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The deft handling of protesters in Shanghai by Zhu Rongji after the June 4 crackdown helped avert bloodshed and catapulted him into the central leadership.存倉Reading the conciliatory speeches that helped defuse a potentially explosive situation in his new book, one wonders with a sense of sadness what might have been if the central government under Deng Xiaoping had acted in a similarly skilful way towards the students and workers in Beijing. A national tragedy might have been averted and the rancour many Chinese, especially Hongkongers, feel about Beijing today might never have formed.But, you might say, of course he would sing his own praises. In that case, I urge you to read a new book, Wealth and Power, by veteran China observer Orville Schell and academic John Delury. It contains a long chapter on Zhu’s achievements, as Shanghai’s boss and as premier in charge of China’s economic transformation and entry into the World Trade Organisation. Certainly no Beijing apologists, the two American writers bear out Zhu’s account.“Shanghai’s spring under [Zhu] played out very differen自存倉ly than the carnage unleashed in Beijing under Deng,” the two wrote. “In Shanghai, the mass demonstrations reached their zenith on the evening of June 8 but then subsided without violence … after Zhu boldly appeared live on television to calm the situation.”Of course, the scale and intensity of the protests leading up to June 4 in Beijing were on a different order of magnitude. Some student leaders such as Chai Ling were intransigent and sometimes spoke as if they welcomed a bloody denouement. And, seeing the ruthless crackdown in Beijing, the demonstrators in Shanghai no doubt had second thoughts.Zhu promised not to send in the army or punish protesters if they voluntarily disbanded. In the event, he deployed worker “volunteers” to patrol the streets, rather than public security officers.In Red Capitalism, finance specialists Carl Walter and Fraser Howie described Zhu’s reforms as economic tsar “transformative”, especially when compared to the subsequent “wasted decade” under Wen Jiabao , and Hu Jintao . One only hopes officials of Zhu’s calibre are in the current leadership.迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: The Santa Fe New MexicanAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 16--It's ESPN's world, but I'm not even visiting.ESPN, which has become a destination network, has been feeding America's frenzy for sports, sports and more sports for the past 34 years. The Atlantic magazine's September issue reveals the depths of the 24-hour sports network's domination, such as 8.15 million people filling out NCAA Tournament brackets on its website (even though ESPN doesn't air a live second of the three-week spectacle), or the $5 per month it collects from 100 million homes every month in subscription fees.The magazine estimates that the ESPN brand holds a value between $40 billion and $60 billion, which makes it 20 times bigger than the New York Times Company or five times as large as the multinational mass media entity News Corp.The network itself is a veritable Wal-Mart for sports. Instead of listing what major sports ESPN broadcasts (wholly or in part), it would be easier to name the sports it doesn't have in its arsenal. There's the NHL ... and .... there's the NHL. (NASCAR will be next when it goes to NBC in 2015).Yet, for all that ESPN touches, it doesn't even brush up against the strings of my own sports-beating heart. Oh, I still watch sporting events on the network when the need arises, and sometimes SportsCenter flashes on the TV screen in the newsroom late in the evening, but I get my news through other means (every professional team sport in the U.S. has its own network, and there's Yahoo Sports to fill in the gaps).For me, the end came swiftly in June 2012, while indulging in a then-guilty pleasure, the morning mini storagerogram First Take. There was a compelling NBA Finals battle between the Miami Heat and the Oklahoma City Thunder, and the show did its part in playing up the series.But within the first hour of that broadcast came the topic that brought my ESPN watching to a halt: Tim Tebow. This is not to rail against Tebow, who is quite the polarizing figure in his own right for no reason other than being a genuine good person. Well, that and the fact that ESPN was shoving it down the country's throat in the middle of June.Training camp for the NFL was still in doubt because of a lockout (Hey, that might make for a compelling topic), but Tebow was the story simply for the fact that ESPN thought its audience needed Tebow. It seemed his name appeared a lot in ESPN programming during the spring and summer, and it was just too much to take.And that underscores the problem with ESPN. It has the ability to not just report on stars, but to create them to fill voids. When ESPN played up World Cup coverage leading up to the event in 2010, it was a worthwhile venture because of the appeal of soccer worldwide. But when it was over, the world moved on, and so did ESPN.Then there were times when the network couldn't let go, whether it was LeBron James' "decision" or ESPN repeating Tebow's name 171 times in two hours when he signed with the Patriots in June (according to Deadspin.com).That was about 170 times too many for me.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.) Visit The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.) at .santafenewmexican.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Nokia 上季型號唔返貨 場內市況淡靜,迷你倉新蒲崗就連人氣最旺的 Samsung Galaxy S4 亦受到影響,何況是其他牌子?上星期,記者途經先達地下的手機店,發現有些放在櫥窗的樣版機(或俗稱 Dummy),居然只有得看,卻無得賣,更誇張是大部分也是 Nokia!店員解釋,這些型號雖然很新,甚至是上一季的產品,但由於沒有用家接貨,導致第一批貨售完了,便沒有再入貨。 店員表示,此情況最明顯是 Nokia 的中階型號,現時無貨的包括:Lumia 620、720、520 和 820。他們解釋,一來是新機 Lumia 925 剛推出,不俗功能加上僅售 $4,000 多的價位,已令不少諾記粉絲轉�;二來據講這批機已正式停產,店員估計,場內剩餘的 Nokia 中階機,貨源緊絀,若然有興趣便盡早決定了。 SAY 現時雖把 Nokia 樣版機放在櫥窗,但僅作展示而已。 諾記 8600 經典再現談到 Nokia 近期的動況,確實令人擔心,既先傳出裁員消息,新機又沿用一致被看淡的《Windows Phone》作業系統,究竟能否翻身,見仁見智。不過,作為諾記粉絲,一定喜歡「當年」作品,例如上星期便在先達場出現了 07 年推出的 8600,其時尚的滑蓋款式已很難找到,至於這一款陳列品,定價十分吸引,僅售 $2,980,即相當於 07 年時新機價的四折發售。 山寨手機也環保 這個年頭,任何事情都講環保,像近年 Samsung 推出的手機包裝盒,以 GS 4 為例,便是用環保再造紙!上個禮拜,場內又出現一款手機以環保概念為包裝,料不到的竟是一部不知名的國貨。店員稱,此機規格不俗,內置 1.2GHz 四核心處理器,500 萬拍攝像素相機,還有招牌式雙卡雙待功能,截稿前只售 $2,180。 水貨 GS 4 銷情沒起色踏入暑假以後,人流多了,但場內銷情依然淡靜。店員表示,近幾個月以來,先達一直以 Galaxy 系列的 Note II 及 GS 4 為主打銷售型號,不過,最近亦變得冷淡。他們解釋,GS 4 的熱潮不再,近幾星期的售價已沒甚變動,截稿前黑機售 $4,300,其他顏色則售 $4,400 。 3G 版 Z Ultra 銷情冷淡配以 6.4 吋巨屏幕的 Sony Xperia Z Ultra,原來也同樣面對「滯銷」困局!據場內店員表示,雖然 Z Ultra 款式最新,更配備時下最強的處理器,但由於用家早就獲悉此機將另有 4G 版本,大大影響了 3G 版銷情。他們稱,早兩個禮拜,Z Ultra 售價已從約 $6,000 價位大幅插水至 $5,000 多,水貨價更低見 $4,980!至於 4G 版何迷你倉出租推出,截稿日前還未有消息。 特價型號 $400 有找現時新機動輒兩、三千元以上,對一些只希望用來打出打入的用家來說,難度極高!但店員稱,買平貨,除了可選購一些不知名山寨機之外,其實還可購入舊款手機,部分更分分鐘是全新未用過!而上周以特價發售的款式包括:Nokia、Sony Ericsson 的舊型號,以及韓國牌子 WIND,這些機均推出超過三年,現分別以 $280 和 $380 發售,十分抵買。 二手 EVO 3D 不用千元兩年前的 HTC 手機加入 3D 屏幕,可惜反應冷淡。但如果你想懷緬這款舊型號手機,不妨在二手店內發掘,上個禮拜,此機再度於先達出現,而且價位比之前更便宜,沒有包裝,沒有原廠保養情況下,這部 EVO 3D 僅售 $880,相比兩年前的全新機價 $5,480,喪劈 $4,500。想試玩流動 3D 的樂趣,不妨考慮。 Note III 發布在即Samsung 手機全線下跌Samsung Galaxy Note III 發表日期確定,加上 HTC、Sony 先後推出高階及入門手機,在雙重夾擊下 Samsung 全線手機的回收價齊跌,跌幅較大包括:Note II LTE、S4 mini 和 Mega 6.3 三部過氣或中階機款,回收價錢 $3,000 以下;至於 S4 LTE 也比上周稍微下調了 $100 至 $3,600,其他手機則沒有太大變動。 one2free 獨家推出HTC One mini 由即日起 one2free 獨家推出 HTC One mini 上台優惠,只需選用 $267 「至�我」服務計劃,即可以 $0 出機並同時獲贈包括:Monster 入耳式耳機、皮製保護套及 Amuse 外置充電器,總值超過 $900。客戶也可選擇 $667「齊齊分」服務計劃,以 $0 機價購買 2 部 HTC One mini,共享 4 張 SIM 卡及 25GB 本地流動數據。 查詢:one2free (2972 2123) 入門四核 ZTE Blade E ZTE 宣布推出 Blade E (V956) 入門智能手機,此機採用弧形磨砂質感的機背設計,外形低調型格。規格方面,配備 Qualcomm 四核心處理器、4.5 吋 FWVGA IPS 屏幕、500 萬拍攝像素鏡頭、採用《Android 4.1》作業系統,基本功能齊全,並提供雙卡雙待功能,只售 $1,698,是高性價比之選。●查詢:德加拉 (2245 7773) 資料更新至 8 月 12 日為止,列出之價格只作參考用途,最新售價以有關店舖正式報價為準。 text/小雯 │edit/甘草│art/fan 儲存倉

