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  本報訊 這幾年,迷你倉最平在PC、手機、平板等多媒體設備強勢衝擊下,很多人估計都沒有好好和家人一起坐在客廳,看看電視了。如今,在電視與電商的結合下,電視機不僅僅是電視機了,隨著與互聯網結合的盒子、智能電視產品一一出現,客廳大戰全面打響。  昨天,由阿里、華數共同打造的華數彩虹盒子,在聚劃算平台正式開賣,售價為298元,消費者激活使用後即可獲得50元支付寶紅包和50元天貓超市紅包。對於網購達人來說,華數彩虹盒子的開賣,也意味著他們可以躺在客廳沙發上,拿著遙控器淘寶了。  昨天,首款華數彩虹盒子正式與消費者見面,這搭載著阿里TV操作系統的盒子產品首批開賣的,據說是黑色版本,後續還將推出更加豐富的彩色版本。記者下午5點多在聚劃算上看到,當天已經賣出了2000多個。  怎麼用盒子來網購?原來,阿里TV操作系統已經接入了阿里的聚劃算平台,並且實現與支付寶體系的打通。市民可以使用遙控器在電視上登錄支付寶賬號或淘寶賬號,智能手機還可以通過專用APP進行二維碼掃描同步登錄。之後的網購流程則與電腦上沒有區別,選擇商品、確迷你倉收貨地址,最後用支付寶完成支付。  此外,阿里TV操作系統還提供了水、電、煤等生活繳費服務,這一系列服務同樣基於支付寶賬號體系。  而作為牌照方的華數,以自身的內容優勢使得這次華數彩虹盒子推出顯得底氣十足:除了�多個點播欄目外,華數彩虹盒子中的應用市場還提供了多種應用功能,如蝦米音樂、電視遊戲等,讓電視、機頂盒和手機交互起來。  有關人士透露,在阿里TV系統的陣營里,華數彩虹盒子只是首發先鋒,後續還將看到更多搭載阿里TV系統的電視相關產品。看來,和客廳有關的那些事,遠沒有做完,商機不小。  據瞭解,與傳統的電視機頂盒不同,如今的網絡機頂盒功能已成為電影、多媒體事件、新聞等聯機數據庫的一個控制終端,蘋果、穀歌、三星等國際知名公司都有相關的產品。  阿里的一步步進軍新領域,也使得越來越的合作小伙伴陸續浮現。作為首款搭載阿里TV系統的盒子產品,華數彩虹盒子由全球最大的電子產業專業製造商富士康製造。據悉,今天,阿里還將與電視機生產廠商創維在北京召開發佈會,推出一款與阿里合作的智能電視產品。  本報記者 陳聿敏儲存

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送什麼禮物給老師引起家長熱議,自存倉有學校特別規定今年不能收禮昨日記者在江門一中傳達室便看到了一束寫著“某某老師收”的鮮花和兩個果籃。南都訊 今日教師節,在八項規定面前,江門多所學校取消了教師節聚餐,還有部分學校發佈特別規定,“今年不能收禮,有人送就拒收”,但仍有家長熱情不減,計劃在教師節前一天晚上帶著孩子去挑選禮物。江門的家長喜歡送什麼禮物?昨日記者採訪二十余位家長時發現,賀卡、果籃和鮮花占禮單的半壁江山,其次月餅券、紅包和購物卡也在禮單之列,也有家長直截了當請老師吃飯。昨日記者在江門一中傳達室便看到了一束寫著“某某老師收”的鮮花和兩個果籃。對於教師節的禮物,老師們又怎麼看?張老師:樂意接收學生花心思製作的禮物在新會某學校教初中的張老師表示,她參加工作不久,甚少收到家長送的教師節禮物。“今年學校特別規定不能收家長禮物,即是有家長送禮也要拒收。”她表示,今年還未有家長給她送禮,所以還未遇到需要拒收這種比較尷尬的事情。“去年我就收到學生自己親手做的酸奶,還有巧克力,自己疊的紙花等小禮物。”對於學生們自己花心思製作的禮物,又不需要花大價錢,老師們還是很樂意接收。唐健榮副校長:花錢買老師的注意力行不通17年前,江門一中副校長唐健榮從教第一年就“遭遇”學生送禮,唐健榮至今仍記得,當年下課後,一學生當著全班同學面,拿著兩張月餅券大聲嚷嚷著,“老師,我媽媽叫我送給你”,“頓時大家的目光全都聚集過來,很尷尬”,唐健榮說,他從來不曾收過學生送的偏物質化的禮物,“為人師表要起示範作用,如果接收了,老師在學生心中的形象立馬大打折扣”。但唐健榮也坦言,如何拒絕家長送禮也是個技術活,“有時候家長委托班主任把禮物分發給各個老師,“沒辦法”。唐健榮稱自己也是一名家長,他的身邊就曾有朋友詢問過他的意見,“送500夠不夠,送1000夠不夠?”在他看來,家長送禮無非就是花錢買老師的注意力,而實質上,在他看來,沒送禮的不用擔心,送了禮的也不用開心,“老師的注意力一般是抓兩頭:尖子生和後進生,即便有時候收到禮物,也不一定能把家長和孩子對上號”。佚名老師:為什麼針對老師發文?一不願透露姓名的老師向記者表示,對於現在各地三令五申禁止或倡議教師節老師拒收禮物的做法感到“很不爽”,“不收禮是每個老師都應該做的,為什麼不針對醫生髮文,不針對工程師發文,單單針對教師發文?就好像教師是十惡不赦的罪人、易感人群一樣,認為教師肯定會幹這個事情,然後就制定一個條文出來”。家長觀點P K陳先生:送禮有必要,讓孩子學會感恩一枝花、一盒巧克力或者一張卡片,從孩子上小小班到小學六年級,我們每年都會為教師節準備禮物。家長陳先生告訴記者,他認為教師節有必要給老師送上一份代迷你倉新蒲崗心意的禮物,“一來老師們辛苦了,二來可以讓孩子學會感恩”。陳先生稱,節日送禮是中國人的傳統,“難以避免”,幼兒園的禮物均由他和太太挑選,到了小學,孩子有了自己的主張後,便“聽從”孩子的安排,令陳先生頗為高興的是,現在孩子慢慢學會了表達感恩,“昨天他媽媽生日,他用自己的零花錢買了兩盒巧克力當禮物”。不過陳先生也表示,不讚成送貴重禮物,孩子選擇的禮物最貴也不過50塊錢,“如果是老師暗示送禮的話,才會考慮送購物卡、現金禮券之類的,不過我是公務員,知道現在抓得嚴,絕大多數人不敢頂風作案,沒必要為了一份禮丟了自己飯碗”。“我認為給老師送貴重禮物是不尊重教師這個職業。”家長何先生昨日頗為無奈地告訴記者,他本人明確反對給老師送禮,但早幾年孩子上幼兒園時,送禮風氣重,有老師讓孩子轉達過“有月餅券可以送給老師當教師節禮物”的話,“老師要求了,不敢不送,會擔心老師因此對孩子不好”,何先生說,他最終購買了一份價值300元的月餅券由孩子帶去學校。何先生認為,畢業之後逢年過節去看望老師值得提倡,更能體現社會的尊師重道。冼先生:孩子優秀與否不受送禮影響家長冼先生對教師節送禮一說就持明顯的反對態度,他表示,自己小孩在蓬江區農林小學讀6年級,六年來,他從未給老師送過禮物。“教學生是老師的責任,職責範圍內的事情,我不需要為孩子再多花心思了。”當問到是不是因為孩子成績好才不需要給家長送禮時,他表示,小孩成績一般般,“不拔尖也不墊底。”他認為,小孩成績是否優秀跟是不是需要送禮關係不大。“平常心看待老師的這個職業,別老想著求老師教自己小孩,這是他們的工作,就不會老想著給老師送禮了。”他告訴記者,孩子也從沒提過要給老師送禮。“他如果覺得要感謝老師可以自己製作一個小禮物。”而現在廣泛討論的教師節成送禮節,他笑了笑說:“都說送禮不好啦,所以我們一家人也沒有過這個想法。”鄧女士:幼兒園時送小學不送了“孩子上幼兒園的四年,每年中秋節和春節都會給班主任、生活老師和一名任課老師送紅包,200塊左右一人”,家長鄧女士稱,教師節和中秋時間接近,不用另外準備一份。她笑著說,每個老師都要送到才放心。“幼兒園的時候,孩子太小,擔心他不會照顧自己,希望老師多關照一下,給紅包後會安心許多,許多家長都是這麼做的,不止我一個”,鄧女士告訴記者,自從孩子上了小學之後便再也沒有給老師送過紅包,她笑著說,幼兒園班額小,送禮了老師確實能關注到,小學一個班級那麼多人,送了估計也沒多大效果。再者,鄧女士稱反而擔心送禮後給孩子增加壓力,“小學不需要老師過分關注,自然成長就好”。家長曬禮單●賀卡●水果●鮮花●個性化飾品●數額不等的紅包●購物卡●月餅券●吃飯採寫/攝影:南都記者謝婷 蔣臻迷你倉出租

