faced when he wanted to go from brewing Sam Adams in his kitchen nearly 30 years ago to turning his passion into a business - that is, access to financing and nuts-and-bolts business advice."I didn't know how to make a sales call and secure any customers," Koch said. "By offering speed coaching events in Denver and around the country, we provide fellow entrepreneurs with the real-world business advice that's critical for success and often hard to find."Since its creation in 2008, the Brewing the American Dream program, in partnership with nonprofit microlender Accion, has provided nearly $2.5 million in microloans to more than 280 small businesses nationwide, coached 3,000-plus professionals, and created or saved more than 1,800 jobs.For more information about the Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream program, please visit btad.samueladams.com/.Samuel Adams, Sam Adams, Samuel Adams Boston Lager, and Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream are registered trademarks of The Boston Beer Company.About The Boston Beer CompanyThe Boston Beer Company began in 1984 with a generations-old family recipe that Founder and Brewer Jim Koch uncovered in his father's attic. Inspired and unafraid to challenge conventional thinking about beer, Jim brought the recipe to life in his kitchen. Pleased with the results of his work, Jim decided to sample his beer with bars in Boston in the hopes that drinkers would appreciate the complex, full-flavored beer he brewed fresh in America. That beer was aptly named Samuel Adams Boston Lager, in recognition of one of our nation's great founding fathers, a man of independent mind and spirit. Little did Jim know at the time, Samuel Adams Boston Lager soon became a catalyst of the American craft beer revolution.Today, The Boston Beer Company brews more than 50 styles of beer. It relentlessly pursues the development of new styles and the perfection of classic beers by searching the world for the finest ingredients. Using the traditional four vessel brewing process, the Company often takes extra steps like dry-hopping, barrel-aging and a secondary fermentation known as krausening. The Company has also pioneered another revolution, the 'extreme beer' movement, where it seeks to challenge drinker's perceptions of what beer can be. The Boston Beer Company has been committed to elevating the image of American craft beer by entering festivals and competitions around the globe, and in the past five years has won more awards in international beer competitions than any other brewery in the world. As an independent company, brewing quality beer remains its single focus. Although Samuel Adams(R) beer is America's largest-selling craft beer, it accounts for only one percent of the U.S. beer market. The Boston Beer Company will continue its independently-minded quest to brew great beer and to advocate for the growth of craft beer across America. For more information, please visit .samueladams.com.About AccionIn seeking a partner for Samuel Adams' Brewing the American Dream, The Boston Beer Company turned to Accion to facilitate lending to hardworking business owners seeking to grow. As the largest nationwide micro- and small business lending network in the United States, we connect small business owners with the accessible financing and advice it takes to create or grow healthy businesses. Accion New Mexico - Arizona - Colorado offers business loans between $200 and $300,000 along with training, networking and other support services to hardworking entrepreneurs. In the last 20 years, New Mexico - Arizona - Colorado has disbursed over 6,180 loans.Since 1991, the five members of the Accion U.S. Network have collectively made over 46,000 loans, totaling over $360 million. Additionally, over 400,000 business owners across the nation have turned to Accion for financial and business advice via workshops, online tools, and one-on-one consultations. Globally, Accion (.accion.org) is a pioneer in microfinance, reaching millions of individuals through its international network of partners. For more information visit us.accion.org.Samuel AdamsCONTACT: George Sopko, Stanton Public Relations & Marketing, 646.502.3507,gsopko@stantonprm.com; or Michelle Diamandis, Samuel Adams, 617.368.5135,michelle.diamandis@bostonbeer.comWeb site: .samueladams.com/mini storage
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 10:46
Port quizzes 9 hopefuls for Ward 1 seat