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There are cafes, and then there are speciality coffee joints.儲存倉 BT Weekend rounds up the latest fray of cafes hoping to brew a more robust speciality coffee scene in SingaporeCommon Man Coffee Roasters22 Martin Road, #01-00Tel 6836 4695Hours 8am to 7pm dailySINGAPORE'S speciality coffee scene has become so trendy of late that new entrants easily fall into the trap of gunning for style over substance. Common Man Coffee Roasters, however, seems to have gotten both parts down in equal measure.Firstly, it comes backed by both coffee and retail heavyweights: the fortnight-old, 60-seater is a collaboration between the Spa Esprit Group, Harry Grover of 40 Hands Coffee in Tiong Bahru, and Australian speciality coffee roaster, Five Senses Coffee, a wholesale-only business that supplies Australia-roasted coffee to the group's outlets.Style-wise, they've thankfully skipped the predictably broody industrial-chic design brief, forging their own path instead with whimsical three-legged chairs and a glamorous marble bar as the centrepiece of the brightly lit, 2,500 sq ft space.And instead of inundating the budding java lover with jargon-clad beverage options, the coffee menu here comes in four simple choices: black ($5) or white ($4.50) espresso coffees, filter coffee ($6) or Back Room coffee (market price). Back Room coffees are made from award-winning beans brought in only in limited quantities, while filter coffees are either dripped through a Hario v60 pour over or an AeroPress for a cleaner, brighter caffeine kick. Two single origins are featured each month, with a spotlight on a robust Sumatran and a citrus-tinged Ethiopian for August. Advanced coffee geeks can also request bespoke brews.Unlike at most coffee joints, the food at Common Man is far from an afterthought - and substantial enough to keep even non-coffee drinkers coming back.Now-ubiquitous eggs benedict ($24) gets a gourmet lift with braised ox cheeks and organic eggs, but for something truly original, try the green pea fritters topped with slivers of crispy pancetta and balsamic syrup ($22), or the Turkish breakfast ($25), a refreshing salad of hummus, feta and tomato padded with pita bread. A soft poached egg encased in a slightly sweet nest of phyllo pastry steals the limelight.While Common Man is a coffee retail spot for now, Mr Grover and his team have their sights set on expanding into roasting and wholesaling coffee beans to other speciality cafes here and in the region by the end of the year.A roaster fronted in a glass-encased room onsite supplies the cafe's needs, while a larger industrial roastery will soon be set up for the wholesale business.While Mr Grover will oversee the retail aspects, American barista Andrew Kent, re-assigned from Five Senses' Barista Academy in Melbourne, will man the roasting and wholesale business. A confessed coffee geek who efferverscently takes our questions on everything from coffee presses to his year spent in Ethiopia tracking coffee supply chains, Mr Kent adds that cupping sessions and coffee appreciation classes will be rolled out soon - a luxury that space-constrained sister outlet 40 Hands did not have."When we first started 40 Hands in 2010 on a shoestring budget of $30,000 and in a quiet street in a traditional neighbourhood, everyone said we were crazy," says Mr Grover. "Now, the speciality coffee scene in Singapore has progressed so much that everyone has gone from drinking Starbucks to running a cafe-roastery almost overnight.""But it has missed a few steps along the way," he adds. "And that's where we want to step in, with the pedigree and expertise of Five Senses, to give the speciality coffee scene here that nudge forward."By Debbie Yongdebyong@sph.com.sgDrury Lane94 Tanjong Pagar RoadTel 6222 6698Open weekdays from 9am to 10pm, and weekends from 10am to 6pm. Closed on TuesdaysMUFFINS may well be the new doughnut as folks swing by Drury Lane for their favourite cup of java and a crumbly pay-as-you-wish muffin in various flavours including kaya, black sesame and taro.Yes, "pay-as-you-wish". Which means you can pay as little or as much as you like for a muffin, and the caf?m owners are not allowed to gripe about it, says one co-owner, Marilyn Liew, 25. She later reveals that the most they have gotten for one muffin so far was $10 while the least was 50 cents.Ms Liew is one of five people who started Drury Lane after realising that they shared a common goal of opening their own caf?m. Since Ms Liew attended culinary school in Australia, she does the baking every morning, and helps with the cooking in the afternoons.Another co-owner, Chin Chia Hwee, 27, focuses mainly on the coffee served in the caf?m. They get their coffee beans from Australian coffee chain Toby's Estate, but blends them in-house so they can tweak the mixture as and when they feel the need.Mr Chin, who got his barista training from previous work in cafes, describes his coffees as "a choice of the exciting blend or comfort blend". The blends are seasonal though, so you won't get the exact same flavour every time you drop by, but it would still be a good cup, he says. An espresso costs $3.50 while a cappuccino costs $4.50.As for their menu, it includes a standard all-day brunch menu, and a list of specials that changes every other day like the prawn laksa pasta ($14), beef rendang lasagna ($14) or smoked duck sandwich ($10).One staple item on the brunch menu is Ms Liew's own creation - baked eggs. Basically it's a concoction of tomatoes, homemade baked beans, a choice of meat like bacon or salmon, topped with eggs and cheese and baked in the oven. While it has a rather overpowering taste of tomato, the flavours still work nicely to earn its place in the brunch menu for $12.By Rachel Loirachloi@sph.com.sgDepartment of Caffeine15 Duxton RoadTel 6223 3426Open weekdays from 10.30am to 7.30pm and weekends from 9.30am to 7.30pmA NAME like Department of Caffeine might suggest a speciality in coffee. Owner Andrew Lek, 35, doesn't discount the importance of it, but his real speciality is actually his hot chocolate."When you open a caf?m, hot chocolate is the thing most people tend to forget. But some people don't want to drink coffee after 4pm or 5pm. So instead of just using chocolate sauce or Hershey's, I have this," he explains. The drink he refers to is a M?rk speciality hot chocolate ($6.50) imported directly from a small company located in Melbourne. It's actually Venezuelan chocolate grounded into powder, so it tastes richer than the usual hot chocolate.As for his coffees, Mr Lek brings them in from an Australian coffee roaster company called Five Senses Coffee. He usually has a house blend, a single origin blend plus another three or four filter coffees, where the latter two would rotate depending on seasonal availability. An espresso costs $4, while a cappuccino costs $5.Another thing Mr Lek believes caf?m owners tend to forget about is the quality of food. According to him, before starting Department of Caffeine, Mr Lek had visited many cafes in Singapore, and felt that the food served was fairly straightforward, if not a bit bland."There wasn't a place where attention and detail was applied to both food and coffee, so I thought that was the right time to start my own," he adds.His caf?m is located in a little corner of Duxton Road that's easily missed if you're not looking out for it. Which is what Mr Lek liked about the space in the first place.The menu is designed by his head chef, Benedict Yong, a 23-year-old graduate from Temasek Polytechnic, with input from Mr Lek. There's an "over the counter" section where $15 buys you a choice of salad and main for diners who are in a hurry, as well as a "from the kitchen" section where mains take a little longer to cook and are priced differently. All the items change every now and then to keep things fresh, but a couple of dishes have stayed since the caf?m's opening in April.One of these is the 8hr pulled pork sandwich ($14.50) with a tender meaty filling covered in barbeque sauce and coleslaw. It's messy to eat, but at least Mr Lek promises that no one in his casual caf?m will judge you for licking the sauce off your fingers.By Rachel LoiThe Coffee Shot103 Lavender StreetTel 6299 5909https://.facebook.com/thecoffeeshottkc/Open Mon, Wed-Sat: 10am to 10pm; Sun: 9am to 7pm. Closed on TuesdaysDON'T be fooled by The Coffee Shot's European-inspired d?mcor and increasingly hipster location ie Jalan Besar. Owner Bryan Tan is into equal-opportunity coffee appreciation, in that "everyone, such as youngsters, as well as aunties and uncles, can enjoy our coffee".Hence, his local-inspired concept which serves drinks such as Old School Ice, which is really just a fancy name for the coffee shop classic, kopi-peng (iced coffee).The difference is that the five-month-old cafe uses 100 per cent arabica beans and includes an espresso shot in every cup of coffee it serves - hence the name, The Coffee Shot."A lot of coffee houses these days target the younger generation, but we want to cater to all age groups," says Mr Tan. "I feel that good coffee should be enjoyed by people of all ages, not just the young ones."For those a little more adventurous, you can take on some of the cafe's speciality coffees, namely the Honey Con Leche, which is "sort of a latte with honey"; the Chinchulilla, which