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●本報赴敘利亞特派記者 邱永崢 ●本報駐英國、美國、法國記者 黃培昭 李勇 楊明“五角大樓調整計劃,存倉將對敘利亞實施更猛烈的打擊。”美國《洛杉磯時報》8日通過軍方人士的消息描繪出一幅對敘作戰圖:在持續3天時間里,美國將對敘利亞展開密集轟炸,除了部署在地中海的5艘導彈驅逐艦,美國在紅海的“尼米茲”級航母以及美國空軍轟炸機都可能參與到攻擊中。擁有這個星球上最強大的火力,美國要給敘利亞點兒顏色瞧瞧簡直易如反掌。不過如何說服美國國會和民�向這份作戰計劃說“Yes”對奧巴馬政府來說並不容易。9日,美國國會結束休會期復會,白宮開足馬力展開游說。透過奧巴馬信誓旦旦的講話,美國輿論看到的卻是他一臉愁容。因為眼下無論是在國會山還是在街頭巷尾,支持動武的聲音都弱于反對聲。“頂著民意大潮游泳”的奧巴馬(CNN語)有勇氣發出“開打”指令嗎?這成為本周世界輿論場最大的看點。打擊目標進一步擴大《洛杉磯時報》8日率先曝光美國對敘作戰計劃。報道稱,五角大樓正在制定比原計劃持續時間更長的轟炸敘利亞計劃,包括實施大規模導彈攻擊,隨後緊接著對首批打擊錯過或尚未摧毀的目標實施更多打擊。為期3天的強襲計劃說明白宮和五角大樓進一步認識到,即便要對巴沙爾軍隊造成輕微的創傷,也需要美方投入更多火力,特別是巴沙爾的部隊過去兩周來一直加緊分散部署。報道援引兩名美國軍官的話稱,白宮近日要求美國國防部提交一份擴大了的打擊目標清單,新清單中的目標比最初50個左右的打擊目標多得多。鑒於此,五角大樓正考慮除了地中海東部巡邏的5艘軍艦外還要動用空軍轟炸機發動攻擊。敘利亞也在位於紅海的美國航母戰鬥群打擊範圍內。這支航母戰鬥群還包含一艘巡洋艦和3艘驅逐艦,這些戰艦都能發射巡航導彈。一名熟悉戰鬥規劃的軍官表示:“將實施幾輪打擊,每輪打擊後都將進行評估,但所有打擊都在72小時內完成,完成打擊後將有明確表示。”“在敘利亞政府隨時間推移調整部署的情況下,我們也將繼續分析目標選擇。我們的目標仍是奧巴馬總統提出的目標。”法新社8日援引一名美國軍官的話對《洛杉磯時報》曝光的作戰計劃做出如此補充。《華盛頓郵報》稱,如果奧巴馬下達打擊敘利亞命令,美國海軍將站在實施巡航導彈打擊的前列。國防官員和軍事分析人士認為,打擊目標包括敘利亞的防空力量、導彈、火箭庫和機場。美國部署在地中海的驅逐艦每艘裝載36枚巡航導彈,打擊將會對敘政府軍造成沉重損失。分析人士還表示,敘政府目前用來執行大部分軍事任務的6處空軍基地和大約24部固定雷達可能成為巡航導彈打擊的目標。如果認為平民傷亡風險較低,美軍也可能打擊敘利亞軍事和情報部門。美國媒體透露的作戰計劃隨即引發國際媒體的關注。俄羅斯《觀點報》9日稱,為實施密集的軍事打擊,除了巡航導彈,美國還可能動用從本土起飛的B-2和B-52戰略轟炸機,在遠距離和高空實施打擊,同時計劃消滅敘利亞精銳的共和國衛隊。法蘭西24電視台評論稱,美軍“72小時軍事干預方案”意在“炫耀武力”,不會根本上改變當前敘利亞內戰局勢。在美國準備軍事打擊之際,地中海東部的塞浦路斯外長9日表示,一個“友好”國家通告塞浦路斯,本周將在地中海東部進行導彈測試。面對美國可能發動的軍事打擊,敘利亞軍方人士向《環球時報》記者透露,他們將通過“躲、閃、避”等辦法應對巡航導彈打擊。對於大型固定的軍事設施,比如大馬士革國際機場的防空雷達,敘軍正在拆卸,然後挖洞將其隱藏在地下。“飛毛腿”導彈、坦克和飛機等目標主要是靠隱藏到洞庫中。原本駐防在貝魯特至大馬士革高速公路沿線山頭上的精銳的共和國衛隊也完成了分散駐守部署。至於大馬士革城內指揮機構,特別是軍事指揮與情報機構的大樓內,現在不但高級將領已經疏散各處,就連重要的電腦等設備都已經拆空。敘軍一名高級軍官表示:“我們將儘量保存實力,等美國所謂的有限打擊結束後,我們繼續跟國內的武裝恐怖分子戰鬥。”“奧巴馬頂著民意大潮游泳”五角大樓軍事部署升級之際,奧巴馬正大力尋求美國公�支持和國迷你倉的授權。《華爾街日報》稱,隨著國會9月9日復會,奧巴馬最大挑戰是找到足夠的議員支持授權打擊。9日奧巴馬接受一系列採訪,10日晚還要發表全國電視講話,向心懷疑慮的美國人推銷中東新戰線。不過要讓國會點頭並不容易。路透社稱,隨著支持消退,奧巴馬在敘利亞問題上越發孤立。統計顯示,參議院100名議員中只有約1/4公開表示願支持奧巴馬的動武提議,�議院435個席位中公開表態支持的不到25人。公開表示反對的卻有17名參議員和111名�議員。一些反對軍事打擊的民主黨人希望想辦法幫助奧巴馬政府避免遭遇否決的局面,馬薩諸塞州�議員麥克格溫建議奧巴馬在授權動武提議被否決前撤回提議。《華盛頓郵報》9日稱,奧巴馬本周發起密集公關和游說,但在國會山,即便是軍事行動的堅定支持者也對白宮獲得授權感到悲觀。奧巴馬傾盡全力讓國家按照他的意志做,但事實是,總統改變公�輿論的能力比許多人所認為的要有限得多。前南卡羅萊納州州長霍奇斯說:“人們對戰爭感到疲憊,不願相信總統或國會。”印度《第一郵報》稱,奧巴馬已經把自己描繪為被逼進角落的形象,他好像進了一個滿是濃煙卻沒有安全出口的房間。美國民�也對奧巴馬的戰爭推銷不買賬。CNN9日稱,一項新的全國民意調查顯示奧巴馬正頂著民意的大潮游泳,大部分美國民�不希望美國介入。周一發佈的CNN和歐維希調查公司聯合民調結果顯示,雖然80%的美國人相信巴沙爾政權動用化學武器,但大多數人不希望國會授權動武。超過七成的美國人表示軍事打擊不會實現美國的主要目標,還有相同比例的人認為介入敘利亞血腥內戰不符合美國國家利益。奧巴馬的對手巴沙爾9日也跑到美國媒體上“搶鏡”,美國哥倫比亞廣播公司當天播出對巴沙爾的採訪。巴沙爾在採訪中否認對平民使用化學武器,並警告華盛頓一旦打擊敘利亞必將遭到報復。巴沙爾說:“如果你們不夠明智,你們就將付出代價,(轟炸敘利亞)將會產生反響。這是一個所有事情都處在爆炸邊緣的地區,你們必須準備迎接一切代價。”美國國務卿克里則在海外尋求外交支持。9日克里在英國與英國外交大臣黑格舉行會談,黑格表示,雖然英國不會參加軍事行動,但美國在敘利亞問題上“得到英方的全面支持”。法新社稱,克里傳遞的信息是,敘利亞衝突最終需要依靠政治方式解決,而不是軍事方式,但政治解決必須在美國的打擊之後。美國CBS新聞網報道稱,克里此前一天表示,沙特支持美國實施打擊。不過幾乎沒有阿拉伯國家表態參與軍事打擊。克里從歐盟得到的答複同樣是猶豫不決。歐盟一方面敦促國際社會對巴沙爾發出“清晰強大的回應”,一方面又提出美國採取任何行動都應等聯合國觀察員完成報告後。俄建議敘利亞交出化武“敘利亞使用化學武器的證據在哪裡?”CNN9日在提出這一問題後表示,可怕的圖像一目瞭然,敘利亞上月無疑發生了化學武器襲擊,但這些圖像包括奧巴馬政府向國會播放的13段視頻無一能證明誰對此負責。奧巴馬說他“非常相信”敘政府是罪魁禍首,但他的政府尚未拿出鐵證。一些議員也對美國的敘化武證據提出質疑。美聯社題為“美國:缺少將巴沙爾和毒氣襲擊聯繫在一起的證據”的報道稱,白宮宣稱“常識”證明敘政府對化武襲擊負責,但奧巴馬的高級助手承認政府缺乏美國民�和議員所需要的“無可辯駁、無可置疑的證據”。德國《星期日圖片報》8日援引德國情報機構的消息稱,敘利亞軍方一直強烈要求巴沙爾在內戰中使用化武,但巴沙爾始終表示拒絕。德國一艘穿梭于敘利亞海岸的海軍間諜船收聽到的電話通話顯示,8月21日在大馬士革附近的毒氣使用顯然沒有得到巴沙爾的同意。報道還稱,德國情報局認為,無論國際社會是否對敘利亞進行軍事干預,敘利亞衝突都不會很快結束,流血內戰還會持續好幾年。敘利亞外長穆阿利姆9日在莫斯科與俄外長拉夫羅夫舉行會談。穆阿利姆向俄方轉達巴沙爾對普京的感謝,感謝普京在G20峰會期間和之後的立場。拉夫羅夫警告,打擊敘利亞將導致“恐怖主義大爆發”。他還建議敘利亞交出化學武器,將其置於國際監管之下,以避免美國採取軍事打擊。▲自存倉

