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- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:48
迷你倉 隨著路�多座旅遊度假村及賭場落成啟用,如今的�仔與路環不僅人多,車更多。新春在即,屆時�仔舊城區料必人氣盛,政府如何透過周詳部署,妥善將旅客分流至路環觀光消費,至關重要。 路環被譽為澳門的後花園。縱觀舊城區一帶,多幢特色建築依舊,老街巷商戶仍擺賣近乎式微的傳統食品,靠海棚屋、船廠等正待活化與利用,發展潛力大。惜當局早年推出“路環舊市區船人街西側重整規劃研究”及“路環舊市區荔枝碗規劃”等項目後,跟進了無期,令坊間甚感失望,認為當局雷聲大,雨點小。 今時今日走在路環舊城區,仍可感受到濃濃的小漁村風味,受居民歡自存倉,更成旅客到此一遊的主因。當局新一年如何協調離島區團體力量,深層次開挖路環社區資源,帶動離島旅遊,備受關注。坊間建議,要吸引居民或旅客於新春到離島區消費,必先完善交通環節,冀出入境口岸及主要世遺景點等增設點對點專線小巴,加強旅遊推廣,料可提升吸引力。長遠而言,官方不妨以其中的棚屋或船廠作試點,打造成路環文化博物館或展覽館,強化周邊配套,讓特色空間得以活化並善用,助增強吸引力。 路環歷史及文化資源豐富,只要懂得挖掘、包裝、善用,推而廣之,有助優化提升澳門的整體旅遊承載力,亦能彰顯當局通盤規劃路環的決心。 悅 鳴 迷你倉出租
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:42
Memories of the dream: Witnesses recall historic Martin Luther King Jr. 1963 speech
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉出租M.Jan. 18--Jim Mackenzie was a teenager in August 1963 when he accompanied his parents and a group of other mostly white middle-class folks on a chartered bus from Connecticut to the mall in Washington, D.C.There, the 17-year-old found himself in the company of more than 250,000 other people participating in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where the highlight was Dr. Martin Luther King's impassioned call to end racism in America, now known as the "I Have a Dream" speech.In January 2009, Mackenzie returned to that spot on the mall where he had stood 46 years earlier, this time with his 14-year-old daughter. Together, they celebrated the inauguration of Barack Obama, America's first African-American president.Dick Harrison, 86, was a Presbyterian associate minister in Urbana, Ill., when he decided to answer Dr. King's call for clergy of all faiths to join in the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches in support of black voter registration.Martin Luther King Jr. Day Events--TODAY, 2 p.m., Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Celebration: Faith Tabernacle Full Gospel Baptist Church, 7701 Zuni SE. Features K-12 oral contest with cash awards on Dr. King's "Six Principles of Nonviolence." Guest speaker is Kano Brown, founder of Kids All Need One Foundation.--Sunday, 2 p.m., annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade: Begins at University and Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. and travels west to Civic Plaza, where a short program will take place. Program includes music, dancing and the reading of a mayoral proclamation.--Monday, 8 a.m., 18th annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Breakfast: Marriott Pyramid North Hotel, 5151 San Francisco Rd. NE in Journal Center. Featured speaker is the Rev. Dr. Kevin R. Johnson, fifth pastor Bright Hope Baptist Church, Philadelphia and Philadelphia Tribune columnist. Breakfast tickets: $30 for adults, $20 for students with school I.D. and for those 12 and younger. Call 550-3749 for reservations.--Monday, 1-3 p.m. "50th Anniversary of the Dream": Congregation Albert, 3800 Louisiana NE. Keynote speaker is Pastor Jesse Dompreh, Powerhouse Fellowship Church, Rio Rancho. Free admission. Call 994-2335 for more information.--Various MLK events are planned in Santa Fe, Belen, Grants, Gallup, Portales and Alamogordo. For information on these, call the New Mexico Martin Luther King Jr. State Commission at 222-6466, or see its Facebook page at NM Martin Luther King Jr. State Commission.Each year, as the nation honors迷你倉King on the third Monday of January, Mackenzie and Harrison flash back to their short time with the slain civil rights leader and their own small contribution to the national dialogue. In Albuquerque, as in other parts of the country, there will be a host of events to commemorate the achievements of King and the civil rights movement that forever changed America.Mackenzie, 67, owner of a local wind turbine manufacturing company, and an active member of the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, said Obama's journey was prepared years earlier by the civil rights crusaders who walked the path before him."The movement was broad-based. Dr. King was the most eloquent voice and had the largest vision, which is not to diminish other leaders and the rank-and-file foot soldiers," he said. "But I think we can say very clearly that, without the civil rights movement, Barack Obama's presidency would not have been possible and there is a direct line from Dr. King to Barack Obama."Harrison, a chaplain with the Albuquerque Police Department and the U.S. Marshal's Office, and a retired Presbyterian minister, recalls that "I had reached a point in my ministry where I thought the church was irrelevant," he says. "The church was not speaking and addressing the issues of the day." But after participating in the march, and joining with people of other religions and races, "I saw the great potential the church had and it renewed my faith."Mackenzie was no more than 100 yards away from where King was speaking in the mall. Looking at the sea of surrounding faces and hearing King's speech, "I definitely had a sense this was historic," he said.Drafted into the military, Mackenzie did a tour of duty in Vietnam in 1966-67, serving side by side with African-American men. Even as urban riots were breaking out across America, "We were told we were fighting for the freedom of the Vietnamese people." The irony didn't escape the notice of Mackenzie, his fellow black soldiers or King -- who commented that black soldiers were fighting and dying "in extraordinarily high proportions relative to the rest of the population.""What Dr. King reinforced in me, what I took away was, no matter what the odds, the force of moral right is extremely powerful, and people who believe that and work for that can change the course of history."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:34