contains peach liqueur with a honey latte; and the Rome Holiday, a milk coffee with baileys, peach liqueur and whipped cream - all inclusive of that espresso shot, of course.On why he's so enthusiastic about espresso, he simply replies: "Personally, I have to drink coffee every day . . . I can even drink two cups of arabica coffee at a time. I like coffee - so why not?"Coffee is the main draw although there is a small menu which also emphasises local flavours. The Old School Bun is the familiar childhood egg and luncheon meat snack, and there's also otah pizza. There are also few Western options such as poached eggs and ham, as well as cakes and sandwiches.Mr Tan, who has helmed several F&B ventures including cafes and western food stalls, struck out on his own so he could indulge in his coffee passion and also he felt there was room for a concept 迷你倉沙田ike his. Since the cafe launched in March this year, business has been gradually improving, and Mr Tan is confident it will improve even more as the area is currently going through a revival of sorts. "There are a lot of coffee places coming up here, but mostly along Jalan Besar road itself, while ours is at Lavender Street. But I see us as co-existing rather than competing. There is definitely a market for plenty of coffee places in the area," he adds.By Natalie Kohbtnews@sph.com.sgCraft Bakery & Caf?m24 Lorong MambongTel 6467 7710Open Sundays to Thursdays from noon to 11pm, and Fridays to Saturdays from noon to midnightTHREE years after siblings Celine and Kevin Yeo made a name for themselves selling molten lava cakes at their dessert bar 3-Inch Sin, they decided to branch out with a casual eatery - the month-old Craft Bakery & Caf?m at Holland Village.?"The idea of a caf?m always enticed me. But we didn't want to dilute 3-Inch Sin's concept by selling sandwiches, so we opened this instead," says Kevin, 32. According to him, Holland Village was the ideal location because it held many childhood memories for the pair. So when they chanced upon the available space, they knew they had to take it.?Craft is a bright, modern-looking caf?m with wooden benches and white walls that offers a refreshing contrast to the pubs around the area.?Of course, you can still find their famous 3-inch in diameter molten lava cakes ($9.50) there, among a list of other cakes and pastries that Celine bakes at the central kitchen every day. But Craft was also intended as an opportunity for a wider and more adventurous menu, so that includes mains such as sandwiches, pastas, and pizzas.?One unique creation is The Craft ($11.50) - an unconventional sandwich made up of waffles filled with maple-caramelised bacon and green apple slaw with mustard. While the combination may sound a little daunting, they do a decent job of balancing one another out.?And if you don't feel like having the molten lava cake for dessert, they have others like a slice of red velvet cake ($7.50) with cream cheese and covered in a layer of shredded coconut.?As for coffee, they get their blends from local coffee roaster called Papa Palheta, which has also been supplying coffee to 3-Inch Sin for two years.What's different about this coffee is that there is a bit of a chocolate flavour to it, to go with the sweet desserts that Craft offers, says Kevin. After all, what goes better with chocolate than more chocolate?By Rachel LoiBrawn & Brains100 Guillemard Road #01-07https://.facebook.com/brawnbrains.sgOpen Tue-Sun: 11.30am to 8.30pmWHEN Gwen Peh, 30, and Xavier Teo, 37, decided to open their own cafe, they just wanted a quiet place for them to roast their own coffee beans and share a cuppa with their fellow coffee-loving friends.Sure, a little extra business would be nice, but they weren't exactly expecting much tucked away in a corner of the Old Badminton Hall at Kallang.But since their soft launch two weeks ago, they've been getting a pretty decent crowd during the weekends - and not just from the usual rock-climbing enthusiasts from the climbing gym next door."Suddenly we were getting customers who would come in all dressed up in designer wear, which isn't common in this area," Mr Teo shares. "It turns out they found out about us through Instagram because someone posted a photo of our cafe, so people decided to come and check us out. We're so amazed at how powerful social media is. And we are quite happy about it, of course."For now, the caf?m is offering a Brazilian single-origin coffee with nutty overtones, but they will be introducing some original coffee blends into the menu in a couple of weeks - once Ms Peh and Mr Teo have worked out the kinks of the cafe operations and fine-tuned the blends.And even though the blends haven't been finalised yet - one thing's for sure: they will be made from organic beans. "We noticed that there's a lack of organic blends in the market right now, and we want to promote healthy food," says Mr Teo. "I'm planning to have maybe two to three origins to one blend - all organic."While coffee had always been a big part of Mr Teo's life, it was only a few years ago that he was hit by inspiration to start roasting his own beans."I visited Milan a few years back and I just loved the coffee culture there. So I got the idea to start doing my own coffee, and since most of my friends love coffee as well, I thought of buying a roaster that we could all benefit from," he remembers.He began buying raw beans, reading up on coffee roasting, and experimenting with his roaster until he found himself liking the idea of having his own blends more and more. "It felt quite nice to have some personal touch to my coffee," he says.And that, perhaps, is precisely the appeal of cafes with their own coffee blends - that personal touch in each blend that doesn't shout "mass production" like the commercial brands do.The caf?m currently offers a staple of sandwiches and cakes in the daily menu. Ms Peh bakes the cakes fresh every morning, and shares that her Lavender and Earl Grey Pound Cakes are among the more popular choices with customers.On why they chose the Old Badminton Hall to open shop, Mr Teo shares that it was really by chance - he had been passing by and noticed that there was an empty shop space."Both of us liked that it wasn't too crowded. And a place like this has a very strong character because of its history; at the same time, we're bringing something new and modern to it," he says.By Natalie KohAnythingz Caf?m139 Tyrwhitt Road #01-03https://.facebook.com/anythingzcafeOpen Mon to Wed: 8am to 8pm; Fri & Sat: 8am to 10pm; Sun 10am to 10pmIT takes some guts to open a cafe right across the highly popular Chye Seng Huat Hardware, but Jackey Wong doesn't seem too bothered by the competition."Every cafe has its own identity and specialities," he says. "Our coffee is different from theirs, so it's really up to the customers' personal preferences."Seeing that there was little point in trying to compete with the special coffee blends offered by cafes in the surrounding area of Jalan Besar, Mr Wong decided to take a more tried-and-tested path: selling a well-known brand of coffee.During his six-year stay in Sydney, Australia, he fell in love with Vittoria Coffee, and decided to bring that into Anythingz Cafe, which he opened in March this year."I chose this brand because I was most familiar with it, and you would like it even if you weren't a coffee person," he shares. "The espresso doesn't taste acidic, and you can actually taste a bit of sweetness in it."But perhaps the most attractive thing about the cafe is its intimate, homely feel, thanks to a small seating space for up to 26 people, and delightfully homemade food that he makes himself every day."I just wanted to have a relaxing place for people to have nice coffee, dessert and food," Mr Wong says. "My intention was to create a cosy hangout place for high tea and chit chat."Most of the food, like the breakfast sets, sandwiches, pizza and pasta, are made from his own personal recipes, created through rounds of trial and error. "I wanted to have a variety of international and western food," Mr Wong says. "So I take some inspiration from photos that I find on the Internet, then I look for different recipes and ingredients for each dish, and experiment with them."Even a few of the desserts, such as the Cr?ome Brulee, Mille Crepes, Chocolate Mousse and Tofu Cheese Cake are homemade, while the others are imported from France.Being a small establishment, the cafe offers a very personalised form of service as well. Mr Wong is currently a one-man show, so he meets all his customers personally