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Source: The Miami HeraldSept.迷你倉 07--Terry Jefferson wasn't one of the biggest names in Friday night's showdown between the top two ranked teams in the country.But Jefferson made the play that may end up being remembered for securing Miami Booker T. Washington's first national championship.Jefferson's 75-yard interception return for a touchdown with 9.9 seconds remaining secured a 28-17 victory for the Tornadoes against Miami Central before a sold-out crowd of 7,500 at Traz Powell Stadium.Booker T. (2-0), the No.1 ranked team in the nation by USA Today and MaxPreps, dealt Central (1-1), ranked No. 1 by Rivals.com and PrepNation.com, its first loss to a Miami-Dade County team since 2008.The Tornadoes scored 14 points in the fourth quarter to rally from a four-point deficit led by quarterback Treon Harris, who finished 12 of 17 passing for 129 yards and threw two touchdown passes.The game, which had a playoff-like atmosphere, was the first meeting between teams from the same county ranked No. 1 by multiple national polls."It was time to make a big play and I was glad I was able to do it," Jefferson said. "We had to rip their hearts out, and I made the play to do it."Booker T. avenged a 37-26 loss to Central last season that felt particularly frustrating to the Tornadoes after they let a 19-3 halftime lead slip away."Their backs were against the wall and it was time to stop them," Jefferson said. "We weren't letting this slip away like we had done last four years."Jefferson, a straight-A student, capped a defensive stand the Tornadoes needed to hold off the Rockets, who advanced the ball to the Booker T. 25-yard line before penalties set them back to the 50.With time winding down, Central was forced to pass and was unable to utilize its two biggest weapons -- running backs Joe Yearby and Dalvin Cook -- to complete a possible comeback after getting the ball back with less than two minutes left."It's a big win for us because for the past three years Central has been a team kind of like [Seffner] Armwood used to be for us, and we have never been able to get over the hump," Booker T. coach Tim "Ice" Harris said."I'm so proud of our kids because they were able to rally after some tough times 自存倉n the first half."Yearby finished with 128 yards rushing on 21 carries and scored an 11-yard touchdown that gave Central its only lead at 14-7 before halftime.Cook scored on a 30-yard touchdown run to tie the score at 7, but finished with only 59 yards on 11 carries.Harris didn't have a huge game statistically, but once again looked comfortable and made the Tornadoes hard to stop.Harris tied the score in the third quarter when he connected with Deltron Hopkins on a 59-yard touchdown pass.Trailing 17-14 in the fourth, Harris led another scoring drive that he capped with a 3-yard touchdown run, scoring on a keeper to the far sideline.Harris had never been able to beat Cook and Yearby even in Optimist leagues growing up."I love playing against them because they're both great competitors," Harris said. "All I had on my mind today was to get the win."What's on Booker T. Washington's minds now is to protect the No. 1 ranking.The Tornadoes face Miami Carol City on Wednesday at Traz Powell and still have another game with national attention Oct. 4 when they travel to Las Vegas to play Bishop Gorman High in a game that will be televised on ESPN."This is something we really wanted," Harris said. "This is what high school experience is all about. Being No. 1 in the country is something we don't want to give up. I think the last 24 minutes of this game showed we love being at the top of the charts in the country and we're going to fight to protect that."-- Champagnat 22, Westminster Christian 7: Led by a solid defensive effort and some big plays running the ball, the Lions picked up a quality victory at the Warriors' home field.The Lions (2-0) ran for 151 yards as a team and scored three rushing touchdowns while shutting out Westminster in the second half for the victory.Franklin Labady led Champagnat with 15 carries for 87 yards and a touchdown.Sophomore quarterback Kato Nelson threw for 150 yards on 11 of 21 attempts, converted two 2-point conversions and ran for a 38-yard score that gave the Lions an 8-7 lead in the second quarter that they wouldn't relinquish.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