Source: The Beaumont Enterprise, TexasAug.儲存 19--Nine candidates for the vacant Ward 1 seat at the Port of Beaumont were to line up for interviews with the other six commissioners in a closed session today with an appointment possible next week to fill the two years remaining on the unexpired term.The Ward 1 seat has been empty since the death of commissioner Nell Clark on May 27, 2012. Clark, 85, had been appointed in 1999 on the death of her husband Le Roy, who had served on the board for 14 years. Nell Clark won election to the seat in 2003 and again in 2009. The six-year term expires in May 2015 when it will again go before voters.Port executive director Chris Fisher said he couldn't recall such active interest in a port seat."We've had four or five before," he said. "We received calls from other people who were outside the ward boundaries so there could have been more."The ward covers most of northwestern and central Beaumont west of Interstate 10, Fisher said. It has about the same boundary as the Ward 1 City Council seat, he said.The candidates begin interviews at 9 a.m. with intervals of about 20新蒲崗迷你倉minutes, Fisher said.There were so many that commissioners will put off an appointment until next Monday's regular board meeting.The candidates include:- John C. Adams Jr., 63, retired from DuPont.- Sheri Arnold, 59, commercial real estate broker.- Arthur Earl Berry, 67, retired as executive director of the Hotel Beaumont.- William C. "Bill" Darling, 51, area president of Capital One Bank-Southeast Texas.- Alfred Markham "Mark" Faggard, 56, Beaumont lawyer.- Willie R. Haley, 58, retired parole supervisor, Texas Department of Criminal Justice.- Harley Kessinger, 56, energy management systems specialist, Lamar University.- Clyde P. Richmond, 80, retired, IRS.- Earl White, 52, Beaumont Fire Department captain, fire prevention and arson division.The port operates on a budget of about $25 million and generates about $130 million in annual economic output. The port assesses a property tax of about 7 cents per $100 of valueCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont, Texas) Visit the Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont, Texas) at .beaumontenterprise.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 10:42
Airport Authority gives most of its profits to government
On behalf of the Airport Authority Hong Kong I am replying to the letter by Dora Li (“Airport suffers under rival masters”, August 10).迷你倉出租Wholly owned by the Hong Kong government, the authority is a statutory organisation responsible for operating Hong Kong International Airport according to prudent commercial principles.The expansion of the airport into a three-runway system is critical to Hong Kong because our city is facing an increasingly pressing need to meet growing demand for aviation services. The present traffic volumes have outpaced the airport Master Plan 2030 forecasts by one to three years, and it will reach saturation possibly around 2017-18.Contrary to what Ms Li said, the airport pays about 80 per cent of its profits to the government. Since fiscal year 2003/04, the airport has paid the government more than HK$30 billion in dividends or as return of capital.Profits retained are used to operate the airport and maintain its high standards of safety, security, efficiency and customer service while meeting Hong Kong’s rising air traffic demands. For example, the authority is now investing over HK$12 billion to build 48 aircraft parking stands and a passenger concourse that can handle 10 million passengers a year. Target for commissioning in phases before end-20儲存倉5, these facilities are being funded by the authority’s profits. Since the opening of the airport at Chek Lap Kok, the authority has reinvested over HK$30 billion into expanding facilities to meet growing traffic demand and keep the high operating standard.The opening of Terminal 2 in 2007 is another case in point. Apart from providing check-in services for over 25 airlines, it also serves as the multi-modal, cross-boundary hub to and from the Pearl River Delta by land and by sea. Since 2007, over 25 million passengers have used the cross-boundary services at the airport. Operationally, we strive for efficiency. Of the 65,000 workforce on the airport island, only about 1,300 are authority staff. To retain top-quality people, we benchmark our remuneration against comparable organisations in Hong Kong.The authority works closely with all business partners and government departments serving at the airport, including the Civil Aviation Department. We share the same mission to strengthen Hong Kong as a centre of international and regional aviation. We will continue working hand in hand to ensure the airport’s sustainable development and contribute to the economic betterment and competitiveness of Hong Kong.Stephanie Li, chief communication officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong迷你倉沙田
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 11:31