and tries to remember all of them. Which is probably why he gets plenty of return customers."I try to give good and friendly service so that customers would feel good here and come back again. That way, new customers become regular customers, which will definitely boost my business," he offers."By Natalie KohRevolution Coffee21 Media Circle, #01-03ATel 6777 2110Open weekdays from 8am to 5pm and weekends from 10am to 6pmWHEN someone is passionate about what they do, it shows. So it does with 33-year-old Ajie Permana, who talks about coffee-making techniques involving temperature, pressure or his custom-painted coffee machine with the energy of an excited child."The most important thing about coffee is to keep it consistent. So you have the same cup no matter who makes it. Because coffee is a living and breathing thing," he explains.Though he has a degree in mechanical engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Mr Permana worked a few jobs in other fields like marketing, where he had the opportunity to travel to Australia where he was exposed to their growing caf?m scene.Before opening his now-three-month-old caf?m, Revolution Coffee, Mr Permana contacted coffee roasters from all over Australia, and eventually chose eight different coffees from four different roasters. He then conducted a blind taste test at home with his friends, and picked what later became his house blend - Reservoir Road by Single Origin Roasters, a small company with their own caf?m in Sydney. It is a mix of beans from Burundi, Ethiopia and Costa Rica, blended together to give a smooth caramel taste, he says.And while the house blend has a more fruity and acidic flavour profile, Mr Permana also makes sure to carry a contrasting earthy blend that rotates every two weeks.An espresso costs $3.50, while a cappuccino costs $5.50.The caf?m itself has a laidback, cosy atmosphere, with a bit of an "indie" feel. Hanging on the ceiling is a lamp made of used coffee filters, while the tables are made of beer crates and recycled wood from our local stadium benches. Not to mention, on the wall is a black-and-white wallpaper art piece by the "sticker lady", Samantha Lo.And since his main interest is in coffee, Mr Permana hired food consultant Shen Tan of Wok & Barrel to help him construct a menu to suit his caf?m. The food leans towards local fusion, such as low fat chicken satay breast salad ($8) and sticky date pudding with gula melaka sauce and ice cream ($9.90).By Rachel Loi迷你倉價錢

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Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.儲存倉Aug. 15--A criminal complaint was filed Wednesday afternoon in Yuma Justice Court against the woman arrested for allegedly using her car to ram into a California Highway Patrol vehicle after failing to stop for a traffic violation.Appearing before Justice of the Peace Greg Stewart, 32-year-old Halima Ahmed was informed that the Yuma County Attorney's Office had reviewed the case against her and that she was being charged with one felony count of resisting arrest and one felony count of aggravated assault.In addition to appointing the Yuma County Public Defender's Office to represent Ahmed, the judge also scheduled her next court date -- a preliminary hearing for 4 p.m. on Aug. 22. She is being held on $100,000 bond.According to Yuma police, at about 5:58 a.m. Monday, officers responded to 1020 E. 16th St. to assist the CHP, which had requested迷你倉沙田assistance with a female driver who would not pull over.After the vehicle finally stopped, CHP officers attempted to contact the driver, who was identified as Ahmed. That is when Ahmed allegedly used her vehicle, a 2001 Isuzu Rodeo, to strike one of the fully marked CHP vehicles.Ahmed was not cooperative with officers and continued to resist arrest. She was taken into custody and transported to the Yuma County Detention Center.She was booked for aggravated assault, endangerment, unlawful flight, resisting arrest, criminal damage, disorderly conduct and refusing to provide a truthful name.James Gilbert can be reached at jgilbert@yumasun.com or 539-6854. Find him on Facebook at .Facebook.com/YSJamesGilbert or on Twitter @YSJamesGilbert.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at .yumasun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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DUBLIN, August 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Research and Markets ( .迷你倉價錢researchandmarkets.com/research/ghk8fj/mhealth_and_home) has announced the addition a new report "mHealth and Home Monitoring - 5th Edition [.researchandmarkets.com/research/ghk8fj/mhealth_and_home ]" to their offering.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130307/600769 )According to this new research report, around 2.8 million patients worldwide were using a home monitoring service based on equipment with integrated connectivity at the end of 2012. The figure comprises all patients that were using dedicated devices for remote monitoring. Patients using their personal mobile phone, tablet or PC for remote monitoring are not included in this figure.The data forecasts that the number of home monitoring systems with integrated communication capabilities will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26.9 percent between 2011 and 2017 to reach 9.4 million connections worldwide. The number of devices with integrated cellular connectivity increased from 0.73 million in 2011 to about 1.03 million in 2012.mHealth enables more efficient care delivery, decreased costs and improved sustainability of the healthcare system. The new care models enabled by these technologies are often consistent with patients' preferences of living more healthy, active and independent lives.Widespread use of remote patient monitoring is still years away, but we are moving towards an age where mHealth solutions will become part of standard care pathways. Financial incentives are now coming into place and new mandates are formed that favourably affect the adoption of mHealth solutions.Several new developments in the mHealth [.researchandmarkets.com/research/ghk8fj/mhealth_and_home ] ind迷你倉庫stry will ensure strong market growth in 2013 and beyond. In the US, the progressive increases of readmission penalties set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will drive hospitals to adopt telehealth solutions for monitoring post-discharge patients.In the UK, the positive results from the Whole System Demonstrator project led the National Health Service to issue a mandate for 100,000 additional patients to be monitored with telehealth solutions by March 2014. In France, a new mandate on compliance monitoring will ensure that all new sleep therapy patients will be remotely monitored from 2013 onwards. This new mandate is expected to result in more than 600,000 connected sleep therapy devices by 2016.Some of the Companies Mentioned:- Abbott Laboratories - AT&T - Bayer Healthcare - Boston Scientific - Covidien - Deutsche Telecom - Epic Systems - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare - Grandcare Systems - Helena Laboratories - Innospense - International Technidyne Corporation - Johnson & Johnson - KORE Telematics - LifeWatch - Medtronic - NovaSom - Orange Group - Philips Respironics - Proteus Digital Health - Qualcomm - Roche - SK Telecom - Sprint - St. Jude Medical - Telefonica - Verizon Communications - Vodafone - Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance - ZenicorFor more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/ghk8fj/mhealth_and_homeSource: Berg Insight ABResearch and Markets Laura Wood, Senior Manager. press@researchandmarkets.com U.S. Fax: +1-646-607-1907 Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716 Sector: Telecommunications and Networks [.researchandmarkets.com/categories.asp?cat_id=20&campaign_id=ghk8fj ]Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130307/600769Research and Markets儲存

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鐘聲即將生效的《中華人民共和國旅遊法》自公佈以來引起廣泛關注。這部旅遊法要求,自存倉“旅遊者在旅遊活動中應當遵守社會公共秩序和社會公德,尊重當地的風俗習慣、文化傳統和宗教信仰,愛護旅遊資源,保護生態環境,遵守旅遊文明行為規範。 ”旅遊者如果“從事違法或者違反社會公德的活動”,“旅行社可以解除合同”。英國廣播公司網站、美國有線電視新聞國際公司、美國《大西洋月刊》網站等媒體都對此予以充分報道。用新加坡《今日報》的話來說,中國法律開始對不文明旅遊行為動真格了。也有人發問:法律是不是過於嚴苛了?畢竟,美國人、法國人、英國人、俄羅斯人都曾獲得過“最不受歡迎遊客”稱號,相比之下一些中國遊客的陋習似乎並沒那麼“特別”。而且,很多國家對於旅遊者的不文明行為,僅止于呼籲、提醒,或者指導。例如,美國國務院2006年推出 《美國人海外旅行行為準則》,不過是提出了16條禮儀忠告。《旅遊法》的出台既有其現實背景,也體現了一個負責任大國的自省精神。統計顯示,中國出境旅遊人數2011年達7025萬人次,2012年達8300萬人次,消費額高達1020億美元;預計2013年將達到9430萬人次。出境游大�化已成為中國的現實。中國人出游給世界帶去了財富,自然也應向世界展示文明的形象。無可否認,一些中國旅遊者在國外表現過於“粗放迷你倉新蒲崗,著實帶來負面影響。具體事例不用舉,僅看國外景點設立的 “請勿喧嘩”、“請勿浪費”、“請便後沖水”、“請勿插隊”等中文標識,就足以讓我們感到尷尬。部分遊客缺乏個人修養,或源自手頭寬綽後、特別是暴富後形成的驕狂心態。“上車睡覺,下車拍照,回來什麼都不知道”,媒體如此概括中國遊客未免有失偏頗,但也有在理之處。成熟的遊客會充分利用現代手段,通過上網、看書或查資料,瞭解旅遊地的歷史,而不僅僅滿足于形式上的“到此一游”。相反,如果缺乏對當地文化歷史的敬畏之心,甚至不遵守公共秩序,不能從旅遊中得到收穫和�迪,則偏離了旅遊的本意,將有魅力的事庸俗化了。美國社會學家英格爾斯曾說,人的現代化並不是現代化過程結束後的副產品,而是現代化制度與經濟賴以長期發展並取得成功的先決條件。引申之,文明的呵護,不能讓法律缺位。《旅遊法》不僅包含對文明自律意識的倡導和呼喚,而且還對不文明的行為進行必要和適度的行為約束,通過適度的道德管制,從根本上警醒失落的文明自覺。中國和世界的接觸越來越深入。我們清醒認識到,一個民族和國家的文明程度高低,不僅取決于其物質財富的多寡,還取決于其道德水準的高下。經濟高速發展的同時,必須保證素質教育的跟進。必要的文明約束,是培育文明自覺、展示文明形象不可或缺的手段。(原載于8月15日《人民日報》)迷你倉出租