學測仍有違規 手機鈴響…扣分
迷你倉大學學測昨天登場,桃園縣共1萬3994名考生,分配在8所高中、340個試場作答,違規個案都是手機「作祟」,包括手機掉落地面、發出鈴聲,試務人員對先前再三宣導,結果每年都有考生重蹈覆轍、被扣分感到無奈,希望今天考英文、自然科,不要再發生這種事。部分考生家長對考場交通有微詞,張姓家長反應復旦、育達高中連外道路窄,同mini storage條路還通往壢新醫院,平時上學、放學尖峰時段就會塞車,為什麼不選內壢高中為考場?負責南區試務的中央大學表示,4年前就借過內壢高中當考場,後來經過交通等多方面評估,比較後因便利程度問題,就沒再借內壢高中當考場。大學試務中心表示,今強烈冷氣團來襲,考生要注意保暖,如身體不適,可戴口罩,考場備口罩、衛生紙等物品提供考生。self storage
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:25
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:20
AEP-PSO seeks $45 million rate hike
Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉Jan. 18--AEP-PSO, the state's second-largest utility company, announced Friday that it will seek a $45 million base rate increase that could raise the average customer's electric bill by about $4 per month.Tulsa-based American Electric Power-Public Service Company of Oklahoma filed the request with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. State regulators and AEP-PSO have about 180 days to argue the rate case, but utility officials said they are willing to delay the new rate until late this year, after the summer on-peak pricing season."This case includes PSO's plan to provide advanced, digital metering infrastructure for all of our customers across the state, which provides more options and information for customers to manage their energy use," AEP-PSO President and Chief Operating Officer Stuart Solomon said in a press release.Solomon estimated that the utility has made more than $500 million worth of investments in infrastructure since 2010. AEP-PSO's last base rate case, which resulted in zero revenue gain, was settled in 2011.AEP-PSO's rate case likely will have its foes. Advocacy groups such as the AARP and Oklahoma Industrial Energy Consumers historically have fought rate increases proposed by utilities such as AEP-PSO, OG&E and Oklahoma Natural Gas."AARP Oklahoma will be intervening in this rate case and fighting to ensure that PSO receives only what is fair and reasonable," AARP Oklahoma Associate Director Dusty Darr said in a statement. "We will thorself storageughly review today's filing and continue advocating for affordable utilities on behalf of Oklahoma ratepayers."AEP-PSO announced last year that it will replace all of its 520,000 meters statewide with smart meters by 2016. That will cost about $120 million, according to reports.The $45 million would be an annual increase in rate revenues. If the rate request is approved as filed Friday, the average bill would rise $3.97 per month for customers using 1,000 kilowatts hours, AEP-PSO spokesman Stan Whiteford estimated.Residential customer rates would be 8.84 cents per kilowatt hour, which Whiteford said is 26.91 percent lower than the national average. The overall price per kilowatt hour, including commercial and industrial customers, would be 7.18 cents, nearly 29 percent below the U.S. norm."Even with this modest price increase, amounting to about one percent per year since our last base rate increase, PSO's rates remain among the lowest in the United States," Solomon said.AEP-PSO provides power to about 530,000 customers statewide, including Tulsa and much of eastern Oklahoma.Rod Walton 918-581-8457rod.walton@tulsaworld.comRecent AEP-PSO rate casesDate Settled ResultFeb. 2, 2005 $6.9 million base rate reductionOct. 9, 2007 $9.8 million base rate increaseJan. 14, 2009 $81.4 million base rate increaseJan. 5, 2011 Zero revenue settlementCopyright: ___ (c)2014 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:13
投資導航:強勢板塊潛力無限 業績增長有保證 精選實力盈喜股
踏入新一年,企業密鑼緊鼓為去年業績埋數,1月未過報喜佳音已不絕,但要留意,不少股份或因基數低關係發盈喜,水份極高,對股價刺激作用不大,高追隨時中招。今期「投資導航」特意從多個強勢板塊中,精挑潛在或已發盈喜股份,隻隻真材實料,童叟無欺。【環保概念】光國績優 有力再升內地污染問題日趨嚴重,中央�力打造美麗中國,環保概念股頓成投資者新寵兒,在芸芸股份中,以龍頭環保股光大國際(257)及風電股華能新能源(958)的業績最有機會跑出,股價連環破頂已證明實力強勁。華能新能源博升15%主打垃圾發電、污水處理及新能源項目的光國,去年中期已發盈喜,經常性EBITDA按年增長58%至10.迷你倉出租8億元,保守估計下半年經常性EBITDA增長兩成,即全年可賺23.8億元,將較2012年的15.6億元,增長52%,已足夠發盈喜。早前批股集資37億元,之後未曾失守批股價8.52元,證明接貨者皆看中長線,光國亦有銀彈再拓展業務,新近便與珠海市政府簽署投資合作框架協,擬在十二.五期間於當地投資30億元人民幣。彭博綜合券商預測,光國市盈率33倍,以龍頭來說仍算合理,上周五股價突破三角形走勢,隨時又會創新高,投資者可候11元水平買入,破頂再加注。華能新能源中期業績同樣報喜,盈利按年大升1.6倍至6.5億元人民幣,較2012年全年盈利還要多近兩成,全年業績報喜只是時間問題。公司最新公佈去年完成總發電量增長32.6%,表現對辦。彭博綜合券商預測市盈率20倍,投資者可3.4元樓下吸納,博有10%至15%升幅。【手機股】酷派搶鏡 新機秒速售罄智能手機市場方興未艾,不過,焦點由以往的蘋果及三星,轉移至國產品牌。無他,內地手機極速升呢,性能較來佬貨有過之而無不及,價錢卻平一大截,增長潛力無極限。前稱中國無線的酷派(2369),旗下新機早前秒殺粉絲,業績值得憧憬。內地手機合作夥伴多多的時捷(1184),中期業績靚爆鏡,再發盈喜亦只是時間問題。酷派最新手機產品「酷派大神」上周開賣,首批5萬部在18秒售罄,認真誇張。公司在其官方微博透露,今年將生產6,000萬部智能手機,其中4,000萬部為4G手機。時捷銷售額破紀錄內地4G牌正式出籠,未來數年將會是換機高𥧌期,吸納量肯定相當驚人,酷派可謂食正條水。集團去年中期盈利2.1億元,按年增長39.9%,下半年乃傳統旺季,故不排除有力報喜。證券商麥格理早前發表報告指出,睇好酷派4G手機的前景,並且調高今明兩年盈利預測10%及8%,目標價由3.7元調升至4.1元,即是較現水平有逾一成的水位。另一方面,主要經銷電子元件及半導體產品的時捷,擁有包括大熱品牌小米在內的眾多手機客戶。去年上半年錄得破紀錄銷售額48億元,按年增長77%,盈利更大升1.3倍至7,066萬元,相當於2012年全年盈利近八成。同時,時捷亦有染指一站式LED照明系統方案,食正環保概念。現價年度化市盈率不足8倍,息率近5厘,絕對係平靚正的盈喜之選。【美復蘇股】高價回購敏華值博美國聯儲局今年正式減少買債規模,反映當地經濟復蘇勢頭強勁,以美國為主要市場的股份,業績自然值得看高一線,近期長炒長有的梳化股敏華控股(1999)及玩具股彩星玩具(869),已前後腳報喜,不過股價或已過份反映業績利好迷你倉息,候低吸納勝算更高。逾半收益來自北美市場的敏華日前發盈喜,預期截至今年3月底止全年淨利潤,將較去年度顯著上升,海外市場持續穩定增長,內地生意非常理想,以及成功控制成本,和外�遠期合約收益及政府補貼大增,成為業績靚仔的原因。值得留意的是,敏華盈喜後瞬即進行回購,新近以每股13.42至13.78元,回購約183萬股,涉資逾2,000萬元。股價累積升幅不少,但公司高價回購,看好後市態度不言而喻,投資者可候回試13元水平吸納,中線博再破頂。彩星玩具候3.5元吸納忍者龜在美國大受歡迎,帶挈彩星玩具產品熱賣,集團上周預喜,去年全年未經審核收入16.5億元,按年勁升3.4倍,未經審核除稅前溢利將介乎5.2億至5.5億元,按年升幅更達10.8至12.5倍,強勢指數爆燈。假設除稅後盈利4.5億元,則現價市盈率約10倍,絕對合理。盈喜後出現好消息出貨情況,提供低吸機會,投資者可候回試3.5元水平吸納,中線重上4元樓上冇難度。【潛力股】亞太衛星 擴收入穩增長亞太衛星(1045)乘�行業需求殷切,同時新產能投入運作刺激收入上升,料去年盈利將大升;至於耀才(1428)年結於3月底,雖然距發盈喜日子仍遠,但全年盈利勢升逾五成,股價料未見盡頭,亦值得留意。先提亞太衛星,目前營運中的3個�星5號、6號及7號已達滿負荷,去年下半年向母公司租用7B�星,可擴闊收入來源,盈利應較去年上半年進一步上升。假設下半年盈利較上半年輕微增長5%,全年盈利便增長六成至5.7億元。亞太衛星主要受惠市場對電視解像度要求提高的趨勢,技術上要轉播同樣的內容影像,便需要更多�星頻道,因此亞太衛星近年生意長做長有,預測去年市盈率約10.6倍,估值仍不貴,上望12倍可看11元。耀才可中線持有近期新股Magnum(2080)搶盡風頭,與其瘋搶該股,亦可留意其同系本地證券股耀才,雖然該股今年3月底才屬年結,惟去年第四季至今年首季港股暢旺兼成交回升,下半年度業績應有可觀增長,配合截至去年9月底止的上半年度盈利按年增長1.3倍,全年甚有發盈喜的潛力,可作中線持有。截至去年3月底止,耀才全年盈利為9,223萬元,但9月底止半年純利已達7,239萬元,雖然近期港股成交較上半年度更暢旺,但保守假設下半年度純利與上半年度相若的話,純利可達1.45億元,按年升幅達58%,將達到發盈喜的條件,而每股盈利有機會達到16仙或以上,市盈率僅10倍或以下,中線以12倍市盈率作為目標,可上望1.92元。【專家意見】李寧料發盈喜訊匯證券行政總裁沈振盈:「體育股李寧(2331)去年大幅撥備,所以很有機會發盈喜。另外,要追入盈喜股最重要是看其業績能否持續支持其市盈率,如彩星玩具(869)現時市盈率10倍,未來盈利需要有20%至30%的增長,即要賺6至7億元才行,而且賣玩具要配合潮流,所以追入會有一定風險。」環保股未見頂康宏證券及資產管理董事黃敏碩:「環保股受政策推動,盈利仍處上升周期未見頂,中國燃氣(384)在下游的項目定價趨自由化,滲透率亦有望提升,上半年業績料造好,維持大漲小回的格局。另看好科網類股份,特別與馬雲及馬化騰有關的股份應有運行。與其平台有合作的,較看好金蝶(268)、金山軟件(3888)及海爾(1169)等,盈利有條件大增長。」mini storage
