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湖北日報訊 (記者汪洋、嚴運濤、通訊員王嶺)冰冷、剛硬的建築與工程設計圖紙,儲存倉在藝術家的手中變成版畫、水彩和雕塑模型,向世界展示“藝術化的城市”。昨日,第二屆武漢設計雙年展在湖北美術學院曇華林藝術區正式開展。昨日舉辦首場高峰論壇,中鐵大橋院、中冶南方、中南電力等設計企業,萬達、中交、綠地等投資企業的負責人,圍繞“設計在投資中的作用和價值”展開高端對話迷你倉最平為期22天的會展,還將舉辦多個主題的設計展覽、大師講堂、主題日活動。2年前的首屆武漢設計雙年展,評出5大城市地標:黃鶴樓、武漢長江大橋、江漢關大樓、武漢大學圖書館、漢口匯豐銀行大樓。本屆活動將繼續通過投票,評選新的5大城市地標,市民可通過網站(.wuhanbi-ennale.com)投票,也可現場投票,投票至本月29日18時結束,30日公佈評選結果。迷你倉

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本報記者 尹曉宇《 人民日報海外版 》( 2013年11月09日 第 05 版)圖為黃崖關長城紅葉景區黃崖關長城、梨木颱風景區、國內現存的最古老的高層木結構樓閣式建築——獨樂寺、乾隆皇帝游歷過三十多次的盤山,儲存無論是歷史還是自然,天津市薊縣可說的事情不少。從經濟指標來看,薊縣並不算一個發達的縣,山區多,貧困的村鎮不少,但薊縣人也有自己的理念:綠水青山也是金山銀山。建設美麗薊縣,是當下這個縣正在忙碌的事情。9月底,《美麗薊縣建設實施意見》正式出台,提出要著力做好實力美、形態美、內涵美三篇文章,打好產業轉型升級、薊縣新城建設、水源水質保護、礦山創面治理、美麗鄉村建設五個攻堅戰。【“規劃書記”的新思路】肖松被大家叫做“規劃書記”。作為薊縣的縣委書記,他上任後到國家開發銀行借的第一筆貸款是用作縣城規劃,在他的理念里,規劃是生產力。“不能只種樹,也不能只圈地。”肖松說,解決發展空間和生態承載之間的矛盾要靠規劃這個指南針。生態立縣、工業強縣、旅遊興縣,薊縣政府給出這樣的定位。“不進山、不占水、不爭嘴。”肖松這樣說。薊縣作為天津北部生態的核心區和重要的水源地,肩負著生態涵養和保護的重任,同時薊縣還有60多萬畝的基本農田,這些也是絕對不能動的。由於歷史原因,薊縣的山曾遭受過極大的破壞。2008年,薊縣以壯士斷腕的勇氣關閉了所有的汙染企業,並開始逐步對關停礦山進行綜合治理。今年,共安排了8個礦區,總面積7201畝山地進行礦山複綠。同時,還�動了京津風沙源二期綠化工程,在過去10年完成造林64萬畝的基礎上再用10年造林44.2萬畝。在天津的“大水缸”于橋水庫,薊縣大力推廣了“生態床”養殖技術,實現了禽畜糞汙零排放。在整個庫區設計了白莊子濕地等3個濕地保護區,占到庫區周邊三成左右的面積,擔當庫區淨水器的作用。【念好旅遊文化生意經】“十一”黃金周期間,薊縣旅遊火爆,旅遊接待人數和旅遊收入再創歷史新高,全迷你倉共接待中外遊客156萬人次,同比增長15.8%,實現旅遊直接收入1.3億元,綜合收入6.5億元,同比增長18.8%。肖松告訴記者,每年來薊縣的遊客總量為1100萬人次,但每人次的消費不足100元,薊縣旅遊大而不強的問題現實存在。促進傳統旅遊向休閒旅遊的轉變,這是薊縣的思路。目前,薊縣形成了毛家峪、郭家溝等104個旅遊專業村,2012年全縣鄉村游綜合收入10億元。今年則側重推廣郭家溝經驗,打造一批精品村,年內計劃投資2.2億元重點打造東山、黃崖關、壩尺峪等5個旅遊精品村,進一步推進“一家一戶”式農家院旅遊向全景式鄉村旅遊轉變。薊縣的旅遊資源還包括文化。盤山歷史上建有72座寺廟、13座玲瓏寶塔和中國第三大皇家園林——靜寄山莊,早在唐代就以“東五台山”著稱佛界,清代以“京東第一山”馳名中外。曹操、唐太宗、康熙、乾隆等都曾巡遊盤山,並留下了大量的詩文、石刻、碑記,乾隆曾發出過“早知有盤山,何必下江南”的慨嘆。【合理髮展給後人留白】在保護生態的同時,薊縣在產業轉型和城鎮化推進上也在拓展思路。隨著生態環境日益改善,薊縣受到了�多投資者的青睞。石頭造紙、高鐵剎車片、磁性材料、節能玻璃、特種汽車等50多個低碳、環保型企業先後落戶薊縣的兩個市級示範工業園區。這些項目全部達產後,年可實現稅收30億元、創造就業崗位超過1萬個。工業園區為在建的薊縣新城提供了產業支撐。肖松介紹,薊縣新城57平方公里,其中,新建城區27平方公里,按照“四山、八水、一古城”的空間結構和“一軸、兩帶、六組團”的功能架構,重點打造“文化養生”、“山水度假”、“古城特色”、“老城綜合”、“新城中心”、“州河灣居住”等六大單元,計劃10年完成,“一個負責任的政府不能把天地占滿,要給後人留下合理的發展空間。”肖松告訴記者,新城的建設是地上的配套產業和地下的管網同步進行,城市建設、產業園區建設綜合考慮了生態支撐、人口需要和產業承載等方面因素。儲存倉