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.mini storageAug. 15--Earlier this week in South Carolina, Baby Veronica's adoptive parents described her as being "kidnapped" and "held captive," demanding that law enforcement officials find her immediately.But those words didn't come up Wednesday in downtown Tulsa, where Matt and Melanie Capobianco held a press conference and called for a compromise to end the custody dispute."I'm here wide-eyed, open-minded," said Matt Capobianco, not ruling out the possibility of sharing custody of the 3-year-old.And by the end of the day, an attorney for Dusten Brown, Veronica's biological father, confirmed that negotiations were underway, telling the Tulsa World that the discussions could eventually include a face-to-face meeting between the two families.Putting pressure on Brown, Gov. Mary Fallin threatened to speed up the extradition process to South Carolina if he didn't compromise and allow the Capobiancos to visit Veronica.Brown faces a South Carolina charge of "custodial interference," which can carry a sentence of up to five years in prison upon conviction."Mr. and Mrs. Capobianco deserve an opportunity to meet with their adopted daughter," the governor said Wednesday."They also deserve the chance to meet with Mr. Brown and put an end to this conflict."A day earlier, the governor had promised not to send Brown to South Carolina until after a court hearing Sept. 12, when he plans to challenge the extradition request."If both parties are meeting in good faith," said Fallin's spokesman, Alex Weintz, "the governor has said she will wait until the September court date to review the extradition request."Brown's defense attorney told the Tulsa World that the governor shouldn't mix the criminal case with the civil dispute over custody."They're two completely separate legal issues," said Clark Brewster, adding that he had been in contact with the Governor's Office. "One involves a criminal allegation, and one involves what is in the best interests of Veronica."Brown has committed no crime and won't let the criminal case affect any decisions over his daughter's future, Brewster said.But Brewster was waiting Wednesday night to hear back from the Capobianco camp after "a lengthy conversation" with one of their attorneys.Earlier in the day, he had suggested that a possible compromise might involve having a "best interest" hearing in Oklahoma, where Veronica has lived with her biological family for nearly 20 months."That's the real issue," Brewster said. "What's best for Veronica?"Brown had already offered at least one compromise in recent weeks, suggesting that Veronica could spend summers in South Carolina and stay with him in Oklahoma the rest of the year.The Capobiancos have repeatedly said they hope Veronica's biological family will remain "a meaningful part of her life."But Brown has complained that such a vague promise wouldn't be legally enforceable."It's hard for us to say what we're going to do and what we're not going to do right here," Melanie Capobianco said at Wednesday's press conference, "because so many orders and so many promises have been broken."The couple arranged a private adoption with Brown's ex-fiancee and raised Veronica in a Charleston suburb for the first two years of her life.Brown, a member of the Cherokee Nation, says he was tricked into signing away his parental rights when he thought he was only giving custody to her birth mother.South Carolina courts gave him custody in December 2011, citing the federal Indian Child Welfare Act, which discourages placing Native American children outside their tribes.But the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that the lower courts had misapplied the federal law. South Carolina has since given custody back to the adoptive parents, demanding that her biological father return the girl "immediately."Under Oklahoma law, Brown has until Aug. 23 to challenge that custody order in a state court."If it takes another week, another month, another decade," Matt Capobianco said, "we're not going anywhere."But he backed off a threat from earlier in the week to go looking for Veronica himself if authorities didn't find her."We're certainly not looking to do anything to upset anyone -- certainly not public officials or law enforcement," he said. "Obviously, we don't want to scare our daughter in some kind of confrontation."The morning press conference in Tulsa was followed by an afternoon court hearing in Charleston, where Brown's attorneys challenged a judge's demand that they reveal Veronica's location.In recent weeks, the family would say only that Veronica is safe with her paternal grandparents, who have guardianship under a Cherokee court order.As a member of the Cherokee Nation, Veroself storageica has a right to "full participation" in the tribe, said attorney Angel Smith, who has been appointed as independent counsel by the Cherokee Courts to represent the girl's best interest.Declining to comment on legal issues or express a preference in the custody dispute, Smith hopes people will remember the very real little girl who is caught in the middle of this uproar.Veronica loves to read, Smith said. She loves to be outside "and will try anything once," she said."She's 4. No one can deny that this is going to impact the rest of her life one way or another," Smith said. "It's wise to remember that she's not just a picture in the paper."TimelineSeptember 2009: Baby Veronica born in Oklahoma, taken to South Carolina for adoption.January 2010: Father, Dusten Brown, signs away custody but files an appeal a few days later.December 2011: Baby Veronica returns to Oklahoma after a family court in South Carolina grants custody to the father.July 2012: South Carolina Supreme Court upholds the custody decision.January: U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear an appeal from the adoptive parents, Matt and Melanie Capobianco.April: U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments in the case.June 25: U.S. Supreme Court rules that federal law doesn't require that Veronica be given to her biological father. The court did not clear her adoptive parents to immediately regain custody.July 9: Cherokee Nation District Court officials confirm that Dusten Brown's mother and father, Tommy and Alice Brown, have filed for adoption of Veronica -- in line with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's dissenting opinion.July 17: Cherokee Nation courts name three of Dusten Brown's family members as joint guardians, giving them the power to make legal and medical decisions for Veronica and complicating the issue for South Carolina courts. Later that day, the South Carolina Supreme Court terminates Brown's parental rights and gives full custody to the adoptive parents.July 24: Christy Maldonado, Veronica's birth mother, files a lawsuit with several other women who have placed children for adoption, seeking to have part of the Indian Child Welfare Act declared unconstitutional.July 26: Dusten Brown files a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case and require South Carolina courts to hold a best-interest hearing for Veronica.July 31: Prior to a hearing on transition details for Veronica, a Cherokee Nation attorney appointed for Veronica files a federal lawsuit in South Carolina seeking to temporarily stop the hearing and hold a best-interest hearing. It is denied.Aug. 2: The U.S. Supreme Court denies Brown's July 26 petition. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor were the only dissenters.Aug. 5: A South Carolina judge orders Brown to surrender custody "immediately" after he didn't bring Veronica to a court-ordered visitation with the adoptive parents in South Carolina.Aug. 9: South Carolina officials issue an arrest warrant for Brown. He is expected to be taken into custody in Iowa, where he is training with the Oklahoma National Guard.Aug. 10: National Guard officials grant Brown requested leave from training after he is subpoenaed to appear in Cherokee Nation tribal court for an emergency hearing in Tahlequah.Aug. 12: Brown does not appear at the emergency hearing. He turns himself in to authorities in Sequoyah County and is released after posting $10,000 bond. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signs a warrant for Brown's extradition and sends it to Gov. Mary Fallin for her approval.Aug. 13: Fallin declines to sign off on the warrant, saying Brown has a right to contest extradition in court. She says she will not act upon the warrant until after Brown's next extradition hearing on Sept. 12. Capobiancos arrive in Tulsa that night.Aug. 14: Capobiancos hold news conference in downtown Tulsa saying they had been denied a chance to see Veronica and meet with Brown. Fallin says she will speed up Brown's extradition to South Carolina if he does not allow the Capobiancos to see Veronica. A South Carolina family court judge reiterates that he wanted Veronica returned to the Capobiancos "forthwith."Upcoming court action:Aug. 23: Deadline for Brown to contest South Carolina's custody order in Oklahoma court.Sept. 4: A Cherokee tribal court will consider extending a temporary guardianship for Veronica's stepmother and grandparents, potentially claiming jurisdiction over the case.Sept. 12: Brown to return to Sequoyah County Court for a hearing on his extradition.Michael Overall 918-581-8383michael.overall@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Knoxville News-Sentinel, Tenn.迷你倉新蒲崗Aug. 15--When Drew McIntosh rolled up to the starting line at this summer's Tour Divide, he did so on a bicycle that separated him from the rest of the field.Ahead lay 2,750 miles of dirt roads and jeep trails stretching from Alberta, Canada, to the U.S.-Mexico border at Antelope Wells, New Mexico. Virtually all of the 125 cyclists rode multi-geared mountain bikes equipped with suspension to help alleviate the pounding meted out by the world's longest off-pavement cycling route.McIntosh, on the other hand, rode a steel-frame single-speed bike with no suspension. Not only that, but his bike was a fixed gear -- an early design still used in track racing. With fixed-gear bikes, the drivetrain has no freewheel mechanism. Instead, the rear cog is bolted directly to the back wheel.For McIntosh, a 28-year-old mountain biker living in South Knoxville, coasting was never an option. If his rear wheel was spinning, his pedals were, too."I kind of look back and wonder why I did that," McIntosh said. "I guess I was a little stubborn."Considered by many to be the world's toughest bike race, the Tour Divide follows the Rocky Mountains from the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia through the U.S. states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. The race follows the Great Divide Route that was mapped over a four-year period by the Adventure Cycling Association and announced to the public in 1998. The course is unmarked and often extremely remote. Competitors must carry their own food, water, repair kits, first-aid, and camping gear. By the end of the race, they've climbed nearly 200,000 vertical feet -- the equivalent to climbing Mount Everest almost seven times.As a college student, McIntosh would regularly commute 40 miles a day between Knoxville and Oak Ridge. After taking up mountain biking he joined a race team and started competing solo in 12-hour cross-country endurance races. Early on, he chose a single-speed."I like the simplicity of a single-speed bike," McIntosh said. "Mechanically, there's less that can go wrong. If you want to go fast, you have to spin those legs, and when you come to a hill, you know there's only one thing to do -- stand up and climb."McIntosh discovered the Tour Divide three years ago from a film documentary that came to Knoxville. The Spartan simplicity of pushing and pedaling a bike 16-plus hours a day across the snow-capped Rockies and the Mexican Plateau stirred his imagination. He thought about the race during a three-month cross-country cycling trip with his girlfriend. After they returned, he asked his boss for some time off this summer to do the Tour Divide.On June 12, two days before the race, McIntosh boxed up his bike and flew to Calgary, Canada. The next day he rode 80 miles to the small town of Banff -- the northern starting point of the Tour Divide -- where he checked into a motel and went grocery shopping. At 8 a.m. the next morning he rolled up to the starting line, one of 11 single speed bicycles in a field of 141 cyclists."My nerves were going crazy." McIntosh said. "I didn't sleep much the night before the start."In some places along the Great Divide Route McIntosh would be more than 100 miles from the nearest town. He carried a sleeping bag, tent, food, water, and extra clothes. Fully packed, his bike weighed 55 pounds.Like mo迷你倉出租t of the cyclists, McIntosh wore a personal tracking device that enabled his friends back in Knoxville to follow his progress on the Web.Over the next 3 1/2 weeks he averaged just over 100 miles per day -- some of it by pushing his bike over steep mountain passes. After waking up at 5 or 6 a.m., he'd start riding at 7 a.m. and look for place to get breakfast. A town with a restaurant was ideal, but often he had to settle for gas stations and junk food -- anything to replace the 8,000-10,000 calories he burned all day.At 6 foot 3, McIntosh normally weighs 165 pounds. By the end of the ride, he had shed 20 pounds. He road 14 to 18 hours a day, sometimes with other racers, but often alone."My style of riding was different from people with fully-geared bikes," he said. "Going up hills, I had to stand up and hammer it out."Much of the route took advantage of jeep and gravel roads through national forest lands. Some nights the racers were able to find hotels, but mostly, they camped out. McIntosh said his most difficult day came in the middle of Montana when his rear tire separated from the bead so that the tube bulged out. After bandaging up the tire with zip ties and surgical tape, he managed to creep his way along to the nearest repair shop in Helena, 100 miles away.Otherwise, McIntosh's trusted fixed gear, single speed held up beautifully. As for himself, McIntosh twisted an ankle while hiking a steep, rocky section, but otherwise escaped injury."My goal was to finish and to have fun," he said. "I saw some people push hard and get really banged up. I ran out of water a few times and saw a few bears, but nothing threatening. When you're out there in the middle of nowhere, you don't take chances."The morning the race started, the weather in Banff was rainy and 34 degrees. While crossing the high deserts of New Mexico, the thermometer hit 100 degrees. Approaching the Mexico-U.S. border crossing at Antelope Wells, McIntosh could see the finish from five miles away.He completed the Tour Divide in 24 days 8 hours and 6 seconds. He is only the third person to ever complete the race on a fixed-gear bicycle, and no one on a fixed-gear has ridden the route as fast as he did this summer.Michael McCoy, author of "Cycling the Great Divide: From Canada to Mexico on America's Premier Long Distance Mountain Bike Ride," said the American Cycling Association recommends that people on multi-gear mountain bikes allot about 70 days to complete the Great Divide Route."To do it on a bike with only one gear and in a third of the recommended time, that's pretty amazing," McCoy said.About 80 of the 140 cyclists who started this year's race made it to the finish line. This year's race was won by Mike Hall of the United Kingdom in a time of 14 days, 11 hours and 55 minutes.When McIntosh reached Antelope Wells, he was greeted by his girlfriend, who brought him a cold beer. It was a hard-fought battle to the finish, and McIntosh broke down in tears.When asked recently if he plans to race the Tour Divide again, he replied, "Not anytime soon."I'm going to take it easy for a while," he said. "But if someone else was inspired to do it, I could definitely give them some advice."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) Visit the Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tenn.) at .knoxnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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 香港文匯報訊(記者 梁悅琴)金融機構削減租寫字樓租金開支,文件倉中區商廈租金呈放緩,太古地產(01972)行政總裁郭鵬昨坦言,本港商廈市道亦有隱憂,空置率有上升趨勢,預料明年金鐘太古廣場商廈租金會放緩,至於�魚涌商廈常盛大廈重建計劃,他表示,正與政府磋商中,進度樂觀,料項目快將開展,預計整期建設需時7年。 他表示,集團仍以本港及內地業務為主,亦會在東南亞物色合適投資項目。郭鵬又坦言,去年10月政府連番推出辣招,對豪宅帶來一定衝擊,成交價量同受影響,但其�魚涌住宅項目MOUNT PARKER RESIDENCES料下半年推售,雖然受BSD及DSD等因素影響,相信市場仍有一定需求。市況審慎 中期派息減9.1% 不過,他對下半年集團的大中華零售及商業租金仍看好,集團的中期業績派息雖然按年下跌9%,對下半年物業銷售市況抱審慎態度,但集團計劃全年派息比率仍維持佔每股盈利50%,下半年派息比率一般比上半年高。 太古地產昨公布,截至今年6月30日止撇除投資物業估值變動後基本溢利升15.5%至28.12億元,略低於市場預期,每股基本盈利0.48元,上升14.3%,派發第一次中期息0.2元,按年減少9.1%。期內物業買賣虧轉盈至2.78億元,香港商廈租金收入上升5%至24.81億元,香港零售物業組合租金上升7%至12.77億元,內地租金收入亦上升20%至7.84億元,主要反映物業買賣所得的溢利(主要來自出售港住宅項目「蔚然」單位),以及香港、廣州太古匯及北京三里屯太古里的投資物業組合的續約租金上調。期內集團酒店組合表現因內地的營連虧損而轉差。 郭鵬指出,上半年西摩道住宅存倉蔚然」12個單位完成售出,另外1個於7月完成售出。該項目的126伙中至今已售出111伙。至於西摩道63號住宅項目「珒然」的30個單位中,7個已經預售。該項目於今年6月獲發入伙紙,並即將開始移交買家。今年4月開始預售的何文田住宅項目「DUNBAR PLACE」,項目的53個單位中,有21個已預售出,預計可於明年上半年交付。�魚涌住宅項目 MOUNT PARKER RESIDENCES預期今年下半年落成。至於大嶼山長沙的兩幅相鄰住宅用地正發展為獨立式洋房,預計於2015年落成及交付。明年太古廣場租金料放緩 他指出,由於�魚涌太古坊商廈於3年前租金較低,今年續租租金升幅可觀,不過中環商廈租金疲弱,現時太古廣場租金仍可保持,預料明年太古廣場商廈租金會放緩。 被問及早前有投資銀行報告質疑太地出售成都大慈寺商廈項目僅會有單位數利潤,他回應說,該項目為綜合發展項目,之前售出其中的睿東中心,是屬於低建造成本一部分,若分析師用該部分售價比較項目整體成本,便會有賺不到錢的情況,他表示,公司對該項目是非常樂觀的,回報理想。 郭鵬表示,集團看好美國邁亞密地產市場,目前在當地Brickell CityCentre 發展進度理想,看好當地經濟及人口增長,未來或在該區有更多投資公布。他指出,當地投資回報高,但項目規模發展有局限。 此外,集團正拓展東南亞地產業務,包括已於新加坡有發展項目,現時亦在印尼設辦事處,未來仍有興趣在東南亞物色投資機會,特別是發展商業樓宇項目。 至於廣州的太古匯項目,上半年零售銷售上升29%,租金增長亦佳,惟酒店項目起步較慢,但對太古匯的整體營運情況仍感滿意。自存倉