- Jan 19 Sun 2014 13:05
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 14:01
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 13:51
Cameras keep tabs on trucks on Highway 99
Source: The Register-Guard, Eugene, Ore.迷你倉Jan. 16--Two metal, camera-rigged arms that extend out and above Highway 99 W's traffic lanes near Junction City Pond aren't there to put the squeeze on passenger vehicles, state transportation officials say.They were quietly installed last fall as part of a so-called "virtual weigh station" that will soon keep tabs on commercial trucks that travel through an area of Lane County where old-fashioned weigh stations are nonexistent.The system gives officials a way to verify that truckers are accurately reporting mileage and subsequently paying their fair share of a road use tax that is charged by the state to operators of large diesel fueled rigs."There's a lot of (truck) traffic on 99, but for some reason we never placed a weigh station there," state Department of Transportation program manager David McKane said. "That's the primary reason for this. We're trying to protect the roads, and this gives us a better way of determining if people who run in that portion of the state are paying the appropriate amount of road use tax."The tax is based on a truck's weight and the number of miles traveled in Oregon, and is designed to reimburse the state for road damage caused by heavier vehicles -- which do not have to pay a state fuel tax at the pumps. Trucking companies that fail to file accurate road use reports with the state face steep fines.Once it's up and running later this year, the automated system north of Eugene will work like this: Every time a set of in-ground sensors at the site detects and weighs an approaching vehicle of any type, a camera positioned above its travel lane immediately snaps a series of still photographs in quick succession. Additional cameras mounted on poles alongside the road capture side views of passing cars and trucks.The sensors determine whether a vehicle that's been photographed weighs enough to be subject to the road use tax. If a vehicle weighs more than 26,000 pounds, its license plate number is converted to a digital file, saved and used to verify compliance with road use reporting rules.Photos of passenger vehicles, meanwhile, are automatically deleted, McKane said."It snaps a picture of every vehicle, but we don't retain the data on anything that has less than three axles," he said. "It's immediately discarded when we determine it's not a truck."In addition to the site northwest of Eugene, state officials will also soon begin using license plate readers for enforcement purposes at two other locations. The first is at an existing ODOT weigh station in Woodburn, where the system will run a plate number through a database to check its safety rating. If there are safety concerns, truckers will be ordered to remai自存倉 at the station for an inspection.The other site is on Highway 97 near Klamath Falls. Overweight trucks captured on camera there will be required to stop and be checked at a weigh station in the area.McKane said virtual weigh stations are already being used in Washington and a number of other states, and are cheaper to operate than standard roadside stations common throughout Oregon. The $400,000 system on Highway 99W is still being fine-tuned and should become operational by late spring or early summer, he said.ODOT didn't publicize the automated station's installation last fall. Local resident Tom Carmichael said he first noticed the cameras in November, and initially wondered if they were being operated by police."It had me curious and watching my speed when I passed through them," Carmichael said. He added that he was relieved to learn that the set-up is in place to enforce trucking regulations, and not an unmanned surveillance system operated by law enforcement to spy on drivers in passenger vehicles.McKane said police don't have access to data collected at the site, and that just three ODOT employees -- two technicians and a system administrator -- are authorized to view photos captured by the highway cameras.Oregon ACLU Executive Director David Fidanque said he's aware of the ODOT project, and that his organization has no objection to state officials' stated plan for the highway cameras."As long as they are destroying the records of vehicles other than the ones they regulate, there isn't" a privacy concern, Fidanque said.The ACLU, however, is proposing state legislation that requires police agencies that utilize automated license-plate reader systems to only preserve data needed for ongoing criminal investigations. Police in Clackamas, Medford, Oregon City, Portland and Salem have acknowledged using the technology.The Oregon Trucking Association, meanwhile, understood that ODOT had been planning to build virtual weigh stations, but didn't know until this week that the Highway 99W cameras had been installed, association president Debra Dunn said.Members of the trucking association attended public meetings in 2012 and 2013 where McKane and other state officials discussed ODOT's plans, but industry representatives viewed those sessions as purely "informational," Dunn said."There weren't any hard, fast dates on when it would be used," she said. Dunn added that her group generally supports "a level playing field" that ensures all motor carriers accurately report mileage and pay their share of state road use taxes.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Register-Guard (Eugene, Ore.) Visit The Register-Guard (Eugene, Ore.) at .registerguard.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 13:16