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Editor’s note: The following is a speech made by Premier Li Keqiang at a meeting on functional transformation and institutional reform of local governments on Nov 1.儲存倉 Not long ago, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinion on Functional Transformation and Institutional Reform of Local Governments. That was yet another major decision made to implement the conclusions of the 18th CPC National Congress and the second plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. It was an important document that would offer guidance and norms for the reform of local governments. Today’s meeting is another important meeting following the audio-video conference in May on transforming functions of State Council institutions. Its main task is to further unify thinking and mobilize efforts, make arrangements for functional transformation and institutional reform of local governments and ensure that the decisions made at the central level are well implemented on the ground. I. We need to effectively write the major articles of government reform by integrating central and local efforts. The reform of the central government and the local governments can be described as the two parts of an article. We need to take a holistic approach to both parts and ensure that the two go well together to form a good article of government reform. The functional transformation and institutional reform of local governments is an important part of the broader reform and opening-up endeavor of the Party and the country. It is also an important component of our efforts to deepen administrative reform. The main purpose of government reform is to clearly define the relations between government and the market, between government and society and between central and local governments. Reform can also better leverage the roles of market and society, further mobilize the initiative of both central and local governments, make sure that the government fully plays its part, accelerate the development of modern government, promote sustained and sound economic growth and social progress, and meet new expectations and requirements from the public. 1. The reform of local governments is important for sustained growth and for the transformation of the economy. Under current circumstances, if the Chinese economy is to achieve sustained and sound growth over the long run, it has to transform. Looking at the immediate and long-term needs, the Chinese economy has entered a crucial stage of transformation and upgrading. When the new government took office, it was confronted with a complex economic situation both at home and abroad, with downward pressures on the rise of the Chinese economy. Growth of fiscal revenues slowed down to such a degree that the central fiscal revenue even experienced negative growth at one point. And it was difficult to further increase money supply as there had already been much water in the pool, so to speak. Under such conditions, we decided to focus on transforming government functions and reforming government institutions as the number one task for the new government. We intended to use it to kick off profound and sweeping reform and exercise effective macro control, playing the role of “soldier” and “cannon” when a Chinese chess game begins. Over the past six months and more, we have stayed focused and worked to innovate ways of macro control while maintaining stability. At the same time, we have addressed the issue at its root and made intensive efforts to seek steady progress in transforming government functions, streamlining administration and delegating power. As a matter of fact, the central government has abolished or delegated to lower levels the power of approval over more than 300 items in four batches. We thought that it would take some time for this move to unleash the vitality of the market, but as it has turned out, the strong signal sent by this move has already produced initial, if not immediate, effect in boosting market expectations, galvanizing the market and mobilizing capital from all sources. There has been a burst of enthusiasm for investment and entrepreneurship. The combined effects of accelerated reform and structural readjustments have exceeded people’s expectations. Since the beginning of this year, the number of registered enterprises has risen by 25 percent. Among them, the number of registered private and individually owned enterprises has been up by 37 percent, resulting in a growth of around 23 percent in private investment, obviously faster than the growth of government investment. This was also an important factor behind the steady and improved performance of the Chinese economy in the third quarter. Transforming government functions and fully delegating all the power that should be delegated have unlocked market vitality, potential demand and inherent driving force for development. As such, they can give a strong boost to structural readjustment, transformation and upgrading, and advance reform through further opening-up. The primary objective of the establishment of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is to promote trade and investment facilitation and enhance efficiency in economic operation through streamlining administration and power delegation. By streamlining administration and delegating power, the government can get things done without extra costs or do more with less. This is what we should fully appreciate. Over the past 35 years of reform and opening-up, local Party committees and governments at various levels have concentrated on the central task of economic development and made huge contributions to the economic and social development of our country. And this year, various localities have worked really hard and made new headway in economic and social development. Judging from the current situation, we are still under tremendous pressure in stabilizing growth. Fiscal revenues are only slowly growing, while the necessary spending to improve people’s well-being cannot be cut and may even have to be increased in some areas. Economic growth achieved through fiscal expenditure and government investment and through more central government deficit and money supply has already come under major constraints. There is only very limited room for policy maneuver in this regard. In the long run, sustained and sound economic development will not be achieved if we continue to follow the old path. Increasing government debts, engaging in mere land transactions, and relying on excessive investment, energy consumption and emissions would also end in overcapacity. So such an approach would not go very far or lead us anywhere. Even if it does produce some short-term effects, they will come at the expense of huge long-term interests. That is why, be it for stabilizing current growth or seeking long-term development, government at all levels needs to rely on reform and innovation to release reform dividends and upgrade the economy. To achieve this, we have to accelerate transformation of government functions and make determined efforts to do away with institutional obstacles arising from excessive approvals, licences, fees and fines. We have to focus our development efforts on giving play to the roles of businesses, the market and non-government actors. 2. The reform of local governments is part and parcel of overall government reform. Local governments directly interact with businesses and the public, and the rights and interests of market players and the public are realized, safeguarded and developed mainly through the local governments. The local governments have a very important role to play in the whole system of government, accounting for over 90 percent of civil servants and around 85 percent of eventual fiscal expenditures in China. It is particularly true for primary-level governments, which belong to the “last one kilometer”, as we often say. Whether the reform of government institutions meets its goal as expected and whether government functions are genuinely transformed depends, to a large extent, on local governments. During our recent field trips and seminars in different localities, we have found that many entrepreneurs are looking at the local governments to deliver what the central government has already committed in power delegation. According to them, the effects of streamlining administration and delegating power at the central level will be greatly compromised if the local governments fail to proceed with corresponding reform in a timely fashion. I assured them that the central government has made up its mind, and that so long as the central government can set a good example of effectively doing what is required, the local governments will surely act to meet the requirements of the central government. Under the current circumstances, streamlining administration and delegating power is a very important means to stabilize growth. And to stabilize growth is also for the sake of ensuring employment. With administration streamlined and power delegated, some powers of administrative approval will be cancelled or delegated, which will energize the market and make the businesses and society more creative, thus generating more jobs. If only the head turns and the body stays put, the transformation of government functions and the institutional reform may become a “fake reform” or a “feinted attempt”. Since last May, positive results have been achieved in the new round of efforts to streamline administration and delegate power in various localities. Yet, due to restraints of local and sectoral interests, there have been cases where powers have been wrongly or inappropriately delegated, or where only lip service has been made with no real action. In some places, only the complex powers that involve big responsibilities have been delegated, with the “more valuable power” still retained by the government. In others, there have been exaggerations. They easily claim to have delegated approval power for more than 100 items, yet few of them involve any significant power. I want to stress that in the course of reform, the local governments must take a holistic perspective and bear in mind the overall interests. They should not be narrowly preoccupied with their own local interests, still less are they allowed to play tricks or conduct reform as a mere formality. We must ensure that streamlining administration and delegating power must be effectively delivered and serve its purpose. 3. The reform of local governments is important to ensure the effective implementation of central government decisions and mobilize the initiative of various localities. In this round of reform, we must further straighten out the relationship between the central and local governments. We need to ensure the effective implementation of central government decisions. The central government should delegate responsibilities that it is not supposed to undertake in order to focus on matters that fall within its mandate. This will make sure that the decisions of the central government are carried out effectively. At the same time, we should fully mobilize the initiative of local governments. China is a unitary state, which practices the system of unified central leadership, with specific responsibilities distributed across different levels of local government. Major policies adopted by the central government must be strictly implemented by all local governments. However, it is also important to recognize that China is a big country, with varying conditions and uneven development across different localities. We need to bear in mind this reality and leverage the role of local governments in managing economic and social development in a way consistent with their own local conditions. At this stage of economic and social development, we are seeing more demands and more differentiated needs from the people. As a result, the services to be provided by the government are also growing in scope and complexity. In line with their respective conditions on the ground, localities should be more proactive and creative in their work. As the saying goes, “Victory can only be achieved when the army share the same goal throughout the ranks”. If we can think and work with one heart and one mind, we will be able to do an even better job. II. “Taking over, releasing and undertaking” responsibilities is key to the transformation of local government functions. You may have noticed that we have included “transform government functions” in the title of the reform proposal of the State Council. This time, in the opinions on the reform of local governments, we have put “transform government functions” ahead of “institutional reform” in order to underscore the importance of transforming government functions. It is widely believed that the key to government reform lies in changing its functions. Without functional changes, institutional reform would not be able to serve its purpose. In transforming the functions of local governments this time, the priority should be placed on “taking over, releasing and undertaking” responsibilities. For local governments, “taking over” means allowing the market to take over responsibilities released by the central government, and taking over and assuming the responsibilities delegated to them by the central government; “releasing” means delegating all powers that ought to be delegated to the lower authorities in real earnest; and “under taking” means assuming full responsibilities for matters that fall within their purview. 1. Local governments should properly take over or further release as required approval power delegated by the central government. Approval items that are phased out by the central government must be fully released to the market and the society, and local governments should not retain such approval power in any disguised form. The central government should also delegate certain responsibilities to the local governments for them to conduct more robust and effective economic and social management by taking advantage of their close knowledge of local communities. Where power is delegated to the provincial level, provincial governments should exercise it properly. Where power is delegated to the municipal or county level, provincial governments should not try to retain or block it, but delegate it promptly. CCTV Primetime News recently ran a story about the establishment of the national deep-sea center for the Jiaolong manned submersible. This project is funded by the central government. In the past, a number of reviews were required for such projects and dozens of seals needed to be stamped, which would take at least two years. Now that the central government has delegated the power of approval to the local government, it only took two months for the project to be approved. This example shows that delegating power can help to unleash productive forces and raise efficiency. We should also make sure that whenever power is to be given to the market and society, it must be delegated fully. Some social organizations are still overseen by the government. If power is delegated to them, it may in the end stay in government hands. This situation must be averted. 2. We should minimize the number of items subject to administrative review and approval by local governments. Provincial governments should go through the items that still require review and approval, and resolutely abolish or delegate the power of approval to lower levels when necessary. The State Council has set the goal of canceling or delegating over a third of the items requiring administrative review and approval within the five-year term of this government. The provincial governments should also set clear goals according to local realities. Delegation of power should be evaluated not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. In principle, provincial governments from now on should not set new items requiring administrative review and approval. As for municipal and county governments, they do not have such right in the first place, but there are cases where they have imposed requirements through official documents in the form of registration, archiving, verification, annual review, certification, supervision, examination, accreditation or certificates of this kind or that. These may not be called “administrative review and approval”, but they all represent thresholds for companies, being hardly different from review and approval and involving the collection of fees in most cases. The government is now encouraging university students in big cities to return to their hometown after graduation to start their own business, which would be good for local employment. But without an enabling environment, how can they run a business on a sustainable basis? Therefore, we should have the strictest enforcement of a “threshold” for items requiring administrative approval. Items established via “official documents” to impose administrative management or to collect charges and fines must be abolished if they do not conform with laws and regulations. The State Council has decided to reform the business registration system. The reform, as we have learned, is welcomed by the people, especially the youth and university graduates. They all hope it could be carried out as soon as possible. Local governments should waste no time in putting in place the supporting measures so as to encourage more people to start their own businesses. 3. Local governments need to enhance their functions in both regulation and services. Sufficient power delegation does not mean zero regulation. Power delegation and enhanced regulation are like the two wheels of a wagon. Only when both wheels turn can the reform of the government progress smoothly. In this sense, local governments must exercise market regulation to the full extent vis-a-vis all the producers and distributors. With reduction in pre-project approval, the government needs to step up mid- and post-project regulation. In this round of local government reform, the power of market regulation will be delegated to the lower levels, especially to the municipal and county governments. A regulation web of full coverage will be set up to leave迷你倉最平no misconduct unattended to. In this way, we will be able to break away from the doomed cycle whereby power delegation leads to market disorder which, in turn, leads to tighter control, thus ending the transformation efforts. To grow the economy, local governments should, first and foremost, create a unified, open and level-playing field for all types of market players. This is also an important way to strengthen regulation and services. Going forward, local governments, in principle, will make no direct investment in enterprises, as such investment or government direct intervention in the production and management of enterprises tends to give rise to monopoly over investment and industry and market blockade. For years, local protectionism has been a main obstacle to the development of a national, unified and open market. Local governments should not aim to own businesses operating in their localities. Rather, they should aim to play good hosts. This was the approach adopted by some local governments in southern China at the early days of reform and opening-up. What has happened since shows that the governments following this approach have seen their economy grow. For local governments, what is of fundamental importance is to grow the local economy, create more jobs, and collect taxes in accordance with law. In growing the economy, local governments should serve not as a “driver” personally riding the vehicle but as someone taking care of the “street lights” and “traffic lights” and as a “police officer”. The “street lights” are intended to light the way forward for all enterprises with no discrimination. “Traffic lights” refers to rules that tell the enterprises when to go ahead and when to stop and apply to all enterprises. “Good policing” refers to more effective regulation and severe punishment for violations of laws and regulations, such as producing and selling counterfeit and substandard products, bossing and monopolizing the marketplace, cheating and swindling, infringing on intellectual property rights and, in particular, jeopardizing food safety at the expense of people’s life and health. Effective regulation ensures fairness for law-abiding and honest enterprises, while ineffective regulation will allow “bad money to drive out good” and result in rampant cheating, swindling and the like. If we focus more of our efforts on enforcing the “rules of the road”, we will be able to foster a better market environment and put economic transformation and upgrading on a more solid foundation. We also need to reform and innovate ways of supervision and establish a set of scientific rules and methods of supervision. In the past, we had too many annual and monthly market inspections and even staged “inspection campaigns” from time to time. I am not saying that such inspections are to be banned altogether, but they should not be done without clearly defined rules to follow as to whom to inspect, whom to punish and how severe the penalty should be in case of irregularities. Here, we can borrow the practice of other countries, such as conducting proportionate random inspections on entities under supervision. Random inspections are not inspections at will; on the contrary, there are rules to follow. For example, if there are 100 enterprises under supervision, then every year, a preset percentage of them will be selected through a lottery draw to receive thorough inspection. We can also entrust a third party to conduct the inspections. Those who violate the law, once found, are subject to punishments enough to make their violations unprofitable and even lead to their bankruptcy. At the same time, we need to establish a complete catalogue of enterprises with irregular operations and a system of blacklisting, and ensure their rigidity through technical methods. Problem enterprises and illicit operators, once listed, cannot have their names removed no matter what connections they have or what strings they pull. One single irregularity in a certain business will mean life-long exclusion. Such a system, with its universal deterrence, serves as a sword hanging over the heads of all business operators, who may be deterred from taking chances. The honest ones are never worried that the devil might call at night but the swindlers are always in fear of unbearable cost once their luck runs out. This system can also help standardize the conduct of government regulators, and lower the cost and improve the efficiency of regulation. Local governments may make explorations in this area. To ensure basic public services essential to people’s livelihood is another administrative function local governments need to enhance. In this aspect, the primary responsibilities of the government are to meet people’s basic needs, address weak links and ensure that poor people have something to fall back on to promote social equity. Some local authorities have misinterpreted what basic services are about. They have been busily embroidering more flowers on the brocade rather than sending charcoal to the needy on a snowy winter day, so to speak. Some compulsory education schools have been turned into so-called “noble schools” — schools for the rich. Some nursing homes are far too luxurious. It may look good if the government tries to provide for everything free of charge, but in reality, this is unrealistic and unaffordable. And it would also make it hard for the private sector players to get in, because they can hardly compete even when they run businesses at a thin profit margin. We need to think hard and mobilize market forces into developing the services sector. Meanwhile the government must earnestly fulfill its responsibility of ensuring basic services. Recently, the State Council stressed the importance of strengthening the social aid system to meet people’s essential needs. If we are to advance market-oriented reform more vigorously, we must improve this system to prevent such things from happening that are beyond the limits of people’s moral and psychological tolerance. This is also what is intended by the socialist market economy. We need to place greater importance on the building of community-level governments. As people often say, “Authorities at higher levels are like thousands of threads and governments at the community level are the single needle that weaves”. Governments in counties (cities), townships, and urban districts and resident offices directly interact with and serve the people. We need to care more about community-level officials and provide sufficient support for their life and work. In particular, there must be no wage arrears. In the transfer payments from the central to local governments, priority should be given to wage payment for community-level officials. III. Local institutional reform should focus on “control, adjustment and change”. One old saying has it that, “A good government is a slim government”. This round of local government institutional reform must ensure success in “exercising control, making adjustment and promoting change”. “Control” refers to strictly controlling the total size of government staff. “Adjustment” refers to making adjustments and improvements to the personnel structure. And “change” refers to unleashing staff potential through deepening reform. 1. The size of government staffing must be put under rigorous control. In this round of reform, we must observe two principles: one is to set a limit on the total number of local government agencies in order to control government size; the other is to make sure government payroll will only shrink and not expand. This is a commitment this government has made to the entire population. Difficult as it is, a promise is a promise and we will honor it with good faith. Why do we need to strictly control the size of government staffing? Given the current situation, government revenues at various levels are unlikely to see fast growth as in the past. With a large payroll, we will, more often than not, end up in a situation where the little produced by the few will soon be depleted by the many who consume. In just half a year since the formation of this government, some localities and departments have again asked to increase their staffing. Without control, the problem will go from bad to worse. The size of government staffing is already very big. Duplicating responsibilities and overlapping portfolios will not only lead to inefficiency, but even breed corruption. It will tarnish government image and dampen the enthusiasm of those hardworking civil servants. Eventually, it is the interest of the people that is at stake. 2. The organization and staffing structure of government agencies should be adjusted and improved. The problem at hand is not insufficient size, but poor structure and a misallocation of resources in terms of organizational setup and staffing. On the one hand, there is a shortage of hands in those key areas and links that should be strengthened, and government responsibilities that should be taken care of are even left unattended. On the other hand, in areas already identified as requiring less government attention, the agencies fail to streamline accordingly, resulting in overstaffing. While capping the overall size, we should also see the great potential in adjusting and improving the organizational and staffing structure of government agencies and public institutions. Over the past two years, we have been advancing reform of public institutions based on different categories and have removed some agencies and positions through rectification and regulation. Right now, some government agencies have fat bodies and thin legs, like an ostrich. Local governments must be determined to strengthen those institutions that should be strengthened and scale back those where it is necessary. In particular, the grassroots level and the frontline of government institutions should be fortified. When we make adjustments to the organizational and staffing structure, we have to give consideration to the need of slimming down higher-level governments while beefing-up those at the grassroots level. 3. Reform should be deepened to meet our needs for development. To control the size and adjust the structure of government agencies and staffing, the key is to deepen reform and innovate management. Experience over the years shows that without reform and innovation, it is very difficult to break the vicious cycle of streamlining-swelling-streamlining again-swelling again. In recent years, some localities have made good and effective explorations in institutional reform. Some have consolidated the market regulation functions and resources of several departments into one bigger department in order to build a unified, overarching market regulation system and thereby upgrading the quality and efficiency of its services and management. Some localities follow a real-name staffing system. All outside personnel, including those borrowed from government-affiliated institutions, are entered into records and disclosed to the public for scrutiny, effectively closing institutional and management loopholes that allow people to freeload, stay on the payroll without reporting for duty or make false claims for government funding. All local governments are encouraged to boldly explore reforms aimed at addressing these issues and good experience should be promptly summarized and shared. No central government agency may interfere in any way with the readjustment of local organizational setup and staffing. Local government reform is a self-initiated revolution. It will involve many quarters and shake up vested interests. All localities must follow the unified arrangements of the central authorities and put this reform high on their agenda. They must put public opinion and interests first and display the courage to crack hard nuts and see the reform through without ever letting up. This reform should be combined with the campaign to study and practice the mass line of the CPC and the implementation of the “eight rules” of the CPC Central Committee so that these efforts will reinforce each other. Provincial Party committees and governments should assume overall responsibility for the reform. Leading officials must personally take charge and do more to guide, supervise and monitor the reform process in their respective jurisdictions. Government at all levels must develop plans with all seriousness, specify the timeline and task breakdown, hold themselves strictly accountable and report immediately to the central authorities whenever major issues arise. Competent authorities at the central level must strengthen guidance, coordination and supervision. Discipline in organizational setup and staffing must be strictly observed, and violations shall be dealt with without leniency. Reform: Size of government must be strictly checked one is to set a limit on the total number of local government agencies in order to control government size; the other is to make sure government payroll will only shrink and not expand. This is a commitment this government has made to the entire population. Difficult as it is, a promise is a promise and we will honor it with good faith. Why do we need to strictly control the size of government staffing? Given the current situation, government revenues at various levels are unlikely to see fast growth as in the past. With a large payroll, we will, more often than not, end up in a situation where the little produced by the few will soon be depleted by the many who consume. In just half a year since the formation of this government, some localities and departments have again asked to increase their staffing. Without control, the problem will go from bad to worse. The size of government staffing is already very big. Duplicating responsibilities and overlapping portfolios will not only lead to inefficiency, but even breed corruption. It will tarnish government image and dampen the enthusiasm of those hardworking civil servants. Eventually, it is the interest of the people that is at stake. 2. The organization and staffing structure of government agencies should be adjusted and improved. The problem at hand is not insufficient size, but poor structure and a misallocation of resources in terms of organizational setup and staffing. On the one hand, there is a shortage of hands in those key areas and links that should be strengthened, and government responsibilities that should be taken care of are even left unattended. On the other hand, in areas already identified as requiring less government attention, the agencies fail to streamline accordingly, resulting in overstaffing. While capping the overall size, we should also see the great potential in adjusting and improving the organizational and staffing structure of government agencies and public institutions. Over the past two years, we have been advancing reform of public institutions based on different categories and have removed some agencies and positions through rectification and regulation. Right now, some government agencies have fat bodies and thin legs, like an ostrich. Local governments must be determined to strengthen those institutions that should be strengthened and scale back those where it is necessary. In particular, the grassroots level and the frontline of government institutions should be fortified. When we make adjustments to the organizational and staffing structure, we have to give consideration to the need of slimming down higher-level governments while beefing-up those at the grassroots level. 3. Reform should be deepened to meet our needs for development. To control the size and adjust the structure of government agencies and staffing, the key is to deepen reform and innovate management. Experience over the years shows that without reform and innovation, it is very difficult to break the vicious cycle of streamlining-swelling-streamlining again-swelling again. In recent years, some localities have made good and effective explorations in institutional reform. Some have consolidated the market regulation functions and resources of several departments into one bigger department in order to build a unified, overarching market regulation system and thereby upgrading the quality and efficiency of its services and management. Some localities follow a real-name staffing system. All outside personnel, including those borrowed from government-affiliated institutions, are entered into records and disclosed to the public for scrutiny, effectively closing institutional and management loopholes that allow people to freeload, stay on the payroll without reporting for duty or make false claims for government funding. All local governments are encouraged to boldly explore reforms aimed at addressing these issues and good experience should be promptly summarized and shared. No central government agency may interfere in any way with the readjustment of local organizational setup and staffing. Local government reform is a self-initiated revolution. It will involve many quarters and shake up vested interests. All localities must follow the unified arrangements of the central authorities and put this reform high on their agenda. They must put public opinion and interests first and display the courage to crack hard nuts and see the reform through without ever letting up. This reform should be combined with the campaign to study and practice the mass line of the CPC and the implementation of the “eight rules” of the CPC Central Committee so that these efforts will reinforce each other. Provincial Party committees and governments should assume overall responsibility for the reform. Leading officials must personally take charge and do more to guide, supervise and monitor the reform process in their respective jurisdictions. Government at all levels must develop plans with all seriousness, specify the timeline and task breakdown, hold themselves strictly accountable and report immediately to the central a uthorities whenever major issues arise. Competent authorities at the central level must strengthen guidance, coordination and supervision. Discipline in organizational setup and staffing must be strictly observed, and violations shall be dealt with without leniency. 迷你倉