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「新民主同盟」范國威與公民黨毛孟靜早前牽頭製作了一個名為「倒梁」,mini storage實為鼓吹「去中國化」煽動「港獨」的廣告在港台兩地刊出,並故意選擇了「台獨」報章《自由時報》,引發了社會輿論狠批。日前他又發表公開信,自稱代表「大部分香港市民」要求中央減少「個人遊」,事後被傳媒問到他有何資格代表大部分香港市民時,他說只是出於政治判斷,並無數字作依據,還指有人唔認同可以批評他云云。范國威在上屆立法會選舉不過取得2萬8千多票,以最低得票取得新界東最後一席,現在竟然大言不慚的指自己代表大部分市民,如此厚顏無恥,投機抽水的政客在本港政壇並不多見。 作為一名新丁議員,范國威一心要打響知名度,但究竟他在這一年議會生涯做的是什麼?就是花費大量時間精力,製作了大量示威道具來吸引傳媒報道拍照;在會議進行時以種種譁眾取寵的言論及「行為藝術」來做騷,對他來說做騷比做議員更加重要。市民從來不見他提出過什麼可行、有建設性的政策意見,反而是不斷向民粹及極端勢力靠攏,逢發展必反,逢融合必反,由反新界東北規劃、反「個人遊」、反兩地經濟合作、挑撥兩地民眾關係,現在更明火執仗的鼓吹「去中國化」,他的偏激甚至教不少激進反對派政客都自嘆不如,不少人都敬而遠之,只有在公民黨早已被邊緣化的毛孟靜繼續與他一唱一和。 其實,范國威這種偏激、投機的政治路線,既是為了與激進反對派爭奪民粹支持者,也是由於其個性和經歷使然。范國威早在美國留學時已經加入了當地的「海外民運組織」,回港後出任民主黨創黨主席李柱銘助理,並隨即加入民主黨,及後更成功當選了將軍澳區議員,原因是得到李柱銘的親信、民主黨新界東大佬鄭家富的扶持。范國威本來以self storage得到李、鄭等大佬看重,可以更上一層樓,但結果卻事與願違,只能一屆接一屆的擔任區議員,對眼高於頂的他來說絕對不能接受。對此,他暗中結黨營私,籌組自身派系,成為改革派核心人物,並將鄭家富等人拉攏其中,不斷與由主流派所控制的民主黨高層對抗,由於上位心切,他更罔顧政治倫理,公開發表了《大佬文化千秋萬世》的文章向民主黨高層開火,受到司徒華等元老嚴厲批評,上位之路更加無望。 在上位無望之下,范國威最終在黨內策反,與多名改革派區議員及人士脫黨另立「新民主同盟」,並迅即與公民黨搭上,在立法會選舉時更與公民黨眉來眼去,加上得到鄭家富的全力過票,成功將民主黨票源拉散,令黃成智、蔡耀昌落馬,而自己則成功以最低票當選,可以說既雪了前恥,也一圓了美夢。而為感激鄭家富襄助,早前有報章更揭發范國威在當選後一直將立法會議員車位「借」予鄭家富及其公司使用,被輿論指有「政治酬庸」之嫌。 進入議會後的范國威,又再一次「變臉」,原因是他知道當選全憑鄭家富發揮餘熱,加上民主黨三線出戰票源分散所致,下屆選舉恐怕不會那麼好運,於是在成為議員後大打所謂激進、本土牌,在立場上甚至較同區的「人民力量」議員陳志全更激,以「港獨」路線爭取政治光譜最極端的一群,讓他得以靠基本盤保住手上這個珍而重之的議席。所以,他在民主黨時從來沒有提出過這些偏激的政治理念,也裝出一副相對理性的樣子,但成為立法會議員後卻旋即變臉,說到底都是為了選票,是政治投機的表現。記得他在上屆立法會當選後第一句說話是什麼?是告訴傳媒「證明退黨無錯」,這說明他為了議席,為了政治利益可以「去到好盡」。這個沒有政治道德、偏激投機的政客就是這樣煉成的。迷你倉

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迷你倉 bjyouth.ynet.com/html/2013-09/10/content_9233.htm?div=-1...ヾ交警對司機進行酒精測試 ゝ交警對發現問題的司機再次進行測試 ゞ司機與現場的電視台記者發生衝突 攝影/本報記者 汪震龍 本報訊(...儲存

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網上曝光的大都會商廈頂樓的“四合院”。“最牛四合院”內部情況。  “樓頂違章搭建,self storage南充最牛的四合院。”近日,有網民爆料稱:南充市一商廈頂樓上,有人建起了“空中四合院”。據知情人士透露:該四合院在建成初期就收到了相關部門的“拆除令”。  昨日,華西城市讀本記者從南充市順慶區城管局獲悉,他們已注意到網民反映,正重新報批,申請對其依法處置。  “空中四合院”網友發帖熱議  9月6日,網友“西山論賤”在南充一論壇上發出了《請懂違章搭建的朋友看看,這應該是南充最牛的四合院了》的帖子,並附上圖片,稱南充某商廈樓頂出現違規搭建的房子,形狀類似四合院,周圍還有不少花草樹木,環境安逸。這篇網帖引得網友紛紛跟帖,有網友甚至貼出了2008年該處的衛星地圖,顯示當時該商廈樓頂並無這些房屋,而在2010年的衛星地圖上,則顯示多了一層房屋。  隨後,有網友指出帖子中的“四合院”位於南充市五星花園的大都會商廈,並稱這種現象在南充很多小區很常見。  記者實地探訪 原是物管辦公室  昨日上午,記者從大都會商廈背後的電梯公寓15樓向下俯視,看到6層高的商廈頂樓樓頂上,搭建著一片約200平米的彩鋼瓦蓋房屋。主體棚頂呈深褐色,尾部棚頂為藍色,形成一個“四合院”式的建築物。  隨後,記者來到大都會商廈,電梯只能到6樓,通過標誌指引從一個小門上到頂樓,映入眼簾的是蔥綠的小樹,地面鋪設著方形青石板。朱紅色大門門口還掛了兩個燈籠,給人古色古香的感覺。進門一看,房門敞開的房間內,有工作人員正在電腦前忙碌,院內共有10間房子。在四合院迷你倉另一側,是一個露天茶坊,有假山、水池、花草,環境十分幽靜。  在採訪過程中,現場一位不願透露姓名的工作人員介紹,這裡是大都會商廈泰安物管公司的辦公室。“我們本來在6樓辦公,後來大都會開發商將6樓的商舖出售給其他商家使用,我們沒有地方辦公,只得搬到頂樓上。”該工作人員告訴記者,以前樓頂是倉庫和員工宿舍,然後才改建成了辦公室。  記者問及該四合院何時修建,該工作人員稱2009年底就開始了,對於這是否屬於違章搭建,他表示並不清楚。城管回應  3年前曾立案調查 並出具執法通知書  昨日,記者從南充市順慶區城管局瞭解到,早在2010年3月,城管執法部門就曾對該“四合院”立案調查,當時物管負責人承認:“大都會頂樓原員工宿舍及餐廳都無建設工程規劃許可證,未納入大都會主樓規劃範圍”,並在執法通知書上簽字確認。  據南充當地媒體2010年3月的相關報道,經城管部門調查,大都會頂樓用于辦公和經營的搭建物,使用方未能出示相關許可手續。依照執法程序,城管執法人員向臨時搭建物的使用方分別出具了執法通知書,要求其限期提供相關手續,“如果逾期未能提供,城管部門將對所有臨時搭建物進行強制拆除。”  時隔3年半,為何“四合院”至今仍在正常使用?昨日,順慶區城管局一位負責人表示:“我們城管部門對違章搭建處罰要進行的程序都已經完成。”在看到網民反映後,該局立即重新�動了執法程序,目前正在報上級批准,之後將聯合多部門依法對其作出處置。(記者 張肇婷 尹秦 實習生 鄒雨珊 張洪豔攝影報道)標簽:大都會 四合院 頂樓 商廈 城管文件倉

