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- Nov 15 Fri 2013 10:34
環保小鋼炮 Audi Q3 2.0 TFSI quattro
匯集多功能運動個性於一身的輕型SUV–AudiQ3,迷你倉近日推出了2014年高級配備新版本;車廠為Q3升級了多項配備,其中包括18吋鋁合金輪圈、免匙啟動、Audi drive select、藍牙音樂串流播放、多媒體音樂播放器及電動可調前排座椅等,並以HK$409,800的優惠價發售,吸引一眾香港年輕用家垂青。文╱攝:何全益全新2014年Audi Q3雖然在外表上沒有多大改變,但其優美線條的流線型車體設計,早已深受香港用家歡迎。Q3有如轎跑車般的動感美態,配合鋁合金車頂行李架及獨特的包圍式尾門設計,將其小鋼炮般的運動個性完全表露無遺;在僅4.3米的車身長度下,它不單適合穿梭繁忙城市狹窄街道,同時亦勝任遊走郊野崎嶇路段,猶如一部會變身小跑車一樣。最高安全標準車體結構上,Q3採用了創新的Audi ultra車體輕量化技術製造,車架多個部件均以鋁合金物料及高科技鋼鐵材製造而成,使剛性特強,能抵禦外來衝擊和防止車架扭曲狀況;高剛性輕巧車身不單提升車體剛性及撞擊承受力,堅固的中柱設計更有助保障從側面而來的碰撞,為乘客提供更強效的保護。在2011年Euro NCAP撞擊測試評分中,Audi Q3於輕型SUV級別的四項測試中均表現出眾,並獲得最高的5星評級,為駕駛者、兒童及乘客的安全,提供最佳的保護。在安全防護上, Q3 配備了ABS+EBD+BAS制動系統、ASR循跡防滑系統、ESP行車動態穩定系統、光感應頭燈、雨滴感應式雨刷,以及雙前座、雙前座側邊與左右車側氣簾等6具氣囊,搭配全車系標配的Hill Hold斜坡起步系統、陡坡緩降輔助裝置、胎壓偵測系統等安全防護配備,並且提供後座側邊氣囊、車道變換輔助系統、主動式車道偏離儲存示系統、環境與倒車顯影停車輔助系統等作為選配,全面周詳的配備,為它帶來最出色的安全防護保障。低耗性能出眾Q3車廂內部同樣保留了Audi一貫的素雅風格,中控台頂端潛望式的多媒體顯示熒幕、整合彩色DIS行車資訊顯示熒幕的雙環式儀錶板、3幅式�環,以及金屬裝飾元素的中控台、電動窗按鍵,與空調出風口、車門把手等,都讓Q3擁有與Audi其他家族產品相同的豪華質感。在配備上,Q3車系皆標準配備了整合中控台6.5吋潛望式彩色顯示器、Aux-in音源輸入、MP3讀取與藍牙音樂傳輸功能的音響系統,同時提供14聲道的Bose音響,並搭配藍牙無線通訊、雙區恆溫空調、雙前座8向電動調整座椅等標準配備。當然不可或缺的, 還有Audi Drive Select程式化車身動態系統等配備,和新添置的免匙啟動系統,提供最優質的配備水平。動力陣容方面,Audi為Q3配備了一台2.0公升TFSI缸內直噴渦輪增壓引擎,擁有170hp/4,300-6,200rpm最大馬力輸出,以及280Nm/1,700-4,200rpm的最大扭力,而在Start/Stop熄火功能的協助下,令它的油耗量可低見7.7L/100km之低污染水平;而配合引擎運作的還有一台7前速S tronic雙離合器波箱,及Audi最聞名的quattro四輪驅動系統,提供最上乘的駕駛體驗。在實際路面考驗時,新版Q3受惠於高剛性輕量化車身的優勢,加上quattro系統及出色懸掛的各方配合,令操控更見平穩爽快,車身入彎擺幅輕微,未有明顯過大傾幅,保持高度的穩定性。引擎動力和牽引力充沛,與7前速Stronic波箱配合可謂天衣無縫,純和的運作大大減低行車噪音及震動,令乘客享受最舒適的駕駛感覺。mini storage
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 10:25
南方日報訊 (記者/胡良光)廣州新一輪地鐵線網建設涉及大量徵借地及拆遷工作,迷你倉昨日記者從地鐵公司獲悉,天河、越秀、番禺、增城等區率先基本完成交地任務,但八號線北延段鵝掌坦站、十三號線廟頭站、白雲區鐘落潭段等部分“硬骨頭”難題尚未解決,成了地鐵新線建設的“攔路虎”。為此,廣州市委常委、常務副市長陳如桂近期短短兩周內召開了七次工作協調會。據瞭解,除六號線首期今年底將開通試運營外,六號線二期、七號線、九號線和廣佛線西朗至瀝滘段土建工程已形成大規模的施工高潮。根據國家批復的廣州市新一輪軌道交通建設規劃,廣州還要新建四號線南延段、八號線北延段、十一號線、十三號線首期、十四號線一期、知識城線、二十一號線共7條地鐵。到2016年底,廣州總共要新建成12條(段)284公里地鐵線路。新一輪線網建設共涉及徵地341萬平方米,借地409萬平方米,拆遷81萬平方米,用地共172塊,規模空前,時間緊迫,任務艱巨。經全市上下多層級聯動,各政府部門通力配合,各區(市)主要領導親自掛帥協調督辦,徵拆人員全力動遷,地鐵公司緊密對接,新一輪軌道交通建設徵地拆遷工作取得了歷史性突破,絕大部分徵地拆遷工作已經完成。“開局良好,全面協調推進文件倉目前正處於徵拆最後攻堅階段。”地鐵公司相關負責人表示,截至日前,天河、越秀、番禺、增城等區率先基本完成交地任務,但由於徵地拆遷工作量大,有些情況異常複雜,導致八號線北延段鵝掌坦站、十三號線廟頭站、白雲區鐘落潭段等部分“硬骨頭”難題尚未解決,成了地鐵新線建設的“攔路虎”。據介紹,近期主管地鐵建設工作的市委常委、常務副市長陳如桂率領市建委等相關部門,到八號線北延段鵝掌坦站、十三號線文園站等多個在建地鐵施工現場,密集開展專題調研,就地鐵徵借地和房屋拆遷,與白雲機場、廣州南站合建項目,以及地鐵工程配合深水隧道項目建設等工作中存在的難題進行協調,短短兩周內召開七次工作協調會,推動了問題有效解決。除徵地拆遷之外,地鐵新線前期工作還包括管線遷改、交通疏解、綠化遷移等。根據計劃,場地移交後3個月內必須完成管線遷改任務。管線遷改按照“徵拆一塊,遷改一塊”的原則進行,隨著大面積交地,軌道交通前期工作重心正逐步轉移到管線遷改工作上來。地鐵公司表示,本輪新線建設管線遷改共涉及給水、電力、通信、排水、燃氣、路燈等6大類26種管線,總遷改長度達407公里,工作量大、手續複雜,市道路擴建辦已組織好人力、物力,全面開展管線遷改工作。存倉
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 10:17
畢者推介• 「政策介入」、「風險管理」、「增長」等用語近數十年來大行其道,迷利倉只因為財金專家要蠱惑人心,營造大局在握的假象。原來過去30 年除了貨幣貶值,語言也大幅貶值。B4 頁John Mauldin 專欄揭露財金語言偽術。•�率政策有所謂「不可能三角」,即「資本自由流動」、「獨立的貨幣政策」和「�率穩定」不能三者兼得。鄒小敏在B16 頁分析人民幣�價近日走勢,指出中國已由追求出口競爭力的國家,變為向外投資的國家。•翻查港府過去推算人口的往績,5、7 年後的推算誤差一般已超過5%,皆因除卻死亡率之外,生育率及淨遷移幾乎無從預測。羅家聰在B19 頁指出,既然人口趨勢未及8 載已變天,港府根據20 年推算數字制訂政策豈非太兒戲?11 月14 日,周四。投資各施各法,有人穩紮穩打,增長緩慢不打緊,最重要的是財政健全派息無間。有人卻反其道而行,只要客戶人數直線上升, 粉絲一個二個「like 爆」,公司季季蝕錢銀紙狂燒,何足道哉?還有一類,對「四肢健全」的企業不屑一顧,專吼「爛銅爛鐵」,對市場眾口一詞必死無疑的公司,反而情有獨鍾。富貴險中求,買入這類「殘股」的投資者,無不憧憬企業絕地反彈,一舉賺十個八個開。起死回生經典案例火鳳凰重生的故事,在企業世界時有所聞,而瀕臨絕境的公司得以大翻身,背後總有一個英雄。艾高加(Lee Iacocca)之於佳士拿、喬布斯之於蘋果,以至盛智文之於海洋公園,皆為足以放進商學院教科書的經典案例。然而,企業世界每出現一個起死回生的奇�,便有無數藥石無靈的事例。曾執智能手機市場牛耳的黑莓(Black-Berry),最終將像蘋果一樣火鳳凰重生,還是如寶麗萊般給送進企業世界的「垃圾堆田區」,極可能操於一人之手——美籍華人程守宗(John Chen)【圖】。跟你我一樣,這位剛接下黑莓臨時行政總裁職位的企業家,乃如假包換的「香港仔」,內戰結束後父母從上海移居香港,1955 年在港誕下程氏,一家蝸居斗室,跟那一代大部分香港人一樣, 「搵朝唔得晚」,胼手胝足為兩餐。那一代港人的一個共同特徵,是「窮唔緊要,但要窮得有骨氣」,通過教育這道階梯扶搖直上,在不同領域發光發熱,程守宗和其同輩的發�史,正正就是「獅子山下」精神的活教材。中學時期在喇沙書院度過的程氏,於十八歲那年(1973)前赴美國升學,在布朗大學以優異生成績取得電機工程理學士學位,之後在加州理工學院深造,1979 年取得電機工程理學碩士學位。畢業後,程守宗的事業進階以至在政商二界游走裕如的魄力(迪士尼、富國銀行、紐交所董事;美國總統出口委員會諮委、美國安全國境與開放門迷你倉諮詢委員會副主席;百人會會長),其背景經歷,足以成為媒體製作「傑出海外華人系列」的豐富素材。「香港仔」的價值2004 和05 年,城大和科大分別向程守宗頒授榮譽博士學位,老畢猜想,那是因為程氏與香港淵源深厚,其在美國的奮鬥史足以啟迪港人。對擁有「獅子山下」這個集體回憶的港人來說,程守宗在「別人地頭」揚名立萬,活脫便是一個逆境自強的「香港故事」,感染力非同小可。然而,我卻對程氏的另一個身份——企業還魂聖手——更感興趣。在兩方商界眼中,程守宗以主席兼行政總裁身份,帶領資料庫軟件公司賽貝斯(Sybase)絕地反彈,並於2010年以高價把公司賣給德國資訊系統巨企SAP,成就了一個起死回生的企業奇�,才是這位「香港仔」真正的價值所在。黑莓能否在程氏手上成為第二家賽貝斯,已成為關注BlackBerry生死者的第一焦點。程守宗於1998 年接任賽貝斯行政總裁時,公司營業額只有9 億美元,虧損卻達1 億美元。根據專業機構當時的評估,賽貝斯倒閉機率高達七成,《福布斯》形容該公司的處境連「狗」也不如。1998年底,賽貝斯股價跌穿5 美元,四年間市值蒸發91%!這種慘況,與股價自2009 年9 月高位瀉逾九成的黑莓十分相似。程氏掌舵翌年,賽貝斯已轉虧為盈,並在2000 年寫下集團創辦以來的盈利紀錄。踏入新世紀,賽貝斯雖非百分百一帆風順,但仍能在2008 年登上美國《商業周刊》(BusinessWeek) 「全球科技100 強」,股東回報率在百大中更高踞第8 位。2010 年5 月,德國軟件巨企SAP 以每股65 美元、總值58 億美元收購賽貝斯。與程守宗接任行政總裁時的低位比較,賽貝斯股價漲逾10 倍,足證這位來自香港的企業還魂聖手絕不簡單。程氏在賽貝斯身上運用的策略,最重要的兩點是:ヾ避重就輕,放棄無法跟甲骨文(Oracle)等企業軟件領袖競爭的大型市場,如零售和製造業,集中資源拓展金融交易平台、保險、保安偵緝系統等甲骨文鞭長莫及或無意進軍的市場;ゝ在手機等流動設備尚未成為市場主流、許多專家皆認為難成氣候無利可圖的階段,對外界潑冷水聽而不聞,積極發展流動軟件業務。事後證明,這種堅持大有先見之明。「獅子山下」精神企業資訊系統跟�眼消費市場的智能手機,競爭環境不同,有沒有那麼多縫隙讓黑莓「避重就輕」全力攻堅,值得商榷。程氏帶領賽貝斯由絕境步向光明,畢竟歷時十年以上,他在黑莓是否有足夠時間對業務作出整頓,也許是更大的疑點。不過,從逆境中殺出血路,以樂觀的態度克服困難,乃程守宗那一輩港人的集體標記。今天的香港,缺少的正正就是這種「獅子山下」精神!畢老林自存倉
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 09:30