Fewer satisfied by policy address
Poverty plan wins fans but young people left unmoved by measures for social mobilitySatisfaction levels with the policy address are lower than last year despite an increase in approval for the measures to combat poverty.儲存倉In a poll by the University of Hong Kong’s public opinion programme, the address delivered by Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying on Wednesday scored 54 per cent, two percentage points lower than last year’s.But the poverty-alleviation segment rated 56 per cent, five points up.Measures aimed at improving social mobility for young people received a thumbs-down from those they were aimed at, however, with close to 70 per cent of those aged 18 to 29 saying that they were of little or no help.“Feedback from the social welfare sector is more positive than … that of the general public, because many of our suggestions were taken into account,” said Chua Hoi-wai, 迷你倉最平 director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which commissioned the survey.“Many of the public originally had negative feelings towards the administration, which can be reflected in the scores.”But Chua said the government had not done enough, especially for young people.“The challenges and pressures young people face are quite big and cannot be solved by cash handouts. They worry about employment opportunities, education and housing. The government will need to do more than give out money,” he said.The Low-Income Family Allowance, announced in the address, was a good start “but it’s definitely not enough”.The allowance, the leading poverty-alleviation measure in this year’s address, received a lukewarm response.Of the 625 respondents to the poll, 36 per cent commended it as “useful in alleviating poverty” but 33 per cent said it would have little or no effect.迷你倉
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 13:12
20 subpoenas issued as N.J. lawmakers expand bridge probe
Source: The Philadelphia InquirerJan.迷你倉 17--TRENTON -- A Democratic lawmaker leading the investigation of the George Washington Bridge scandal that has engulfed the Christie administration issued 20 more subpoenas to individuals and organizations Thursday.Assemblyman John S. Wisniewski, who leads one of two special legislative inquiry panels created Thursday, said he would not identify the recipients of the subpoenas -- 17 individuals and three organizations -- until they had been served.Late Thursday, a Democratic source confirmed that former top Christie aides Bridget Anne Kelly and Bill Stepien had been subpoenaed, along with the Christie campaign organization. Also subpoenaed was Matt Mowers, Christie's former regional political director, who is now the executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party."Matt is an extremely talented worker and a valued member of our team," Jennifer Horn, the New Hampshire GOP chairwoman, said in a statement. "He has not been accused of any wrongdoing and there is zero indication that he is in any way connected to the decision to close the bridge lanes."Wisniewski's subpoenas came on a day when both houses in the Legislature voted unanimously to expand their investigation, even as they disagreed on how best to proceed.Earlier Thursday, Christie's office announced that it had retained a former assistant U.S. attorney and top aide to former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani as outside legal counsel. Giuliani has been a Christie supporter.Legislators made clear that they wanted to continue the inquiry into how and why some of Christie's deputies orchestrated a plot in September to shut down access lanes leading from Fort Lee to the world's busiest bridge. But Assembly Democrats rebuffed an attempt by the Senate to establish a joint committee.So the Senate launched its own separate investigation, in a move that suggested to some that Democrats in both houses are seeking to claim credit for tackling corruption."That doesn't make any sense," Elizabeth Mayor Chris Bollwage, a Democrat, said on MSNBC of the two committees. "It's a waste of taxpayer money and it's all about who can get on television first."Just hours after establishing those committees, Republicans accused Wisniewski of running a partisan "committee of one."Last week, Assembly Democrats made public thousands of pages of documents they obtained via previous subpoenas showing that at least one member of Christie's inner circle had corresponded with one of the governor's appointees at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey about creating gridlock in Fort Lee, apparently to punish the borough's Democratic mayor for not endorsing the Republican governor."Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee," Kelly, Christie's deputy chief of staff, wrote in an Aug. 13 e-mail to David Wildstein, the appointee."Got it," he replied.Christie fired Kelly and severed ties with Stepien, another close political adviser, last week. Wildstein and another Christie appointee at the Port Authority, former Republican State Sen. Bill Baroni, resigned last month.Baroni had said the lane closures were part of a traffic study overseen by Wildstein. On Thursday, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D., W.Va.), who has also inquired about the closures, said information provided by the Port Authority showed "zero evidence" of a "legitimate" traffic study.The documents released last week showed that a number of Christie's staff members, including newly appointed chief of staff Regina Egea and Michael Drewniak, the governor's press secretary, were notified of the traffic jams as early as September.On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D., Bergen), the chairwoman of the new Senate committee and an early critic of the lane closures, said she inself storageends to subpoena Egea as well as David Samson, chairman of the board of commissioners at the Port Authority.Christie appeared in Manahawkin on Thursday to tout Sandy recovery but did not address the controversy directly.Christie said he had "accepted the task of leading this state for eight years, not four years, and no one, I can assure you, ever told me or anybody on my team that it was going to be easy."The governor's office said its outside legal team is being led by Randy Mastro, former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, where he specialized in organized-crime cases. Mastro is a partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher L.L.P."Gov. Christie made clear last week that he will conduct an internal review to uncover the facts surrounding the lane closures in Fort Lee," the governor's office said in a statement. "His administration is fully cooperating with the U.S. attorney inquiry and other appropriate inquiries and requests for information."They did not say how much the firm would charge."Just as the outside counsel hired by Assembly Democrats will be compensated by the public, so too will the team hired by the administration," said Christie spokesman Colin Reed.The Assembly retained Reid Schar, a former federal prosecutor who tried former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, as outside counsel to assist in its investigation. The Assembly will pay partners at Schar's firm $350 an hour, plus other charges, out of its budget.On the Assembly floor Thursday, Wisniewski said his investigation's goal was to restore the public's trust and work to prevent similar abuses of power from recurring."We have no predetermined outcome. We have no predetermined agenda," he said. "We've been following a trail that followed the operations and finances of the Port Authority. . . . Unexpectedly we wound up in the governor's office."The subpoenas issued Thursday ask for documents related to the traffic jams, Wisniewski said. He said his committee would review documents before compelling testimony.Wisniewski said he did not anticipate receiving any documents until February.Republicans commended Wisniewski for uncovering possible wrongdoing but expressed concern that they had not been informed of new developments in a timely manner or consulted on key decisions, such as hiring outside counsel to assist with the Assembly's investigation."Here we are, an hour into this process, and the bipartisanship is falling apart," Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (R., Ocean) said at a news conference after the special committee's first meeting.Over objections from Republicans, the committee authorized a resolution that gives Wisniewski, as chair, the authority to issue subpoenas, and control and determine access to documents the committee receives.In the Senate, several Republicans voiced support for the investigation but questioned what shape it would take.As in the Assembly, the resolution passed by the Senate gave the committee authority to investigate "abuse of government power" including, "but not limited to," the bridge incident.Cautioning against a rush to judgment was Sen. Kevin O'Toole (R., Passaic), a Christie ally who was among the three Republicans appointed to the committee.Division was also evident among Democrats on Thursday. In explaining why the lower house had not formed a joint committee with the Senate, Assembly Majority Leader Louis D. Greenwald (D., Camden) said on the floor: "We are way ahead of where the Senate is. You want to slow this down? You think the people of Fort Lee want to slow this down so [the Senate] can catch up?"aseidman@phillynews.com856-779-3846@AndrewSeidmanCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 13:05
發展大嶼路難行 切勿又係吊吊揈
self storage未入正題前,功夫茶想先同大家回顧一段大嶼山發展�崎嶇之路。○四年,港府大鑼大鼓提出發展大嶼山大計,仲係威係勢成立�一個大嶼山發展專責小組添,點知結果無聲無息,無影無蹤,不提起就當不存在。○七年,港府舊事重提,公布大嶼山新規劃藍圖,又話興建物流園,又話興建水療度假中心,結果又係無疾而終。一句講晒,大嶼山「發展」十年,蹉跎十年,原因就係港府施政作風似足昂坪纜車,吊吊揈。好�,現屆政府上場後又點呢?叫做好�啦。�,�頭施政報告重提發展大嶼山計劃,呢頭就宣布成立大嶼山發展諮詢委員會,相隔只有兩日,一改以往歎慢板作風。委員會共有十九名委員,背景廣泛,包括立法會議員、區議員、旅遊界、物流業同學者等等,人就夠多�,不過成效有幾多,就要睇過至知。根據過往經驗,諮詢委員會經常淪為吹水委員會,研究復研究,諮詢復諮詢,話唔定最後又係煲無米粥�咋。唔係功夫茶悲觀,而係形勢實在唔到你樂觀。一來,港府�施政效率大家都見識過喇,眼高手低,虎頭蛇尾,講就天下無敵,做就有心無力。發展大嶼山唔係靠把口,而係要有政策有配套有計迷利倉,諮詢委員會係咪真係可以交到功課先?打個比喻�,發展大嶼山等於開墾耕種,如果只係研究種乜,冇人落田播種,最後大家都係冇飯開�咋。二來咯喎,就算港府今次真係有決心,但有冇能力推動呢?高官話喎,發展大嶼山唔會低估地區人士�反對聲音。其實,反對聲音又點只來自地區人士�,佢�固然係發展大嶼山�阻力,而政客�阻撓可能至係最大�攔路虎�!今時今日,香港愈來愈政治化,政客興風作浪,上綱上線,搞到烏煙瘴氣,七國咁亂。就講新界東北發展計劃�,本來係解決房屋問題,幫助無殼蝸牛,點知政客話反就反,話阻就阻,港府一戙都無。發展大嶼山工程浩大,觸及環保及地區利益,你估政客會唔會咁易讓路�?如果港府唔能夠排除萬難,披荊斬棘,講乜都冇用喇。講起真係令人唏噓,發展大嶼山大大話話講�十年,至今仍然停留�吹水階段,董建華政府議而不決,決而不行,煲呔曾政府貪腐無能,毫無建樹,現屆政府終於肯做�,坐言起行,點知又身陷政治泥沼,難以自拔。�,時間唔等人,香港繼續內耗空轉,遲早倒退回小漁村時代,到時齊齊玩完,就唔使再為發展大嶼山頭痕啦!迷你倉
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 12:53
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 12:42
Jury convicts Nebraska man for sexually assaulting 8-year-old relative in Maine 24 years ago