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self storage (雪蘭莪 八打靈再也7日訊)大馬旅遊促進局副總監拿督阿茲占諾丁說,針對大馬郵政公司被指“擅用他人鳥類照片出郵票”風波,旅遊部將在下週召開會議向有關人士作進一步瞭解,以尋求解決途徑。他對馬新社說,該局已經聯絡新郵票系列的設計師、圖片攝影師、大馬郵政公司及新郵票系列宣傳顧問等人。新郵票系列沒呈旅遊部他指出,這項新郵票系列計劃是由有關公司負責設計和擔任顧問,並沒有呈交至旅遊部。根據日前報導,大馬郵政公司在官方網站上載配合“2014大馬旅遊年”將於11月13日推出的新郵票系列;但一名菲律賓籍攝影師羅密奧康卻聲稱其中一張郵票的鳥類圖片是他的作品,並指責郵政公司在未獲得他授權下採用這張照片。;迷你倉

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Both the main websites still functioning, restoration of compromised subpages underwaySingaporeTHE websites of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and Istana were not hacked but were compromised, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) said yesterday.儲存A vulnerability in the Google Search bar embedded on the websites' subpage had been exploited by unknown parties in two attacks, the IDA said. These were detected within 15 minutes of their occurrence - the first one late on Thursday night and the second one 20 minutes past midnight yesterday.Within an hour of discovering the attacks late on Thursday night, the search function on the affected subpages was disabled.BT understands that a patch addressing this particular vulnerability for the embedded Google Search bar had existed, but it had not been applied by the time of the attacks. The patch is currently being applied across government websites."Both the PMO and Istana main websites are still functioning, and restoration of the compromised subpages are under way," the IDA said yesterday.The attack was designed in such a way that a user looking for website content through the embedded search bar would have been brought to a page of search results, some of which would have contained Web links to a page hosted elsewhere.This page would have resembled the PMO or Istana website with additional images to create the impression of defacement, the IDA said. One of the images迷你倉had been the Guy Fawkes mask, used by the Anonymous group, a hacking collective.Yesterday, security software firm Trend Micro echoed the IDA's stance on the matter, saying, "The attack was not a result of a hacking attack, but an exploitation of vulnerability within the website.""The exploited URL was broadcast across various social networking sites including Twitter, Facebook and more, implying that the PMO website has been defaced. With the exploited link referencing to PMO website's official URL (.pmo.gov.sg), when clicked on, unsuspecting visitors and consumers were tricked into thinking that the exploited link was a real defaced-PMO website," Trend Micro said yesterday.Last week, individuals claiming to be part of Anonymous urged Singaporeans to mount a protest on Nov 5, which was Guy Fawkes' Day. While the date had passed without apparent incident, the IDA revealed yesterday that there had been "unusually high Internet traffic" to many government websites throughout Nov 5."This was indicative of attempts to scan for vulnerabilities or potential (distributed denial-of-service) attempts," it said.The attacks on both websites are being investigated by the IDA and the police."We will continue to strengthen all government websites. This includes the checking and fixing of vulnerabilities and software patching. While this is in progress, visitors to government websites may experience intermittent problems with access," it said.儲存倉