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China Mobile (0941) has warned of ``unprecedented challenges'' to earnings in the short to medium term as the world's largest carrier speeds up the building of a fourth- generation network in preparation for a boom in mobile internet use.文件倉 The warning came despite a better-than- expected 1.5 percent on-year growth in interim profit to 63.1 billion yuan (HK$80.04 billion), thanks to higher data income. Revenue rose 10.4 percent to 303 billion yuan, with data income rising 25.5 percent to 95.4 billion yuan, more than compensating for the 1.5-percent decline in voice business that brought in 170 billion yuan. But as China Mobile expands its network, asset costs such as depreciation will also rise, it said, warning it will ``face increased pressure on earnings for a considerable period.'' It plans to maintain a balance ``between the group's long term competitiveness and short- to medium-term operating results.'' Capital expenditure in the first half was o存倉ly 57 billion yuan, which accounted for 30 percent of its annual budget and made up 20 percent of service sales. Average revenue per user hit 66 yuan, up from 65 yuan earned in the first quarter. More than 50 million customers were added to its homegrown 3G network in the six months to June 30, while handset sales rose 1.5 times to 66 million sets. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization, however, grew only 0.5 percent to 123.7 billion yuan, and the ebitda margin sank to 40.8 percent on competition, below the market consensus of 44 percent. A 43-percent payout ratio was maintained, with interim dividend at HK$1.70. Chairman Xi Guohua said talks are still on with Apple Inc to sell iPhones, with commercial and technical issues to be resolved. Deputy general manager Liu Aili said China Telecom (0728) seeks to rent its TD- LTE network, but a similar request from China Unicom (0762) has yet to come. victor.cheung@singtaonewscorp.com 自存倉

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針對近年有不少內地居民利用「一簽多行」政策來港走水貨,儲存倉引發中港矛盾,內地昨日有消息指,廣東海關部門有意從技術層面,為粵港「一簽多行」政策進行適度調整,擬對三類曾被海關懲處的旅客作限制簽注,既從源頭上遏制水客走私問題,又可維持「一簽多行」便利大多數旅客通關的政策目標。  中新社昨日報道指,港籍廣東省政協委員鄭程在今年廣東「兩會」,曾經建議粵港連手研究把內地居民「一簽多行」簽證,改為「一日一行」的可行性,而真正有需要一日多次往返內地的人士,則可額外申請。針對三類曾被懲處人士  海關總署廣東分署回覆時重申,「一簽多行」政策在挺港經濟、促進兩地交流和融合、改善民生等方面發揮了積極作用,應予肯定和堅持,但承認存在不法分子利用「一簽多行」從事水客走私活動的現象。  海關總署廣東分署透露,從維護「一簽多行」政策嚴肅性和延續性的角度考慮,國家相關部門正在密集聯合調研磋商,擬在堅持「一簽多行」基本政策的前提下,在技術層面對「一簽多行」做適度調整,在便利大多數旅客通關之餘,又從源頭上遏制水客走私。  據了解,經中國海關總署中國公安部,擬對三類曾被海迷你倉沙田懲處旅客限制簽注,包括因走私被海關行政處罰兩次以上的旅客、因走私被判處刑罰的旅客,以及在海關監管區抗拒或阻礙海關執法,被公安部門依照治安管理處罰的有關規定給予行政處罰,或者因妨害公務罪或故意傷害罪被追究刑事責任的旅客。  海關總署廣東分署稱,目前內地政府正進一步密切與港府聯繫,共同加強對水客現象的管制,對於利用「一簽多行」政策從事走私違法活動的不法分子,海關將會同公安部門繼續依法予以嚴懲。葉國謙指毋須加大限制  不過,立法會保安事務委員會主席葉國謙認為,內地沒有加大簽注限制的必要,因兩星期前曾獲邀參觀內地海關的運作情況,留意到最近已實施新措施,凡是有兩次走私記錄的旅客在過關時,邊防管制站即有燈亮起,有關人士的過境物資需要打稅,覺得措施是�之有效。他認為,「一簽多行」政策有助支持本港經濟,毋須因水貨客問題而作出調整。  旅遊界議員姚思榮也認為,應視乎最近實施的措施之落實成效,才決定是否進一步為旅客實施簽注限制,因每天來往中港邊境的旅客眾多,每天過境逾一次的人士不一定是走私客,一旦加大出入境限制,或會影響真正有來港需要的人士。本報記者迷你倉價錢

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Source: The Montana Standard, ButteAug.self storage 15--John and Joan Morris' boy is not just their son, he is also one of many children of Butte to have grown up to do marvelous athletic things in the Mining City.So much so, that as people got a chance to decide the top sports athletes to come out of Butte, Brian Morris was high on a lot of lists.Yet despite the numerous accolades recounting Brian Morris' athletic superiority many would speak in glowing terms of the man he has become.With that recognition, Morris was selected as No. 3 on the Butte Legends' list of athletes as chosen by readers of the Montana Standard and followers of sports here."I am honored to be included since Butte has so many great athletes in its history, and sports is such a big part of the culture," Morris said. "Football is the ultimate team sport and you can't do anything without teammates around you. You can only do as well as a team does around you. I think football has such a strong lifelong commitment because of that experience. Football was the big sport in Butte, and that was what kids grew up playing; and I had my heroes, and that's where I focused my attention and skills."As he did grow up in Butte, he was already recognized as a top athlete with loads of potential as a youngster."He was our neighbor who played basketball at the Hillcrest school," Butte's Bev Murray said. "He was kind to our youngest son, Paul, who was just beginning basketball. I can remember when they played for the championship and won for the school."It was apparent to many that Morris was a stellar specimen on the athletic field or on the courts and tracks he stepped on, especially after he enrolled at Butte Central High School."He was not only a talented athlete, he was an extremely hard worker and very dedicated," current Butte Central head football coach Don Peoples Jr. said of his former high school teammate. "He was the one who would always lead the team with workouts."John McGree, who also played football with Morris at Central, was impressed with the young man's ability to lead and believe."In the state championship football game (in 1981), Miles City scored on us with 12 seconds left, but he never gave up, he was relentless, he thought we could score and come back," McGree said. "We didn't, but he was fiercely competitive. He just was the leader. So when it got time to compete, it was time to compete. We worked out during the summers in the way he orchestrated things. He was the boss. He really, truly, was the most loyal and humble guy you ever met. He wasn't leaning on you and screaming at you to make it happen. He just knew if we spent the time together and worked hard enough he knew we could compete, and everyone just bought into it. He had the ability to make the rest of the teammates buy into winning."Morris acknowledges his competitive streak, one that shows itself in counterbalance to the image of one of the better people anyone meets, according to many. Morris grew up getting plenty of guff from his older brothers, but he realized that battling those bigger bodies would help him once he went face-to-face with kids his age."It's probably just being competitive -- and that's one trait I have had -- hating to lose," Morris admitted. "You want to be faster, stronger, better than the other team and this was somewhere to take it out on the other team. It is a good place to channel that energy in a productive way. If kids don't have a place to unleash that energy they can get into a lot of trouble. It was a combination of things. I was the youngest kid in my family with three older brothers so I had to stick up for myself. There is nothing worse than losing to your brothers."Morris was able to take out his drive on the field and he helped lead the Maroons to the state championship football game in 1981, while he set school records for rushing by gaining 1,640 yards on 236 carries while finishing with 1,732 total yards. Before graduating in the spring of 1982, he also excelled on the track, becoming the state champion in b迷你倉th the intermediate and high hurdles to help lead Central to its first ever state title in the sport."First of all I have never seen anyone with more talent," former teammate Ed Randall said of the man he still calls his best friend. "I never saw anyone work harder, and with that intelligence, he worked hard at everything. It was never about Brian. It was always about the team. He was a nice person and is still the nicest person I have ever