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  “尊敬的工行用戶,迷你倉因系統升級,您的網銀電子密碼器即將過期,請登陸某某網站進行更新。如有不便,敬請諒解!”收到這樣一條短信,也許你會一刪了之。然而,家住金東區的市民楊先生卻信以為真,登陸指定網站進行操作,結果損失了10萬元。  接到報警後,金東警方遠赴福建、廣西等地,破獲了這起跨區域的網絡詐騙案。  楊先生說,他是用手機登陸指定的網站進行操作,看起來,頁面和他之前登陸的工行頁面十分相似,於是按照提示輸入賬號、密碼等信息,進行電子密碼器系統升級,可等他點擊確認按鈕後,手機網頁突然中斷無法顯示。  楊先生也沒在意,當晚10點左右,他的手機突然收到一條信息,自己的銀行賬戶被轉賬10萬元,這時他才知道自己被騙了。  金東公安分局刑偵大隊民警通過楊先生提供的網址及銀行賬號信息發現,這個網站是一個模仿工行網銀的釣魚網站,一旦用戶輸入自己工行的賬號密碼後,網頁便會中斷,而此時,用戶在網頁上填寫的賬號及密碼便會自動顯示在案犯操作的網站後台中,這樣案犯就可以輕易將錢轉走。  8月2日,民警偵查發現,楊先儲存倉工行卡中的現金,被轉入了福建南安的一個銀行賬戶中,並在當地的一台ATM機上被取出。  8月5日,辦案民警趕赴福建南安,找到了ATM機的位置,通過監控影像,鎖定了犯罪嫌疑人。8月7日,三名涉案的嫌疑人在廣西落網。  這三人都是福建人,在他們藏匿的賓館里,有一大堆的電子設備:筆記本、手機、電話卡、上網卡、網銀U盾、電子密碼器,每樣設備都一綑綑的擺放在袋里。  據嫌疑人蘇某交代,7月底,他們通過網絡購買了一釣魚網站,然後配備了7部手機,555張電話卡,5只網銀U盾,15張上網卡,16張銀行卡,還添置了一台短信群發器,在賓館里幹起了網絡詐騙的勾當。  按照蘇某的說法,這種群發器“效率”很高,一張電話卡可以發500條信息,一台群發器可插32張電話卡,也就是說,一次就能發送詐騙短信16000條。  發出信息後,他們就等著像楊先生這樣的人上當受騙了。  目前,三人交代利用網絡詐騙非法獲利13余萬元,對案件中涉及的其他犯罪嫌疑人,警方仍在全力追捕中。   本報通訊員 李娜 胡倩宇  本報記者 朱麗珍 文/攝迷你倉價錢

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I refer to Tong Oichu’s letter (“Little progress in fight against poverty”, September 4), which said that the government has failed to introduce effective measures to alleviate the poverty problem.迷你倉出租The Hong Kong SAR government is firmly committed to improving the well-being of the underprivileged in Hong Kong. Our actions speak for themselves.Shortly after the swearing-in of the current government, the chief executive announced in July last year his plan to introduce the Old Age Living Allowance of HK$2,200 per month to provide more financial support for elderly people in need. Subsequently, the allowance was introduced in April this year to supplement the living expenses of elderly persons in financial need on a means-tested basis. It is estimated that more than 400,000 elderly persons will receive the allowance in the first year of implementation. As at the end of August, over 388,000 elderly persons have benefited from the allowance.At the same time, we should empower and enhance support for the working poor to help them stay in jobs and improve their livelihood.Earlier this year, the government agreed to increas迷你倉 the statutory minimum wage to HK$30 per hour with effect from May.The average monthly earnings of the lowest decile of full-time employees in the period between April and June 2013 went up by 7.6 per cent year-on-year (or 2.8 per cent in real terms).We also enhanced the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme with effect from this January by providing the option of individual application as an alternative to household application and relaxed the income and asset limit in parallel. So far, more than 13,700 individual applications have been received.Meanwhile, the Commission on Poverty is currently working hard to finalise a poverty line. Its six task forces are reviewing existing measures and considering what more should be done to help the poor. The injection of HK$15 billion into the Community Care Fund in June and the HK$500 million social innovation and entrepreneurship development fund to be set up shortly are also among the initiatives to tackle poverty.The government will continue to do all that we can to help the poor improve their well-being.Nick Au Yeung, assistant director (media), chief executive’s office儲存倉