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中華電信連續10多年舉辦電信創新賽事,儲存倉今年「創作擂台」5大主題包括有MOD互動微電影、音樂創作、旅遊報導、行動APP和雲端軟體,總計7000多件作品參賽,今年得獎作品水準創新高,頗有未來李安、五月天的氣勢,中華電信將600件獲獎作品上架,消費者也有機會觀賞、使用這些作品。 ■行動APP 專屬錢包鎖帳密 中華電信董事長李炎松表示,「2013電信創新應用大賽」是以雙擂台(創作擂台、網路擂台)與10大主題,從多螢應用、數位內容、文化創意、數位學習多方培養台灣創新軟實力,藉由聯合產官學界,期望推動全民勇於創新的數位風潮,讓台灣的創意撼動世界。昨日揭曉的是「創作擂台」5大主題的各組優勝結果。 評審團表示,今年校園組優秀人才輩出,歷年表現亮眼的政治大學,今年在「音樂創作」及「MOD互動微電影創作」組奪下雙料冠軍。擅長於新興網路應用開發設計的交通大學與清華大學則在「行動APP」組中互別苗頭,交通大學囊括第1名及第3名,清華大學則獲得季軍與優選。 行動APP校園組冠軍《AIRSIG密碼錢包》即著眼在行動裝置普及,用戶如何將常用的帳號、密碼等私密資訊儲存的需求,此APP即可管理帳號密碼,並提供獨創的3D空中簽名驗證,使用時就像對著手機畫符,但不會顯示寫下的圖案,能有效保障隱私。 「MO迷你倉最平互動微電影創作」吸引近300隊懷抱電影夢的團隊參賽,社會組冠軍《PROJECT MOD》以媲美職業水準的內容與技術獲得評審一致讚賞;校園組冠軍作品《無聲片刻》探討現代人冷漠背後的疏離孤絕,主題發人省思。 「旅遊報導」首獎作品珍珠茶屋,尋訪繁忙城市中的小確幸,介紹「珍珠茶屋」鮮食藝術、生活美學,讓人發現生活的不簡單。「雲端應用」季軍《異位性皮膚炎雲端健康管理系統》是元培科技大學團隊創作,結合中醫療法針對體質推拿特定穴位,搭配24節氣及環境資訊功能提醒病患,達到養生保健的作用。 ■電信賽事 學習與研發指標 李炎松表示,10多年來,中華電信堅持持續舉辦電信創新賽事,這份堅持逐漸成為國內數位學習與創新研發的指標。藉由舉辦競賽,發掘優秀的軟體開發人才,協助青年學生走出校園,深入社會,進而躍上國際舞台,得獎作品有機會接受育成,在中華電信雲端HICLOUD、行動HAMI、光世代HINET、MOD平台上架。 例如「行動APP」今年即與長茂科技合作,提供容易使用的開發平台,搭配中華電信HAMI APPS軟體市集行銷推廣;「雲端軟體」結合中華雲市集,提供HICLOUD雲端軟體整合平台;「音樂創作」決賽優秀作品更可獲得知名音樂老師親自指導的機會,並於KKBOX發行數位專輯播及量身訂做的來電答鈴。迷你倉

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存倉 (美國 華盛頓6日訊)美國出現一個網站,讓氣憤難平的妻子和女友公開勾引其伴侶的“小三”資料,並且臭罵那些破壞其家庭者,雖然此網站惹起不少爭議,但吸引近25萬名支持者。這個名為Shesahomewrecker.com於去年創立,迄今已列出全美國500名“小三”,除了“小三”的名字和位置外,還附有她們的照片,甚至每宗婚外情的“經過”。據統計,美國“小三”舉報個案最高的州份是得州,共168宗,其次是加州,共152宗,最低佛蒙特州,僅1宗。雖然有人形容此網站“恐怖”和“令人反感”,並指她們應該跟她們的伴侶算賬,而不是欺凌“小三”,但網站擁有牢固的支持者,已吸引近25萬個“讚好”。;儲存

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Source: Jordan Times, AmmanNov.self storage 07--AMMAN -- It was on a dull October morning in 1993 when cartoonist Emad Hajjaj had the creativity spark that has so far fuelled 20 years of comic strips following days in the life of the Jordanian character, Abu Mahjoob.Hajjaj was a young cartoonist embarking on a career at Al Rai newspaper and looking for inspiration."On that day I went to work by bus. On the way, I saw so many banners promoting parliamentary election candidates fixed everywhere on the sidewalks and on electricity poles," the artist recalled."It wasn't particularly my favourite day; I was a little grumpy and haunted by ideas for my cartoons," Hajajj said."After a lot of thinking, I thought I should draw someone who could stand for all Jordanians, and suddenly, it was my father's personality and attitude that jumped into my head; a retired military officer, a cynical and angry man who constantly complains about life."Shortly after, the hot-tempered and scruffy Abu Mahjoob made his debut.He was standing on a ladder to fix a banner for a candidate running for the elections. While the banner said: "No to foreign labour", Abu Mahjoob was angrily shouting at a foreign worker asking him to tie the rope tightly to the electricity pole.Far from being a mere caricature, Abu Mahjoob was quite cynical and real, Hajjaj said, noting that the character represented the paradoxes in Jordanian life."That very scene represented the contradictions that exist in Jordan; Abu Mahjoob is an average citizen, who suffers from economic hardships and is bothered by [negative] social norms," the artist said at an event held at Abdul Hamid Shoman Forum last week to mark the character's 20th anniversary."He can be an angel and a demon at the same time; a loving father and a husband one day, and a corrupt employee who takes bribes in return for favours on another," Hajjaj said, describing Abu Mahjoob's character."Actually, Abu Mahjoob wearing a traditional Jordanian kufiyeh [headdress] with a modern suit can also be seen as another contradiction," he noted.On how he came up with the iconic character's name, Hajjaj has no ready answer."I honestl迷利倉 don't know. All I remember is that I have always believed in images, not in the meaning that a word carries. I just had an image of Abu Mahjoob in my mind, plus I really liked the music of the name -- it's easy and it means the hidden or the concealed."Talking about the most important milestones in Abu Mahjoob's life, Hajjaj said that using computer programmes to draw this character was a landmark in his career as well as in the art of caricature in Jordan in general."Back then, caricatures used to appear in black and white and they looked so rigid and spiritless. Using computer programmes was frowned upon, as critics used to claim it weakens the value of the work," Hajjaj said."However, over the past 20 years, I opted for the computer to develop Abu Mahjoob, as I needed to highlight and bring out the colours, details and images in this character; actually, those very elements carry important messages -- they are not mere decorations."Another important landmark in Abu Mahjoob's life was the production of short animated episodes in which he appeared along with other characters, especially his sidekick Abu Mohammad.They were aired on local television stations and are also available on YouTube and other social media outlets."It has been said that the natural development of a cartoon character is to become animated and later to turn into a movie character," said Hajjaj."I thought it was an important step for Abu Mahjoob [to become animated] in order to reach out to a larger audience," he added.Although the inspiration for Abu Mahjoob was Hajjaj's father, the artist said the character has grown beyond that to cover all issues that matter to Jordanians in thousands of cartoons."I believe what people see in my cartoons is their lives first and foremost. In Abu Mahjoob's comic strips, they don't only see themselves and their fellow Jordanians, but also their own lifestyles, neighbourhoods and streets," Hajajj added."Abu Mahjoob will always continue to evolve."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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A cat that was used as a football sustained such severe injuries that it had to be put down.儲存 Up to six people were seen kicking the animal on a Kwun Tong estate a year ago. At Kwun Tong Magistrates' Court yesterday So Pak-lam and Yip Wai-kit, both 23, Yeung Kiu- yue, 26, and Kong Ka-man, 18, denied charges of animal cruelty. Witness Yu Siu-man told the court that he went to Tin Chi House on the Shun Tin Estate as part of his promotion work with a telecommunications company. Deputy magistrate Kennis Tai Chiu-ki heard that while Yu was having a smoke between the 11th and 12th floors on the rear staircase he heard a noise. Yu said he looked down and saw up to six people kicking a dark cat. ``There were two to three of them on each side, and they were passing the cat like a football.'' He admitted he could only recognize some of those involved by their clothing and not their迷你倉 facial features. Another witness, Wong Yin- chu, who lives on the 13th floor, said she saw two people kicking a cat when she was taking out the garbage. ``The cat was on its side. They picked it up and one of them kicked it to the other person,'' Wong said. She said the two passed the cat between them at least five times, adding she thought the animal was dead because it did not move. But after the two left, the cat crawled back toward a wall. Someone else living in Tin Chi House found the cat in front of their door. It was bleeding from its mouth and its rear limbs were paralyzed. It was put to sleep after staff from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals came to collect it. The four suspects were later arrested after police trawled through CCTV footage. However Kong Ka-man was the only one actually identified. The trial continues today. STAFF REPORTER 儲存倉

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邱縣廉政漫畫“火了”。這批主要由河北省邯鄲市邱縣農民創作的漫畫,儲存以專欄的形式登上中紀委監察部網站已兩月有餘。此前,中央出台《中國共產黨黨員領導幹部廉潔從政若干準則》後,邱縣組織漫畫工作者針對“8個禁止”“52個不准”,條分縷析,就每項內容都創作出一幅漫畫,向全縣推廣的同時,結集出版了《話說》等漫畫圖書。有媒體稱,這批漫畫,今年8月得到過中紀委書記王岐山的兩次批示。第一次是在8月11日,王岐山批示:“(中紀委)宣教室可派員去看看,對可否大範圍運用提出意見”。8月20日,王岐山再次批示:“可否在即將開通的中紀委網站上設廉政文化板塊,邱縣的漫畫形式亦可辦成‘網展’,這樣看的人多,成本低且能互動。”昨日,新京報記者採訪了邱縣農民廉政漫畫創作主力郝增茂、邱縣紀委書記趙從江。兩位分別對廉政漫畫在反腐中起到的作用,發表了自己的看法。■ 對話人趙從江河北省邱縣縣委常委、紀委書記。負責邱縣廉政漫畫的人才培養及宣傳推廣工作,該縣廉政漫畫工作領導小組組長。邱縣紀委書記:作品還是要反映正能量匯報工作得到中紀委注意新京報:通過漫畫推進廉政工作出于什麼考慮?趙從江:廉政教育本身就是紀委工作的一部分。我們邱縣的漫畫又有三十幾年傳統,比較有群�基礎,所以很自然地將兩者結合起來。新京報:何時將二者結合?趙從江:已做了六七年。比較集中的是在十八大之後,中央明顯加大反腐力度,給創作者提供不少素材。新京報:中紀委是怎麼注意到邱縣漫畫的?趙從江:我們通過紀委的渠道匯報工作,沒想到獲得了中紀委的肯定。對基層幹部而言,這個肯定很意外、也很受鼓舞。“作品縣里會審核”新京報:漫畫家們有很尖銳的作品嗎?官員們能否接受?趙從江:漫畫作品本身就是諷刺性的,我們選擇作品有個原則就是從現象著手批評,不人身攻擊。縣里有個漫畫領導小組,職責是負責作品的審核,會負責一些作品的把關。新京報:審核職責?趙從江:對,我們的主要指導思想還是要反映正能量。新京報:會有人看了不舒服嗎?趙從江:有漫畫反映機關幹部吃拿卡要、不作為、慢作為等現象,就會有人私下找作者溝通,有問題直接提出,不要畫漫畫了等等。新京報:廉政漫畫領導小組和漫畫創作者關係是怎樣的?趙從江:我們主要採取命題作畫、訂單創作的模式,根據反腐倡廉各階段重點工作,設立相應條目,確定創作主題,下達創作任務,由創作組成員分工合作完成。新京報:類似命題作文?趙從江:是的,主題根據廉政工作的實際需要設立,再由漫畫家們去創作。新京報:結合你的具體工作,漫畫起到的作用有哪些?趙從江:老百姓看了知道什麼是違紀違規行為,他們發現官場上的腐敗現象,會及時舉報,給我們的工作提供了很大便利。新京報:怎麼看待漫畫和反腐敗工作的關係?趙從江:具體實踐中,漫畫也好,其他廉政教育形式也好,所能起到的是一個教育和預防的作用。如果真遇到(腐敗)問題,還需要法律法規去解決。這就好比生病,迷你倉病的時候我們應採取措施預防,強健身體。真要得病了,還得靠開刀吃藥。“有漫畫人才管理機制”新京報:目前邱縣漫畫隊伍規模怎樣?趙從江:我們有個“青蛙漫畫組”,擁有會員3000余名,其中骨幹會員50余名。新京報:怎麼保證漫畫創作的持續性?趙從江:縣里有漫畫人才管理機制,對人才進行分級管理,提供相應的創作指導,定期給他們整理漫畫檔案。新京報:作者創作廉政漫畫有收入嗎?趙從江:縣里有一定補貼,如果參加比賽獲得名次,還會有相應獎勵。這兩者額度都不大,一幅漫畫也就一二百塊錢。近兩年縣里一直著力于漫畫產業化,讓漫畫推動農民致富。■ 對話人郝增茂49歲,河北省邯鄲市邱縣農民漫畫家,邱縣農民廉政漫畫創作主力。自1984年開始發表作品,先後在人民日報《諷刺與幽默》《工人日報》《大�漫畫》等發表漫畫、連環畫2000余幅,50余幅在全國漫賽中獲獎。農民漫畫家:反腐最終要靠法律和政策漫畫創作對事不對人新京報:邱縣漫畫得到了中紀委的肯定,知道後有什麼感受?郝增茂:我是從縣里知道的消息,縣里還說中紀委書記王岐山特別批示了我們的漫畫,我挺高興的。新京報:你覺得漫畫對反腐可以起到什麼作用?郝增茂:漫畫是個藝術形式,一個表達心聲的途徑。最終反腐要靠國家的法律和政策,靠實際行動。新京報:漫畫多諷喻,會不會引起某些人的不滿,怎麼把握創作的尺度?郝增茂:對事不對人。有人看了不高興,那是做賊心虛。“反映百姓對官員期待”新京報:在你的作品中,體現了怎樣的訴求?郝增茂:國家給了農民好政策,有時被地方層層盤剝了。(比如地方)克扣貧困補貼、徵地補償款之類,我會畫一些反映這種現象的漫畫。還要反映老百姓對父母官的期待。我一個獲獎作品,一共有兩幅。第一幅是一名官員包養了一位漂亮女子,另一幅是一位官員用自己的工資資助貧困大學生,題目就叫《同是“包養”》。裡面有我們老百姓的評價在裡面。“平常老老實實種棉花”新京報:你是怎麼想到要學習漫畫的?郝增茂:主要還是愛好。1983年成立青蛙漫畫組的時候我就報名參加了,拜了師,這才有了比較多的學習機會。新京報:當時就畫廉政漫畫嗎?題材選擇有哪些考慮?郝增茂:我早期就畫過一些反映廉政內容的漫畫,但並不成規模。那時想到啥畫啥,群�喜聞樂見的都畫。廉政漫畫這兩年畫得多一些,一方面是縣里經常組織主題畫展、主題活動,定義個題目給我們。十八大之後(縣里有關)廉政主題的創作要求就更多一些。新京報:創作漫畫給你帶來了什麼?郝增茂:畫漫畫掙不了幾個錢,平常要老老實實種棉花。但畫漫畫帶給了我好心情。新京報:縣領導有意讓邱縣漫畫產業化,你怎麼看?郝增茂:這個我們農民肯定是歡迎的。我們邱縣並不富裕,農民主要依靠種植棉花為生,一年沒有多少錢。我們當然希望漫畫最終帶給我們財富。新京報記者 盧美慧河北邱縣反腐漫畫,以專欄形式,登中紀委監察部網站已兩月有餘。網站截圖農民漫畫家郝增茂創作的漫畫。儲存倉