Beijing blog gives expats a hand
When Dr Richard Saint Cyr tells people he voluntarily swapped the spotlessly clean air of California for the grey, grungy skies of Beijing, he is met with raised eyebrows and incredulous expressions.self storageWhy did he do it? His financier wife, Joanna Wang, was posted back to her home city, and he followed. Once there, Saint Cyr, 44, saw a chance to combine his profession with his self-confessed geeky passion for computers and the internet.The result is the expat-oriented website myhealthbeijing.com, which has become the go-to source for all matters relating to well-being, whether it is coping with pollution, avoiding tainted baby formula, seeking reassurance that Japan nuclear-plant radiation will not affect the city, or checking where children can get their vaccine jabs.Unsurprisingly, pollution is by far the hottest topic, especially in recent months, when the air in Beijing reached suffocating levels. The US embassy’s website uses an air quality index that says more than 500 is hazardous; some accounts had the January index at a dangerously high 900.“Where I was working in Sonoma, California, it usually registered as five,” says Saint Cyr. “When it reached 900 in Beijing, it was extraordinarily dangerous, a public health emergency. I was telling people not to go outside.“That is where social media can be very useful. Originally, I started the website and blog aimed at expatriates coming here; everyone is always nervous as to whether the air is as bad as they have heard.”Saint Cyr’s day job is with United Family Hospital group, where he is a marketing executive and practising physician. Until recently, his musings were followed almost exclusively by expatriates, but since he started on the social networking site Weibo, Chinese have also shown interest.“Food safety is always on people’s minds,” he says. “It’s a tough issue; the standards here are not迷你倉what you would be used to if you came from Europe or America. But in general, it is easier to have healthy food here than in America. The availability of vegetables is much greater.“Having said that, Chinese have adopted the Western diet more and more, and the rates of stroke and heart disease are approaching, or even higher than, those in the West. As for the whole recycled cooking-oil scandal, that is pretty bad, too. There is cancer-causing stuff in there. Unfortunately, you do have to pay attention when you are buying food.”Saint Cyr has been surprised by some questions from the local community. One woman asked if it was advisable to try for a child after having a simple X-ray, as friends had told her to wait a month or even six months.“I told her there was no delay – it is completely safe – and asked her who was telling her these crazy things. There’s a lot of misinformation. I’ve been trying to promote the idea that people should use a car seat for babies. If you look around, you see a mother or grandmother holding the baby in the front seat. Most Chinese people think it is safe, but it is incredibly dangerous; in an accident, the baby will fly out of your hands and hit the windscreen.”One blog entry highlighted the vices that some expat men find hard to resist. “That’s the type that smokes and drinks and sleeps around far more than they would ever consider doing back at home,” he says. “I’m mostly concerned about the businessman mentality here, where it’s culturally accepted, if not indirectly coerced, to binge-drink and smoke at business dinners – not to mention the implication that success allows you to have mistresses.“I see a lot of broken marriages as well as alcoholism and chronic bronchitis in these types of expats, and I wonder if their often phenomenal business success was worth the trade-off in their physical and family health.”文件倉
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 09:53
幫政府找錢 國建基金 將還利於民
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 09:48
Let’s take Africa’s growth seriously
With the global economy in search of new growth champions, Africa stands out.mini storage Growth forecasts in the rest of the world are subject to the uncertainty posed by the global environment. Inter-linkages between economies have deepened. Decelerating growth in any of the major economies will have implications for developing countries. Yet, in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the fundamental impetus behind growth remains domestic. Trade shares of GDP are low. Ex-South Africa, which contributes about a third of SSA GDP, the growth picture is still encouraging.African economies have outperformed for more than a decade, spurred by an improved policy environment, greater savings, a more open embrace of the private