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SAN FRANCISCO, Sept.自存倉 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Breeze, the first company to leverage the power of the smartphone to automate the $120 billion onsite service provider market, today announced its founders will take the premier startup stage this afternoon during the TechCrunch Battlefield in search of the coveted Disrupt Cup.Breeze is backed by leading technology luminaries, Marc Benioff, Max Levchin, James Murdoch, David Sacks, Jeff Skoll & Peter Thiel, and foremost institutional investors like Allen & Company, Charles River Ventures, Harmony Partners and XSeed Capital."We've all lost plenty of hours we'll never get back waiting for the plumber, the electrician or, the a/c repairman. There are more than five million onsite service providers in the US still doing business the way they did in the '80's, making customers wait long hours for service," said Matthew Cowan, chief executive officer, and co-founder, Breeze Works. "These service providers use smartphones every day, but they've had no tools, no applications on their phones taking the pain out of providing quality, on-time service for customers. Breeze brings technology into the business model, eliminating customer no shows, converting receivables into cash faster, and keeping customers happy.""The onsite service provider market has long been overlooked by the technology industry and is screaming for disruption," said David Sacks, Yammer founder, and 2008 TechCrunch50 winner.Cowan is a long time technology veteran leading investments that sold to Cisco and eBay among others, and driving Intel's internet, media, and international investment activities in the '90's including CNET (sold to CBS), Geocities and Launch Media (both sold to Yahoo!), and iVillage (sold to NBC). Breeze chief technology officer and co-founder, Adam Block lead the technology and product team that delivered International Data Group's (IDG) first major cross-publication web presence. Block wen迷你倉新蒲崗 on to be the founding chief technology officer of Sequoia Cap-backed Harmonic Communications, a marketing automation software company later sold to Dentsu, Inc.Breeze software connects onsite service providers to the repair site, and to the customer. The solution captures repeat business using an automated follow-up system, helps make more money faster by taking payments from the field, and prevents customer no shows by automatically communicating arrival times so customers are free to go about their day knowing they only need to return home when the repairman arrives.Breeze is launching now in closed beta. To sign up, please visit .breezeworks.com.About Breeze Breeze is the first company to leverage the power of the smartphone to automate the $120 billion onsite service provider market. The Breeze application helps eliminate no shows, capture repeat business through automated follow-ups, and converts receivables into cash faster by taking payments from the field.About TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2013TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2013 (techcrunch.com/events/disrupt-sf-2013/the-battlefield/) is TechCrunch's seventh annual conference in San Francisco. The format combines top thought-leader discussions with new product and company launches. During morning executive discussions, technology-driven disruptions in many industries will be debated. Afternoons are reserved for the Startup Battlefield, where 30 new companies will launch for the first time on stage, selected to present from more than 1,000 applications received from around the world. The winning company will receive a $50,000 grand prize and the Disrupt Cup at the conclusion of the conference. The conference is Sept. 9-11, 2013, at The Concourse at San Francisco Design Center located at 635 8th St. (at Brannan) in San Francisco's downtown SOMA district.Media Contact:Tanya Bittner-BlackburnRTJ Consultants |702.348.8379tanya@rtjconsultants.comBreezeWeb site: .breezeworks.com/迷你倉出租