>>>逸致溫馨見證“咱們結婚吧”近期,儲存都市情感大戲《咱們結婚吧》在各大電視台熱播,收視率一路攀升。該劇涉及相親、婚戀熱門話題,劇中出現的時尚元素、浪漫氛圍,都非常有看點。其中,同樣具有看點的是女主角的座駕。高圓圓飾演的女主角“恨嫁女”楊桃,其座駕是時尚大氣的家庭多功能轎車逸致。在劇中,渴望擁有一個完美小家的楊桃,無論選車還是選人,都是被對方的體貼、溫馨與可靠吸引,而這款家庭多功能家轎車也見證了男女主角楊桃與果然從相識到相愛的經歷,陪伴著他們開�了幸福的家庭生活。對於那些即將走入或者已經跨入家庭的消費者來說,廣汽豐田的這款家庭多功能轎車逸致,是非常適合的選擇。黃睿MG大型車主試駕體驗點燃金港賽車場11月9日, MG“賽道傳奇”大型車主試駕體驗活動成都站在金港賽車場盛大舉行。該活動是由擁有90年曆史的英倫傳奇汽車品牌MG主辦的大型車主派對活動,集試乘試駕與傳播賽車文化于一體,共有近百名MG車主與賽車愛好者受邀參加,在這個屬於每一個成都MG車迷與賽車愛好者的盛大節日,感受成為“平民賽車手”的快意。此次MG“賽道傳奇”活動中最大的亮點,莫過於即將在11月底于廣州車展上市的MG品牌重量級新車——MG5 1.5T 6AT。這款車採用上汽自主研發的黃金動力組合——1.5TCI渦輪增壓發動機和AW 6前速手自一體變速箱,5500轉時最大輸出功率可達95千瓦,最大扭矩輸出達210牛米。馬黎明福田賽事創新引趨勢11月10日,“拓陸者&康明斯——2013中國皮卡越野挑戰賽南部賽區晉級賽暨皮卡大隊俱樂部四川分會年會”在成都舉行。南部賽區作為全國總決賽前的第二場晉級賽,排名前十的選手將直接進入到全國總決賽的角逐中。當日,來自南部賽區的16個省、自治區50名賽手齊聚一堂,憑借本屆賽事唯一指定用車——福田拓陸者皮卡,上演了一場越野絕技的“巔峰對決”。值得一提的是,來自皮卡大隊俱樂部四川分會的成員也加入到對決的行列,使賽事的專業性大為增強,整個場面高潮迭起,扣人心弦。最終,來自廣西自治區代表隊的選手董超海、馮晟憑借其高超的駕駛技術將拓陸者的鐵血風範發揮得淋漓盡致,分別斬獲專業組和個人組的冠軍。馬黎明東風Honda駕悅體驗營熱襲成都上周末,東風Honda駕悅體驗營第二季攜全系車型煥新開營。因新近上市的新概念轎車JADE(傑德)的強勢加盟以及第一季累積的良好口碑,全新升級的第二季駕悅體驗營在成都一經登陸即再引爆了全城的試駕熱潮。為期2天的試駕體驗活動,前後共吸引了近千名消費者到場。據成都東本經銷商介紹,從即日起到12月底,東風Honda還推出全車系12—24期雙零利率免免俱到汽車金融、最高3000元置換“油”禮、4000元禮金券好友推薦禮、延保有禮等感恩兌現活動,同時活動期間所有東風Honda車主均可享受售後3大回饋+1份關愛的呵護,包含冬季免費專項檢測+HDS健康檢查、原廠導航地圖升級優惠、思域車主回饋禮等。馮小倢凱迪拉克冠名世界旅遊小姐大賽世界旅遊小姐大賽中國賽區的半決賽和總決賽將在成都隆重舉行,這次大賽由新東信集團全程贊助,上海通用凱迪拉克總冠名,傳遞美麗正能量。凱迪拉克品牌始終恪守傳承與創新,成就了�多經典和榮耀。另悉,備受矚目的凱迪拉克ATS風尚運動豪華轎車將于11月21日2013廣州車展中國首發並公佈售價。作為凱迪拉克布局全球豪華車市場和發力中國市場的“加速器”,ATS代表了凱迪拉克在產品設計、研發和性能調校領域的最新成果,這將是凱迪拉克品牌首次進入寶馬3系、奧迪A4、奔馳C級迷你倉在的主流豪華車細分市場,屆時消費者可以前往凱迪拉克經銷店品鑒試駕。馮小倢新一代攬勝運動版四大區域同步上市歷經七個月的翹首以盼,全新一代攬勝運動版近日以其當先不讓的越界動能同時亮相於北京、廣州、成都及杭州四地上市會。本次上市的全新一代攬勝運動版共推出5款車型,據瞭解,全新一代攬勝運動版中有3款車型搭載了首次引入該車型的340PS 3.0升V6機械增壓汽油發動機,這款堪稱小功率發動機市場中最先進的全新汽油發動機。突破性的輕量化全鋁車身、輕量化懸掛設計及動態底盤技術的應用,則使得全新一代攬勝運動版採用更輕質的3.0升V6發動機成為可能,並帶來與上代5.0升V8車型相媲美的動力,百公里加速僅需7.2秒,最高車速可達209公里/小時。3.0升發動機還擁有極高的燃油經濟性,並成功地將二氧化碳排量降至249克/公里,較上代車型降低了24%。而另一款5.0升V8機械增壓發動機同樣賦予了全新一代攬勝運動版強勁的動能,百公里加速僅需5.3秒,最高時速可達車速可達225公里/小時。黃睿百得利奧迪開�二手車品薦之旅日前,成都百得利奧迪品薦二手車中心,為廣大消費者呈上了一場非凡的品薦之旅。本次品薦會,成都百得利奧迪品薦二手車中心將為用戶打造最具賞鑒價值二手車體驗平台,通過精品車型展示、互動科技體驗、絢麗舞蹈表演、進行強勢巡展,誠薦經典!為了讓嘉賓充分享受二手車品薦的樂趣,主辦方設置了趣味問答、價格競猜等小遊戲,現場還將抽取幸運嘉賓, 不知超值豪禮會花落誰家。馬黎明海馬S7超級體驗營產品供不應求11月9日,海馬S7超級體驗營活動在成都舉行,全國媒體和幾百名用戶全程參與了本次活動。自2013年6月正式上市以來,海馬S7以完善安全技術、出色的操控技術、智能便利技術等核心優勢保障了產品的競爭力,並以高品質和年輕化的外觀設計吸引了�多關注目光。本次體驗營活動則為四川地區的消費者提供了一個近距離、全方位感受海馬S7的平台,充分體驗這款海馬汽車技術明星車型帶來的駕駛快感,同時也享受到海馬S7所倡導的技術創新與高品質的生活理念。裘佳 關爾佳玥濰柴乘用車為中國自主汽車注入新力量日前,有關“濰柴乘用車落戶重慶,瞄準細分市場”的消息引起了行業內的廣泛熱議,一連串關於濰柴乘用車的新聞報道一時成為媒體關注的焦點。近日,記者獲悉,該項目已經確定企業名稱,據稱可能為濰柴(重慶)汽車有限公司,旗下新車型也將以全新品牌亮相,這標誌著中國汽車市場中又一支新軍的正式成立,必將是2013年度整個中國自主汽車行業最為矚目的重磅新聞之一。據知情人士透露,濰柴乘用車項目籌備已久,早在2009年就已經開始部署。如今企業名稱正式確立,後續工廠建設、產品生產等步伐也將會進一步加快節奏,預計首款產品在明年上半年就能與消費者見面。根據此前的報道,濰柴(重慶)汽車公司首款乘用車產品定位小型城市SUV,此細分市場目前產品並不多,有著不錯的市場前景。在乘用車市場競爭日趨激烈的背景下,濰柴選擇這一領域,體現出一定的的市場觀察力和踏實的作風。馬黎明獵豹專業全能支援計劃再成焦點11月6日,雅安舉行4·20蘆山地震社會力量參與科學重建半年回顧座談會。會上,作為社會力量參與科學重建的創新典範,獵豹專業全能愛心聯盟對半年工作進行了總結分享,芒果V基金、壹基金、龍越慈善基金、免費午餐基金、中國水安全基金等五家NGO組織正式受贈曾參與雅安支援行動的10台獵豹黑金剛SUV和獵豹CT5皮卡的所有權。未來這些汽車將繼續接力援助雅安地區的科學重建工作。裘佳 關爾佳玥self storage
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 09:22
劉佳[ 百度的主要優勢在搜索領域而非客戶資源領域,mini storage“因此,如何更好地布局入口或將是百度成敗的關鍵。” ] 曾經因為一度堅持抵制移動互聯網業務而後悔的李彥宏,這一次不願再錯過互聯網金融的機會。號稱“目標年化收益率達8%”,百度賣基金從一開始就賺足了眼球。10月28日,百度向互聯網金融市場拋出“試金石”——華夏基金公司現金增利貨幣基金,因為網站訪問量過大、額度有限,最終12萬人“擠破了頭”,在4個多小時的時間里搶到了總計10億元的基金產品。登錄難一定程度上打擊了投資者的熱情,但對於這條殺入金融業的“�魚”,外界更關心的卻是:坐擁中國70%的搜索市場、5億規模的海量用戶,百度的互聯網金融業務究竟打算怎麼玩?迎戰阿里金融“互聯網正在加速淘汰傳統產業。”今年5月百度CEO李彥宏的表態,現在看起來,更像是“互聯網正在加速淘汰傳統金融業”。它的競爭對手阿里巴巴早已攪動了互聯網金融的“一池春水”:不久前阿里公佈的餘額寶最新數據顯示:截至9月底資金規模已達到556.5億元,客戶數突破1600萬。和擁有供應鏈企業物流、信息流、資金流等整合能力相比,百度並不具備明顯優勢;但若跳出電商範圍,百度的客戶更加精准,其龐大的用戶數據庫以及大數據處理能力並不遜色。百度百付寶總經理章政華對記者解釋,百度每天搜索金融相關檢索詞的數量達到3.3億,銀行產品和證券、基金產品的搜索占比高達77%。但和零售、個人銀行等交易互聯網化的熱潮相比,理財專業性太強,安全可靠、簡單便捷的金融理財服務被迫切需要。“百度在用戶、流量、搜索以及大數據等方面擁有優勢。”章政華說,百度要做的一是發現用戶需求;二是優化渠道;三是根據用戶需求定義新的互聯網金融產品,縮短用戶購買路徑,優化流程,幫助用戶以最低的時間成本獲得最大的投資收益。百度與華夏基金合作的首個產品在10月28日上線後的4個多小時里,10億基金宣佈 “告罄”;三天後,第二款號稱年化收益是2012年活期利息收益12倍的產品“百賺”繼續熱銷勢頭。一群曾經接到基金業務推銷電話立馬掛掉的年輕人,因為阿里、百度搭台給基金公司唱戲,反倒一舉成為購買的主力。百度金融的火爆,緣于網民所渴望的小投入、快速回報、資金靈活的理財self storage求此前難以得到滿足。據記者瞭解,布局券商是百度金融棋局的重要一步,百度希望在保險行業、信托行業等領域實現在線開戶、交易。盡管形式和類型未定,但毋庸置疑的是,百度想滲入整個資產管理行業。而在模式上,章政華告訴記者,百度金融中心將進行“�籌金融”、“粉絲金融”、“團購金融”等模式的探索。而在中國電子商務研究中心主任、互聯網金融研究員曹磊看來,百度的理財平台也將推動百度“流量變現”從以往長期的信息流入口,向資金流通道升級。“這同時也完善了百度盈利模式:由過去基本只面向2B用戶收費的模式,延伸到C端用戶,彌補了百度此前長期‘一條腿’走路的短板。”曹磊對記者說。金融路線浮出水面百度的金融“野心”不止于此。除了聯手基金公司定制推出高收益的線上理財產品外,百度金融從支付結算到融資以及投資理財類的全線產品布局也初現雛形。一位接近百度的人士告訴記者,百度整體金融產品還包括面向中小企業客戶的“百度小貸”、面向金融客戶的“金融知心”等幾大業務。今年9月,百度在上海設立實體小額貸款公司申請已獲批准,將落戶有“上海金融穀”之稱的嘉定金融新城;10月,百度小貸入駐北京海澱區的互聯網金融產業園。“百度小貸”主要面向中小企業客戶,這直接關係著百度安身立命的商業模式。公開數據顯示,百度推廣平台上擁有近60萬的中小企業客戶,但中小企業貸款難的問題始終未破解。一位百度內部人士告訴記者,未來的百度小貸業務中,百度推廣客戶將優先考慮。而按照百度小貸公司2億註冊資金,以及50%杠杆率來看,百度貸款金額最高不超過3億。這也暗示了百度的“謹慎出招”,將風險控制在可控範圍之內。而“金融知心”則面向金融客戶,通過大數據分析挖掘機會,為百度金融客戶直接導流量。金融領域垂直搜索幾乎就是百度的老本行。融360 CEO葉大清在此前接受記者採訪時說,金融垂直搜索有望成為銀行主要的銷售渠道,通過大數據技術,解決融資貸款過程中的信息不對稱問題,融360已經獲得B輪融資,具備搜索優勢的百度自然不願放棄這一市場。但中投顧問高級研究員申正遠認為,百度的主要優勢在搜索領域而非客戶資源領域,這將影響百度金融服務平台的客戶黏性和針對性。“因此,如何更好地布局入口或將是百度成敗的關鍵。”迷你倉
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 09:02
王肖邦[ 並不是每個人都像戴志康一樣對項目表現出深信不疑的樂觀。南非財經網站biznewz創始人Alec Hogg形容項目“像是天上掉下來的餡餅”。Alec Hogg對《第一財經日報》記者表示,迷你倉最平考慮到上海證大只是一家市值23億港元的房地產企業,其是否有能力兌現800億蘭特投資令人生疑 ] 11月5日,在南非最大城市約翰內斯堡舉行的一場新聞發佈會上,不懂中文的當地記者,用困惑的眼神看著台上正在發言的上海證大(00755.HK)主席戴志康,起初,人們並不清楚這名中國商人在講什麼,直到現場翻譯接過話筒用英語宣佈:上海證大將從南非公司AECI手中買下1600公頃土地,在場的記者們才恍然大悟,然後,迫不及待地竊竊私語起來。這將是南非歷史上最大規模的城市土地交易之一,現場演示文稿提醒台下該交易所具有的里程碑意義。1600公頃土地位於約翰內斯堡Modderfontein地區,距離約翰內斯堡目前的金融中心區Sandton 7公里,離OR Tambo國際機場則有8公里,土地原本屬於炸藥及化學用品公司AECI,出于“將剩餘土地套現”的目的,AECI決定將其賣給上海證大。為了獲得這1600公頃永久產權的土地,上海證大需向AECI支付10.6億蘭特(約8.38億港元)現金,但與項目總投資相比,10.6億蘭特還只是一個零頭。發佈會上,戴志康宣佈,未來15年將向項目投入總計800億蘭特(約630億港元),打造一個“非洲的紐約”。盡管聽上去不可思議——中國發展商要在非洲打造另一個紐約,但戴志康透過其私人微博,還是認真地向外界勾勒出項目的藍圖:“我們規劃了1200萬平方米,其中500萬平方米住宅,500萬平方米寫字樓和商業,100萬平方米工業和物流園區,100萬平方米文化體育配套設施。”毫無疑問,這些數字統統指向一個事實——這將是一個空前的“造城”項目。戴志康在微博上表現出的躊躇滿志令外界印象深刻:“走向世界,最有實力的李嘉誠可去英國和歐洲,實力其次的王健林去加州和美國。我們最好去非洲!”在這條微博發出去幾分鐘後,意猶未盡的戴志康又寫道:“對個人來講,有錢有權人去美加澳英。沒錢沒勢的人,應該去非洲,只有去非洲才能追上前面這批人!”然而,並不是每個人都像戴志康一樣對項目表現出深信不疑的樂觀。