sector, and gains in financial intermediation. Economic reform in a post-cold war environment brought a gradual rolling back for Africa’s overextended states. Fiscal policy improved, inflation stabilized and activity took off. In the decade prior to the global economic crisis, real private-sector credit to GDP doubled in the SSA region. Externally, there has been a tendency to see Africa’s growth as being fundamentally correlated with higher commodity prices. However, it was the rise of the African consumer that truly characterized the most recent period of African outperformance, from 2001. True, Africa’s exports remain dominated by primary commodities. But Africa has seen resource booms come and go in the past, and none has been fundamentally transformative of its economic prospects.In the most recent period, rising levels of private consumption were far more important than net exports in driving overall growth. Although oil-rich economies experienced the strongest rates of growth, on balance, in the last decade, most African economies, whether resource-rich or resource-poor, saw accelerated GDP growth. Evidence has also emerged of a sustained decline in poverty rates for the region as a whole. This is difficult to square with the idea that resources were a key driver of growth. Resource-driven growth tends to be capital-intensive, with no obvious means of alleviating poverty. Something else, something more intrinsic to Africa, has been responsible for the region’s recent outperformance.Key trendsAt Standard Chartered, with the benefit of over a hundred years’ experience in different African markets, we believe that the growth outperformance experienced recently is different. Moreover, a number of key trends suggest that it should be sustained in the future. First, consider demographics. Africa is young, and Africa’s population is growing rapidly. Over the coming years, the working age share of Africa’s population is set to rise. This is in contrast to many mature economies and China, where populations will be ageing more rapidly. Although formal-sector job creation remains a challenge, other things being equal, this demographic profile should boost Africa’s growth, driving up consumption and asset prices, as well as creating a greater pool of pension savings that can be invested in the region. The scale of Africa’s population growth is also important. Nigeria, the region’s most populous economy, is currently ranked 7th in the world by population size. According to Uniself storageed Nations statistics, by 2035, it could be the 4th most populous country globally. By 2055, it could be 3rd, overtaking the US. Only China and India are likely to have bigger populations.But it isn’t solely a Nigeria story. Much of Africa is showing similar signs of rapid demographic growth. African economies have not yet exhibited the same fertility transition seen elsewhere. According to the same UN statistics, by 2100, roughly half of the world’s Top 20 most populous economies will be African. The growth potential this represents is immense.Second, agriculture also represents a significant opportunity. While agricultural productivity in Africa has not yet shown the same leap forward as in other regions, things are starting to change. Governments are starting to take agriculture more seriously. More Africans are currently employed in agriculture than in any other sector, and this is where Africa’s transformation will likely be seen. In per capita terms, contrary to common stereotypes, Africa is richer in water resources than either Asia or the Middle East. Africa also boasts most of the world’s untapped arable land. Only an estimated 14 percent of potentially available farmland is put to use in Africa. Of all the available, untapped, arable land globally, a massive 60 percent is to be found in Sub-Saharan Africa. With increased investment, and greater policy prioritization, African agriculture could realize its potential, transforming growth opportunities in the region.Infrastructure deficitThird, Africa’s infrastructure deficit is well-documented, with the continent’s hinterland poorly served by major transport infrastructure. In part, this explains the weak level of intraregional trade in the region. But investment in African infrastructure is gaining ground. A higher rate of urbanization has driven down the cost of infrastructure provision in per capita terms, enabling scale economies. As domestic markets develop and yield curves are extended (allowing for more long-term borrowing), greater investment in infrastructure will likely be facilitated. More African sovereigns are issuing eurobonds, tapping into international capital, in order to finance infrastructure