met. He means a lot to our community, and we should all be proud of him -- not for what he did on the field -- but what he has done as a person. He is by far the best parent I have ever met."It also appears Morris combined athletic prowess with an exceptional problem-solving acumen."I was a teammate with him from seventh grade on, and he was a tremendously gifted athlete and was very intelligent as well," McGree said. "He had the uncanny ability to do things that other people can't. He would always look for solutions to make things better. At track Brian won the 110 and 300-meter hurdles at state, but he hadn't dominated the 300 all year, maybe winning a few small meets. But he was always looking for solutions and learned to alternate legs and ended up winning the title and dominating when he needed to. We had only six guys scoring to lead us to win the state title, and that 300-hurdles was a big win for us."Morris gives credit to his coaches for instilling those critical thinking skills."Coaches instilled in me the notion that you can whine and complain about things or you can make it better," he said. "You can't change what's around you, but you can change your performance if you work hard at it. That was something hammered into me as I grew up and I implemented it more as I got older. Double down your efforts and make it happen."After graduating from Butte Central he went on to attend Stanford University and played football for the Cardinal. As a member of the NCAA Division I football program, Morris was a four-year letter winner and was the team's starting fullback in the 1986 Gator Bowl, where he had three carries for 12 yards and three catches for an additional six yards.During his final two years with the Cardinal he was named honorable mention all-Pacific 10 Conference and was named to the first team all-Academic Pac-10 team."He was a big kid, 6-foot-4, 215 pounds, and that was a big kid for back in the day, and he had great speed," Peoples said. "He was in my mind one of the greatest football players, if not the greatest at Butte Central. He was very versatile and was a punishing runner. He could blast through the middle for four or five yards and then get past everybody and take off into the end zone. He proved that later playing in the Pac 10."Morris would end up graduating with distinction from the Stanford Law School in 1992.After a long professional run that started with him being a law clerk to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to serving as an attorney in Bozeman, Morris would ultimately end up being named a federal district judge for the District of Montana by President Obama in May.That came as no surprise to Morris' friends and former teammates."I grew up next door to his family, and they were very academic-oriented people," Peoples said. "He always seemed like he was destined for great things."Randall said it's not out of the realm of comparison to say Morris and Michael Jordan had one similar particular aspect of their careers: the best player who was the hardest working one on their teams."We sometimes got caught up in watching him; he was a joy to watch," Randall said. "He dominated every game that he was in. Brian dominated first and foremost by leadership. He knew every position on the field's responsibility. He ran the offense and defense. He was also the most talented player on the field. He was the most physical football player on the fieldCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.) Visit The Montana Standard (Butte, Mont.) at .mtstandard.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.儲存倉Aug. 15--JOHNSTOWN -- For the fourth consecutive year, the Air Force presidential honor guard will join the Richland Community Days parade at 11 a.m. Saturday.The parade is part of the sixth annual community days. The free event will begin Friday at Schoolhouse Road and Theatre Drive. An estimated 20,000 people are expected to attend.Cambria County President Commissioner Doug Lengenfelder is bringing the honor guard from Washington, D.C., where the group performs for military funerals at Arlington National Cemetery."They come out to communities not only as a recruiting tool, but they like to come to communities that are patriotic and support our military," said Lengenfelder, former leader of the honor guard and the Air Force Band in Washington."Cambria County is a perfect fit," he said in a statement.The men and women of the honor guard perform at mor迷你倉沙田 than 3,500 events each year, including ceremonial dedications to fallen troops, he said"During these funerals the honor guard ensures our airmen and their families receive the proper honors and respect that show our gratitude for their sacrifices," Lengenfelder said.The Honor Guard Drill Team will perform for the second year at the Richland High School football field at 1 p.m. Saturday.This is the No. 1 military drill team in America, having won the interservice competition in drill in 2012, Lengenfelder said.Community days continues to grow as a family event, Jim Miliauskas, chairman and event organizer, said in a statement."Not only is it growing, but there are a wider range of activities and food," Miliauskas said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at .tribune-democrat.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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【香港商報訊】記者潘仲男報道:「港式奶茶」是本港作為美食天堂的其中一款代表作,迷你倉價錢香港咖啡紅茶協會每年亦會就此舉辦「國際金茶王大賽」,務求將這個香港標誌的文化價值及地位,推向全球的更高層次,香港決賽及國際總決賽於今、明兩日在美食博覽內的香港國際茶展進行。協會指出,向政府申請將「港式奶茶」列入非物質文化遺產已通過了第一階段審核,預計在年底前「港式奶茶」將正式成為本港的非物質文化遺產。 12 高手今競逐港金茶王 國際金茶王大賽香港初賽昨日共分6輪進行,每輪原定有6名參賽者,但其中2人無法出席。34名參賽者在20分鐘內需要即場沖配奶茶,讓評判評分,其中12名高手可晉身今日的香港決賽,競逐香港金茶王的名銜。 香港咖啡紅茶協會副主席黃浩鈞在比賽場地表示,活動除了可推廣宣傳港式奶茶,亦可迷你倉庫過各奶茶高手切磋交流,提升業界的專業水平及行業地位。 國際金茶王賽明決雌雄 2013「國際金茶王大賽」已是有關賽事的第4屆,與往年一樣是聯同香港貿易發展局、香港旅遊發展局及香港中華廠商聯合會等合作舉辦。協會獲得到政府工貿署的中小企業發展支援基金資助,早前已先後於上海、廣州、深圳、多倫多、悉尼等地比賽,選出當地代表,連同今日勝出的香港代表,將於明日(17日)爭奪2013國際金茶王寶座。他續表示,去年各地參賽人士總數為300多人,今年則有逾400人。 黃浩鈞又指出,向政府申請將「港式奶茶」列入非物質文化遺產,已在上月通過第一階段審核,正式成為非物質文化遺產,將進一步推動本港奶茶文化,並推廣予世界各地認識,預計整個申請能在年底前完成,屆時「港式奶茶」將正式成為本港的非物質文化遺產。儲存

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bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2013-08/16/content_100069.htm...暑運迎來學生返校高峰 本報訊(記者 金可)隨著各大院校陸續開學和新生報到,迷你倉價錢以學生和家長為主的旅客人數明顯增加,目前暑運已進入...

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/丁琬 r。    8 月 8 日 ,迷你倉沙田“2013世界旅遊小姐中國年度冠軍總決賽”在湖北省丹江口市舉行。17歲的自貢ど妹丁琬 r,一舉摘下決賽的桂冠,成為鎂光燈下當之無愧的明星。  據瞭解,三個月後,她將作為中國惟一代表,參加“2013世界旅遊小姐年度冠軍國際總決賽”。這個青澀的女孩,在接受華西城市讀本記者採訪時說:“爭取在‘2013世界旅遊小姐年度冠軍國際總決賽’中取得好成績,把‘自貢美’帶到全世界。”身高:曾因太高而自卑,從來不穿高跟鞋  高挑的個子、苗條的身材,是每一個妙齡少女都想擁有的。可這對於從小就在同齡人中冒尖的丁琬 r來說,高個子困擾了她差不多十年。  今年17歲的丁琬 r,擁有178厘米的高度,“從小,她就比同齡的女孩高出差不多一個腦袋。”丁琬 r說,在她初二的那一年,身高突然從170厘米長到了178厘米,“那一年,是我長得最快的一年。”  但是,與生俱來的身高優勢,卻沒有給丁琬 r的童年帶來快樂,因為個子高,每次出門丁琬 r總感覺有人在背後指指點點,“我很不自在。”丁琬 r說,也就是因為這樣,她從小就有一種自卑的心理,“除了平時的訓練和參加比賽外,我從來不穿高跟鞋,都是平底鞋。”  大約在四年前,一次機緣巧合的機會,她被自貢纓美模特學校校長夏纓相中,從那時起,這匹“千里馬”的人生軌跡,開始發生了變化。學習:坐火車往來宜賓自貢,曾經想過放棄  祖籍自貢榮縣的丁琬 r,被“伯樂”相中時,生活居住在宜賓,為了不錯過每周六兩個小時的訓練,常常是早上五六點就從床上爬起來,匆匆洗漱完之後,又急匆匆跑到火車站,滿頭大汗地在窗口買火車票,又汗流浹背地鑽進車廂,用兩個小時的時間,從宜賓到自貢。但這兩個小時訓練完畢之後,又要買火車票,再花上兩個小時,從自貢坐回宜賓。  這樣來回的顛簸,曾經讓丁琬 r產生了放棄的念頭,畢竟,那個時候她才有迷你倉價錢3歲,“那時候就覺得有點累,有很多次都有過想放棄。”丁琬 r說,是媽媽的鼓勵與老師的關愛,讓她有了繼續下去的動力。  四年的學習,也讓丁琬 r頻頻在國內外大型知名賽事上屢獲大獎:“2012年城市旅遊小姐大賽中國年度冠軍總決賽”亞軍、“2013世界旅遊小姐中國年度冠軍總決賽”冠軍等。比賽:40℃高溫,她被曬掉一層皮  談到剛剛在丹江口結束的“2013世界旅遊小姐中國年度冠軍總決賽”,丁琬 r感慨頗多。“這次大賽,我最大的收穫,不是冠軍,而是結識了很多的朋友。”丁琬 r說,但最讓她難忘的,可能是這幾天的身處異鄉的“遭遇”,第二天長痘痘,第三天長潰瘍,第四天手脫皮,第五天臉脫皮,“過程苦了點,但結果很甜。”  據丁琬 r介紹,比賽的那段時間里,活動很多,每天都是很早起床,然後忙到很晚,才拖著疲憊的身軀睡覺,40℃的高溫,讓她白皙的皮膚,被曬黑了一大圈。  功夫不負有心人。多日的“受罪”,讓丁琬 r收穫了豐碩的成果,但這個驚喜稍微來得有點曲折。“在決賽開始前的一次比賽中,我連前十都未能進入,那時候,失望透頂了,以為自己沒戲了。”丁琬 r說,決賽當日,當主持人口中念到“冠軍,丁琬 r”時,她還以為自己聽錯了。綽號:時尚女王,卻穿著樸素  據夏纓介紹,她眼中的丁琬 r,是一個有著執著追求的陽光女孩,笑容甜美、舉止得體、從來不擺架子、也不張揚,雖然小小年紀已經功成名就,但絲毫不影響她大家閨秀的氣質。  在夏纓眼中,丁琬 r還有一個最大的缺點,那就是穿著有點樸素,“就是因為這樣,不能完全透露出她作為模特兒所散發出來的氣質。”夏纓說。  在老師眼中的灰姑娘,卻是朋友眼中的“時尚女王”,在自貢纓美模特培訓學校中,一群與丁琬 r年紀一般大的女孩們,成立了一個“時尚圈”,丁琬 r被當選為時尚女王,當被問及怎麼擁有“時尚女王”的稱號時,她笑著說:“可能是因為我的穿著吧。”  華西城市讀本記者熊強(圖片由自貢纓美模特學校提供)迷你倉庫

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全台最高學府阿里山香林國小,新蒲崗迷你倉昨舉辦一場別開生面的烏克麗麗發表會,校方首開大門公演,數百名陸客聽到悠揚樂聲不請自來,大力鼓掌、拍照留念,嘴裡直誇台灣學生可愛、挺牛的。香林國小位於阿里山森林遊樂區內,盡管園區內遊客穿川不息,為避免影響學生作息、上課,校門除非必要,不輕易打開,昨為了讓學生有特別的舞台經驗,校方敞開大門,歡迎遊客自由前往聆聽。果然大門一開,陸客一批接著一批湧入,駐足停留拍照,喀擦、喀擦快門聲響不停,掌聲、歡呼聲總在曲目結束後適時響起,讓學生表演得更mini storage力。「沒有預料會吸引這麼多人」,香林國小校長張文良說,學校只有27位學生,昨來的遊客光是目測就有數百人之多,且大家不吝惜給予鼓掌,讓苦練8個月的學生,擁有難忘的演出經驗。張文良說,1月分因樸仔腳教育基金會贊助,學生開始接觸烏克麗麗,8月又在台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會幫忙下,請到專業師資來辦夏令營。暑期夏令營不但有烏克麗麗教學,還有鄒舞、直笛、英語等課程,讓無法下山學才藝的山頂囝仔,擁有跟平地孩童一樣的多元學習機會,張文良感謝各界對香林孩子的疼愛,讓他們倍感幸福。self storage

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