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南方日報訊 (記者/曲廣寧)對於市民最為關心的機場轉場後如何公交到達T3航站樓,文件倉昨日,市交委專門組織記者體驗從後瑞地鐵站到深圳機場新航站樓的公交接駁情況。記者發現,目前從竹子林地鐵站坐地鐵到後瑞站需時40分鐘,而出後瑞站C、D出口後即會有公交接駁站台和的士站台,記者坐上公交歷時12分鐘到達機場航站樓。此外,記者瞭解到,後瑞地鐵站到機場新航站樓的專用公交接駁站台正在建設中,未來這裡還將建設公交專用道,以保證從這裡去機場的公共交通需求。後瑞站將建機場接駁公交專用停靠站據前日的發佈會介紹,地鐵11號線建成前,新航站樓�用時將增開1條地鐵1號線後瑞站至新航站樓的軌道接駁公交線,接駁線的運營時間、發車間隔將與地鐵1號線運營時間無縫銜接。據市交委相關負責人介紹,由於後瑞站離機場新航站樓近,連接後瑞站至機場新航站樓的公共交通可實現地鐵最近距離跟航站樓對接,縮短乘客到達機場新航站樓的時間。而昨日記者也專門體驗了這條到達新航站樓的公交路線。記者先從竹子林坐上地鐵,歷時40分鐘到達後瑞地鐵站,而後在市交委的指引下出後瑞地鐵站C出口即看到右手邊的公交站台,而未來這一站台即將成為接駁到機場新航站樓的專用站台。市交委公交處相關負責人介紹,目前後瑞地鐵站出口處已開始再建一個公交候車亭的工作,屆時,現有的公交線路停靠站將和未來接駁機場新航站樓的公交站分開,以提供一個專門的停靠站給接駁機場新航站樓的公交車。此外,記者瞭解到,未來從後瑞地鐵站C、D出口出來,在兩出口的中間即是機場公交接駁站,而在D出口還將有的士接駁站,從這裡可以方便換乘公交到機場。未來後瑞站到機場將實現“車等人”此外,記者注意到,目前後瑞地鐵站C、D出口各有一個電梯及一部箱式直梯供上下行乘客使用,除存倉梯外,乘客目前只能走下樓梯到公交站,這對於未來持有大件行李的乘客或帶來不便。而從後瑞地鐵站,記者還體驗了去往機場新航站樓的公交車,從坐上公交車後,記者計時,約12分鐘到達機場新航站樓。據市交委測算,目前深圳通過軌道交通去往機場的客流量在高峰期大概每輛地鐵有100位乘客,而按照這一最大需求計算,未來新航站樓�用後,後瑞地鐵站公交接駁車將每5分鐘發兩班至機場以保證可轉運100位乘客到機場。此外,該委相關負責人介紹,作為配套設施,這一公交接駁站路段還將設立250米左右的公交專用道,並在公交站台附件安裝監控設施。而在未來機場新航站樓�用後,這裡將保證充分的運力以讓“車等人”而不是“人等車”。■相關迎T3�用南航尋找22年前“首航乘客”南方日報訊 (記者/鄧翔 通訊員/歐莉)1991年11月25日,南航CZ3151航班(深圳—北京)從深圳機場起飛,從此拉開了深圳特區民航客運的序幕;2013年11月28日,深圳機場T3航站樓將全新�用,目前已確定南航當日首航航班仍為CZ3151(深圳—北京),為此,南航發起尋找首班乘客活動,邀請當年首航乘客,再度體驗這劃時代的首航。即日起,南航開始尋找1991年11月25日CZ3151的乘客,只要當年的乘客能向南航提供如機票、登機牌、照片(有日期或其他有力輔證)相關證明,經南航確認為深圳機場首航乘客的,可以獲得以下獎勵:1.免費乘坐南航T3首航航班,並免費獲得回程免費機票一張;2.可獲贈價值400元首航限量版南航機模一個。如果您是當年首航的乘客,可以通過電話0755—86300604聯繫南航深圳分公司參與活動。圖片說明:地鐵1號線後瑞站將作為T3航站樓地鐵接駁站,屆時地面的“機場南”公交站將進行改造。 趙炎雄 攝儲存

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  • Nov 08 Fri 2013 09:54
  • 上海

盜刷客戶銀行卡新手段頻出 網購切勿泄露驗證碼下周“雙十一”電商購物節即將來臨。近期,mini storage本市警方發現多種騙取網購客戶驗證碼、動態密碼盜刷的新型詐騙手段,這些手法能繞過銀行卡密碼或網銀支付密碼,因此十分隱蔽、危險。手段一:套取驗證碼日前,長寧警方接到市民梁女士報案。梁女士生日當天在淘寶買了一條裙子。下午,她接到了自稱“支付寶工作人員”的電話,被告知交易沒有成功,需要退款。隨後,“工作人員”指引梁女士QQ對話,並給她一個退款鏈接。點進鏈接,梁女士按要求填寫了淘寶賬戶名、密碼,信用卡的卡號……輸入完畢後,她收到一條短信驗證碼。根據“工作人員”要求,她將驗證碼發到對方手機上。隨後,她收到短信提示銀行卡消費了2000元。此時,對方告訴她剛才發送驗證碼太慢了,導致“後台操作錯誤”,要求重來。不久,梁女士又收到一條驗證碼,立即轉發。當再次收到短信提示銀行卡儲存費了5000元時,梁女士才發覺被騙。原來,梁女士點入的退款鏈接指向釣魚網站,騙子由此掌握了用她的信用卡網上劃賬的基礎信息。隨後,她收到了信用卡網上劃賬時銀行發送的動態密碼。當梁女士將動態密碼當做驗證碼發給騙子後,騙子就能用她的卡消費了。手段二:網售假認證碼網上購物時,除了不要泄露自己收到的驗證碼外,對他人提供的認證碼也需警覺。楊浦警方近期接到這樣一起報案:市民唐先生想購買一部品牌智能手機。他登錄了這個品牌的官方網站,發現購買者必須先排隊登記,領取一個認證碼。等到發售窗口期來臨,根據認證碼的順序,決定是否能買到現貨。唐先生不想等待,進入某個網購平台,發現有賣家正出售這款手機的“認證碼”。協商成交後,唐先生匯款支付,並收到了可驗證“認證碼”的鏈接。然而,當智能手機�動銷售時,唐先生卻無法使用買到的“認證碼”,這時他才發現受騙。 本報記者 沈竹士迷你倉