Source: Bangor Daily News, MaineJan.迷你倉 17--BANGOR, Maine -- A Bangor jury on Friday found a 64-year-old Nebraska man guilty of sexually assaulting his young niece in Maine more than two decades ago.Clarence Cote of Nemaha, Neb., was on trial facing charges that he sexually assaulted his then-8-year-old niece in 1990. The jury deliberated for three hours and found there was enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Cote sexually assaulted the girl on two separate occasions.Cote, leaning back in his chair, showed no emotion as a juror read the verdict. The victim sat at the back of the courtroom, clutching a tissue.The Bangor Daily News does not normally identify victims of sexual crimes, but the woman who was assaulted, Tina Dionne, 31, of East Millinocket, agreed to speak with the media after the trial concluded."I'm glad that I'm getting justice, and I'm glad that he can't hurt anyone else," Dionne told reporters outside the Penobscot Judicial Center in Bangor.She also encouraged anyone who experiences a sexual assault to come forward with the information early and not keep it to themselves. By doing that early on, she might have avoided having to pursue justice more than 20 years later, she said."I know, it's scary," she said."It came down to a he-said-she-said," Michael Roberts, deputy district attorney for Penobscot County, said of the trial. There was little physical evidence presented in the case. Prosecutors relied mostly on Dionne's testimony and recollections of a tape recording of a police interview with the then-11-year-old girl.Police lost that tape at some point, which is why it could not be presented at trial, according to Stephen Smith, Cote's defense attorney.Roberts said that Dionne's persistence in pursuing justice over many years likely influenced the jury's decision to convict Cote.Smith said after the trial that he planned to appeal the verdict. The fact that the state lost evidence, allowed such a long time to pass before tracking down Cote, and Dionne's testimony about the sexual assaults in court differed from the accounts she gave 20 years earlier should have hindered the state's ability to prove its case, he argued."The jury obviously disagreed," Smith said.Smith asked the judge on two separate occasions, including on Friday before the jury heard closing arguments, to dismiss the case, in part because of how long ago the events took place and how foggy memories would be after such a long stretch of time.Cote's sentencing is scheduled to occur sometime in late February.He remains incarcerated at the Penobscot County Jail, where he has been held for more than a year, unable to post $50,000 cash bail set Dec. 14, 2012.During the trial, Dionne said that Cote engaged in various sexual acts with her including forcing her to perform oral sex on him in his truck when she went with him to deliver scrap metal in the Bangor area.C儲存倉te lived next door to Dionne's family in Lincoln before her parents divorced and she moved to Millinocket to begin second grade. She said she was close to Cote and his wife and visited their trailer so often, she had her own bedroom there.She testified that she often spent the night there between first and second grade. When she did, she said Cote would wake her and take her from her bed to his own after his wife left for work."He told me I would get in trouble if I told anyone," she said.Dionne said she had little contact with Cote after she moved and no contact with him after he moved to Arizona in 1992 or 1993. Cote later moved to Nebraska.Cote said that after he moved to Arizona, Dionne called him and wrote him several letters. He said that the communication between the two came to an end before October 1996, after she asked if she could live with him in Arizona because she wasn't getting along well with her mother.In his opening statement at the trial Thursday, Smith said that Dionne thought the defendant might be her father. She wrote him until he cut off contact a few years later.She denies contacting Cote after he moved. Smith said that Cote did not keep the letters because he didn't yet know about the accusations Dionne had made.The case came to the attention of Millinocket police in 1994 after the girl told her mother what had happened in the summer of 1990, Roberts said in his opening statement. Somehow, an older brother heard the story, which he told to a school counselor, who was required by law to report suspected abuse.In 1996, Dionne penned a letter to then-Gov. Angus King asking him to help her "get justice," Roberts told jurors. King forwarded the letter to the Maine State Police, but they were unable to locate Cote who had moved from Arizona, the last address family members had for him, to Nebraska.Smith said that in the following years, police in Maine made little effort to track down Cote, who would have been easy to find because he had a commercial driver's licenses in Arizona and Nebraska."He made no attempts to hide," Smith said.Cote came to the attention of law enforcement in that state in April 2012, the prosecutor told the jury. Police in Nebraska noticed the 18-year-old warrant and let the Maine State Police know he was in custody. When a detective called Dionne to tell her Cote was in custody, she cried, Roberts said.BDN reporter Judy Harrison contributed to this report.To reach a sexual assault advocate, call the Statewide Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Line at 800-871-7741, TTY 888-458-5599. This free and confidential 24-hour service is accessible from anywhere in Maine. Calls are automatically routed to the closest sexual violence service provider.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) Visit the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine) at .bangordailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 12:35
台積法說利多 外資:130元起跳
