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- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:59
Erie-area high school golf season opens Thursday
Source: Erie Times-News, Pa.mini storageAug. 15--Cathedral Prep golf coach Jay Willow envisioned a rare scenario for his sport, one in which more was better than less.Although Willow is in his second season with the Ramblers, he had all youth in mind when he was named the Erie District Golf Association's executive director in 2012.Willow's brainstorm? A mini-tour that complemented the association's match-play and stroke-play tournaments for players age 18 and under.The result, with assistance from Villa Maria coach Dan Steen, was the inaugural Flagship City Junior Golf Tour, which scheduled events at various courses in Erie and Crawford counties.The first of six tour stops was at Corry's North Hills Golf Course on June 12. It was followed by the Aug. 7 tour championship at Venango Valley Inn & Golf Course."Honestly, I was thinking if we had 20 to 30 kids per event, it would have been a successful season," Willow said. "But when we had (more than 50) kids at our first event at North Hills, I knew we were doing something right. We had other kids who came out later in the year because they didn't know about (the tour) at first."Before the Flagship Tour, the only viable option that northwestern Pennsylvania youths had as far as competitive summer golf was the North Coast Junior Tour.However, those events are scattered throughout northeast Ohio.Harbor Creek sophomore Jacob VanSlyke is among those grateful for the chance at less travel and more rounds."I want to thank Mr. Willow for what he did," VanSlyke said. "This (tself storageur) gives us junior players a lot more chances to feel what competition is really like. I'll be seeing a lot of the guys who were on this tour during school this season, so that will really help."Ryan Podufal didn't play a full Flagship Tour schedule.However, the Prep junior still lamented the tour wasn't around earlier in his career."It really would have helped me get a feel of what it was like to play in high school," Podufal said. "It would have helped me learn how to score when you're under pressure."Claire Orr did benefit from the Flagship's inception.The McDowell freshman never competed in the North Coast tour, or any other, before this summer. Orr said there's also an off-the-course plus it can provide."This is a good thing for young golfers to go out there and play with other people," she said. "You get to know more people and make friends."Orr's situation is exactly what Willow had in mind when he created the tour."When the younger players (age 10-12) get to be freshmen in high school," he said, "the first time they play competitive golf won't be so daunting for them. They'll realize they're not slapping it around J.C. Martin (Golf Course) anymore with a couple of friends."MIKE COPPER can be reached at 870-1614 or by e-mail. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/etncopper. Read the Varsity blog at GoErie.com/blogs/varsity and post comments.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) Visit the Erie Times-News (Erie, Pa.) at .GoErie.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:56
新加坡對埃及局勢表示深切關注,mini storage呼籲各方克制,避免爆發更嚴重暴力衝突,並儘快尋求和平解決方法。外交部昨天針對埃及局勢發出最新旅遊指引,再次勸請國人暫緩去埃及計劃,尤其是到受宵禁影響的省份,包括首都開羅、吉薩、亞歷山大、西奈和蘇伊士等。另外,外交部兼內政部高級政務部長馬善高昨天在一項社區活動上說,我國對埃及的局勢表示關注,外交部正與當地的新加坡學生保持聯繫,勸告他們遠離群�聚集處,並遵守當地法律。他也呼籲國人到外交部網站上註冊。網址是eregister.mfa.gov.sg。外交部也提醒目前在埃及的國人遵self storage當地晚上7時至清晨6時的宵禁,留在室內,時時提高警惕,採取必要的防範措施確保個人安全,並確保身邊有必需品以防當地商店和銀行關閉一段時間。國人在埃及若需尋求領事援助,可聯絡:新加坡駐開羅大使館電話:+202 37490468傳真:+202 37480562值勤官電話:+20 1098064130(24小時)電郵:singemb@link.net新加坡外交部值勤室電話:+65 6379 8800╱8855(24小時)傳真:+65 6476 7302電郵:mfa_duty_officer@mfa.gov.sg迷你倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:55
Drivers turn to watchdog over bus cameras
Drivers of Kowloon Motor Bus and its subsidiary Long Win Bus fear that front- facing cameras installed on buses are snooping on them and have complained to the privacy commissioner.存倉 They petitioned the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, objecting to the video and audio devices installed on more than 190 buses. Cheng Wai-kwan, director of the Motor Transport Workers General Union's Kowloon Motor Bus branch, said the cameras face the driver's seat and they are under surveillance throughout the whole journey. This ``seriously violates personal privacy'' and causes additional and unnecessary stress to drivers, she said. ``Some drivers complain that they cannot自存倉sleep. Others are frightened about making judgments when crossing the road. Some even cannot get on the bus and vomit when they know they have to drive a bus with a camera,'' Cheng said. The drivers asked the companies to uninstall the cameras or refer to rival Citybus, which has installed the devices at the back of drivers' seats. Their requests were rejected. Unionist lawmaker Bill Tang Ka-piu, who passed on the petition with the unions, said the two bus companies have not given drivers a reasonable explanation about the camera arrangements. A KMB spokesman said the bus video recording system is used for the purpose of security and accident investigation. WINNIE CHONG 迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:53
mini storage沒有內文
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:52
Penton Receives Three APEX Awards of Excellence
NEW YORK, Aug.迷你倉 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Penton announced today that three of its industry leading brands -- Nations' Restaurant News, WealthManagement.com and SQL Server Pro -- have been honored with APEX Awards of Excellence. APEX 2013 is the 25(th) annual awards program recognizing excellence in publications work by professional communicators.The APEX Award submissions were produced by Penton Marketing Services, which works across Penton's five key growth sectors - agriculture, transportation, natural products/food, infrastructure, and industrial design and manufacturing - offering data, digital, events and custom solutions."We are thrilled to have been recognized by the APEX Awards for our stellar solutions. Three of the five delivery managers on our team are honored with APEX awards, which showcases Penton's expertise," said George Assimakopoulos, Vice President of Marketing Services. "The Penton Marketing Services client services team provides insight, thought leadership and assistance developing relationships that grow revenue streams within the properties they support."Nation's Restaurant News's SyscoSHAPE eNewsletter won an APEX award in the "Newsletters - E-Mail" category. The newsletter highlights trends, success stories, products, recipes and relevant legislation for the benefit of foodservice operators monthly. This project was produced by Kelly Lambert, Client Account Executive-Marketing Services.WealthManagement.com's whitepaper entitled "The Role of Overconfidence and Emotion in Financial Decision-Making" (sponsored by FlexShares(R)) w文件倉n an APEX award in the "Financial & Investment Materials" category. The whitepaper is focused on understanding aspects of human psychology that bias investors. By understanding these pitfalls and emotional biases, advisors and investors can make better decisions. This project was produced by Brian Reinholz, Delivery Manager.SQL Server Pro's poster entitled "SQL Server Disaster Recovery Step By Step," sponsored by Idera, won an APEX award in the "One of a Kind - Electronic Publications" category. The poster offers a graphical, easy-to-use, step-by-step guide for IT professionals to ensure that their company can recover its critical data quickly after a disaster, such as a fire, tornado, or hurricane. This project was produced by Dan Blunk Client Services Manager-Marketing Services.About PentonFor millions of business owners and decision-makers, Penton makes the difference every day. We engage our professional users by providing actionable ideas and insights, data and workflow tools, community and networking, both in person and virtually, all with deep relevance to their specific industries. We then activate this engagement by connecting users with tens of thousands of targeted providers of products and services to help drive business growth. Learn more about our company at .penton.com.Penton is a privately held company owned by MidOcean Partners and U.S. Equity Partners II, an investment fund sponsored by Wasserstein & Co., LP.MEDIA CONTACT:Kate SpellmanSVP, MarketingPentonPhone: (212) 204-4351Email: kate.spellman@penton.comPentonWeb site: .penton.com/存倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:50
來源 : 新聞局行政長官崔世安今(15)日下午列席立法會全體會議,自存倉就政府施政及社會民生問題回答了24名議員的提問。對於備受關注的房屋問題,行政長官重申,現時政府的公共房屋政策是「社屋為主、經屋為輔」,經屋申請的收入下限正是社屋申請的收入上限,已涵蓋了八成居民。對於有意見指應撤銷公屋申請的上下限規定,他認為這樣就須再次修訂整套公屋法律規定和重新檢視整個市場,解決房屋問題應以更闊的角度和層面作出考慮,當中的核心是土地資源的供應,政府會積極從5幅填海造地及收回土地方面加以規劃。同時,政府已就「澳人澳地」委託學術機構展開研究,其後會諮詢公眾。關於教育發展,行政長官表示,在明年施政中將投放更大資源在教育上,包括非高等教育、高等教育、回歸教育及持續進修,並更注重「質」方面的提升。其中,特區政府將加大對學校軟硬體的支持,同時為未能完成非高等教育的澳門居民提供第2次學習機會,有利居民自我提升,政府亦會與所有高等院校商議,共同培訓更多澳門未來需要的各類人才。在醫療系統建設方面,行政長官指出,未來隨�更多硬件設施的投入,預期到了2020年,公共醫療機構須增加醫生400名、護士1,000名、病床1,026張,醫院和衛生中心所需人手較現時高逾100%。特區政府已訂定短、中、長期計劃,包括2所護校擴大招生,3家醫院合力培訓醫生,離島醫療綜合體設培訓中心,並建設護理學院等。專業培訓方面,政府正研究修訂實習醫生培訓制度,同時加強培訓專科醫生,以提高未來的醫療質量,並在公立醫療方面縮短專科輪候時間。就長者安老政策方面,他強調以「家庭照顧、原居安老、社區支援」為原則。由於本澳已進入老齡化社會,所需的長者服務將較過去為多,故政府已成立跨部門小組,全面評估養老的保障,包括醫療、住屋、退休保障、社區支援等,並制定「2016-2025年長者服務10年行動計劃」,完善維護長者的權益,迷你倉新蒲崗多重支柱、多個層面的綜合模式,當中特別重視老人院舍的發展。關於養老金制度方面,行政長官表示,回顧養老金制度,制定之初只規定供款者到65歲方可領取養老金;至2008年,政府因考慮到部分經濟困難人士的需要,故加入了65歲前可按百分比提前領取養老金的規定。他續說,目前有多於百分之五十的相關人士申請提前領取養老金,就此,政府會檢視和研究提前領取的百分比,並邀請精算師協助分析。行政長官在回應有關支持中小企的問題時指出,特區政府一直關心和支持本澳中小企的發展,希望他們能把握和參與內地的發展機會。他表示,粵澳合作中已落實澳門企業可以參與橫琴和南沙的開發,但本澳中小企要單獨參與並不容易,故此政府會積極做好「以大帶小」和「聯合力量」的工作,以協助中小企參與這兩個地區的開發。至於基層公務員的待遇問題,行政長官指出,特區政府十分關注公務員體制內不盡公平的問題,政府會合理回應訴求,積極促成公務人員平等待遇的目標。對於基層公務員的問題,政府會加快研究可行的解決方案,逐步加以改善,並希望以靈活措施,紓緩低收入公務員的經濟壓力,其中正研究向立法會提出調升津貼、超時工作補償等,增加基層公務員的收入,並考慮向經濟有特殊困難的基層公務人員提供生活補貼。另外,對於近期公眾關注的電視頻道減少問題,行政長官重申,澳門作為法治之區,特區政府在有線和公天的事件上,必須堅定不移地遵守法律及執行法院的裁決,並在法院提出的90天時間內解決相關問題;同時,政府亦非常關心本澳居民收看電視的長期習慣,故此,政府定會在合法的前提下盡最大努力爭取更多電視頻道讓居民收看。有線電視股份有限公司的專營合約將於明年4月屆滿,政府的基本原則是開放往後的有線電視市場,專營時代將會過去。行政長官還就博彩業、官員問責、土地及城規法律、公共預算控制、施政效率、旅遊業發展、保障勞工權益、環保及人才培養等範疇,回答議員的提問。迷你倉出租
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:49
挖掘“紅”“綠”資源 促進經濟增長
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/川陝革命根據地紅軍烈士陵園和王坪新村鳥瞰圖。 川陝革命根據地紅軍烈士陵園。高明新區控詳規劃圖。通江縣臨江麗峽風光。 近兩年來,文件倉通江探尋更趨“科學、持續”的發展思路,從挖掘“紅”“綠”資源入手,著力打造“全國知名的紅色生態旅遊區”,今年1-7月,全縣共接待遊客130萬人,實現旅遊綜合收入9.42億元,旅遊經濟逐漸成為通江經濟增長的新引擎。 “通江紅色資源豐富,自然風光秀美,特色產品�多,人文風情獨特,真是旅遊觀光休閒的好地方,等諾水河景區打造好後,我還要和更多的朋友一起來。”8月11日,來自湖南長沙的自駕遊客童冰一行20多人,結束在通江長達7天的遊玩後,意猶未盡。 在通江,他們瞻仰了紅軍烈士陵園,遊覽了空山天盆,體驗了溶洞漂流,參觀了新村美景,品嘗了銀耳美食,無比愜意。 童冰打開車後備箱,裡面塞滿了通江銀耳、木耳、竹筍等特產。“還沒吃夠,帶回去慢慢品嘗,也是饋贈親友的佳品。”童冰說。經濟增長新引擎 如何把豐富的紅色資源轉化為富民強縣的經濟資源? 2011年,新一屆縣委提出打造“全國知名的紅色生態旅遊區”目標,決定以紅色旅遊為突破口,大力發展以紅色旅遊為支撐的旅遊產業。 如何挖掘豐富的綠色資源,實現通江的綠色崛起? 去年,通江縣按旅遊服務、休閒度假、山水生態型城市新區和人居新城理念,�動高明新區打造。目前,已�動高明大道、高明生態景觀湖等一批重點項目。開發紅色“富礦”打造紅色旅遊新高地 通江,川陝革命根據地首府所在地,波瀾壯闊的革命歷史,留下了寶貴的紅色文化遺產:全國最大的紅軍烈士陵園和紅軍石刻標語、紅四方面軍總指揮部舊址紀念館、紅軍入川第一鎮、“紅軍精神”誕生地……通江被專家譽為“露天革命博物館”。 如何把豐富的紅色資源轉化為富民強縣的經濟資源?2011年,新一屆縣委提出打造“全國知名的紅色生態旅遊區”目標,決定以紅色旅遊為突破口,大力發展以紅色旅遊為支撐的旅遊產業。 “全國知名的紅色生態旅遊區”建設的第一個亮點工程,選擇在位於王坪村的川陝革命根據地紅軍烈士陵園。2011年10月,巴中市、通江縣按照省委“莊嚴、肅穆、安靜”的要求,對紅軍烈士陵園進行了修繕保護。 修繕保護後的烈士陵園,不僅完好地保存著埋葬有7823名烈士的全國最大紅軍集墓,還將通江全境50余處、11428座、17225名紅軍烈士散葬墓遷葬至陵園,安葬紅軍烈士達25048名。紅四方面軍總醫院舊址群也得到很好的維護,共修繕復原總醫院舊址群12棟建築物、21700平方米。同時還新修了遊客接待中心、停車場、紀念廣場等輔助配套設施,並打造了王坪新村。 烈士陵園管理局局長楊繼松介紹,烈士陵園重新開園15個月以來,累計接待遊客超130萬人次,實現旅遊綜合收入超億元。 村民李鵬華在火爆的紅色旅遊中看到了商機。他辭去在外的工作,返鄉開辦了一家“天和園”農家樂。“每天都要接待七八十人,營業收入2000多元。” “外出務工的村民返鄉率超七成,300多名村民吃上了旅遊飯。”王坪村村支書苟發超介紹,王坪村已有農家樂27家,商店20余家,王坪村村民人均年純收入從2011年的不到4000元,到現在已迫近萬元大關。 突出“川陝蘇區首府”這一核心,樹立“紅軍故里行”紅色品牌,通江對紅色資源進行整合提升:建設和改造了10余條景區路,打造了一批紅色旅遊集鎮,使紅色景點聯點成線、聯線成片、聯片成群,形成整體景觀…… 通江還深入挖掘紅色文化內涵,提升紅色旅遊資源的文化品位。成立紅軍文化研究會,組織文藝存倉作人員收集、整理和創作各類紅色題材故事,形成《川陝忠魂》、《紅色歌謠》等一大批有特色、有影響的紅色題材文藝作品;成立紅色文化宣傳隊,創作《石破驚天》、《紅色天使》等一批節目,捧回國家、省級大獎;開展吃紅軍飯、走紅軍路、演紅軍戲、唱紅軍歌、重走紅軍路等一系列紅色體驗活動…… 如今,通江各紅色旅遊景點遊人如織,通江正成為紅色旅遊的新高地。深耕綠色資源 打造生態旅遊新坐標 通江山水美如畫,有“銀耳之鄉”、“溶洞之鄉”等美譽,是“全國生態文明示範工程試點縣”。如何挖掘豐富的綠色資源,實現通江的綠色崛起?去年,通江縣按旅遊服務、休閒度假、山水生態型城市新區和人居新城理念,�動高明新區打造。目前,已�動高明大道、高明生態景觀湖等一批重點項目。明年,生態景觀湖將投入使用。 與之毗鄰的石牛嘴新區則按養生福地、濕地公園進行打造。目前,已�動建設項目23個,完成投資16.5億元,濱江景觀初具形態。 “高明新區和石牛嘴新區在規劃建設中,都十分注重對原有生態的保護,並著力打造一批高品質的生態景觀,實現城在綠中、城在景中、景城一體,與縣城共同構成‘魅力山水紅軍城’,既是推進新型城鎮化的有效載體,也是推進旅遊發展的靚麗景區和集散中心。”高明新區管委會負責人說。 城鎮圍繞旅遊建設,通江把“三區同建”作為發展旅遊的重要載體。青山綠水中,一排排青瓦白牆、鬥拱飛簷的別墅式民居錯落有致,房前屋後瓜果飄香;新居旁邊,三套車農業產業園內,紅心獼猴桃掛滿了誘人的果實,各種時令蔬菜綠瑩瑩一片,銀杏樹、桂花樹吞綠吐黃……前來消暑度夏的遊客沉醉其中。這是8月12日,記者在空山鄉龍池村看到的場景。 “每年5-10月,重慶、西安的遊客都來避暑,家家都住滿了。”村民楊鳳娥說,村里按“依山就勢、錯落有致、田園風光、農家情趣”理念,建成巴山新居52戶,並新建紅心獼猴桃園區3000畝,食用菌產業園區150畝、高山蔬菜種植基地500畝。 新居是住房,也是鄉村旅遊的客棧;產業是致富的根本,也是鄉村旅遊的景點。在巴山新居建設中,通江按特色旅遊服務設施標準進行綜合打造,並高標準發展食用菌、茶葉、綠色有機食品、林下經濟等休閒觀光農業,一批綠色生態鄉村遍地開花,游生態鄉村、吃生態食品、享農家樂趣的鄉村生態旅遊熱火朝天。 按照國家AAAA級旅遊景區標準,諾水河風景名勝區提升改造如火如荼,森林旅遊發展迅猛。通江正以交通圍繞旅遊先行、產業圍繞旅遊發展、商貿圍繞旅遊布局、城鎮圍繞旅遊建設、社會管理圍繞旅遊服務、全民圍繞旅遊參與的大旅遊理念,全域發展旅遊。“紅”“綠”相融共生富民強縣提速 “綠通江、紅聖地”,這是有人對通江最寶貴的兩種資源的概括敘述。 通江正努力激活這兩種寶貴資源,以“紅”帶“綠”,以“綠”促“紅”,形成“紅”“綠”相融共生的發展新景像。 挖掘“紅”“綠”資源,為通江帶來了更多的人流、物流、資金流、信息流和就業機會,促進了通江產業大調整、基礎條件大改變、城鄉面貌大改變、百姓幸福指數大提高。 王坪村“一九三三”農家樂,每天都要接待10來桌遊客,主人王紹林嘗到了“紅色”帶給他們的甜頭。 8月的唱歌鄉,森林蓊郁,山花爛漫,遊客絡繹不絕,莊稼人已變身“旅遊服務人”。 開發紅色資源,給力綠色生態和鄉村旅遊建設,大力美化和淨化環境,實現農業觀光休閒化、公路林蔭化、河道景觀化,城鄉優美化、清潔化,越來越多的老百姓端上了靠“紅綠”資源致富的“金飯碗”。 紅色旅遊、綠色生態的發展,成為帶動通江縣經濟增長的新引擎,促進通江加快提速實現富民強縣目標。 張光明 王敬 李曉軍 華西城市讀本記者 謝穎自存倉
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 11:49
U.S. 281 lanes still closed at Henderson Pass