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Source: The Blade, Toledo, OhioNov.迷你倉 07--NORTH BALTIMORE, Ohio -- Describing CSX Transportation's expanding capability to carry containerized freight to and through its 500-acre terminal near here as "the inland version of widening the Panama Canal," Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday that the railroad's National Gateway project is a prime example of federal infrastructure funds promoting private-sector profitability and jobs development.While CSX used no public money to develop the $175 million terminal just west of North Baltimore in Wood County's Henry Township, related clearance-improvement work in eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia was paid for in part by $98 million in federal funds, as well as state funding, Mr. Biden said during an afternoon address at the facility."Without TIGER, there would be no National Gateway," Mr. Biden said, referring to the Transportation Improvements Generating Economic Recovery grant program that, in its $1.5 billion first year, included slightly more than half the $183 million CSX budgeted to raise bridges and enlarge tunnels along a route linking North Baltimore with another new terminal southwest of Harrisburg.The federal grant leveraged $180 million in state funds and $500 million in CSX investment, the vice president said. Similar improvements and expansion of transportation facilities across the country is needed to help American manufacturers compete globally and create good-paying jobs for middle-class workers, he said.Infrastructure improvement "means good jobs coming home, and brings private-sector investment off the sidelines," Mr. Biden said.Future stages of CSX's National Gateway remain to be built. Among projects in planning and development stages is enlargement of a 4,000-foot tunnel under part of southeast Washington that is expected to cost more than $100 million but is on the primary CSX route between the Midwest and ports in Virginia and the Carolinas. The location of a new intermodal terminal in Baltimore, meanwhile, is the subject of ongoing controversy there.All of the bridge and tunnel improvements are intended to allow CSX trains to carry full-size domestic freight containers stacked two-high on specially designed flat cars, which significantly increases capacity on trains of similar length compared with single-level trailers or containers.Norfolk Southern, CSX's primary competitor in East Coast-Ohio markets, has already completed a similar clearance project between Norfolk, Va., and Columbus, where low tunnels in the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia were a particular problem.Citing initial skepticism about the Obama Administration's economic-stimulus efforts during the 2008-09 national economic slump, Mr. Biden said the $48 billion spent on public works projects under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been vindicated. But even with the success of projects like 自存倉ational Gateway, "there's still this sort of myth out there that somehow investing in infrastructure is wasteful," he said.Mr. Biden spoke after taking a brief tour of the terminal that included a visit to its simulator training facility for crane operators, followed by a motorcade and walking pass near the terminal's five huge wide-span gantry cranes used to sort about 2,000 container loads of freight on a typical day.Most are transferred from one railroad car to another, but about 120 per day are trucked to or from nearby shippers, and that traffic is expected to grow as logistics-dependent businesses move in nearby.Mr. Biden said the CSX terminal is helping area firms compete in a global economy. He cited a reduction in transit time to East Coast ports for appliances built at a nearby Whirlpool Corp. factory in Findlay from one week to two or three days because of improved intermodal service.While cheap labor overseas has been a factor in the decline of American manufacturing, "old infrastructure" also is to blame, the vice president said before briefly pitching a proposed $50 billion program to improve railroads, bridges, canals, ports, and airports throughout the United States."When you create profits for companies, they hire people for decent middle-class wages," Mr. Biden said. "That's why companies choose to locate where there's the most modern infrastructure."U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) said Mr. Biden's North Baltimore visit -- which followed recent speeches at the ports of Baltimore, Charleston, S.C., and Savannah, Ga., and advances an upcoming vice presidential trip to the Panama Canal -- shows northwest Ohio's importance as "an important node" in the national transportation network."He has always been a man for the rails, and for transportation. He gets it," Miss Kaptur said.U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R., Bowling Green) said 60,000 manufacturing jobs are in northwest Ohio because of the region's rail, road, air, and port facilities, and enhancing those assets creates "great potential to keep doing what we do.""We want to make sure that not only in Ohio, but across the country, we have a competitive system out there," Mr. Latta said.CSX has announced interest in expanding the North Baltimore terminal, but the railroad's grant application for $21 million in additional TIGER funding to cover half of such a project's expected cost was turned down in September.Rusty Orben, CSX's director of public affairs, said in May that without the grant, the expansion wouldn't occur because CSX's available funding would only buy "half a loaf." But Carla Groleau, a CSX spokesman, said Wednesday the company is "still considering our options" for expanding the North Baltimore facility.Contact David Patch at: or 419-724-6094.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) Visit The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) at .toledoblade.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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/NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.mini storageS. NEWS WIRE SERVICES OR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES/TORONTO, Nov. 7, 2013 /CNW/ - Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. (the "Company") announced today its results for the three months ended September 30, 2013.Financial Highlights:3 Months 3 Months(unaudited, $ '000s except for AUM and per share amounts) Ended EndedSep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2012Assets Under Management ($ in millions) $ 6,342 $ 5,640Revenue:Base Management Fees $ 20,279 $ 18,468Performance Fees 2,124 1,096Investment & Other Income 696 750Total Revenue $ 23,099 $ 20,314Net Income $ 8,299 $ 5,946Basic Earnings per Share $ 0.29 $ 0.21Diluted Earnings per Share $ 0.28 $ 0.20The Company's revenues are derived from Base Management Fees, calculated as a percentage of Assets Under Management ("AUM"), Performance Fees, which are earned when the Company exceeds pre-specified rates of return, and Investment and Other Income.During the quarter, AUM increased by $182 million to $6.3 billion as at September 30, 2013 from $6.2 billion as at June 30, 2013 due to positive investment performance of $193 million offset by net withdrawals of $11 million. The net withdrawals resulted from $84 million in net additions from high net worth clients, offset by $95 million in net withdrawals from institutional clients. AUM increased by $702 million from $5.6 billion as at September 30, 2012, to $6.3 billion as at September 30, 2013. This increase in AUM is attributable to positive investment performance of $621 million and net additions of $81 million.For the three months ended September 30, 2013, Base Management Fees increased by $1.8 million or 10% to $20.3 million from $18.5 million for the three months ended September 30, 2012, due primarily to the increase in average AUM to $6.2 billion from $5.6 billion, partially offset by a decrease in the average Base Management Fee percentage to 1.29% from 1.32%.Performance Fees for the three months ended September 30, 2013, were $2.1 million, compared to $1.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2012.Net Income was $8.3 million or $0.29 and $0.28 per common share, basic and diluted, respectively, for the three months ended September 30, 2013, up from $5.9 million or $0.21 and $0.20 per common share, basic and diluted, respectively, for the three months ended September 30, 2012.Base EBITDA eliminates the effect of Performance Fees, Performance Fee related expenses, post-retirement obligations, stock options expense and amortization of RSU awards, and deducts the dollar value of the expected base RSU bonus to be awarded in respect of the current year, and special RSUs awarded in the current year. For the three months ended September 30, 2013, Base EBITDA decreased year-over-year by $1.5 million or 17% to $7.5 million from $9.0 million as the current quarter's Base EBITDA was reduced by $3.75 million in relation to the special RSU award granted in the quarter, which more than offset an increase in base management fees.The Company's full financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis can be found on the Company's website at .gluskinsheff.com and on .sedar.com.The Company also announced today that Gerald Sheff, Co-Founder and Chairman, and Ira Gluskin, Co-Founder and Vice-Chairman, informed the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") of their intention to retire from the Board effective as of the annual and special meeting of the Company to be held December 18, 2013 (the "Meeting"). The Board has decided that concurrent with their retirement from the Board, Messrs. Sheff and Gluskin will be appointed honourary directors of the Company in recognition of their many years of service. The Company is pleased that Messrs. Gluskin and Sheff will continue to act as goodwill ambassadors on behalf of the firm and Mr. Gluskin will also continue to manage a portfolio of assets for clients of the firm."Ira and I are privileged to have been a part of the Company's remarkable growth and evolution from a single fund with $26 million in AUM in 1984 to one of Canada's pre-eminent wealth management firms serving high net worth investors with over $6.3 billion in AUM today," commented Gerald Sheff, Co-Founder & Chairman. "We are retiring from the Board with fond memories, sincere gratitude to our team for their tireless efforts over the years, and the utmost confidence in the next generation of the Company's leadership to build on the Company's long-term track record of excellence and we look forward to our continuing involvement.""Ira and Gerry founded a unique and innovative firm that has distinguished itself time and time again in a highly competitive industry," commented Jeremy Freedman, President & Chief Executive Officer. "They have overseen a seamless transition of the Company's leadership over a number of years and their passion for excellence is shared by everyone at Gluskin Sheff today. The completion of their recent market sale of shares, in which our management and a significant number of employees purchased additional shares, and the announcement of their retirement from the Board, mark important transitional milestones for the Company. With the next generation of the Company's leadership in place, the addition of exceptional talent over the last few years and everyone in the organization focused on meeting and exceeding the needs of our clients, we are well positioned for the future."The Company also announced today that the Board has adopted a shareholder rights plan (the "Rights Plan") and amendments to its by-laws that, among other things, require advance notice of director nominations by shareholders. The Board intends to seek shareholder approval of the Rights Plan and by-law amendments at the Meeting.BackgroundOn October 16, 2013, entities affiliated with Ira Gluskin and Gerald Sheff, as well as charitable foundations established by Ira Gluskin and Gerald Sheff, completed their previously announced secondary offering (the "Offering") of 6.4 million subordinate voting shares of the Company. Concurrent with the closing of the Offering, all of the Company's outstanding multiple voting shares were converted into subordinate voting shares on a one-for-one basis, leaving the Company with only one class of issued and outstanding equity securities, entitling the holders thereof to vote on all matters requiring shareholder approval.As a result of the Offering, for the first time in its history, control of the Company rests in the open market. In light of this change, the Board considered it an appropriate and opportune time to adopt the Rights Plan and amend its constating documents.Rights PlanThe purpose of the Rights Plan is to provide the Board with additional time, in the event of an unsolicited takeover bid, to develop and propose alternatives to the bid and negotiate with the bidder, as well as to ensure equal treatment of shareholders in the context of an acquisition of control, and lessen the pressure on shareholders to tender to a bid.The Board has implemented the Rights Plan by authorizing the issuance of one right (a "Right") in resp儲存ct of each subordinate voting share outstanding at the close of business on November 7, 2013 (the "Record Time") and in respect of each subordinate voting share issued from treasury after the Record Time. The Rights trade with, and are represented by, the subordinate voting shares. Until such time as the Rights separate, when they become exercisable, Rights certificates will not be distributed to shareholders and no further action is required by shareholders.If a person, or a group acting jointly or in concert (each, an "Offeror"), acquires beneficial ownership of 20% or more of the then outstanding voting shares (other than pursuant to an exemption available under the Rights Plan), Rights (other than those held by such Offeror, which will become void) will separate and permit the holders thereof to purchase additional shares at a substantial discount to the market price of the shares at that time. Pursuant to the Rights Plan, any bid that meets certain criteria intended to protect the interests of all shareholders will be deemed to be a "permitted bid" and will not trigger a separation under the Rights Plan. These criteria require, among other things, that the bid be made by way of a take-over bid circular to all holders of voting shares other than the Offeror, that all shareholders be treated equally and that the bid remain open for acceptance by shareholders for at least 60 days.Prior to separation, the Rights Plan is not dilutive and will not affect reported earnings per share or change the way in which shareholders would otherwise trade shares. Upon separation, reported earnings per share on a fully diluted or non-diluted basis, may be affected. Shareholders who do not exercise their Rights upon separation may suffer substantial dilution along with the Offeror.The Rights Plan has been conditionally accepted by the Toronto Stock Exchange subject to ratification by the Company's shareholders within six months of the Rights Plan's effective date. The Rights Plan has not been adopted in response to, or in anticipation of, any known or anticipated take-over bid or proposal to acquire control of the Company.The Rights Plan is currently effective and will be submitted to shareholders for confirmation at the Meeting. A copy of the Rights Plan will be available under the Company's profile on SEDAR at .sedar.com.Amendments to By-lawsFollowing the Offering, the Board conducted a review of the Company's by-laws and approved certain amendments considered appropriate in light of the collapse of the Company's dual class share structure, as well as to improve alignment with current applicable legislation and market standards. Among other things, the amendments to the by-laws (a) increase the quorum requirement at shareholder meetings to two persons (whether present in person or represented by proxy) holding or representing in the aggregate not less than 25% of the outstanding shares of the Corporation, and (b) require advance notice of director nominations by shareholders.The "advance notice" by-law fixes a deadline by which shareholders must submit director nominations prior to any meeting of shareholders. In the case of annual meetings, advance notice must be delivered to the Company not less than 30 nor more than 65 days prior to the date of a meeting. The by-law also requires any shareholder making a director nomination to provide certain important information about its nominees with its advance notice. The Board believes that all shareholders should be provided with sufficient disclosure and time to make appropriate decisions on the election of their Board representatives. The advance notice by-law provides a transparent, structured, and fair director nomination process, consistent with the guidelines published by leading proxy advisory firms. The by-law will also ensure that shareholders are provided with important information pertaining to proposed director nominees within a specified time frame, allowing shareholders to fully participate in the director election process in an informed and effective manner.The new by-law is currently effective and will apply in respect of the Meeting, at which time it will be submitted to shareholders for confirmation. A copy of the new by-law will be filed on SEDAR at .sedar.com.Amendments to ArticlesAt the Meeting, shareholders will also be asked to approve an administrative amendment to the Company's articles of incorporation to formally eliminate the Company's dual class voting structure by cancelling the Company's multiple voting shares as an authorized class of shares of the Company and reclassifying the Company's subordinate voting shares as common shares.Founded in 1984, Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. is one of Canada's pre-eminent wealth management firms serving high net worth private clients and institutional investors. Gluskin Sheff offers equity and fixed income investment portfolios in addition to being one of the largest managers of alternative investments in Canada. The Company's Subordinate Voting Shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "GS". For more information about the Company, please visit our website at .gluskinsheff.com.This press release may contain forward-looking statements relating to Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.'s business and the environment in which it operates, the Rights Plan, changes to the Company's constating documents, and the elimination of the Company's dual class share structure. These statements are based on the Company's expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections. They are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to control or predict. These risks and uncertainties are discussed in the Company's regulatory filings available on the Company's website at .gluskinsheff.com or at .sedar.com. Actual outcomes and results may differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements. Readers, therefore, should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Further, a forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any such statement or to reflect new information or the occurrence of future events or circumstances, except as required by applicable law.Non-IFRS Measures Included in this press release are certain financial terms (including Base EBITDA and AUM) that the Company utilizes to assess the financial performance of its business that are not measures recognized under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These non-IFRS measures do not have any standardized meanings prescribed by IFRS and should not be considered alternatives to net income or any other measure of performance determined in accordance with IFRS. Therefore, these non-IFRS measures are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. For additional information regarding the Company's use of non-IFRS measures, including the calculation of these measures, please refer to the "Non-IFRS financial measures" section of the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis and its financial statements available on the Company's website and on the SEDAR website located at .sedar.com.Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.CONTACT: David R. MorrisChief Financial Officer and Secretary1.416.681.6036迷你倉