南非財經網站biznewz創始人Alec Hogg形容項目“像是天上掉下來的餡餅”。Alec Hogg對《第一財經日報》記者表示,考慮到上海證大只是一家市值23億港元的房地產企業,其是否有能力兌現800億蘭特投資令人生疑。“該項目屬於戰略性中長期投資,集團會用10~15年分期開發,而南非的土地又是永久產權,沒有開發時間限制、閑置土地收回等問題,所以集團開發並不存在資金支出的壓力。”上海證大在給記者的書面回複中表示。“令人感到恐怖”的項目在一份新聞稿中,戴志康這樣解釋投資南非的經過:“管理層早在兩年前已對該南非約翰內斯堡物業項目作市場研究及估價,經十八個月時間與賣方談判及六個月的盡職審查,最終達成協議,並雙方一致同意,保留原管理團隊進行項目開發管理,有效降低經營管理及市場風險。”這段話無非希望傳達給投資者這樣的訊息:收購1600公頃約翰內斯堡土地,是一個嚴謹而慎重的決定。“我們認為該南非約翰內斯堡地產開發項目能進一步令本集團的土地儲備大幅提升,並進一步擴展至南非地區,從而有助于實現投資組合多元化、國際化,為上海證大帶來更穩定之收入來源。”戴志康稱。對於該項目,約翰內斯堡當地也不乏期待。根據南非媒體報道,占地1600公頃的項目建成後,足以向3.3萬個家庭、大約10萬人提供住房,同時約10萬人將在此區域工作。不過,更加具體的開發方案,上海證大尚未公佈——這一點情有可原,上海證大獲得全部1600公頃土地需要經過一個漫長的過程,現在談論開發細節為時尚早。根據上海證大與AECI簽訂的協議,2014年7月31日(某些情況下,可推遲到9月30日)將是交易第一階段的截止日迷你倉在此之前,在滿足諸多先決條件的情況下,包括南非競爭委員會(Competition Commission in South Africa)書面批准、收購獲得雙方股東同意,並且AECI將價值5.13億蘭特的部分土地轉讓給上海證大後,上海證大才需向AECI支付全額土地款10.6億蘭特,而剩下的土地AECI則將在最多42個月內完成轉讓。“這意味著,在明年9月30日以前,上海證大不必向AECI支付一分錢,而這期間,任何交易先決條件未能達到,整個交易都將告吹。”Alec Hogg表示。對項目感到困惑的並不只是Alec Hogg一人。南非BUSINESS DAY TV主持人在採訪為上海證大擔任此次收購顧問的Ernie時,形容項目“令人感到恐怖”。的確,這個占地1600公頃、總投資600億蘭特的“造城”項目,從任何角度看,都像是一個神話。“城市是一個有機的整體,不可能一夜之間建成。你能談一談這個充滿野心的項目的情況嗎?”BUSINESS DAY TV主持人問Ernie。“當然,項目不會一夜之間建成,我們談的是一個10至15年的開發計劃。”Ernie回答,然後,他話鋒一轉,“上海證大主席戴志康是一位夢想家(visionary),每個人看到他在上海開發的項目後都說他瘋了,但他取得了極大的成功(extremely successful)。”畫餅者還是夢想家?對於成功,每個人都有不同的定義,在Ernie看來,戴志康是一位成功的夢想家。但就上海證大的業績而言,這家香港上市企業在過去一段時間里的表現並不算佳。Alec Hogg有理由對上海證大是否有實力開發這樣一個野心勃勃的項目感到困惑,“這個項目像是天上掉下來的餡餅”。就在去年上半年,上海證大還是一家被穆迪評為Caa1的企業,這是一段尷尬的往事:當時的上海證大正為如何償還一筆9.5億元信托貸款和另一筆1.39億美元票據而發愁,後來,通過賣出著名的上海外灘地王項目權益,上海證大才得以募集到約人民幣29億元的現金,渡過難關,而出售外灘地王項目的權益也令上海證大至今官司纏身。今年上半年,上海證大的營業額較去年同期大幅上漲133%,達到10.8億港元,但現金流以及負債情況依然嚴峻。截至今年6月底,上海證大的銀行貸款及應付信托貸款達到56.6億港元,其中15.9億港元須于一年內償還,而上海證大的銀行結餘及現金(包括已抵押銀行存款)只有20.6億港元,上海證大的資產負債比率也由去年底的89%攀升至96%。但這些都不妨礙上海證大投資海外的決心。在去年一個演講場合,“夢想家”戴志康表示,希望能在亞洲、非洲、南美做2~3個“微型城市”,“每個項目都夠我們做上二十年,我們希望不僅做房地產,還能為國家的海外發展戰略建立根據地”。事實上,在南非以外,上海證大持有45%權益的新西蘭註冊公司Top Harbour Limited已經在2012年11月購入了一幅位於新西蘭奧克蘭的土地,面積約32萬平方米。地塊距離奧克蘭市中心25公里,按照計劃,未來將建成1000套獨立屋,200間酒店客房,以及2000平方米商業樓和1000平方米辦公樓,總建築面積17萬平方米。“(新西蘭)項目已逐步開發,並預計將在今年12月加速發展。第一期推出的37塊地塊中,17塊已售出,買家主要是奧克蘭本地的建築商。”公司方面稱。而此次收購的南非項目,也將一定程度參考新西蘭的開發模式。上海證大方面表示,南非項目收購完成後,將會採取三種模式進行開發:部分項目會由證大獨資開發,部分項目會與其他企業合資,同時也會出售土地給輕工業企業、開發商等第三方。“該項目屬於戰略性中長期投資,集團會用10~15年分期開發,而南非的土地又是永久產權,沒有開發時間限制、閑置土地收回等問題,所以集團開發並不存在資金支出的壓力。”上海證大認為。但在Alec Hogg看來,這個項目對上海證大而言,還是太大了,“在一個和你說不同語言,按不同規矩行事的地方開發,將是巨大的挑戰。”儲存
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 08:33
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 08:28
BP crews working on pipeline in Munster neighborhood
Source: The Times, Munster, Ind.自存倉Nov. 14--MUNSTER -- BP crews are working on a pipeline as part of a hydro test near the intersection of Apple Blossom Court and Windfield Drive.Ron Rybarczyk, the government and public affairs director for BP, said the test consists of crews filling the pipeline with water to test it at various levels of pressures. He said part of the pipeline burst during the test that started Tuesday.Rybarczyk said that when the pipeline burst, some of the water went into a nearby drain and pond. The water from the pond tested negative for hydrocarbon, which is found in crude oil.Crews were working Wednesday night to repair the pipeline, which is sandwiched between the backyards of townhomes. Rybarczyk said crews will ret迷你倉rn to the site in a couple of days to test it again before BP starts using the underground pipeline.The pipeline starts in Whiting and snakes through Northwest Indiana into Manhattan, Ill.Rybarczyk said there weren't any reports to BP of damage to nearby homes, and the company plans to redo the landscaping that was dug up during the test.He said there were no health or safety threats to the public because the pipeline was filled with water during the tests. However, the company offered residents vouchers for hotels because of the inconvenience of having construction done in their neighborhood.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times (Munster, Ind.) Visit The Times (Munster, Ind.) at .nwitimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Nov 15 Fri 2013 08:10
內地Bitcoin網站突關 走數二千萬
據內地媒體報道,self storage內地一個比特幣(Bitcoin)網站突然關閉,網站攜同客戶存款走數,受害者多達500名,合共或損失超過2,000萬元人民幣,內地網友稱之為「國內第一宗大規模虛擬貨幣案」。據了解,該倒閉的網站於今年中於香港註冊處正式登記註冊,但並未有取得香港海關金錢服務經營執照或香港證監會的牌照。金管局發言人表示,該倒閉網站不是金管局監管的認可機構。他續稱,比特幣是一種在虛擬世界中創建的商品,其發行人在發行時並無對其價值給予支持。金管關注本港情況比特幣的發行和二手迷你倉場交易並不透明或受規管,可以交換的商品和服務,並無任何保證或確定性,在二手市場的流動性和交易價值也是極其波動和難以預測,亦有海外監管機構亦就反洗黑錢(AML)方面提出關注。不過,金管局發言人指出,根據觀察,比特幣於香港的使用並不普遍,當局一直留意它在香港的使用及價值狀況,以及海外監管要求等相關發展。受內地大型網站如百度等開始接受比特幣支付服務等中國因素支持,近期比特幣價格首次突破400美元,有內地分析擔心內地投資者對比特幣投資已幾近瘋狂,比特幣資產隨時有爆煲風險。mini storage
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 10:05
南方日報訊 (記者/龍躍梅 通訊員/盧珊燕)由清遠市社會科學界聯合會組織編寫的《寶地清遠》日前出版面世,迷你倉該書以清遠域內深厚的歷史文化為主脈,以簡明的文字、深邃的立意和優美的插圖全面介紹了清遠的全貌。昨日,該書走進校園,清遠市社科聯向清遠市第一中學師生贈送這套“清遠百科全書”——《寶地清遠》。市委書記葛長偉為該書作序,序中稱“清遠自古以來得山水鐘靈之秀,交通來往之便,文化傳承之福,孕育出雄奇險峻的峽谷,綿延儲存倉海的森林植被,美不勝收的溶洞溫泉,以及豪放古樸的瑤壯風情,是當之無愧的福地、寶地。”該書由華南理工大學出版社出版發行,為彩色印刷,200個頁碼,篇幅25萬字,彩色插圖80幀,共有七個篇章,分別介紹了城市風貌、秀麗山水、地理歷史、歷代名傑、奇特民俗、特產美食和著名旅遊景區,以獨特的手法著墨,具有真實性、知識性、趣味性和普及性,可謂雅俗共賞,老少鹹宜。該書同樣非常適合外埠人,一書在手,“游娛行食宿購”得心應手。迷你倉最平
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:56
球星翻好運 台銀籃球隊代言網銀