Source: San Antonio Express-NewsAug.迷你倉沙田 16--Crews are picking up debris and preparing to brace the Henderson Pass bridge at U.S. 281 after a southbound 18-wheeler slammed into the overpass Wednesday afternoon.The southbound lanes on 281 headed toward downtown are closed at Henderson Pass and the northbound exit ramp onto Loop 1604 from 281 also is shut.Officials with the Texas Department of Transportation said the road likely will remain closed at least until Friday night as crews prepare to position a large beam over the top of the bridge to brace it from the top using a so-called "strongback" technique.The fix is temporary so the highway's normally busy southbound lanes can reopen quickly, said TxDOT spokesman Josh Donat. But before the beam is installed, workers must finish cleaning up broken concrete from the ground and underneath the bridge."This strongback option isn't a permanent solution," Donat said. "What it allows us to do is safely reopen traffic lanes so that we can evaluate further. Right now, our focus is getting this reopened."Donat said it was too early to speculate what those permanent solutions might be.Traffic could be seen building up along the southbound frontage road Thursday morning, though by 7:30, it appeared to be moving quickly.A series of tweets on the Twitter page of the Texas Department of Transportation's San Antonio office urged motorists to find any alternate route -- such as Blanco or Bulverde roads -- until the damage is repaired.The road's northbound lanes seemed unaffected.Commuters like Rita Dominguez and Stephanie Worthy were delayed slightly by the heavier traffic, but didn't seem to mind much. After their overnight shift ended at a nearby Walmart, the pair drove to a restaurant by the highway to wait out the morning traffic, which was heaviest about 7 a.m."We ate some tacos and waited for the traffic to stop. We'd much rather be in bed right now," Dominguez said. "As long as we get home."Some restaurant owners along the highway said they saw a lull in business Thursday morning because potential customers avoided the area. Jose Valdez, general manager at a Las Palapas next to the wreck site, blamed the closure for a $2,000 loss in sales Wednesday."The line's usually out the front door right now," Valdez said early Thursday. "I just hope it gets resolved soon."Mike Wahl, a manager at a nearby Bill Miller Bar-B-Q, said the usually packed restaurant had about half as many customers early Thursday.Area businesses had been enjoying months of relief from construction delays that lasted more than a year at the U.S. 2迷你倉價錢1-Loop 1604 interchange."Now there's this mess again," Valdez said. "We have to get back to business."As of Thursday morning, police had not yet released a crash report on the incident, and the driver and owner of the big rig had not yet been identified. TxDOT officials said it was not yet clear whether either would face any fines following the crash, citing an ongoing police investigation.Donat said "taxpayers won't be picking up the tab" for repairs, saying that the department has "mechanisms in place to cover those costs," though could not specify early Thursday where the funding would come from.It's not clear how fast the 18-wheeler was traveling when the wreck happened about noon Wednesday, but the impact broke off chunks of concrete from the overpass, exposing some of the rebar.Debris was scattered across the highway, forcing southbound traffic to be diverted, and the portion of the truck bed that hit the overpass was left crumpled on the side of the road.Two VIA bus routes, 6 and 648, will continue to run on schedule, with diversions factored into their route, according to Priscilla Ingle, a spokeswoman for VIA Metropolitan Transit."They'll just be delayed because they'll have to get off (281)," Ingle said, "and then get back on route when they can."Because of the heavy flow of traffic in the area, delays can be expected even on alternate routes.According to 2011 TxDOT data, 150,000 vehicles per day travel through that stretch of U.S. 281 heading both directions."When you figure that 150,000 people through there and you're moving a lot of that traffic to other locations for a few days, yeah, there are going to be a few delays," Donat said. "But we're focused on getting this reopened."This isn't the first time a bridge over U.S. 281 has been hit by a truck. When a truck hit a bridge column in 2008, it took nearly two weeks to repair the damage.In March 2012, another wreck took place on U.S. 281 at the Nakoma Street exit when a gondola trailer crashed into an overpass and disrupted the commute home on a Friday night.The truck driver told officers the cylinder connected to the lift that raised and lowered the trailer somehow malfunctioned.Although the truck in the 2012 wreck was similar to the truck in Wednesday's crash, it was unclear if the same malfunction was to blame for the latest accident.Staff writer David G. Palacio contributed to this reportaley@express-news.netTwitter: @aley_ENCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the San Antonio Express-News Visit the San Antonio Express-News at .mysanantonio.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:52
投資者信心未受美頻繁監管影響 比特幣漲至兩月來高點
晨報訊(記者 許諾)近日來,迷你倉價錢美國政府頻頻對比特幣採取措施,而比特幣行情並未因此產生動搖,反而連日高漲,達到近兩個月來的高點。在比特幣投資者們看來,目前各國政府尚未準備好對比特幣進行監管。根據13日消息,美國紐約州最高銀行業監管機構“紐約州金融服務部”已經向20多家公司發出了與比特幣有關的傳票,要求這20多家公司披露與一系列主題有關的信息,其中包括反洗錢計劃、消費者保護措施以及投資戰略等。收到傳票的公司包括虛擬貨幣行業中某些最知名的公司,以及由一些高調的比特幣投資者提供支持的公司。此前,美國得克薩斯州法官在審判一起比特幣的虛擬對沖基金案中裁定:比特幣是一種須遵守相關美國法律的貨幣形式。這意味著,涉及比特幣的交易將被納入美國證券法的管轄範圍之內。然而,此消息並未影響到比特幣的行情,與此相反,根據比特幣迷你倉庫際交易平台Mt.Gox提供的數據,近幾天,比特幣兌換價格持續上漲,達到113美元,這是自6月7日以來的價格最高點,而比特幣的日交易量也達到37000多個,總價約2600萬元人民幣。與此同時,國內的主流比特幣交易網站“比特幣中國”數據顯示,國內比特幣兌換價格達到597.08元,也是自6月底以來的高點,三天漲幅達到5%,而一個月來的累計漲幅則超過50%。從行情上看,比特幣投資者們的信心並未受到政府頻繁監管的影響。他們的信心並非沒有依據:盡管紐約州金融服務部下發的傳票是一項具有法律效力的信息問詢,但不代表被下達傳票的公司本身有任何不當行為。而比特幣系統“去中心化”的特點也讓有關部門的監管很難真正有效。“涉及比特幣交易的網站和機構遍及全球各地,就算是美國政府也無法進行跨國監管。”一位比特幣投資者在論壇上表示。儲存
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:46
Talks will lead to wild steelhead gene bank
Source: The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.儲存Aug. 14--Work will ramp up in September leading to an October recommendation where to eliminate hatchery steelhead releases and create a gene bank for wild fish in the Lewis or Washougal rivers.The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has formed a 20-member steelhead management work group to develop regional plans for steelhead in the North Fork Lewis, East Fork Lewis and Washougal rivers plus Salmon Creek.Federal fishery officials, along with Washington's 2008 Statewide Steelhead Management Plan, are calling for designation of a network of watersheds where wild steelhead populations are "largely protected from the effects of hatchery programs.''The task of preparing a plan for the four local steelhead streams began last week when the work group had its initial meeting. Members will meet again from 1 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 13 and 20 at the state Department of Fish and Wildlife office, 2108 Grand Blvd.The thorny task of where to locate one wild steelhead sanctuary for winter-runs and one for summer-runs is next on the work group's schedule for what's called the "Cascade strata.'' The strata also includes the Cowlitz, Toutle, Coweeman and Kalama rivers.A work group for those four rivers recommended