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智能手機集通訊、娛樂、上網和攝錄等功能於一身,迷你倉市民幾乎人人一部在手,有調查發現,半數青年認為沒有帶手機比沒有帶錢更缺乏安全感,六成七受訪者更廿四小時長開手機。有輔導專家引述個案指一名廿四小時手機不離手的大學男生,食飯、上廁所也用手機,致與家人關係惡劣,影響學業,身體、心理及社交,需接受治療。香港青少年玩手機成癮,輔導機構呼籲家長及學校採取措施改善。(資料圖片)青年協會調查訪問五百多名年齡由十歲至二十四歲的青年關於使用智能手機,接近九成擁有智能手機,六成七受訪者更是手機廿四小時長開,平均每日花三個半小時使用手機;六成四人認為手機最大的作用是與人保持聯繫,其餘用途是社交及遊戲,接近一成青年無法忍受一整天不使用智能手機。調查又發現,七成一受訪者在睡前會使用智能手機,五成人在食飯時使用,四成三人於如廁時也機不離手。受訪青年每日平均發出八十五個即時短訊,以及收到一百三十六個即時訊息,在學青年每日平均收到二百四十一個即時訊息,比在文件倉青年的一百六十二個為多。青協研究中心主任陳瑞貞指,青年正逐漸以手機代替桌上電腦,即使食飯、搭車和睡前,亦會慣性開啟,建議青少年適當分配時間,保持平衡生活,避免過度依賴手機,影響與人面對面溝通和交流。大學生上癮 損社交礙學業東華三院心瑜軒多重成癮綜合服務中心主任陳美璐指,青少年以至成年人玩手機成癮的求助個案愈來愈多,較嚴重的個案是一名大學男生,他廿四小時手機不離手,食飯、上廁所也在用手機,又經常用「搖一搖」程式認識新朋友,得不到回應便脾氣暴躁,和家人關係惡劣,影響學業,傷害自己身體、心理及社交發展,需要接受治療。陳指,玩手機成癮有三大特徵,初時用手機次數愈來愈多,時間愈來愈長;進入「脫癮症狀」後,經常心掛掛不玩手機不舒服,沒有安全感,甚至不返工不上學也要取得手機在手;成癮後廿四小時機不離手,已到了損害身體、心理及社交活動的地步。他呼籲家長及學校多留意子女及學生使用手機情況,協助青少年減少玩手機時間,必要時可向輔導機構求助。存倉

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遇人不淑,迷你倉隨時被騙被搶財物。一名內地女子前日到山頂遊覽,遇熱情港男搭訕並自願充當導遊,雙方言談甚歡,昨凌晨到油麻地消夜,男子稱自己手機訊號差,但借用女事主手機後去如黃鶴,另一女子在尖沙咀被酒吧相識的三男女搶走財物。網上不時有「美男計」,相約女網民外出偷走手機,昨日更有騙徒轉向遊客落手,一名持雙程證來港內地女子受騙,失去一部價值五千元的Sony Xperia Z1(見圖)。落山消夜 借手機後「失蹤」  失機的姓唐(二十六歲)女子日前來港,前晚獨文件倉到山頂看維港夜景,遊覽期間被一男子上前搭訕,雙方攀談下非常投契,男子帶女事主在山頂遊玩後,落山後再到油麻地吳松街七十九號一間食肆消夜,其間男子故意挑起手機話題,又謂自己的手機訊號不佳,希望女事主借手機一用,但他其後拿�手機到門口打電話,卻再無出現。  女事主苦候多時不見對方返回,才知受騙致電報警。  另二十二歲姓莫女子,昨凌晨在尖沙咀的酒吧認識三男女,清晨五時同往寶勒巷吃早餐,中途被其中一名二十餘歲女子以玻璃樽扑傷,再搶去其放有四百元及證件的銀包。存倉