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Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineSept.存倉 09--BANGOR, Maine -- A long-distance race is the shorter part of Sarah Mulcahy's typical road-running experience.Traveling around Eastern Maine to get to those events usually is the more time-consuming aspect for the 28-year-old schoolteacher who lives way Down East in Baring Plantation, just north of Calais along U.S. Route 1."The last two years I've been in Baring I've been part of Sub 5 [a Bangor-area track club], and I've made a network of friends and I race with them every weekend," said Mulcahy, who teaches seventh- and eighth-grade math and science at Woodland Junior-Senior High School. "I'm the one who usually travels the most, but I Iove it. This is a network of people that I love, I've found so many friends through running."Mulcahy also has found considerable competitive success on the roads, emerging as one of the region's top distance runners.She has won numerous races this year at a wide range of distances, from last Monday's Bangor Labor Day 5-Miler to June's inaugural Bay of Fundy International Marathon in Lubec."The 10Ks and the half marathons are my favorites," said Mulcahy, "but I've been putting a lot of time into training for marathons and I'm doing OK. I'm seeing results and I'm getting PRs every time I run one."Among Mulcahy's other victories this year are the Chamberlain March Half-Marathon in Brewer, the FinishLynx Orrington 10K and two Washington County events, the Cobscook Bay 10K and the Perry to Eastport 7-Miler.Mulcahy also is planning to serve as a race director for the first time when her school hosts the first Dragon's Breath 5K on Saturday, Sept. 28."The National Honor Society is putting it on and they asked me to race direct it. It's the first one, and we're hoping to get people into it," she said. "I'm kind of excited."Born in Eagle Lake and a graduate of Fort Kent Community High School and Saint Joseph's College in Standish, Mulcahy is a relative newcomer to road racing."I started running in college for fun, and began competing in 2009 while I was teaching in Westbrook," she said. "I never knew I was good, I just loved running."My first two races were in Texas when my husband [who works for the U.S. Border Patrol] was down there and I won them both," Mulcahy said. "I was in a climate that I don't usually run in so I thou迷你倉ht maybe I have a shot at this."And while Mulcahy's preferred running distances have proven to be fairly eclectic, her training regimen suggests a recent leaning toward longer events.She ran her first two marathons at Sugarloaf and Mount Desert Island last year, then established her current personal best for the distance of 3 hours, 16 minutes and 12 seconds at the Bay of Fundy, a unique event that passed through both the United States and Campobello Island in Canada."It completely rivals MDI in the sense that the elevation is about the same as MDI," Mulcahy said. "MDI has a lot of slow, gradual hills but Bay of Fundy has a lot of short, steep hills. It's a great course. Anyone who wants a challenge, I really recommend it for next year."Mulcahy said she was slow to recover from Bay of Fundy, but that didn't prevent her from taking on an even longer distance barely a month later, the seventh and final Great Cranberry Island 50K Ultra Marathon in late July.She placed sixth in the women's division and 15th overall in the GCI 50K, which was designated by the Road Runners Club of America as its 2013 national ultramarathon championship."I was coming off injuries and decided a week before the race that I was going to run it so I had no training under me, but it was my favorite race I've ever done," said Mulcahy, who finished the 50K in 4:22.17, an 8:27 pace for the 31 miles run in back-and-forth fashion on the island's 2-mile main road."Everyone was saying, 'Down and back, down and back 16 times?' But it was so much fun. Everybody was always cheering each other on, and you were seeing people all the time but you never knew where they were at. You'd see somebody and they might be at Mile 10 or Mile 30 but you were never exactly sure. I loved it."Mulcahy currently is training for the Oct. 20 MDI Marathon, and she hopes to run her first Boston Marathon next April."I qualified for this year's [Boston] race at MDI last fall, but the 2013 race filled the day before I qualified," said Mulcahy. "But then I beat that qualification time this year at Bay of Fundy, so I registered on the ninth of [August] and hopefully all will go well."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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Source: Star-News, Wilmington, N.迷你倉新蒲崗C.Sept. 09--There's been an uptick in people seeking food at area pantries because of statewide delays in food stamp benefit delivery, say those who feed the hungry locally.The delays have been caused by glitches in the Department of Health and Human Services' implementation of a new statewide computer system, called NC FAST. It's meant to streamline delivery of services but has taken off in fits and starts."In the interim, people have been turning to food panties and soup kitchens a lot quicker than they would have otherwise," said Jeff Rose, Wilmington branch director of The Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, which collects food and distributes it to a network of provider agencies.Korey Giordano, the Salvation Army's food shelter director in Wilmington, reported the agency's "shelves are literally bare."Some of the food shortage can be attributed to a decrease in giving during the summer months, she said. But Giordano has also heard from people coming in who say they need food because they didn't get their benefits from the state. She urged people to give."A lot of people are coming in saying their food stamps haven't gone through and they were planning on them going through," she said.Still, Wayne Black, director of DHHS' division of social services, said the new system is a "long time coming" and should improve customer service.The goal since the late 1970s, he said, has been to create an electronic case management system that allows a one-stop shop of sorts for benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid. The state has tried various iterations over the years and failed. NC FAST is expected to be the answer to years of complex paper filings and duplication of efforts by case managers for clients. A person applying for multiple benefits under the old system would have to see multiple case workers, he said."This has been our dream and our vision since the late '70s," he said. "We're going to be much more efficient, and clients will be much better se迷你倉出租ved, and it will save money."Where certain counties are experiencing difficulties with implementation, the state is offering enhanced technical support and additional training, Black said.Reta Shiver, director of Social Services for Pender County, said locally it's "beyond our control right now.""The technology is new and there are glitches in the technology which causes delays in our processing of client applications or re-certifications, and those delays caused a delay in the clients receiving their benefits, and that's a problem for everybody," she said. "We don't want families to be hungry, and when they're eligible for benefits they should receive them timely."Shiver said she's taken some calls from clients who should have received their July benefits "and this is the first of September." The county is looking at a month to six-week delays in some cases, she said.About 4,600 cases, many of them families, rely on the food benefits in the county, she said.Christine McNamee, assistant director in charge of economic services for New Hanover County Department of Social Services, said the issues are slowly but surely working themselves out."We are still working on some August benefits and are working diligently on September benefits," she said. The agency planned to work this past weekend, "trying to get as caught up as possible."She said a handful of cases are parked at the "help desk" where the staff is working on those individual cases, some of which are more than 30 days old."We are slowly beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel," she said.Ricky Diaz, the DHHS' director of communications, said smooth implementation of the new system is a top priority for the agency."We are working around the clock to make sure we're processing applications quickly and accurately," he said.Metro desk: 343-2389On Twitter: @StarNewsMollyCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Star-News (Wilmington, N.C.) Visit the Star-News (Wilmington, N.C.) at .starnewsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Mail Tribune, Medford, Ore.存倉Sept. 09--Rogue Valley Television is expanding studio availability to encourage people to create their own programming, and it has made it easy to stream content online through an archive of shows."It was flailing a bit," said Brandon Givens, coordinator and production manager at RVTV, "because there wasn't a whole lot of new life. We hadn't really engaged the Internet."In addition to new studio and field equipment, RVTV has added staff and revamped its public access workshops to encourage more community involvement.In November 2012, RVTV hired Charles Douglas, an audio visual technician and public access assistant coordinator who had worked in public access in Humboldt County, Calif."Since my arrival, we've established a public access archive in the community media database section of the Internet archive, one of the largest nonprofit Internet libraries in the world," Douglas said.Launched on Jan. 1, the RVTV archive has distributed 271 local programs, all made by community producers."We just topped 10,000 views and downloads altogether of our collection, something we're very proud of," Douglas said. The content archive can be seen at archive.org/details/roguetv.Now that the content is archived online, RVTV's local programming is available for anybody with Internet access, Douglas said."I wanted the programming to be available in the same way YouTube videos are available. But unlike YouTube, I didn't want people giving up their rights to own their content or submit themselves to a troll society," said Douglas, referring to the negative comments some people post about videos on YouTube. Also, archive.org doesn't operate under the copyright system, so it provides producers with creative commons licensing."It allows artists to share their work in a nonexploitative context," said Douglas, "so you can have your work distributed, as long as it's attributed to you and they keep it intact."For example, local producer Oscar Rodriguez, who produces a consumer affairs financial literacy program for RVTV in Spanish, got a call from a friend who had seen his show aired on a public acce迷你倉s channel in Portland, Douglas said."We could totally revolutionize television that way, in a new not-for-profit, grass-roots, community-driven model," said Douglas.As the nonprofit network works to expand the availability of its programming, it is also working on quality."There's quite a few new series compared to what we used to have. We have a lot of new producers who are pretty engaged," said Givens."Part of that was us getting really hard-core about explaining to new students and community volunteers that they have to take ownership of their own programs," said Givens.In the past, it has been common for people with their own public access shows to want to be the star of shows, without really diving into the technical side of production, according to Givens."We have been pushing people to empower themselves -- but having to be firm about expectations. We've seen a whole new influx of energy," said Givens.RVTV has revamped its training on how to use the studio and field equipment. It now offers four workshops so that community users can produce their own shows. The workshops require 18 hours of time spent volunteering on other producers' shows, using the cameras, switching board or graphics. Those interested in signing up for the workshops can find details at RVTV.edu.sou. There is a small fee to cover materials and supplies."No one will be turned away," said Douglas. "If you want to get involved, economic situation is not a barrier. We'll find a way to help you get involved."As funding declines, it's the spirit of volunteerism and community building that will maintain public access, said Douglas.At the beginning of the year, RVTV had 197 hours of locally produced television. As of last quarter it had 400 hours."They are kind of choosing their own adventure and really getting soaked into the culture of producers helping producers," Douglas said. "That's the other big change I wanted to make."To watch shows by local producers, see rvtv.sou.edu.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) Visit the Mail Tribune (Medford, Ore.) at .mailtribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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Shanghai stocks yesterday gained the most this year as China’s economic recovery gathered pace while lenders rose as the regulator may allow them to issue preferred shares to replenish capital.self storageThe Shanghai Composite Index surged 3.4 percent, the biggest daily rise since December 14, to 2,212.52 points.The Consumer Price Index, the main gauge of inflation, rose 2.6 percent year on year in August, easing from a 2.7-percent rise in July and June. The Producer Price Index, which tracks factory-gate inflation, fell 1.6 percent from a year earlier, narrowing from a 2.3 percent drop in July, data showed.“The slight decline in consumer prices met market expectations and inflationary pressure is likely to drop further in September,’’ HSBC Jintrust Fund Management Co said yesterday. ‘‘A slowdown in PPI decline showed st迷你倉bility and recovery in the economy.”Meanwhile the strong trade data released over the weekend showed August export growth rising 7.2 percent year on year from 5.1 percent in July.Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and the Agricultural Bank of China both soared by the daily limit of 10 percent after the Economic Observer said they may be part of a program that lets banks issue preferred shares to raise funds.A SPDB source told Shanghai Daily that the lender participated in a research on preferred shares with regulators, without confirming the accuracy of the Economic Observer report.“The issuance of preferred shares will add to lenders’ core capital, enabling them to better meet regulatory capital requirement,’’ China Merchants Securities Co said in a report.SPDB rose to 10.53 yuan while AgBank closed at 2.72 yuan. 文件倉

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Top court introduces sentences of up to three years for libellous posts forwarded over 500 times or messages leading to mass protestsA libellous online post that is forwarded more than 500 times or viewed more than 5,000 times could land its author in jail for up to three years, according to the mainland’s first judicial interpretation to control rumours on the internet.存倉The legal move comes as the Communist Party ramps up its campaign to rein in the internet following President Xi Jinping’s call to “seize the ground of new media”.The Supreme People’s Court and Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the country’s top prosecution body, jointly issued the document yesterday. It set out the terms on what constitutes a criminal offence when it comes to spreading rumours or misinformation on the internet. The guidelines take effect today.Besides quantifying the number of views or reposts that can get an internet user in trouble, the interpretation stipulates that any untrue post found to cause mental illness, self-harm or suicide can be considered a “serious case” also punishable by up to three years in jail. Other such “serious cases” include posts that lead to mass protests, instigate ethnic or religious clashes, damage the nation’s image or “cause a bad international effect”.Aside from facing libel charges for online rumours, an offender can also be charged with stirring up trouble, extortio迷你倉 or operating an illegal business.Such charges previously referred only to crimes that occurred in what is described as “the public arena” and did not cover the internet. “Cyberspace is also part of the public sphere,” said Sun Jungong , the top court’s spokesman. “The internet has already been intertwined with people’s real life.”But the legal document still provides leeway for real-name internet users who accuse officials of wrongdoing.Sun said those who posted false corruption allegations about officials online could be exempted from libel charges as long as the content is proved not to be deliberately fabricated.Tong Zhiwei , professor of law at Shanghai’s East China University, said the exemption clause showed the leadership faced a dilemma.“On the one hand, online rumours are perceived to damage social stability. On the other hand, the internet has increasingly become an indispensable component of the anti-graft campaign,” Tong said.The new rules have already been criticised by internet users and given rise to serious concerns about freedom of speech.“I would have to shut up on the internet now,” one said. “If you want to put a person in jail, the easiest way would be to forward his untrue post 500 times.”Beijing rights lawyer Zhou Ze said he was “deeply upset” about the legal document. “It aims to put free speech under surveillance,” he said.Additional reporting by Laura Zhou自存倉