the North Fork of the Toutle-Green rivers be a gene bank for wild winter steelhead.A gene bank for summer steelhead is needed from the Washougal or Lewis rivers if the North Toutle-Green passes muster for winter steelhead. In addition, because the Cascade strata is so big, more than one gene bank per stock might be desirable.There is an almost mind-blogging overlay of rules, plans and other sideboards for the task force to wade through.These include the federal Endangered Species Act, Statewide Steelhead Management Plan, the Hatchery Scientific Review Group guidelines, Fisheries Management and Evaluation Plan plus the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's licensing requirements for PacifiCorp's three dams on the North Fork of the Lewis River.Adding to the complications is that the East Fork of the Lewis and Washouga新蒲崗迷你倉 rivers almost -- well, sort of, maybe -- meet wild steelhead recovery goals.The recovery goal of the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board for winter steelhead in the East Fork Lewis is 500 spawners. The 2001-12 average is 480.The goal is 350 for wild winter steelhead in the Washougal and the average is 480. The goal for wild summer steelhead in the East Fork Lewis is 500 and the average is 630. The goal for wild summer steelhead in the Washougal is 500 and the average is 600.But wait, those recovery goals are really a "minimum viability goal,'' said Pat Frazier, a work group member and biologist for the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board.The LCFRB numbers don't factor in a variety of other concerns such as having appropriate geographic distribution of the spawners, Frazier said. The LCFRB goals are "not a healthy, harvestable population,'' but more a floor that annual returns need to exceed.Besides a recommendation on the gene bank locations, the work group will make suggestions about fishing regulations, how the hatchery production is redistributed, research needs and public outreach and education.But the location of the gene banks -- the places where hatchery releases are to end -- is the big decision.We know it won't be Salmon Creek. The stream gets no summer steelhead, only 20,000 winter steelhead, and the wild population is too small to qualify as a gene bank.Cindy LeFleur, regional fish program manager for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, said the National Marine Fisheries Service would like an answer in October about the gene banks.The federal agency funds the steelhead hatcheries in Southwest Washington through the 1938 Mitchell Act.The meetings on Sept. 13 and 20 are open to the public. Comments from the public are allowed at the end of the sessions.Although the work group makes recommendations, ultimately the Department of Fish and Wildlife makes the final decision.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) Visit The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) at .columbian.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:44
Heartland Bank Receives 2013 WWR Outstanding Community Partner Award
GAHANNA, Ohio, Aug.新蒲崗迷你倉 14, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA (WWR) presented Heartland Bank of Gahanna, Ohio with the annual 2013 WWR Outstanding Community Partner Award at the Community Bankers Association of Ohio (CBAO) annual convention, held at the Lodge at Sawmill Creek in Huron, Ohio on Thursday, August 8, 2013. The Community Partner Award was created to honor those community banks in Ohio that actively partner with their local communities to provide educational, community outreach and/or community service programs, and celebrates those that are investing time and resources into their communities and inspiring others through their work.As central Ohio's community bank since 1911, Heartland Bank has established a tradition of service to local community organizations, educational systems and youth activities. The Bank received the 2013 Community Partner Award in part due to the success of their annual Charity Golf Classic that has supported various children's charities since 1996. Donations to approximately 32 local charities during the last 15 years have exceeded $295,000. 2013 funds will be directed to CD102.5 for the Kids, Masonic Learning Centers for Children with Dyslexia, Ohio 4-H Celebration of Youth, Victory Ministries for Children's Outreach Program, and Pelotonia 2013 Tiney's Team."It is wonderful that WWR chose to recognize the employees, Board, clients and vendors of Heartland Bank who all make this annual event a success. Without their involvement and support we would not be able to help these charities fulfill their important missions," stated mini storagehairman, President and CEO, G. Scott McComb.Along with a crystal trophy, Heartland Bank was proud to receive an award check in the amount of $2,000. Chairman, President and CEO Scott McComb, VP Business Development Officer Donna Holycross and Marketing Coordinator Tami Vanderhoff gratefully accepted the award on behalf of the Bank.About Community Bankers Association of OhioThe Community Bankers Association of Ohio is the state's oldest financial trade association representing Independent Community Bank and Thrift Institutions. CBAO has the influence to effectively serve, protect and promote the interests of its members through Legislative and Regulatory Representation, Annual Convention; and Trade Show, Special Events, Partner Programs, Insurance and Financial Services, Education and Training, Communications and other valued services.About Heartland BankHeartland BancCorp is a registered Ohio bank holding company and the parent of Heartland Bank, which operates eleven full-service banking offices. Heartland Bank, founded in 1911, provides full-service commercial, small business, and consumer banking services; alternative investment services; insurance services; and other financial products and services. Heartland Bank is a member of the Federal Reserve, a member of the FDIC, and an Equal Housing Lender. Heartland BancCorp is currently quoted on the over-the-counter (OTC) Bulletin Board Service under the symbol HLAN. Learn more about Heartland Bank at HeartlandBank.com.MEDIA CONTACT:G. Scott McCombChairman, President and CEO614-337-4600Heartland BancCorpWeb site: .heartlandbank.com/self storage
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:37
8月13日,迷你倉庫央行在公開市場上進行了逆回購操作,但中標利率高于二級市場利率,加上12日央行到期續做了三年期央票,雙重打擊下,市場普遍認為資金面將維持在“緊平衡”水平。央行13日在公開市場上進行了110億元的7天逆回購操作,中標利率3.9%。這一結果公佈後,市場利率快速上揚,Shibo r(上海銀行間同業拆放利率)隔夜利率隨之上揚26個基點至3.22 53%。同樣打擊市場的還有央行12日在公開市場上到期續做了7儲存5 億元三年期央票,中標利率為3.5%。這並非央行首次續做央票,此前央行在7月份曾兩次續做三年期央票。多名交易員認為,央行正明確地告訴市場參與者,對中長期流動預期不能樂觀。其實央行對於流動性的態度早已經亮明,即凍結長期流動性,提供短期流動性。上海證券研究報告指出,央行公開市場操作“鎖長放短”已經常態化,一方面是維護短期資金價格穩定,同時管理中長期通脹預期;另一方面則側重于降低商業銀行資金錯配的動力。據《新京報》新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:30