台積電(2330)法說會釋出今年營收、獲利將創雙位數成長等利多訊息後,外資昨日以行動力挺,大舉買超台積電2萬6004張,給予的目標價幾乎也都從130元起跳,以巴克萊證券的139元最高。外資更預估,台積電今年配息政策將有調高可能。台積電董事長張忠謀在法說會上表示,28奈米今年營收續增20%,20奈米的營收占比,也將在第4季衝上20%,加上智慧型手機動能續旺,可望帶動今年營收、獲利再創雙位數成長。花旗證券指出,台積電今年的資本支出估在95~100億美元,與去年持平,若以台積電今年營收年增率達18%計算,資本支出與營收之間的比率,將降到45%,顯示台積資金充沛,今年配息比例有機會提高,預估配發3.迷你倉5元的現金股利也毫無壓力。里昂證券認為,台積mini storage28奈米具有的優勢,將帶動今年28奈米營收年增20%,預期20奈米在今年第4季將貢獻晶圓營收會超過20%,整體營收比也達10%。今明年獲利預估可調升5%、4%,且今、明2年的現金股利,都有機會調高到3.5元的水準。美林證券表示,台積電28奈米製程已邁入第3年,市占比將超越90%高於40奈米進程,加上台積電是20奈米唯一供應商,預估今明年20奈米將額外挹注營收分別約10%及20%,今明年每股獲利預估調升2%與5%,至8.87元、10.29元。巴克萊證券指出,台積電今、明年可望優於英特爾和三星,主要客戶轉進高單價的20奈米HKMG和16奈米FINFET後,未來2年可貢獻營收超過20%,智慧型手機與平板IC業務,今、明年將年增38%、25%。儲存
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 12:25
Venture capital investment rises sharply in Florida
Source: The Miami HeraldJan.儲存 17--Venture capitalists invested $421 million in 37 Florida companies in 2013 -- that is double 2012's total and the best year since 2004, according to data released Friday. South Florida companies attracted the lion's share of that total -- $284 million, or more than two-thirds of the total invested in the state.Statewide, software investments clearly led the pack, with $194 million going into that industry, according to the MoneyTree Report by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association. Half of that total went into a fourth-quarter investment in OpenPeak, a Boca Raton mobile enterprise software company. The $93 million investment was led by Castletop Capital and GMG Capital Partners. Miami-based Open English's $65 million raise earlier in the year was the second biggest investment in 2013; while CareCloud's $29.3 million was the third largest.Life sciences was another strong category for Florida venture capital, with $107 million, or a quarter of the total, heading into that industry, which includes biotechnology and medical device companies.That doesn't surprise Matt Rice, a venture capitalist with Ballast Point Ventures in St. Petersburg, which invests in healthcare and technology companies in the Southeast but has a heavy emphasis on Florida. Ballast invests in a number of healthcare and life science investments, including TissueTech, SleepMed and MolecularMD in South Florida.Even though life sciences may have fallen out of favor during the recession, "I do see the sector as rebounding -- 2013 was a very successful year for life science IPOs," said Rice.Nationally, venture capitalists invested $29.4 billion in 3,995 deals in 2013, an increase of 7 percent in dollars and a 4 percent increase in deals over the prior year, according to the MoneyTree Report, based on data from Thomson Reuters. Early-stage companies attracted a third of the dollars and half the deals in 2013, an increase over 2012 and a trend that also held true in Florida.Software was also the big driver nationally, with steady q迷你倉arter-over-quarter growth throughout 2013. Annual investments into the software industry reached the highest level since 2000 with $11 billion flowing into 1,523 deals in 2013. Those dollars account for 37 percent of total venture capital invested in 2013.Nationally, biotechnology investment dollars rose 8 percent while volume decreased 2 percent in 2013 to $4.5 billion going into 470 deals, placing it as the second largest investment sector for the year in terms of deals and dollars invested. The Life Sciences sector, which also includes medical devices, accounted for 23 percent of all venture capital dollars invested in 2013.Mark McCaffrey, global software leader and technology partner at PwC, said in a conference call that overall, average deal sizes are the highest since the first quarter of 2007. "There is a lot of energy around internet-specific companies and stronger interest in biotechnology. We are hearing that this optimism is being fueled by a strong exit market, an improved economy, and as always, innovative entrepreneurs. VC investment is also being bolstered by the continued involvement of corporations in VC deals," added Bobby Franklin, president and CEO of NVCA.Looking ahead, Rice believes that in addition to healthcare, which will see "quick and massive change," companies in technology-enabled business services will also see continued investor interest. He sees software-as-a-service platforms becoming much more specialized and industry specific.To be sure, Florida's take is still a tiny slice of the total venture capital pie -- in 2013 it was just 1.4 percent for the country's fourth most populous state.But that old VC adage still applies -- money follows opportunities. "The entrepreneurs are here, the opportunities are here, compared to California it's a much more business friendly state, colleges are providing the talent," said Rice. "This combination over time will attract more capital to the state."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Miami Herald Visit The Miami Herald at .miamiherald.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 12:18
全國版) - (今日預計客流破90萬,春運高峰臨近 今起可訂正月初七圖定車票
迷你倉將軍澳南方日報訊 (見習記者/郭家軒 通訊員/來樹亮 付薇 陽莉)隨著馬年春運的逐步升溫,返鄉客運小高峰也正在逼近。記者從廣鐵獲悉,春運頭兩天,廣鐵集團發送旅客人數達到171萬。預計廣鐵今日發送旅客將突破90萬人。為應對春運客流持續上升,今日起,廣鐵集團將開行臨時旅客列車77列,其中開行臨客較多的車站有:廣州站始發25列,廣州東站始發14列,深圳站始發8列,深圳東站始發5列,深圳西站始發7列,主要開往湖南、湖北、四川、重慶、江西、河南等省市。需要注意的是,今日起,廣大旅客可通過12306網站、電話訂購2月6日(正月初七)的圖定列車車票和2月11日(正月十二日)的臨客列車車票。鐵路部門提醒,請各位旅客儘快確定倉程,及時購買節後高峰期返程票,確保節後順利返程。此外,鐵路部門還特別提醒,持有1月17日-28日的K9286次(廣州至常德)、K9228次(廣州至邵陽)、L862次(廣州至達州)、K9272次(廣州至婁底)、K9236次(廣州至永州)車票的旅客,以及持有1月19日-28日K9174次(廣州至懷化)車票的旅客,請于當日開車前4小時到達廣交會(琶洲)展館A區展館(具體地址:廣州市海珠區新港東路),按照展館內的候車指引到所乘列車車次候車區候車,屆時將會有工作人員組織引導,從廣交會(琶洲)展館免費乘地鐵專列直接進入廣州火車站上車。廣大旅客可登錄12306網站或微信“廣州鐵路”,查詢具體的候車時間、地點等詳細情況。24小時迷你倉
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 12:10
Wilmington doctor joins lawsuit over late Medicaid payments