spending. Standard Chartered has pledged over US$2 billion of financing for African energy projects in the next five years, under US President Barack Obama’s Power Africa initiative. The catalysts for a sustained productivity boost, and a structural transformation of African economies, are starting to fall in place.While some challenges remain — Africa must do even more to boost its saving rate and the region’s exports would still benefit from diversification, we nonetheless remain optimistic about Africa’s growth. An increasing number of markets in which Standard Chartered operates will see real GDP trend growth of 7 percent or more in the coming decade, effectively doubling in size. These countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Angola, Mozambique, Côte d’Ivoire, Zambia, Uganda, Tanzania and perhaps even Kenya, represent a mix of opportunities as well as risks. But with growth outperformance expected in each of them, Africa’s time has arrived. It is time to take Africa’s growth seriously. 迷你倉
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 09:47
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/信晟通投資專欄上周三(8月14日),self storage央行、銀監會、地方政府部門和相關學者共同研討民營銀行如何放開,央行副行長潘功勝出席了會議。據瞭解,研討會的議題除了民資發起商業銀行的准入條件外,還涉及股東治理、退出機制、銀行存款保險制度等相關內容。在這些議題中,如何讓民間資本儘快發起設立民營銀行,毫無疑問成為關注的焦點。成都信晟通投資理財咨詢有限公司(以下簡稱信晟通投資)總經理王曉利表示,她非常贊同國務院發展研究中心宏觀經濟部副部長魏加寧在討論會上發起的呼籲。魏加寧提出:“凡是民營資本、民營企業能做的事情,就應該儘量讓民營企業去做。”█監管層研究民營銀行放開“關於民營資本發起商業銀行的爭論,無論在理論界還是在金融界,這麼多年沒有停止過。”王曉利指出,迄今為止,中國並沒有法律法規明文禁止民資發起設立銀行。一個月前,國務院“金十條”則明確提出應當嘗迷你倉民間資本發起設立自擔風險的民營銀行,“這讓民間金融機構看到了更長遠的目標和更大的希望。”據瞭解,潘功勝自去年6月履新央行副行長以來,已在多個場合提及“銀行業需要提升對各類資本的開放水平”。他在上周三的研討會上透露,相關金融監管部門針對民營銀行制度和政策方面的設計正在推進之中。█民營銀行是大勢所趨王曉利認為:“不管是國有銀行還是民營銀行,各類角色的豐富才有助于形成一個高效、穩定、健康的金融體系。如今政策放開了民資進入銀行業的門檻,而民間金融機構也確實能夠補充現有金融服務的空白點。民資進入銀行業是市場化改革的大勢所趨。”然而,從目前出台的各項文件來看,如何設計可行路徑,打破民資進入銀行領域的玻璃牆,仍需許多制度設計。而有關民營銀行的市場定位、風險兜底、盈利機制等問題,也需進行必要的改革措施與之配套。王曉利希望,對於正處於發展初期的民間金融行業,監管部門應該繼續加強監管,同時給予更高的容忍度。成都商報記者 張蒙文件倉
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 09:41
Banking on learning a few financial lessons
The Chinese banking sector will remember the summer of 2013 as the beginning of a series of painful reforms that heralded a concerted government effort to correct its past mistakes.儲存 But in time it might come to collectively acknowledge that the introduction of stricter government policies paved the way to a more sustainable future. In early June China’s banks suffered their worst liquidity crisis in more than a decade. China Everbright Bank was unable to pay back a 6 billion yuan ($979 millions) loan it owed to the Industrial Bank, sparking liquidity concerns across 20 Chinese banks. This pushed the interbank lending rate past the 10 percent mark, far higher than the generally accepted level of 2.5 percent. The subsequent turmoil in the money market spread to the capital market, causing the yield on a one-year government bill to exceed the yield on the 10-year government bond. In the face of chaos, the People’s Bank of China held firm. The common strategy of China’s central bank in such a scenario is to inject additional liquidity to rescue the market. The banking sector, analysts, academics and journalists expected more of the same this time also. However, the PBOC confounded all expectations. It issued another 2 billion yuan 91-day government note, which withdrew additional capital from the system. The surprise move panicked the markets and the Shanghai stock index plunged 5.4 percent on June 24. It was a risky test of the resilience of the markets — could they recover without government intervention? The eventual restoration of order proved they could, marking a successful experiment that, crucially, will give the government the confidence to repeat the dose. Although we have the benefit of hindsight, playing tough was the right call. China’s liquidity wobbles stem from the 2008 stimulus plan when the government pumped 4 trillion yuan into the economy to soften the fallout from the global financial crisis. Local governments poured the money into unprofitable infrastructure projects and created an unsustainable property bubble. Projects were postponed and housing prices stalled. Bank loans could not be paid back. Most of the banks believed the PBOC would soon relax its monetary policy stance in the knowledge that the central bank had always moved to plug any liquidity gaps. So to pursue higher profits they expanded their loan book aggressively. During the first 10 days in June, total loan growth in China reached 1 trillion yuan. Some banks even lent their full quota for the month in just 10 days, directly contravening the government’s efforts to stabilize the money market and bring it in line with long-term aims to rebalance the economy. By