(紐約14日訊)美銀美林周二公佈的最新月度投資者調查顯示,mini storage全球投資者開始“厭惡”新興市場,對新興市場股票的風險敞口降至2001年11月以來最低水平。該行對229名投資者的調查發現,8月份這些投資者減持了19%的新興市場股票,新興市場股票持倉規模降至2001年11月以來的最低位。這229名投資者管理的資產,共計達6710億美元(2self storage19兆令吉)。美銀美林歐洲投資策略部的約翰比爾頓指出,投資者對新興市場的信心8月份連續第六個月惡化。美銀美林建議買入被猛烈拋售的資產,如債券、新興市場資產和黃金。自美國聯儲局5月份暗示準備縮減貨幣刺激規模以來,這些資產遭遇“夏季低迷”。從全球各個市場來看,8月份投資者減持最多的是大馬、印度和波蘭股票,但增持了韓國、巴西和智利股票。迷你倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:24
Genesis Reports 2013 Second Quarter Results
CALGARY, Aug.文件倉 14, 2013 /CNW/ - Genesis Land Development Corp. (the "Corporation" or "Genesis") is pleased to report its financial and operating results for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2013.Summary-- Genesis realized revenues to $22,402,000 in the three months ended June 30, 2013 compared to $30,150,000 in the comparative period in 2012. In the six months ended June 30, 2013 Genesis realized revenues of $50,012,000 compared to $48,688,000 in the comparative period in 2012.-- Single and multi-family homes sales increased to 82 in the six months ended June 30, 2013 from 39 in the comparative period of 2012.-- Net earnings per share were $0.04 and $0.12 in the three and six months ended June 30, 2013 compared to $ 0.11 and $0.25 in the comparative periods in 2012.-- Genesis reduced its loans and credit facilities liability to $47,942,000 at June 30, 2013 from $97,224,000 at December 31, 2012. Debt to gross book value at June 30, 2013 was 15.0% compared to 26.4% at December 31, 2012.Three months ended June Six months ended June 30, 30,(number of units) 2013 2012 2013 2012Single-family 29 89 71 164 residential lotsDevelopment land 2 - 12 - parcels (acres)Single-family 25 31 45 38 homesMulti-family 17 37 1 homes -?Summary of Financial ResultsThree Months Ended Six Months Ended June 30, June 30,($000s, except as noted) 2013 2012 (2) 2013 2012 (2)FinancialTotal revenues 22,402 30,150 50,012 48,688Gross margin 4,955 9,767 13,411 19,856Impairment of real estate held for development 986 - 986 399Gross margin, before write-downs (3) 5,941 9,767 14,397 20,255Gross margin, before write-downs (%) 27% 32% 29% 42%Net earnings(1) attributable to shareholders 1,697 4,839 5,377 11,031Net earnings(1) per share - basic and diluted 0.04 0.11 0.12 0.25Adjusted earnings per share (adding back after-tax write-down - basic and diluted) (3) 0.05 0.11 0.14 0.25(1) Net of income tax expense.(2) 2012 information has been restated to reflect the changes due to the adoption of IFRS 11 as summarized in Note 3 of the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013 and 2012.(3) Non-IFRS financial measure. See "Advisories".($000s, except as noted) As at June 30, 2013 Dec. 31, 2012 (1)Cash and cash equivalents 11,877 10,005Total assets 327,956 374,341Loans and credit facilities 47,942 97,224Total liabilities 97,351 148,032Total equity 230,605 226,309Common shares outstanding (weighted average number for the period) June 30, 2013 June 30, 2012Basic 44,815,224 44,596,420Fully diluted 44,871,038 44,754,155(1) 2012 information has been restated to reflect the changes due to the adoption of IFRS 11 as summarized in Note 3 of the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2013 and 2012.OutlookAlberta's general economic conditions continue to be strong and the homebuilding industry in Calgary is expected to continue its growth through 2013.? These solid economic fundamentals include low unemployment and interest rates, low and stable inflation rates, positive net migration to Alberta and above average earnings by Albertans. The combination of these factors provides Genesis with a healthy environment for development of its core land positions, sale of lots and expansion of its homebuilding activities.Genesis will continue to pursue a strategy of positioning itself for future growth by focusing its activities in Alberta and, more particularly, the greater Calgary area. The Corporation's core businesses of residential lot sales and home building generate immediate earnings and cash flow, however, a significant portion of the Corporation's assets are invested in long term land holdings. Their proper management can provide high returns, although on an irregular basis. These lands are the seeds of future income from residential lot sales and the foundation of the home building business and commercial opportunities.Management is continuing to dedicate a substantial amount of its efforts for 2013 in the following areas:1. Growing income from the Corporation's approved and well-located core land positions and expand its development activities, primarily within the Cities of Calgary and Airdrie;2. Building a stronger and more profitable homebuilding operation that measures its success in terms of brand recognition, customer satisfaction and volume, in addition to improved financial performance. This effort is generating promising results in terms of revenue and, as a result, management expects an increase in gross margin as initiatives already underway are reflected in future closings;3. Assessing the Corporation's long-term land holdings, specifically its long term land development and homebuilding requirements, and implementing the appropriate strategic acquisition and /or divestiture plans. This assessment is underway and a number of non-core assets have been targeted for orderly disposition; and4. Strengthening the Corporation's relationships within the lending and investment community with a view to maximizing access to competitively priced capital.With a diversified and substantial land base and strong management team, the Corporation is well positioned to focus on developing those projects that offer the best return in the market going forward.Additional InformationOn July 26, 2013, Smoothwater Capital Corporation ("Smoothwater") issued a statement and provided notice to the Corporation that it intends to launch a proxy contest. Subsequently, on July 30, 2013, Smoothwater announced that it had filed and 存倉ailed a dissident proxy circular dated July 29, 2013 in response to the management information circular dated July 17, 2013. The dissident proxy circular proposes a slate of seven nominees for election to the board of directors of the Corporation. Smoothwater and its sole shareholder hold in aggregate 9,909,435 common shares of the Corporation, representing more than 22% of the issued and outstanding common shares. On August 9, 2013, the board of directors announced the postponement of the AGM, originally scheduled to take place on August 12, 2013. The new date for the AGM is now August 20, 2013. The proxy contest creates uncertainty in the affairs of the Corporation. If the dissidents are successful, there is uncertainty on the effect that this result will have on the Corporation. Additional information on the proxy contest and on further developments is available on SEDAR at .sedar.com.The information contained in this release should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three months and six months ended June 30, 2013 and 2012 and related Management's Discussion and Analysis which have been filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Copies of these documents may be obtained via .sedar.com or the Corporation's website, .genesisland.com.About GenesisGenesis is a Calgary based land development company and residential home builder with land holdings in Alberta and British Columbia. Its active operations are located primarily in the Calgary Municipal Area.AdvisoriesNon-IFRS Financial MeasuresAdjusted earnings per share and gross margin before write-downs are non-IFRS measures that do not have any standardized meaning as prescribed by IFRS and therefore they may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies. These measures have been presented in this document in order to provide shareholders and potential investors with additional information regarding the Corporation's performance. Additional information on these measures and reconciliations can be found in the Management's Discussion and Analysis dated June 30, 2013.Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking InformationThis news release contains certain statements which constitute forward-looking statements or information ("forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable securities legislation concerning the business, operations and financial performance and condition of Genesis.?Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the nature of development lands held and the anticipated inventory and development potential of such lands, ability to bring new developments to market, anticipated general economic and industry conditions in 2013 including low unemployment and interest rates, low stable inflation rates, positive net migration and above average earnings in Alberta and the anticipated impact on Genesis' development and homebuilding activities, Genesis' business strategy, including the geographic focus of its activities in 2013, the anticipated impact of executive appointments on Genesis' operational growth and financial results, anticipated areas of focus for Genesis in 2013; and the ability of Genesis to develop projects (and the nature of such projects). Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Although Genesis believes that the anticipated future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions and expectations, the reader should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they involve assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors many of which are beyond the Corporation's control, which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Genesis to differ materially from anticipated future results, performance or achievement expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, Genesis cannot give any assurance that its expectations will in fact occur and cautions that actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the impact or unanticipated impact of the proxy contest; the impact or unanticipated impact of general economic conditions; local real estate conditions, including the development of properties in close proximity to Genesis' properties; timely leasing of newly-developed properties and re-leasing of occupied square footage upon expiration; dependence on tenants' financial condition; the uncertainties of real estate development and acquisition activity; the ability to effectively integrate acquisitions; fluctuations in interest rates; availability of equity and debt financing; the impact of newly-adopted accounting principles on Genesis' accounting policies and on period-to-period comparisons of financial results; economic conditions in Western Canada; not realizing on the anticipated benefits from transactions or not realizing on such anticipated benefits within the expected time frame; and other risks and factors described from time to time in the documents filed by Genesis with the securities regulators in Canada available at .sedar.com, including this MD&A under the heading "Risks and Uncertainties" and the Annual Information Form under the heading "Risk Factors". Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A are made as of the date of this MD&A and, except as required by applicable law, Genesis does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or to revise any of the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.Caution should be exercised in the evaluation and use of the appraisal results. The appraisal is an estimate of market value at specific dates and not a precise measure of value, being based on subjective comparison of related activity taking place in the real estate market. The appraisal is based on various assumptions of future expectations and while the appraiser's assumptions are considered to be reasonable at the current time, some of the assumptions may not materialize or may differ materially from actual experience in the future.??Genesis Land Development Corp.CONTACT: Contact InformationBruce RudichukPresident & Chief Executive Officer7315 - 8 Street NE Calgary AB T2E 8A2P: 403-265-8079 TF: 800-341-7211 F: 403-266-0746Email genesis@genesisland.comWebsite: .genesisland.com自存倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:21
Taiwanese funds seek partners for yuan business
Linking with HK units of mainland money managers lets them hitch a ride on RQFII tradeTaiwanese asset management firms are scrambling for a slice of the mainland’s 270 billion yuan offshore investment funds market, teaming up with money managers in Hong Kong to enter a market they currently have no access to, industry sources told the South China Morning Post.迷你倉庫At least five firms, including industry leader Yuanta Financial, are in talks with the Hong Kong units of mainland money managers that dominate the fledgling sector, holding 120.9 billion yuan (HK$153 billion) of the total approvals granted by Beijing so far.“They are eager to participate,” said Renault Kam, director at GF Asset Management, which has had five separate proposals for partnerships from Taiwanese fund shops. “Proposals include developing public funds targeted at retail investors in Taiwan, as well as private funds which would be targeted at big, local institutional clients.”Taiwan has been rapidly acquiring yuan deposits in its financial system since launching its bid to become a major centre for the offshore management of yuan in February this year by allowing locals to open yuan accounts in 46 foreign exchange banks or financial institutions.Yuan deposits totalled 71.2 billion yuan at the end of June in Taiwan. The island’s yuan deposit base may grow to 100 billion yuan by the end of this year, and to 200 billion yuan in the next two to three years, according to Deutsche Bank estimates.Putting that money to work is now a key objective for Taiwan’s financial institutions.Sources involved in talks told the Post that seve儲存al Taiwanese banks and asset management firms had struck partnership