【本報記者黃偉全台北報導】台灣銀行網路銀行以安全、便捷與實用為宗旨,迷你倉提供客戶多元的金融服務,近年來在多項服務評比中均名列前茅。豐富的服務內涵及生動有趣的網路活動,使台銀網路銀行用戶不斷創新高,102年10月已超過248萬用戶,其中黃金存摺、黃金撲滿、預約轉帳繳費、外匯存款、基金投資、常用帳號設定及就學貸款1314減息專案等多項功能,都是最具人氣的服務項目。此外台銀所推出的「網路銀行隨身版」APP服務獲得客戶熱烈迴響,下載次數已突破30萬次。 為讓更多客戶體驗台銀網路銀行便捷的服務,台銀自102年11月15日起至12月31日特別舉辦「網路銀行送好禮、台銀球星翻好運」活動,在活動期間內完成網路銀行指定之交易,點選台銀籃球隊球星喜愛的獎項,均可參加本活動抽獎。為增添活動的趣味文件倉,提供台銀髮售的「黃金存摺20克、馬到成功黃金條塊」以及sonyXperiaZR手機、iPadmini、DYSONDC45吸塵器、A咖美腿機、50吋LED大電視、Beats耳機等多項豐富獎品。 台銀籃球隊自民國62年成立迄今已有41年歷史了,為台灣籃壇培養出眾多國手,台銀長期投入籃球運動,18年來每年舉辦「暑期籃球夏令營」活動,為國內培育籃球人才奠定基礎,積極從事善盡企業回饋社會之公益活動不遺餘力。此次「網路銀行送好禮、台銀球星翻好運」活動,邀請台銀籃球隊的球員代言,將籃球活動與網路銀行結合,藉由這次的活動讓更多年輕的球迷透過球員代言,更加認識台灣銀行網路銀行的多功能與便捷的服務。活動網址:https://.bot.com.tw/ebank/Ebank_Basketball存倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:49
四川經濟日報樂山訊 (劉海 記者 林立)11月12日,迷你倉峨眉山市人民政府與招商銀行股份有限公司成都分行簽訂了戰略合作框架協議。根據協議,在2013至2016年期間,招商銀行成都分行將對列入峨眉山市重點支持的中小企業、個體工商戶提供總額為100億元人民幣的綜合授信額度。當天,招商銀行在川內的首家縣級支行——招商銀行峨眉山支行正式成立,並向當地部分企業授信40余億元。樂山市委副書記、峨眉山市委書羅佳明,樂山市委常委、副市長黃正富,招商銀行成都分行行長王立新出席會議。羅佳明對招商銀行落戶峨眉山市表示祝賀,並對招商銀行的支持表示感謝。羅佳明表示,招商銀行峨眉山支行是招商銀行股份有限公司在省內的第一家縣級支行,也是峨眉山市引進的第一家股份制銀行,這兩個“第一”對峨眉山市的經濟發展意義重大。今、明兩年,將有77個項目,近360億的投資落戶峨眉山市,這些項目和投資都離不開金融機構的支持。招商銀行獨具慧眼,看到了峨眉山市發展的前景和未來,選擇把支行設在本地。峨眉山市政府和當地企業要珍惜這次難得的機會,與招商銀行精誠合作、共創未來。羅佳明表示,今天的簽約儀式是一個開始,相信會有更多的股份制集團,更多的金融機構加入到峨眉山市的經濟發展中來,共同建立文件倉長期、穩定、共贏的銀、政、企溝通合作機制,促進全市經濟和社會事業又好又快發展。王立新表示,峨眉山市歷史悠久、文化璀璨、資源豐富,產業發展勢頭良好。招商銀行看好這塊寶地,非常願意為峨眉山市的經濟發展和社會進步貢獻一份力量。今天的簽約儀式是招商銀行為當地經濟發展提供金融服務的起點,今後,招商銀行將在旅遊、工業、農業等方面與峨眉山市展開全方位、深入地合作,全力提供特色化、差異化、多元化的金融服務,立志成為該市經濟發展強有力的助推器,為地方經濟發展做出積極貢獻。會上,招商銀行成都分行行長王立新與峨眉山市副市長曾玉超正式簽訂戰略合作框架協議,在未來三年,對該市中小企業授信100億元。王立新還與峨眉山旅遊股份有限公司董事長馬元祝簽訂授信意向協議30億元。會上,招商銀行峨眉山支行負責人分別與峨眉山市土地儲備中心、金威利運動用品有限公司、中威鞋業有限公司、君億能源有限公司、金豐農產品種植營銷有限公司、佳潔紙製品有限責任公司簽訂授信意向協議。樂山市政府顧問、峨眉山-樂山大佛旅遊集團總公司董事長、峨眉山旅遊股份有限公司董事長馬元祝,峨眉山市人大常委會主任吳萬亮,峨眉山市政協主席周健,市政府副市長曾玉超,招商銀行成都分行行長副行長張放、李康等參加會議。存倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:41
PKZIP and SecureZIP Deliver Unprecedented Performance Improvements on z/OS(R
MILWAUKEE, Nov.迷你倉 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- PKWARE announced today the availability of the most advanced versions of its flagship products, PKZIP and SecureZIP for z/OS(R). These latest versions deliver dramatic new performance technologies that lower data center operating costs. Version 15 of PKZIP and SecureZIP exploit several IBM(R) mainframe hardware facilities to offload compression and free up general computing capacity to reduce the total cost of computing.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131113/CG16357LOGO)Organizations can use the IBM System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) and System z Enterprise Data Compression (zEDC) PCIe card with PKWARE's PKZIP or SecureZIP to dramatically improve mainframe performance. Benchmark results show up to a 92% reduction in total CPU time.In addition, most customer deployments have been file-to-file compression/encryption in batch processes. With the addition of Memory File Support as part of the PKWARE API framework known as Virtual Objects, PKZIP and SecureZIP can now be integrated directly into IBM subsystems such as CICS, DB2, IMS and MQ, thus allowing for unparalleled performance."This is an exciting breakthrough that provides 10x speed improvements that were not possible previously," says Joe Sturonas, Chief Technology Officer at PKWARE. "This changes the conversation about how IBM's mainframes can provide blazing speeds where fast data throughput is required. When you think about the huge demand for mobile app responsivene自存倉s, this can have a meaningful impact. And for those applications that require strong encryption for security, the performance gains are even more impressive."PKWARE has a long history of working with IBM to deliver innovative solutions that capitalize on the mainframe to drive down data center costs. Earlier this year, PKWARE was selected as one of IBM's strategic partners for increasing compression rates to manage data on z/OS in physical and cloud environments.Version 15 is available immediately. For a free evaluation download, visit pkware.com/downloads.About PKWAREPKWARE provides security technologies with performance that help organizations protect their critical information assets as data moves beyond the enterprise. PKWARE invented the ZIP file standard in 1986 and continues to develop innovative solutions used by more than 30,000 global customers. We support all major computing platforms from IBM mainframes to distributed systems, servers, desktops, mobile devices and now the cloud and virtual environments.Contact: Susan Gosnell, Marketing Communications Manager (414) 221-6846 susan.gosnell@pkware.com(C)2013 PKWARE, Inc. All rights reserved. PKWARE, PKZIP and SecureZIP are trademarks or registered trademarks in the U.S.A. and other countries. Other trademarks are used for identification purposes only and remain the property of their respective owners.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131113/CG16357LOGOPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comPKWAREWeb site: .pkware.com/迷你倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:33
Billboards invite people to 'Re-Ogden'
Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahNov.文件倉 13--OGDEN -- Several mysterious billboards along Interstate 15 seem to have piqued public interest and left people wondering: What's "Re-Ogden"?Motorists who regularly commute on the freeway through Weber and Davis counties have probably noticed the billboards, with their bright, colorful backgrounds featuring Ogden city landmarks and the prominently displayed "Re-Ogden" phrase.The large placards are a part of Ogden City's Community and Economic Development department's new branding campaign, titled Re-Ogden.The campaign was created to highlight changes in Ogden relative to redevelopment, cleanup and expansion of land in the city that may be complicated by the presence of a hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants.The effort materialized as a result of a $400,000 Environmental Protection Agency grant that was awarded to the city in 2009.The central purpose of the grant was to inventory and investigate those potentially contaminated sites in Ogden that could be redeveloped.Ogden CED Director Tom Christopulos said that as part of the project, the city has identified and evaluated 62 sites along the west side of Wall Avenue.Information on the sites, which will include the type of environmental damage present and estimated costs of cleanup, will be featured on a new website run by the city."We're trying to educate people about this false notion that exists that contamination is the end of the world when it comes to selling a property or developing it," Christopulos said. "Environmental c存倉eanup, while a concern, is not the end of the world."Christopulos said getting that word out, specifically to developers, is essential in redeveloping the west Ogden corridor."There are people out there who have very sellable or developable properties and they don't realize it," he said.Although the grant required that the city develop the campaign to educate the public and potential developers about the sites, the city's intention is to eventually expand the campaign and use it as a tool to promote the entire city.So far, the campaign includes four billboards, which have been placed in Salt Lake City, Layton, Riverdale and Ogden, as well as fliers, logos and the website.The website can be found at reogden.com and includes brief information about the general characteristics of Ogden. The site is independent of the city's website and doesn't link to any city sites. Although the site so far features little content, a message tells users that updates will be made frequently."The website should be up and running fully in the next week or two," Christopulos said. "We've had some contractor issues with it, but it will be ready to go soon."Making use of the grant, the city has spent $6,000 on travel, $21,500 on supplies and $372,500 to procure an engineer and design firm.Contact reporter Mitch Shaw at 801-625-4233 or mishaw@standard.net. Follow him on Twitter at @mitchshaw23.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:26
As winter sets in, Kennebec Valley's natural gas rivals shift focus
Source: Kennebec Journal, Augusta, MaineNov.迷你倉 13--With winter setting in, bundled-up crews of contractors worked around Kennebec County on Tuesday, repairing road surfaces above Summit Natural Gas of Maine's regional pipeline.The work is expected to be finished by month's end.Meanwhile, Maine Natural Gas, whose Augusta-centric pipeline was finished in October, announced it has turned gas on at the University of Maine at Augusta.The onset of winter will bring a new focus for the dueling natural gas companies. Both Summit and Maine Natural Gas officials said snow and cold shouldn't stop them from building distribution lines to customers' properties. Construction will soon end for Summit, which is building a $350 million main pipeline from Richmond to Madison, a project that has stopped traffic throughout the Kennebec Valley for months.Pipeline work on public roads is expected to end in the next two weeks, Michael Duguay, Summit's director of business development, said Monday. He said crews are mostly buttoning up sites where pipe is installed, finishing paving work before the real cold begins.Duguay said the system should be energized and be able to serve bigger business customers by mid-December region-wide, with the Augusta area ready before the Waterville area. He said some customers have agreements in hand to have gas by the end of 2013, so the company's first priority will be to connect them. They'll also be looking at where to expand their network into 2014 and 2015."It's pretty clear that this 68-mile backbone enables us to serve the communities of Maine," Duguay said.Duguay said the company will continue to sign up customers into the winter to add to its current roster of approximately 1,200 business, residential and public customers. High-profile clients include three paper mills in the upper Kennebec Valley: Huhtamaki Packaging in Waterville, UPM Madison and Sappi Fine Paper's Somerset Mill in Skowhegan.The winter plan is similar for Maine Natural Gas, a subsidiary of Iberdrola USA, the owner of Central Maine Power.That company announced completion of its 21-mile pipeline from Windsor to Augusta in late October. The Alfond Center for Health, Augusta's new hmini storagespital operated by MaineGeneral Health on the city's rural north side, was using the gas almost immediately. UMA signed a five-year contract with the company in July.There will still be contractors on the roads around town for Maine Natural Gas, however. Daniel Hucko, a company spokesman, said the company will work through December to install service lines and extensions in Augusta, unless there's both two feet of snow and "prolonged below-zero temperatures." He said the company will continue signing up customers for 2014, and it has 253 business, residential and public customers already.Hucko said crews are now on Edison Drive, which is off