refusing to bail out China Everbright Bank, the PBOC sent a forceful signal to the market that banks should start managing risk carefully and accept responsibility for their own liquidity positions. If they fall in trouble, the PBOC has made it clear that it is no longer willing to act as their last resort through unconditional bailouts. Instead, the government will rely on the invisible hand of the market and allow the system to gradually restore equilibrium. Anecdotal evidence suggests banks are responding by implementing their own reforms to rein in irresponsible lending, in some cases even taking extreme action. An employee at one of China’s Big Four banks told me they are under great pressure to reject unsuitable loan applications, with the bank in some cases forcing employees to accept personal liability — for example through their pension pots — for loans that turn bad. The second major summer reform came on July 20 when the PBOC announced that China’s banking industry was bein新蒲崗迷你倉 given the freedom to set their own lending rates. Symbolically, it was a highly significant move. It increases competition among China’s banks, removing the protective barrier that has long circled China’s biggest four State-owned banks and allowing smaller commercial banks to compete on a more level playing field. It was another firm indication of the government’s ambitions to further liberalize the Chinese economy and force the Big Four to innovate in the face of stiffer competition. It marks the start of a gradual process that will be accelerated by the next big reform on the horizon: the liberalization of deposit rates, which will help smaller banks attract more customers. We can expect this policy change to be introduced in about six months to a year, after the government has reviewed the country’s overall economic development. And we can also expect that the Chinese government will lift a ban on initial public offerings currently preventing smaller Chinese banks from listing on the stock exchange to raise more funds. The author is a lecturer in business and finance at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Nottingham. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. outlined a realistic development path. Much concern surrounds the growth of China’s shadow banking system, a complex web of off-the-balance-sheet, high-interest loans that evade the scrutiny of bank regulators. All the banks are doing it – from the Big Four to the country’s smallest – and a large proportion of the money is going to property developers and local government financing arms. Although precarious, the situation is under control. When Wen Jiabao was Chinese premier, he tried to tame this shadow-banking sector. He recognized the severity of the problem but noted that it was mainly confined to China’s eastern coastal areas, where economic development is faster and the real estate market is more prosperous. Since Wen’s retirement, the government has been relatively quiet on the issue, recognizing that its hands are tied. Small and medium-sized companies rely on shadow lending to grow due to a lack of access to regular bank loans, largely due to the government’s own lending restrictions. To address this issue, on August 12 China’s cabinet unveiled plans to set up more private banks and open up more financing channels to provide additional support for cash-starved SMEs. The other issue cited as a major worry is the proliferation of wealth management products, which banks are using to finance lending to high-risk borrowers through the shadow banking system. Banks try to persuade their customers to withdraw money from their regular savings account and purchase a WMP, which pays a higher rate of interest due to the fact the money is being lent at a higher rate to risky borrowers. But for now banks are struggling to make these WMPs attractive to members of the public, whose confidence is low following collapses in both the stock and housing markets. Increasingly skeptical investors prefer government bonds that offer a stable level of return not much lower than the rates offered through WMPs – a three-year bond is typically within the 3.5 percent-5 percent range while WMP returns average around 5-6 percent. Many banks will be forced to undergo painful adjustments in the short term as competition across the sector intensifies but they are likely to emerge stronger in the long run. They may just recall the summer of 2013 as the turning point. The author is a lecturer in business and finance at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Nottingham. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. mini storage
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 09:30