deals with mainland asset managers in Hong Kong to jointly develop yuan-denominated investment products.In response to inquiries by the Post, Yuanta Securities Investment Trust said it was “highly” interested in developing RQFII business, but declined to elaborate. Yuanta is already a qualified foreign institutional investor in mainland investment markets, having been granted a US$200 million quota in 2011.Officials at Haitong Securities and Citic Securities confirmed that they had been pitched by Taiwanese firms, but declined to disclose which ones.Mainland asset managers in Hong Kong and their peers from Taiwan plan to set up the so-called “feeder funds” to help Taiwanese fund managers buy mainland stocks and bonds via the renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor (RQFII) scheme, said the sources, who declined to be identified.Feeder funds typically channel cash into an “umbrella fund”, allowing fund firms to pool different sources of capital and then oversee all investments in one vehicle. This structure allows the Taiwanese firms to direct cash to the Hong Kong units of mainland fund houses, which can invest directly in mainland capital markets via the RQFII channel, rather than applying for a licence and waiting to be granted a quota – a process that could take months.In mid-July, mainland financial regulators announced that the RQFII programme would be expanded to fund managers in Britain, Singapore and Taiwan after pledging earlier in the year to raise the total RQFII quota for the year to 270 billion yuan.新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:15
Spielberg has desire to work with Zhang Yimou
By Liu Wei ( China Daily) Steven Spielberg, who has made a 3-D version of his 1993 blockbuster Jurassic Park, says he would like to make an international film with Zhang Yimou.存倉 "So many good stories could be told about China," Spielberg says. Provided to China Daily US filmmaker to release 3-D version of Jurassic Park in China this month Steven Spielberg said he would be highly interested in working with his "dear friend" Zhang Yimou on an international film in China."I would like to make a movie in China with my dear friend," said the director of Jaws and Saving Private Ryan in a telephone interview with China Daily. "We would work together on an international film that could take place in China." Zhang, director of the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympic Games and award-winning films such as To Live and Raise the Red Lantern, was in Los Angeles in May and met with Spielberg, where they had discussions about working together on a film."I just feel China has such a rich history and inspirational culture for filmmakers both in the West and Asia. So many good stories could be told about China, not just stories from a distant past but contemporary stories," Spielberg said."I made Empire of the Sun in Shanghai in the 1980s (and) I want to come back one day to make a movie in China." The 67-year-old's latest cinematic connection with China is his 3-D version of Jurassic Park, which will be released in the country on Aug 20. He said he chose Jurassic Park because it 自存倉as easier to convert into 3-D."When the film came out in 1993, it was perceived to be a movie that makes it appear as if the dinosaurs would jump out of the screen and onto the laps of the audience," he said.Spielberg positioned cameras during filming of Jurassic Park to take advantage of depth of field, meaning there were a lot of animals coming from the background and quickly coming into the foreground."It was 3-D technique without the use of actual 3-D. I have done that in Jurassic Park more than in my other films. That's why it would be an easier conversion to bring it out in 3-D." He said there are no plans to convert The Lost World: Jurassic Park or Jurassic Park 3, although he is working on the script for Jurassic Park 4, which will be filmed in 3-D format. There are also no plans to reach back into his library of films to convert them into 3-D."Someday I may change my mind, but right now I cannot think of any film that I want to convert into 3-D except for Jurassic Park." He said 3-D technology is more like a choice or tool and not necessarily a staple for filmmaking."3-D is a choice that studios and the filmmakers can make if they feel they can give the audience an enhanced experience by shooting it or converting it into 3-D," he said."I would not be interested in making a love story in 3-D, or a personal small drama in 3-D because I have a strong philosophical belief that 3-D is not for every movie, but for certain types of pictures." liuw@chinadaily.com.cn迷你倉新蒲崗
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:14
旅遊核心區再傳出錄得高價租賃成交。市場消息指出,迷你倉價錢銅鑼灣怡和街42 至44 號華人銀行東區大廈地下及1 樓,總面積約2772 方呎,獲銀行以逾140 萬元續租,平均呎租約500 元。據了解,該舖位舊租金為每月92萬元,加幅逾50%。此外,張姓投資者持有的尖沙咀半島中心1 樓109 號舖,面積約450 方呎,今年3 月以590 萬元購入,呎價1.31 萬元,剛以680 萬元摸出,扣除原業主購入時所繳的DSD10.2萬元,賬面賺79.8萬元。
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:08
Plea agreement in works for cane attack case
Source: The Sun, Yuma, Ariz.迷你倉庫Aug. 14--A request by defense attorney representing the 44-year-old Yuma man who allegedly struck another man on the head with a cane earlier this year was granted after he informed the court he would need two weeks to review a possible plea agreement with his client and make a potential counter offer.Attorney Zachary Dumyahn, of the Yuma County Public Defender's Office, who represents Paul John (P.J.) Talarico II, provided a update of the status of the case Tuesday during a brief hearing, saying he has received most of the discovery he had requested in a letter that he had sent to county attorney's office earlier this month, except for a recording with the alleged victim."This item may or not exist," Dumyahn said. "It is documented in the reports as being conducted at YPD several days after the allegations, and it is unclear whether that was in an interview room, formally done or not."Dumyahn also stated that the prosecution has previously indicated that it may extend a plea offer in the case, but he has not received one yet, and was unsure if it still intended to do so.In response, prosecutor Tom Varela, of the Yuma County Attorney's Office, informed the court that he was planning on sending over a written plea agreement, but had no儲存 done so yet.After hearing from both sides, Yuma County Superior Court Judge Maria Elena Cruz, who is presiding over the case, granted the continuance, setting the next court date for 9:30 a.m. Aug. 27.Talarico is charged with one count of aggravated assault and is being held on a $50,000 bond at the Yuma County jail.According to the Yuma Police Department, just before 4 p.m. on March 24, a witness called to report a man bleeding profusely from the head in the area of 6th Street and Orange Avenue. Witnesses told police that another man, later identified as Talarico, had hit the victim with a large stick and then fled into a nearby apartment building.Officers searched the area, found Talarico hiding in one of the apartments and arrested him without incident. He was booked into the Yuma County jail, where he remains in custody.The victim was taken to Yuma Regional Medical Center with injuries that were not life-threatening.Talarico, according to court records, was on probation for three separate misdemeanor in two different cases. Two of the probations were issued out of the Tucson Municipal Court and one from Yuma Municipal Court.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) Visit The Sun (Yuma, Ariz.) at .yumasun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 13:04