Source: Star-News, Wilmington, N.mini storageC.Jan. 16--RALEIGH -- A Wilmington physician is among a group of North Carolina doctors who filed a class-action lawsuit Thursday seeking millions of dollars in damages from the state and its contractors over flawed computer programs that severely delayed Medicaid reimbursements.The lawsuit alleges that managers at the Department of Health and Human Services and its contractors Computer Sciences Corporation, Maximus Consulting Services and SLI Global Solutions were negligent in the launch of NCTracks. The $484 million computer system is intended to streamline the process of filing Medicaid claims and issuing payments.One of the plaintiffs in the case is Abrons Family Practice of Wilmington, the office of Dr. S. Albert Abrons.Attorney Camden Webb, who represents the practice in the lawsuit, said Abrons "suffered mightily" because of NCTracks.Webb said Abrons' practice had problems with coding using the NCTracks software. The problem was fixed once, Webb said, but then it malfunctioned again. As a result, Abrons hasn't gotten paid.Abrons' practice is representative of a large number of providers who are missing payments.State Rep. Susi Hamilton, D-New Hanover, said Delaney Radiology hasn't received Medicaid payments since October. New Hanover Regional Medical Center, she said, also was having issues. The hospital finally received some missing payments in December, but more problems have not been resolved.The cash-flow interruption has been a "huge burden" at NHRMC, said Scott Whisnant, director of government affairs. He said the hospital is still owed money for several programs, and is owed $900,000 from one particular program.The N.C. Medical Society, which represents about 12,500 physicians and physician assistants in the state, issued a statement saying that the organization strongly supports the lawsuit. The listed plaintiffs in the case are doctors from Wake, Cumberland, New Hanover, Nash, Halifax and Robeson counties.As class-action, lawyers for the group say more than 70,000 medical providers in the state suffered harm and could be entitled to damages. The lawsuit says medical providers have been "shorted" about $500 million since the system went live July 1."NCTracks has inflicted real damage on Medicaid patients and providers across the State for the last seven months," said Robert W. Seligson, the Medical Society's chief executive officer. "We understand, from our own ti儲存eless efforts to help our members overcome the system defects, that legal action may be the only remaining option to remedy the harm to the Medicaid system and get NCTracks to function as advertised."The complaint filed Thursday alleges the launch of NCTracks was a "disaster" and that the software was riddled with more than 3,200 errors. The problems led to delays of weeks and sometimes months before medical providers and hospitals received payment, forcing some businesses to take out loans to meet payroll. Some doctors say they were forced to stop treating Medicaid patients because of the delays."We're filing on behalf of health care providers, but we're also serving the low-income Medicaid recipients of North Carolina that rely on these providers to receive care," said Knicole Emanuel, one of the lawyers who filed the lawsuit. "Since these providers have experienced financial hardship due to NCTracks, many of them are no longer able to serve the state's most vulnerable population of health care consumers."DHHS Chief Information Officer Joe Cooper, who oversees NCTracks, said he could not comment of on pending litigation. But he reiterated several of the talking points issued by the agency in recent months to suggest NCTracks is actually performing well."As with any implementation of an IT system of this size and complexity, the transition has not been without challenges," Cooper said, according to a statement issued by the agency. "To date, the new system has processed more than 104 million claims and paid more than $5.5 billion to North Carolina healthcare providers, out-performing the 35-year old system it replaced. DHHS continues to address provider issues as they arise, and will not rest until every provider is fully transitioned to the new system."The state's doctors don't see NCTracks as an improvement. Seligson described the system as a "poorly tested, defective and very expensive software product.""The resulting problems for the State of North Carolina and its citizens have no doubt been a huge challenge for the DHHS and required additional resources that the department was not expecting to incur," Seligson said. "So far none of us received what we were promised."Staff writer Mike Voorheis and The Associated Press contributed to this story.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 Star-News (Wilmington, N.C.) Visit the Star-News (Wilmington, N.C.) at .starnewsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Jan 18 Sat 2014 11:57
mini storage 【特訊】「十月初五的藝墟」由民政總署主辦,除五月及十一月外,逢每月第二個星期六、日下午三時至晚上八時在康公廟前地舉行。 本年首次活動已於上周舉行,現場設有三十六個攤位,由今年上半年招募所收到的六十三份申請中,甄選出五十六個澳門攤主及三個香港攤主輪流擺攤,展示及出售兩地的原創產品,包括繩結飾物、不織布、橡皮章、羊毛手工藝、花鈕、馬賽克拼貼、刻瓷、摺紙公仔、羊毛氈、麵粉花、手工皂、手機吊飾、手袋、耳環、髮飾及創意飲食等。 當日還安排了精采的表演增加氣氛,一連兩場的小型藝墟音樂會邀請到本澳及內地音樂人擔綱演出。表演嘉賓有來自廣州、成立近三年的廣州彈唱團,其主要特色為街演和義演,團員、歌手和樂手超過三百人,並發展成免費音樂培訓、編曲、錄音、MV製作、商演等綜合性民間音樂團體;本澳有唱作歌手黃建民、Catalyser、馮柏林及鄭少華參與演出,為現場觀眾及攤主提供輕鬆愉快的環境,使活動生息不少。 二月份「十月初五的藝墟」將於二月八日及九日同一時間、同一地點舉行,屆時亦有小型藝墟音樂會,歡迎市民踴躍參與,詳情可瀏覽民署網頁.iacm.gov.mo或致電八九八八四000查詢。◇儲存
- Jan 17 Fri 2014 15:53
本報訊 (記者 劉樂平 通訊員 朱菁) 近日,存倉杭州海關與上海、南京海關在上海共同簽署了《上海、南京、杭州海關關於跨境電子商務快件轉關監管備忘錄》,江浙兩省的快件出境手續有望進一步得到簡化。 根據備忘錄精神,浙江省出口的跨境電子商務快件,在享受杭州跨境貿易電子商務產業園已有的“分批出貨、集中申報”便利外,將可採用“屬地申報,口岸驗放”的通關模式轉關至上海,並利用上海口岸擁有的儲存件物流資源快速寄往境外,相關出口轉關手續將進一步得到簡化。杭州海關副關長田德明介紹,備忘錄的簽訂有望為浙江省跨境電商打造一條出口高速通道。 杭州是我國首個跨境貿易電子商務服務試點進入實質性運轉的城市。中國(杭州)跨境貿易電子商務產業園開園半年來,杭州海關已監管驗放郵包20余萬個,涉及162個國家和地區,貨值358萬美元,日均郵件處理量由開園初期的600個提升到目前的3000個以上。迷你倉