Western Avenue behind the Turnpike Mall, working to serve hotels and apartments there, and more are working on Sewall Street to establish residential hook-ups. Crews will soon move to Leighton Road to do residential work, he said. Connections were recently finished on Civic Center Drive and Anthony Avenue in north Augusta, he said.That's welcome news to Tammy Jo LaCroix, an executive assistant at the America's Mattress and Furniture Gallery store on Civic Center Drive. The gas line is ready for the store, which plans to convert its systems from propane to natural gas later this week, she said.People living in an average Maine home could have an average $1,600 in annual savings by converting from propane to natural gas, according to data from Gov. Paul LePage's energy office. A $1,200 savings is projected if going to gas from No. 2 heating oil.When the furniture store finally converts, the company -- working out of a drafty, converted warehouse building -- is projected to slash its annual heating bill by a third, paying off costs of conversion in a year, LaCroix said.She said converting wasn't her decision, but she urged it almost as soon as she knew natural gas was coming. She also takes some credit."I'm only the office manager, but I totally talked the boss into it," LaCroix said.___Michael Shepherd -- 370-7652 mshepherd@centralmaine.com Twitter: @mikeshepherdmeCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Kennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine) Visit the Kennebec Journal (Augusta, Maine) at .kjonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:17
(吉隆坡13日訊)大馬職工總會(MTUC)領袖指出,self storage高庭在11月7日才對全國銀行僱員職工會(NUBE)挑戰馬來亞銀行成立內部職工會的案件作出裁決,但政府早在兩年前就已通知國際勞工組織(ILO),表示高庭已作出這項裁決。週三,職總領袖到國會大廈,通過公正黨國會議員阿都拉沙尼(瓜拉冷岳區)、蔡添強(峇都區)及前職總主席賽沙希爾上議員,指責政府欺騙國際勞工組織。他們說,巧合的是,高庭於11月7日在全國銀行僱員職工會的上訴案中作出的裁決,內容與政府在兩年前對國際勞工組織的答覆內容一樣。這些議員質疑時任人力資源部長拿督斯里蘇巴馬廉,何以兩年前就預先知道法庭的裁決?阿都拉沙尼指出,政府默許馬來亞銀行成立內部職工會,顯然已違背了建國時允許員工自由成立或組織職工會的宗旨。“內部職工會的成立明顯造成員工的力量分散,此舉也會員工分裂。不只是銀行,同樣情況發生在馬航,而下一個將會是馬來亞鐵道公司。”他說,他會在下個月等預算案進入委員會階段的辯論時,提出他們跟職總討論的結果和迷利倉議。沙希爾則說,政府允許內部職工會成立,職工會的註冊數目將增加,但是會員人數卻下降,這根本不能真正反映工業的實況。前往國會的包括職總主席卡立阿丹、副主席峇拉和總秘書阿都哈林,以及全國銀行僱員職工會總秘書索羅門。NUBE:必捍衛到底全國銀行僱員職工會(NUBE)總秘書索羅門說,他對政府居然可在兩年前預知高庭的裁決感到無話可說,但是該職工會不會保持沉默,必定捍衛到底。他指出,在馬來亞銀行成立內部職工會的課題上,NUBE對職工會總監默許這做法感到不可思議。“對一個成立了50年的職工會來說,政府卻同時允許另一個代表同樣工業領域的職工會註冊,我們想不通。政府這麼做,其實是在製造一個問題,也讓職工會的代表出現重疊。”他指出,內部工會的成立,必定削弱全國職工會跟公司的談判力量;這其實等同削弱工會捍衛會員權利的力量。他指出,另一個疑點是,為何人資部讓馬來亞銀行內部職工會的臨時委員會在雙方會面討論的6天後就讓它註冊,而其他職工會組織有的呈上文件卻得等了一兩年都還不獲註冊?;迷你倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:10
Wertheim Village Near Frankfurt Celebrates Its Ten Year Anniversary With Milla Jovovich, as Part of the 'Toast to Chic' Campaign by Chic Outlet Shopping(R
LONDON, November 13, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Wertheim Village near Frankfurt, one of the nine Chic Outlet Shopping(R)Villages by Value Retail in Europe, has marked its ten-year anniversary with a day of celebration attended by actress and brand ambassador Milla Jovovich, Eva Padberg and Harvey Kruger Jr.迷你倉To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:.multivu.com/mnr/64145-ten-year-anniversary-milla-jovovich-toast-to-chicAn international guest list featuring brand ambassadors society figures and members of the press attended a roundtable discussion hosted by the model Eva Padberg and featuring Desiree Bollier - Chief Executive Value Retail Management, and brand ambassadors Milla Jovovich and Eva Padberg, looking back on ten years of Wertheim Village and Chic Outlet Shopping(R). The day culminated with the official Wertheim Village festive lights being switched on."I am delighted to be celebrating the tenth anniversary of Wertheim Village with Chic Outlet Shopping(R). Chic Outlet Shopping(R) has such a unique offer - that kind of attention to detail is so rare."Milla Jovovich, Chic Outlet Shopping(R) AmbassadorToday, along with Ingolstadt Village near Munich, Wertheim Village is a tourism destination in its own right, driving shopping tourism to Germany. Since 2003 Wertheim Village has welcomed 19 million visitors from all over the world including China, the Middle East, Russia, South East Asia, Brazil, Egypt and the US."This is a very special milestone for both Wertheim Village and Chic Outlet Shopping(R). We've come a long way in the past ten years to build a distinctive Shopping Tourism platform, both in Germany and across Europe, which is recognised around the world. And with our upcoming expansion into China, the next ten years looks set to be even more exciting".Desiree Bollier, Chief Executive - Value Retail ManagementThe anniversary celebration was held as part of the 'Toast to Chic' campaign by Chic Outlet Shopping(R). With a special focus on gift-giving, 'Toast to Chic' invites guests to celebrate the enchantment of the season through a series of festive-themed activities taking place across the Collection of Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages in Europe. This season also sees the launch of the Chic Edition magazine by Chic Outlet Shopping(R). With a selection of inspiring fashion and gift ideas, party and lifestyle tips, the magazine promises to prepare readers for the festive season in style. It will be available at the nine Chic Outlet Shopping(R)Villages in Europe from 18 November.For further information on the 'Toast to Chic' campaign, please visit ChicOutletShopping.com [.ChicOutletShopping.com ]About Wertheim VillageWerthe儲存m Village, one of Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages by Value Retail, and located less than an hour from Frankfurt and Nuremberg, offers an exclusive luxury outlet shopping experience. With more than 110 outlet boutiques providing fashion and luxuries for the home, Wertheim Village offers the authentic previous seasons' collections of a unique selection of German and international brands with savings of up to 60% on the former recommended retail price, six days a week and all year round. Escada, Longchamp, Bally and Furla are just a few of the international brands present, as well as boutiques of German designers including Bogner, Birkenstock, Roeckl and Aigner. Services available at Wertheim Village include the Shopping Express(R) daily coach service from Frankfurt, Tourist Information office, and personal shopping. With a selection of restaurants and cafes, the Village has become a destination for visitors seeking a superior shopping experience and an enjoyable day out. To find out more, please visit WertheimVillage.com [.wertheimvillage.com ]About Chic Outlet Shopping(R)Chic Outlet Shopping(R) is a unique concept in outlet shopping created by Value Retail, the only company to specialise exclusively in the development and operation of luxury outlet shopping destinations, the Collection of Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages. The Villages offer the authentic previous seasons' collections of leading luxury fashion and lifestyle brands with savings of up to 60%, and sometimes more, on the recommended retail price, all year round. Within easy reach of some of Europe's favourite gateway cities - London, Dublin, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Bologna, Brussels, Antwerp, Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich and, coming in the first half of 2014, Suzhou in China - the Villages are defined by high fashion, superior service and hospitality, a calendar of celebrated events, and exceptional value for money. Located in regions of cultural and historic renown, the Villages have become international tourist destinations in their own right. Value Retail's new venture - Value Retail China - to bring the distinctive Chic Outlet Shopping(R) Villages to China will see the first Village - Suzhou Village(TM) - located in historic Suzhou, 50 miles west of Shanghai. As with other members of the Collection, Suzhou Village(TM) will be defined by its offer of international luxury fashion and lifestyle brands, together with an exceptional level of service.Video: .multivu.com/mnr/64145-ten-year-anniversary-milla-jovovich-toast-to-chicVideo: .multivu.com/mnr/64145-ten-year-anniversary-milla-jovovich-toast-to-chicValue Retail PLCCONTACT: Maira Genovese, +44-1869-366-737mini storage
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 09:05
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Tyler Dunne column
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelNov.迷你倉 12--GREEN BAY -- They're banking on the madness. Maybe the state of affairs in Green Bay is so absurd, so surreal that players simply have no choice but to "band together."That was the theme already marinating in the locker room after a tails-between-legs 27-13 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles.Brotherhood. Band together. Us against them.Expect this to be the rhetoric all week.And hey, if that's what wakes up some players, so be it. They need to rally somehow. After Sunday, it's clear that it doesn't really matter if the quarterback is named Rodgers, Wallace, Tolzien, Rubley or Dilweg. The Packers will not contend in the NFC if the defense perishes the way it has these last two weeks. Forget about going into the Superdome. Forget about any long-awaited revenge in Seattle.If the defense plays like this -- missing interceptions, whiffing on tackles, losing the ball in flight, etc. -- the Packers can clear their schedules in January."I don't think there needs to be a whole lot said, obviously," inside linebacker A.J. Hawk said. "But I think at least we don't need to sit here and have any players-only meetings or stuff like that. We're not going to sit there and panic."There won't be panic. There should be concern.The Packers' latest quarterback thrown into a near-impossible situation was not the problem Sunday. Sure, any interception into the end zone is costly. But Tolzien played well enough for Green Bay to win. Mike McCarthy didn't baby him. He let Tolzien throw downfield and the confident backup went 24 of 39 for 280 yards with one touchdown. Jordy Nelson nearly held on for another.No, for the second time in six days, the Packer defense was embarrassed in the fourth quarter.On Nov. 4, Chicago rammed the ball downfield on an 18-play drive that lasted 8 minutes, 58 seconds.On Sunday, Philadelphia's game-sealing drive lasted 15 plays over 9 minutes, 32 seconds.Injuries aren't an excuse for either drive. The Packers had healthy players on the field, players who looked dominant through a four-game winning streak. But this day, Morgan Burnett was juked cold on a double move by Riley Cooper. Brad Jones played slow. A cast over his hand, Clay Matthews wasn't Clay Matthews.Fa自存倉s, again, want Dom Capers fired. But Dom Capers wasn't the problem this day.On the plays that decided the game, the players were to