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Source: Philadelphia Daily NewsNov.儲存倉 07--LATE IN SUNDAY'S Sprint Cup race at Texas Motor Speedway, I concluded "this is not entertaining." It also wasn't racing, if you define racing as two or more race cars competing for the lead.Jimmie Johnson dominated the Texas race, leading 225 of 334 laps, including the last 34. His sixth victory of the year, combined with Matt Kenseth's fourth-place finished, gives Johnson a seven-point lead with two races remaining in the Chase.Johnson is closing in on his sixth Cup series title. Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt Sr. are tied for the most Cup championships with seven each.It has been 2 years since Johnson won his fifth Cup crown. He clearly is focused on claiming another title, but he's also holding off on a premature celebration."Last year, we were in this situation. We had a seven-point lead going into Phoenix and had a very bad race and blew a right front tire," he said. "Really hurt our opportunity and our chance to win a sixth championship then. So I'm just not going to put my guard down. We need to go into Phoenix [and] race well."Many wonder how Johnson can control a race, as he did at Texas, this late in the Chase with so many quality drivers and teams in the Cup series.While criticizing the lack of racing for the lead, I'm not wishing for lead changes every other lap; that's unrealistic. However, some Chaser should be challenging Johnson on the track. Earnhardt finished second for the third time in this year's Chase.Jeff Gordon, Johnson's Hendrick Motorsports teammate, suggests looking beyond Johnson and crew chief Chad Knaus."Sometimes a lot of people don't put enough credit into the overall team in our sport," Gordon said on a Tuesday conference call. "Jimmie is a great driver. Chad is a great crew chief. Jimmie and the [No.] 48 team, they make it look easy. But they're also surrounded by incredible people and resources at Hendrick Motorsports."This is a group that's been together a long time. They've won championships, they've lost championships. These guys know how to step up and win at the right time."Texas is one of Jimmie's best tracks as well. [During the race], everybody was kind of playing catch-up. Especially when you let those guys get out front, they had the track position."I think Matt was the one guy, one team that had something for him. That's why they're 1, 2. Once [Kenseth] got behind on the mistake they made on pit road, they never were in a position on those final restarts to battle it out and try to get in front of Jimmie."With a series-leading four victories at Phoenix, Johnson will be in a comfort zone Sunday. Kenseth has only one win at Phoenix, way back in 2002, and no top-five finishes at the track since 2007.Gordon, meanwhile, is trying to put his Texas nightmare behind. Third in Chase points entering the race, he crashed on lap 74 when the left front tire on his No. 24 Chevy went down. He's abruptly out of Chase contention, 69 points off Johnson's pace."I remember sitting in the hauler while the team was fixing the car, watching the race, sort of in disbelief," he said. "We've been through so much the last couple years as a team, just clawing and fighting our way to get in the Chase. We get in this year, we find ourselves in a great position. [Then] i迷你倉最平's all over in a split-second. It's pretty devastating for the whole team."I felt like I was in a bad dream and I was going to wake up any second. You have to deal with it, put it behind you as fast as you can and move on."Truex moving onAs expected, Martin Truex Jr. will drive the No. 78 Chevrolet next year for Furniture Row Racing. He replaces Kurt Busch, who is joining Stewart-Haas Racing.When NAPA withdrew its support for Truex' No. 55 team at Michael Waltrip Racing following the Richmond shenanigans in which certain drivers tried to manipulate the race outcome, Truex was free to pursue a new ride."There are a lot of different things I had to think about," the Mayetta, N.J., native said. "Just the opportunity to do something to try to be better, I think was the deciding factor. The opportunity to go to a winning race car, start fresh and hopefully do the thing I want to do."This is only the second time I've changed teams. It's very difficult. I've had a great 4 years at Michael Waltrip Racing. Just after all the stuff went down [at Richmond], I just felt like it was time for change."Discussing the decision to bring Truex aboard for the Denver-based team, general manager Joe Garone said: "Martin can win races. He is a Chase-level driver. He is going to fit into the program."It's not just Martin, it is Martin and the family, the Truex family. We are excited about all the opportunities that come along with Martin being on board, from how he represents our sponsors to what he can get done behind the wheel."This week's raceAdvoCare 500Phoenix International Raceway, Avondale, Ariz.When: Sunday, 3 p.m.TV/Radio: ESPN/WNPV (1440-AM)Course: -mile ovalDistance: 312 miles/500 kilometersForecast: partly cloudy, mid-80sLast year's winner: Kevin HarvickLast year's pole: Kyle Busch, 138.766 mph (track qualifying record)Track facts: Kevin Harvick led only the last 15 laps in winning last year's race. Denny Hamlin was runner-up. Harvick is a three-time winner at Phoenix. Carl Edwards led the most laps (122), including the last 78, to win this year's March race at the track. Jimmie Johnson was second. Mark Martin was the fastest qualifier (138.074 mph). Martin led 75 laps before finishing 21st...Defending Chase champion Brad Keselowski, a non-Chaser this year, has his racing act together too late: he's finished first, fourth and sixth in three of the last four Chase races.Standings1.Jimmie Johnson 2,3412. Matt Kenseth -73. Kevin Harvick -404. Kyle Busch -525. Dale Earnhardt Jr. -626. Jeff Gordon -697. Clint Bowyer -698. Greg Biffle -739. Joey Logano -9110. Kurt Busch -9611. Carl Edwards -11612. Ryan Newman -11813. Kasey Kahne -133Note: Gordon is rated above Bowyer by virtue of his one win; Bowyer is winless.Wins: Matt Kenseth, 7; Jimmie Johnson, 6; Kyle Busch, 4; Kevin Harvick, 3; Kasey Kahne and Carl Edwards, 2 each; David Ragan, Tony Stewart, Greg Biffle, Martin Truex Jr., Brian Vickers, Ryan Newman, Joey Logano, Brad Keselowski, Jamie McMuray, Jeff Gordon, 1 each.Up next: Ford EcoBoost 400, Nov. 17, Homestead-Miami Speedway, Homestead, Fla., 3 p.m.; TV: ESPN; last year's winner: Jeff Gordon.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Philadelphia Daily News Visit the Philadelphia Daily News at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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NEW YORK, Nov.自存倉 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:Mobile Value Added Services Market in India 2014-2018.reportlinker.com/p01861505/Mobile-Value-Added-Services-Market-in-India-2014-2018.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=MusicTechNavio's analysts forecast the Mobile Value Added Services market in India to grow at a CAGR of 22.13 percent over the period 2013-2018. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increasing adoption of smartphones and tablets. The Mobile Value Added Services market in India has also been witnessing the increasing funding for mobile governance applications from the Government of India. However, the lack of awareness among individual users could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.TechNavio's report, the Mobile Value Added Services Market in India 2014-2018, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Mobile Value Added Services market in India market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.The key vendors dominating this market space are CanvasM Technology Ltd., Comviva Technology Ltd., Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., IMImobile Pvt. Ltd., One97 Communications Ltd., OnMobile Global Ltd., Spice Digital Ltd., and ValueFirst Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.Other vendors mentioned in the report are ACL Wireless Ltd., ADG Online Solution Pvt. Ltd., Adnear, Affle Ltd., Ahoy Telecom, Air2Web Inc., Airhub Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bharti Airtel Ltd., Airvoice Infocomm India Pvt Ltd., Altruist Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Apalya Technologies Pvt. Ltd., AstroYogi.com, Astute Systems, Atom Technologies Ltd., Bay Talkitec Pvt. Ltd., Bubble Motion Inc., Buongiorno Digital Innovation India Ltd., BuzzCity Pte Ltd., Cellent AG, Coruscant Tec Ltd., DigiVive Pvt. Ltd., Frozen Digit Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Geodesic Ltd., GoBindas Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., Handygo Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hoopz Planet Info Pvt. Ltd., i2i telesource Pvt. Ltd., Idea Brahma Consulting Pvt. Ltd., India Games Ltd., July Systems Inc., Jump Games, Kirusa Inc., LocationGuru Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mauj Mobile, Mobilecomm Technologies India Pvt Ltd., mChek India Payment Systems Pvt. Ltd., Mobile2win India Pvt. Ltd., eMahatva Technologie Pvt Ltd., Mobio Networks Inc., MobiPorter Solutions Pvt. Ltd., mobiShastra Technologies Pvt Ltd., mobiSolv, MobME Wireless Solutions Ltd., Mogae Digital Pvt. Ltd., Moveo Systems Pvt Ltd., MXit Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd., Nazara Technologies Pvt., Ltd., Netcore Solutions Pvt. Ltd., NetXcell Ltd., Nokia India Pvt. Ltd., Onyx Mobile Pvt. Ltd., Opera Software ASA, Oxigen Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., PayMate India Pvt. Ltd., Pyro Networks Pvt. Ltd., RealNetworks Inc., Rediff.com India Ltd., Rishtey Database Pvt. Ltd., Roamware Inc., ROK Global PLC., SMSCountry Networks Pvt. Ltd., Webaroo Technology (India)Pvt. Ltd., Tata DoCoMo Ltd., Telenity Inc., Unisys Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd., Verse Innovation Pvt. Ltd., Vibes Media LLC., Voicetap Technologies, vRock Mobile Communication Pvt. Ltd., VivaConnect Pvt. Ltd., and Zenga Media Pvt. Ltd.Key questions answered in this report:What will the market size be in 2016 and what will the growth rate be?What are the key market trends?What is driving this market?What are the challenges to market growth?Who are the key vendors in this market space?What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?You can request one free hour of our analyst's time when you purchase this market report. Details are provided within the report.01. Executive Summary02. List of Abbreviations03. Scope of the Report03.1 Market Overview03.2 Product Offerings04. Market Research Methodology04.1 Market Research Process04.2 Research Methodology05. Introduction06. Market Landscape06.1 Market Overview06.1.1 Mobile VAS Market Overview06.1.2 Indian Mobile Market Overview06.2 Market Size and Forecast06.2.1 Telecom Service Market in India06.2.2 Wireless Service Market in India06.2.3 Mobile VAS Market in India06.2.4 Overall Market Scenario06.3 Five Forces Analysis07. Market Segmentation by Application07.1 Mobile VAS Market in India 2013-201807.2 Messaging Services07.2.1 Market Size and Forecast07.2.2 SMS07.2.3 MMS07.2.4 E-mail and IM07.3 Mobile Music07.3.1 Market Size and Forecast07.3.2 CRBT07.3.3 Ringtones07.3.4 Full-track Downloads07.3.5 Streaming07.4 m-Governance07.4.1 Market Size and Forecast07.5 Mobile Games07.5.1 Market Size and Forecast07.6 Mobile LBS07.6.1 Market Size and Forecast07.7 Mobile Commerce07.7.1 Market Size and Forecast07.8 Mobile Health07.8.1 Market Size and Forecast07.9 Mobile Video07.9.1 Market Size and Forecast07.10 Mobile Images07.10.1 Market Size and Forecast07.11 Mobile Advertising07.11.1 Market Size and Forecast07.12 Mobile Social Networking07.12.1 Market Size and Forecast07.13 Mobile Paid Applications07.13.1 Market Size and Forecast07.14 Other Services07.14.1 Market Size and Forecast08. Market Segmentation by Service Category08.1 Mobile VAS Market in India by Service Categories 2013-201808.1.1 Market Share of Service Categories09. Buying Criteria10. Market Growth Drivers11. Drivers and their Impact12. Market Challenges13. Impact of Drivers and Challenges14. Market Trends15. Trends and their Impact16. Vendor Landscape16.1 Competitive Scenario16.2 Other Prominent Vendors17. Key Vendor Analysis17.1 CanvasM Technology Ltd.17.1.1 Business Overview17.1.2 Business Segmentation17.1.3 Key Information17.1.4 SWOT Analysis17.2 Comviva Technology Ltd. (Mahindra Comviva)17.迷你倉.1 Business Overview17.2.2 Business Segmentation17.2.3 Key Information17.2.4 SWOT Analysis17.3 Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.17.3.1 Business Overview17.3.2 Key Information17.3.3 SWOT Analysis17.4 IMImobile Pvt. Ltd.17.4.1 Business Overview17.4.2 Key Information17.4.3 SWOT Analysis17.5 One97 Communications Ltd.17.5.1 Business Overview17.5.2 Key Information17.5.3 SWOT Analysis17.6 OnMobile Global Ltd.17.6.1 Business Overview17.6.2 Key Information17.6.3 SWOT Analysis18. Other Reports in this Series?List of ExhibitsExhibit 1: Scope of the Mobile VAS Market in IndiaExhibit 2: Market Research MethodologyExhibit 3: Mobile VAS Segments by ApplicationsExhibit 4: Telecom Service Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ billion)Exhibit 5: Wireless Service Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ billion)Exhibit 6: Mobile VAS Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ billion)Exhibit 7: Number of Smartphone Users in India 2013-2018 (in million)Exhibit 8: Number of 3G Users in India 2013-3018 (in million)Exhibit 9: Market Share of VAS and Voice in the Wireless Service Market in India 2013-2018Exhibit 10: Market Share Trend of VAS in Wireless Service Market in India 2013-2018Exhibit 11: Mobile VAS Market in India 2013-2018 by Applications (US$ million)Exhibit 12: Market Share of Mobile VAS Applications in 2013Exhibit 13: Market Share of Mobile VAS Application in 2016Exhibit 14: Competitive Position of Mobile VAS ApplicationsExhibit 15: Mobile Messaging Services Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 16: Mobile Messaging Services Market in India by Types of Message Categories 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 17: Mobile SMS Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 18: Mobile MMS Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 19: Mobile E-mail and IM Services Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 20: Mobile Music Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 21: Mobile Music Market in India by Music Categories 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 22: Mobile CRBT Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 23: Mobile Ringtones Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 24: Mobile Full-track Downloads Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 25: Mobile Music Streaming Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 26: Mobile Governance Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 27: Mobile Games Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 28: Mobile LBS Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 29: Mobile Commerce Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 30: Mobile Health Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 31: Mobile Video Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 32: Mobile Images Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 33: Mobile Advertising Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 34: Mobile Social Networking Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 35: Mobile Paid Applications Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 36: Other Mobile Services Market in India 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 37: Market Share of Service Categories in 2013Exhibit 38: Mobile VAS Market in India by Service Categories 2013-2018 (US$ million)Exhibit 39: Market Share of Service Categories 2013-2018Exhibit 40: Number of Smartphone Users in India 2013-3018 (in million)Exhibit 41: Number of 3G Users in India 2013-2018 (in million)Exhibit 42: MVAS Business Segment of CanvasMExhibit 43: MVAS Business Segment of Comviva TechnologyCompanies MentionedCanvasM Technology Ltd., Comviva Technology Ltd., Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., IMImobile Pvt. Ltd., One97 Communications Ltd., OnMobile Global Ltd., Spice Digital Ltd., ValueFirst Digital Media Pvt. Ltd., ACL Wireless Ltd., ADG Online Solution Pvt. Ltd., Adnear, Affle Ltd., Ahoy Telecom, Air2Web Inc., Airhub Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bharti Airtel Ltd., Airvoice Infocomm India Pvt Ltd., Altruist Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Apalya Technologies Pvt. Ltd., AstroYogi.com, Astute Systems, Atom Technologies Ltd., Bay Talkitec Pvt. Ltd., Bubble Motion Inc., Buongiorno Digital Innovation India Ltd., BuzzCity Pte Ltd., Cellent AG, Coruscant Tec Ltd., DigiVive Pvt. Ltd., Frozen Digit Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Geodesic Ltd., GoBindas Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., Handygo Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hoopz Planet Info Pvt. Ltd., i2i telesource Pvt. Ltd., Idea Brahma Consulting Pvt. Ltd., India Games Ltd., July Systems Inc., Jump Games, Kirusa Inc., LocationGuru Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Mauj Mobile, Mobilecomm Technologies India Pvt Ltd., mChek India Payment Systems Pvt. Ltd., Mobile2win India Pvt. Ltd., eMahatva Technologie Pvt Ltd., Mobio Networks Inc., MobiPorter Solutions Pvt. Ltd., mobiShastra Technologies Pvt Ltd., mobiSolv, MobME Wireless Solutions Ltd., Mogae Digital Pvt. Ltd., Moveo Systems Pvt Ltd., MXit Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd., Nazara Technologies Pvt., Ltd., Netcore Solutions Pvt. Ltd., NetXcell Ltd., Nokia India Pvt. Ltd., Onyx Mobile Pvt. Ltd., Opera Software ASA, Oxigen Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., PayMate India Pvt. Ltd., Pyro Networks Pvt. Ltd., RealNetworks Inc., Rediff.com India Ltd., Rishtey Database Pvt. Ltd., Roamware Inc., ROK Global PLC., SMSCountry Networks Pvt. Ltd., Webaroo Technology (India)Pvt. Ltd., Tata DoCoMo Ltd., Telenity Inc., Unisys Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd., Verse Innovation Pvt. Ltd., Vibes Media LLC., Voicetap Technologies, vRock Mobile Communication Pvt. Ltd., VivaConnect Pvt. Ltd., and Zenga Media Pvt. Ltd.To order this report: Mobile Value Added Services Market in India 2014-2018 .reportlinker.com/p01861505/Mobile-Value-Added-Services-Market-in-India-2014-2018.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Music__________________________Contact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com US: (339)-368-6001Intl: +1 339-368-6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/mini storage

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