Beijing seeks restart of dam
Ambassador to Myanmar Yang Houlan says momentum is still good to complete the Myitsone dam, called off after local protestsBeijing is seeking to restart construction of the stalled Myitsone dam on the Irrawaddy river, a Myanmese newspaper quoted ambassador Yang Houlan as saying.文件倉But China would only proceed with government permission and the consent of the nation’s people, Yang told The Irrawaddy in an exclusive interview published on Tuesday.President Thein Sein suspended work on the dam in 2011, citing the “people’s will” following widespread protests domestically and globally.The US$3 billion project by the China Power Investment (CPI) would have been Myanmar’s largest dam by far, flooding an area the size of Singapore to provide power mostly to cities in Yunnan province. As many as 10,000 ethnic Kachins in the country’s restive northeast could be displaced.In Tuesday’s interview, Yang said the suspension had not harmed ties with Myanmar and “the momentum is still good.”The ambassador said that without more power, improving Myanmar’s agriculture and industry would be impossible.“If you want to develop the industrial sector, then power supply is a basic need,” Yang was quoted as saying. “Without electricity, how can you develop industry?“China’s view is that we hope we can revive the project. But of course, we respect the Myanmar government’s decision and we also respect the people’s views.”Yang’s announcement comes after an apparent charm offensive by Beijing targeting the Myanmese public.Experts said Yang’s cautious optimism about restarting the存倉dam project may be at least partially inspired by the China-Myanmar gas pipeline which began operations two weeks ago.Yang’s predecessor, Li Junhua , reportedly also advocated restarting construction of the dam last year but was quickly met with local opposition.“Why should the Irrawaddy-Myitsone dam project be built to provide 90 per cent of the power generated to China, while the people of Burma must bear all the social and environmental costs?” the Burma Rivers Network, a non-governmental organisation, wrote in an open letter to Li in December.According to The Irrawaddy, renewed activity has been reported at the construction site. Local media have reported that CPI told villagers that work had been suspended only for Thein Sein’s tenure and that construction might resume in 2015.“The dam has been suspended, not stopped – whatever that means,” said Bernt Berger, head of the Asia programme at the Institute for Security and Development Policy.Berger said there were widespread reports from locals that Chinese corporations were engaged in gold mining around Myitsone.“I don’t think the Chinese government fully understands what happens in Kachin. This is no longer about resettlement and compensation but about self-determination and being part of the political process,” Berger said. “Kachin wants to have a say in the dialogue about these big projects.”Berger said projects such as the dam were central in dialogue between Kachin rebels and the government. “My assessment is that the civilian government will not consider resuming construction at the moment.”自存倉
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 12:46
HE WAS a 19-year-old full-time national serviceman when he and his businessman father opened a joint investment account at a private bank in July 2006.自存倉Two years later, Mr Ian Ow Tuc Yun used the account to trade in futures and racked up losses of close to $900,000 in a space of nine months.Now, the 26-year-old student and his father Ow Weng Fye, 63, are seeking $2.6 million in damages from the Singapore branch of Credit Suisse, in a lawsuit that opened for hearing yesterday in the High Court.They assert that their relationship manager Aaron Chwee Toh Yee - named as the second defendant in the suit - had misled and manipulated the naive son into making the trades, while keeping the father in the dark.The Ows, represented by Mr Adrian Tan, want the trades made by the son to be voided on the grounds that he was a minor at the time.While their trading losses amounted to some $900,000, the Ows contend that the money would have grown to $2.6 million had it been invested according to the father's instructions.Credit Suisse, represented by Senior Counsel Alvin Yeo, said that although instructions for the trades were given by the son, the bank's telephone transcripts showed that the father was consulted and kept in the loop.The bank argued that the joint account was governed by Swiss law, where the age of majority is 18, so the son was not a minor when he opened the account.Even if Singapore law applies, the bulk of the loss-making trades were made by the son after he turned迷你倉新蒲崗21 on May 25, 2008, the bank contended. And in any case, the father remains liable for the trades as the joint account holder.The bank does not accept the Ows' calculation of their losses. It puts the loss at about $500,000 and calls the damages sought "wildly speculative".The older Ow, who is now retired, was the executive director of a stockbroking firm and later ran a garment business.The younger Ow, who finished a diploma course in commerce this year, is waiting to start a degree course in management and accounts.Mr Ian Ow was a junior college student when he met Mr Chwee, the older brother of a friend.Taking the stand yesterday, he told the court that in 2006, Mr Chwee persuaded him to open an online trading account and said he would show him the ropes.Mr Ian Ow said he borrowed $10,000 from a friend to trade until the funds were depleted.In May 2006, he introduced Mr Chwee to his father.Two months later, the Ows signed agreements to open accounts with Clariden Leu, a Swiss private bank that later merged with Credit Suisse.The elder Mr Ow put assets of about $1 million into the account, including shares worth $660,000.During the financial crisis at the end of 2007, the businessman told Mr Chwee that he wanted the shares to be sold, held in cash, and then re-invested in Asian equities in 2009.The Ows now claim that Mr Chwee had influenced the son to trade with the money by claiming that Clariden had systems that could pinpoint profitable trades.selinal@sph.com.sg迷你倉出租