blame. Execution.Asked about the team's defensive performance, an always blunt, honest Tramon Williams said, "Not much to talk about." He says there should be urgency, not panic. Hawk agrees. Urgency must rise."We think we do have that urgency," Hawk said. "And when things like this happen, sometimes that'll get that urgency at a higher level even. Maybe it will. We're going to be battling. I'm not quitting."Added Mike Daniels, "We have seven games left. It's a long season. Seven games. So we're going to watch the tape, pull it together and get ready next week."True, Aaron Rodgers was the force that made problems disappear. He won a Super Bowl in 2010. He masked a shaky defense in 2011 with a most valuable player season. He was nearly as good in 2012.With him, everybody's job is easier. With him, the Packers probably beat both Chicago and Philadelphia.But, no, the quarterback was not the problem against the Eagles. Tolzien led drives of 91, 47, 72, 86 and 54 yards. That's more than enough from a third-string quarterback. Somehow, the Packer defensive backs need to win in double coverage...not allow long touchdowns.Hawk says the team will "band together." He says no one will sit back and pretend all is well."We're going to work at it," he said. "We're going to find a way."Time is of the essence. The Packers will need to win a game, probably two or three, without Rodgers to get into the playoffs. Must-win territory is nearing.And in back-to-back weeks, the Packer defense was waxed.Until the defense remembers how to intercept the ball, until they get a third-down stop in the fourth quarter, they're going nowhere."With how quickly it's gone south, we can turn that around really quick," Hawk said. "That's the good thing. We have to find a way to learn, hopefully learn from what we're doing wrong and also we need to come out flying next week."Send email to tdunne@journalsentinel.comThis column appeared in Packer Plus MagazineCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 08:55
- Nov 14 Thu 2013 08:48
Witness, alleged victim testify on groping by Air Force officer from Ohio
Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioNov.文件倉 13--ARLINGTON, Va. -- Minutes before he allegedly groped a 23-year-old Treasury Department employee outside a bar here, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Krusinski touched two other people on their buttocks, a witness said yesterday.The testimony came during the first day of a jury trial for Krusinski, an Ohio native who at the time of the incident was the head of the Air Force Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office. He is charged with assault and battery, a charge punishable by up to $2,500 in fines, up to a year in prison, or both.Krusinski has been relieved of his position pending the investigation.But the testimony came with a stern warning from Judge William T. Newman Jr., who is presiding over the case in Arlington County Circuit Court: One groping does not another grope make."One thing does not necessarily mean he did the other," Newman told the seven-member jury.The testimony came from a server at Freddie's Beach Bar in Arlington. The server, a man who dresses and identifies as a woman, testified that she was standing outside the bar on May 5 when a drunken man -- Krusinski -- approached her and other bar employees to ask for a cigarette. Krusinski reportedly touched the buttocks of another female server, who walked back into the bar. He then went over to the server who testified, propositioned her and hugged her, grabbing her buttocks."I laughed it off," the server said, describing Krusinski as "a very friendly drunk."Seconds later, the server looked over to see Krusinski touch the victim on the buttocks. The victim responded, the server said, by beating Krusinski with her cellphone."She defended herse存倉f," the server said.The victim, meanwhile, testified that she had been talking on the phone when she was approached from behind. Krusinski, she said, "grabbed my rear end and asked me if I liked it."She said she took steps away from him and confronted him, testifying that he taunted her and appeared as if he was about to grab her chest. "I punched him in the face," she said, saying she did not hit him with her cellphone.Defense attorney Barry Coburn sought to make inconsistencies such as this -- whether or not the victim hit Krusinski with her cellphone -- the key to the defense. He predicted that the evidence would be "so rife, so full of inconsistencies" that it would be impossible to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.Prosecutors originally sought to charge Krusinski, a native of Fairfield, Ohio, with sexual battery but later opted to pursue a charge of assault and battery. His case has been highlighted as an example of the military's struggles with sexual assault within its ranks.Attorneys for the prosecution and for Krusinski spent much of yesterday morning seating a jury, with many prospective jurors reporting conflicts of interest that might affect their ability to weigh in fairly on the case.At one point, Newman recessed to determine whether to bring in more prospective jurors. In the end, they found a jury -- plus one alternate -- out of the original 24 called.The trial could last through Thursday, according to attorneys on both sides.jwehrman@dispatch.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存