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Source: The Palm Beach Post, Fla.迷你倉新蒲崗Sept. 08--MIAMI GARDENS -- Asked in a press conference about his game-changing play, Miami sophomore Tyriq McCord strutted to the podium. He dramatically cleared his throat, drawing a chuckle from fellow linebacker Denzel Perryman."I can't take him seriously," whispered Perryman, standing in the background.All kidding aside, McCord and the rest of Miami's defense must be taken seriously after it seized the moment in one of the biggest games in recent Hurricanes history, a 21-16 victory over No. 12 Florida.Miami earned a win in the last scheduled game against its in-state rivalbefore a Sun Life Stadium crowd of 76,869. It's a victory Miami hopes signals its return to national relevance. Come Sunday, the Hurricanes likely will be ranked in the Associated Press Top 25 for the first time since Nov. 2010.And, improbably, it's mostly thanks to its defense."I've been saying it since the spring -- I think they've grown up," coach Al Golden said.Too light and inexperienced last season, the defense was expected to be stronger and more mature this season. But how much? Saturday's game provided the answer. The Hurricanes forced five turnovers, including two interceptions and three recovered fumbles.It wasn't a whitewash, by any means; Miami allowed 413 yards, including 291 through the air and 122 on the ground, and the game was in doubt until the Canes recovered an onsides kick with 2:08 remaining. But for four quarters, Miami's big-play defense bailed out its stifled offense."Every time we would get the ball it would be three-and-out," said running back Duke Johnson, whom Florida limited to 75 yards and a touchdown on 21 carries. "The defense would respond and play with energy and get turnovers, until we could put points on the board."On UF's first drive, Perryman forced a fumble with a hit on Gators running back Matt Jones. A week after starting Miami's season-opener against FAU with a dropped interception that would surely have gone for a touchdown and com迷你倉出租itting two personal foul penalties, Perryman had a team-high 13 tackles."I was just doing my job," Perryman said.Less than a minute into the second quarter, safety Rayshawn Jenkins stepped in front of a pass from UF quarterback Jeff Driskel on third-and-goal from the 11.UM followed that with a three-and-out, which it did on seven of 14 drives. At 7:22 of the second, Perryman led the charge on fourth-and-1, stuffing Driskel up the middle with the Gators at the UM 16. Florida was 2-of-6 inside the red zone, with three turnovers.Clinging to a 14-9 lead with 9:29 left, Canes quarterback Stephen Morris threw an interception, his second in two games. In response, sophomore Tracy Howard picked off Driskel at Miami's 12.McCord's sack of Driskel and fumble recovery with 4:32 remaining set up a 2-yard Johnson run that made it 21-9. Junior Anthony Chickillo registered a sack in the game's final minutes, when UM allowed a 21-yard touchdown pass from Driskel to Solomon Patton."We're mentally tough," Golden said. "Was it perfect down the stretch? No, but there was no one laying around, especially the defense. They did a great job of trying to wear us down. Our defense was in great shape."Because of that, they knew they were ready for the big moment. They were players that last year too often fell silent. Against Florida, they all cleared their throats."If you make plays, you can talk," Howard said.When McCord took the mic, he explained to a room full of reporters and TV cameras how he hit Driskel, spun him around and caused him to fumble, found the ball and fell on it."A sack-caused fumble is the best play in football," he explained. "I've been dreaming about this moment. This is why you come to The U, to play the Florida Gators. Sack-caused fumble. You dream about it, and now you wake up and it's a reality."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) Visit The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, Fla.) at .palmbeachpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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存倉 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-09/09/content_1674430.htm...重慶晨報訊 (記者 曹嘉智)9月23日,市政府將再度向36家“洋巨頭”問計重慶的發展。昨天,記者從市外經貿委獲悉,重慶市市長國際經濟...迷你倉

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迷你倉 Would it be a good idea for the government to revive a scheme where developers are enlisted to hasten the supply of affordable public flats, or could it lead to the administration being accused of showing favouritism towards the property tycoons?文件倉

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奧迪R8 LMS盃是奧迪歷史上首個單一品牌賽事,新蒲崗迷你倉這項賽事繼2012年在中國成功舉辦後,於2013年賽季更新增韓國站、馬來西亞站和澳門站。本年度奧迪R8 LMS盃第七和第八回合於馬來西亞雪邦國際賽車場舉行,作為馬來西亞Merdeka十二小時耐力賽的支援賽事。熊龍力追先拔頭籌第七回合比賽開始階段競爭激烈,佔有主場之利的馬來西亞車手熊龍與香港車手方駿宇於起跑時並排而進,雙方於入彎前仍爭持不下,結果兩者均稍為偏離了最佳入彎線道。香港車手李英健抓住機會突圍而出,中國車手程叢夫和韓國車手柳慶旭亦趁混亂之際搶佔了第二和第三位置。開局不利的熊龍和方駿宇則分別滑落至第四和第七位。不過主場出戰的熊龍並未氣餒,更越戰越勇,於比賽過程中先後成功超越柳慶旭和程叢夫,並向處於領先位置的李英健發起進攻。當比賽進入尾聲時,熊龍終於把握機會超越李英健,並通過嚴密防守,將領先優勢保持到最後,結果奧迪泰達車隊的東道主車手熊龍在其家鄉勇奪冠軍,奧迪智族車隊的香港車手李英健和奧迪Ultramini storage隊的中國車手程叢夫分別獲得亞軍和季軍。錦龍車隊的香港車手方駿宇憑藉在比賽過程中急起直追,結果以第四名成績完成比賽。非專業組方面,香港車手區柏祥奪得冠軍,亞軍和季軍得主分別是楊焯興和任煒。程叢夫奪一亞一季熊龍於第八回合起跑時避開對手的狙擊,於首個彎角處成功搶先,程叢夫、方駿宇和李英健分別位列在第二、第三和第四的位置。前四名車手逐漸形成了一個領先集團,他們之間展開一場勢均力敵的追逐戰。不過熊龍始終控制了整場比賽的節奏,將領先優勢保持到最後。最終熊龍再奪冠軍,於馬來西亞站連奪兩場勝仗,他亦藉此於年度車手積分榜上重登榜首。程叢夫只能屈居亞軍,於馬來西亞站的兩回合比賽中獲得一亞一季成績,至於獲得季軍一席的方駿宇則同時保證了他所代表的錦龍車隊提前獲得2013賽季轉銷商組別總冠軍。非專業組中,郭富城與區柏祥在比賽中互有攻守,最終區柏祥把握機會,在比賽中段時超越郭富城,並將優勢保持到終點。區柏祥在連續兩回合比賽奪得非專業車手組冠軍後,他在非專業車手排行榜已經遙遙領先。self storage

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